Tag Archives: north beach

9393 – Sunday –

Had the blues, went for a walk on the boardwalk, took some pictures of flowers and crabbers,napped, watched some tube, had veggie cheeseburgers and salad with chocolate mousse for dessert! yum. Grocery shopping, watched dr who, and first ep of primeval…I liked the end of the dr who 2-parter (He’s a professor at a school in 1913, and is in deep cover…unknown even to himself.)… but the punishments went by pretty swiftly.

some pictures from our walk –

S6302153. S6302150. S6302149
S6302141 - spiral staircase. S6302140. S6302135. .
S6302131. S6302133. S6302142.

More here – bhk took the excellent flower photos – I did more of the crab boat stuff. I think BHK looks especially beutiful in that middle bottom pic, though I’d had a rough morning.

My blues have mostly faded now… I’m a bit exhausted but doing ok.

meme swiped from eryx_uk

01. How has LJ changed your life?
Got me married to the wonderful and love of my life BHK and introduced to friends both new and thought to be long lost.

02. What do you do before bedtime?
watch some tube, play a board game or read

03. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
We had burgers and salad! yum!

04. What is the ONE place you want to go before you die if you had the money and the time?
I’m pretty open to traveling and experiencing new things.. I have no one place I must see… but I want to see as much as I can!

05. What scares you?
The thought of hurting others, even accidentally.

06. What do you do in your free time?
Walkabout with BHK, playing games both digital and analog, relaxing

07. If you could speak another language (meaning one you currently don’t know), what would it be?
I’d love to be fluent in German, so I could talk more effectively to relatives overseas.

08. What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
I take a lot of stuff with me, but the most personal is either a gold $1 coin or the pressed penny.

09. What was your favorite song or musical group when you were young?
Definitely a Beatles kid, but if young counts as high school (sophomore – 1985) than I’d lean to They Might Be Giants or Maybe the Talking Heads.

10. Are you a risk taker?
Depends on the risk. I won’t bet my life on things, but I’ll venture a gamble here and there. Not generally.

11. Is being tagged fun?
It depends on the tagger, and expectations thereof. It can be!

12. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Nearly 50. Hopefully still surrounded by loving family, and perhaps more friends that are local.

13. If you could be anyone for one day, who would you be?
I’d like to try being who I am based on what other people think I might be for a day. Depending on who is looking at me… big, sweet guy? evil thug?

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
No one tagged me. I nabbed the meme myself. Eryx is a nice guy and I’d like to meet him in person someday.

15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
As long as I’m married to BHK, I prefer married.

16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
I have no idea.

17. Is reality objective or subjective?
Objective, but some may *think* it’s subjective.

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
What does that even mean? The one on the left? The one I’d be more likely to get along with in the long run? Heck if I know.

19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
Not likely. That’s too weird a scenario for me to buy into. Besides, I’m married!

20. What is your favorite color?
Rust-orange at the moment.

1 year ago – voice posts of em, em & kitty pic, chuck e cheese

2 years ago – nifty clock, internal words, writing slowdown, eyes, mediocre bad guys, tv, milk pocky

3 years ago – Magda’s Bday, allergy shots, dreamt of killing my sister, PM memory, brown bag, meteor shower, bad breath detection, google homepage

4 years ago – construction, fay wray RIP, dan’s school blocks lj,alcohol, SPcharacter, aerial photos, UK Prozac pee taints water supply, LC’s scrapbook, CoH tempting battle cries, flower meme

5 years ago – Puzzle Pirates (with a cutie mermaid), Arabia-cam with Mom and Daughter(I met oneeyed and sedef as a result of sweet’s poochie’s booty-ticks.), vamp-game, Kings of Africa, lovely chat

6 years ago – man killed for playing the banjo, Trek happening a dud, but we discover heroclix, (already thinking customs), rorschach poll

7 years ago – 3 things poll, deracinate, cormorant, broken newt pic, 25 things to keep in mind, ja da, rate your risk (links now broken)

8 years ago – spent out, color quiz, looking forward to going to breakfast, Rowlf sings, Beaker sings Geotarget

9355 – Saturday-

This week seemed to go more swiftly than imagined, and today was pretty dang full of stuff.

Shots, then swung by Trott’s farmers market for corn, zucchini (we need zucchini?!?) and eggplant (we need eggplant?!?)

BHK is veggie-crazed, and wants more of the tasty stuff than our victory garden is producing. Mystery veggie is pumpkins after all – we’ll have some gourds to carve for Halloween! (they sprung from the seeds of the rotting pumpkins we tossed into the garden area last November.)

We picked up the in-laws, and hit the Selby Sub Shoppe – white pizza for Chris, Hamburger for Larry, Chicken Parm for BHK, and a black bean for me. They make their own bread, and it was all really tasty!

Came home, cooled our heels a bit and then went to go see the US Navy band play a free concert on the boardwalk by the bay. The bluegrass band went into more mainstream country and southern rock – they were quite skilled, though still had a little newbie edges on ’em. The singer was 2 days into the band, and his voice was excellent. I wonder what the difference between “Musician, 1st Class” and “Chief Musician” is in rank and pay grade for the Navy? The Banjo guy was my fave of the lot.

Mother in law, reading the local news while we were at the free concert on the bay.
Note the vital sombrero placement in the picture.

We all came home, and had ice cream while watching Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. (I hadn’t seen it since the theater.)

The folks left, and now BHK is asleep, leaning on me while I watch and old Episode of Star Trek – The Cloud Minders – I don’t even remember this one, and it seems for good reason… the writing and acting were of a lower par than usual.

mp3 link to current music (no relation to the band we just saw) –  – mp3 -jersey-walk

MIT scientists just figured out how to make solar energy forty times more efficient in a manner that allows one to upgrade old solar cells too!

Ray Gun Puts Voices Inside Your Head – The Sierra Nevada Corporation claimed this week that it is ready to begin production on the MEDUSA, a damned scary ray gun that uses the ‘microwave audio effect’ to implant sounds and perhaps even specific messages inside people’s heads.

1 year ago – factoids about folks I know, armed car chase through the neighborhood, Perseid shower reminder, brits start to ditch wigs in court

2 years ago – venture bros good, lj ugly nav bar, bye bye black rhino, angel / shovel / burrito, simulated lost case-630am, Arvis book in comments!

3 years ago – Last Day w/Magda, invisi-bro, chrono-lifting, breakfast foods, zombies invade sca event, crab, autostitch bus, minor drama, commendation

4 years ago – KoL, Bollywood, Patriot Act, Felix the Cat

5 years ago – sleep troubles, Andromeda Strain, 4-legged man , system crash – modem drivers (Service pack 4 for win2k caused Norton trouble) , Stalin vs Hitler comic, newtcam pic, discovered title-tags, strickland a/c die-lemma

6 years ago – more swell chatties, Roanoke (including odd reply from Boughman), Dreams of Lake Conoy with zombie mist, sweet possum sugar, mother goose

7 years ago – Evil news, riposte, dream of the jungle, If I were… meme, time, sleepy, Dumbass Tenochtitlan Saucermen,chat, aura colors, personality disorder test, Louvre

8 years ago – Bad things with April, super power question Geotarget

9354 – Friday!

Another week draws to a close. I forgot to mention yesterday that we went to the Octagon on the way home from work to pick up an egg roll for bhk (and spring rolls for non-pork me) – I don’t know why folks are so leery of the place – it’s as clean as anywhere else – much better than mall chinese food.

I do like that it’s a “Fried Chicken / Chinese Food / Liquor Store”. (note to self- add it to yelp)

Sometimes I catch myself, looking at some folks I’ve tripped over on the internet, and want to tell ’em to stop being creeps. But for them, that’s why there is an internet… because if they acted like that in the flesh, they’d be in an ICU somewhere, or worse.

Creative editing is a fine thing. Beeping out the word count makes for a very different seeming song. Sesame Street’s The Count sings about how he loves to BLEEP

Bush leaving a G8 meeting:

“Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter.”

He then punched the air while grinning widely.

I’m admiring the development of the HL2 mod – Decadence, The settings at the moment look especially nice. I’m not sure how keen I am on a strict 2v2 player environment, but that could change too.. the tactics seem sound.

1 year ago
– umbrella scabbard voice post, hot brain, sailboat doodle, yelp, DMAE, mercury poisoning?, Newtie and Pye pics, Sicko, slurpee day, silly spoilers

2 years ago – he’s a whore, key west stuff, travel photos (mostly graffiti), barrel of monkeys,

3 years ago – Magda time, ff flick reviews in, supernatural crime, free Slurpee, angels with attitude *shudder*, Wilde on the red rose, insanity, bottles on string, math symbol uses, had to htaccess, pagenation, Melissa Gilbert, 911 google, Florida mafia

4 years ago – Newt says Mao, travel pondering, manatee, Dan alters color scheme, good eats

5 years ago – Zwan, I snuff griefer #5, movies, Elvis tooth, bad baby names, net radio, flipped off by the universe

6 years ago – reflecting on old work, log issues, Newt attack, recalling palm animations

7 years ago – fetial, solecism, pockets poll, purse poll, evil news, pie poll, tuck-ins

8 years ago – words, bro moving to town Geotarget

9351 – Tuesday

Okra harvest!

Okra has come in with the first zucchini – vile, slimy okra. We’ll see if BHK can win me over to this veggie, like she did with Zucchini.

John R Cambron (who lives in North Beach!) has an excellent track map showing the layout of all switches, yards and platforms in the Metrorail system. Now, he’s expanded that map based on the Metro 2030 vision to create a potential 2030 track layout. – via

In the first case to review the government’s secret evidence for holding a detainee at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, a federal appeals court found that accusations against a Muslim from western China held for more than six years were based on bare and unverifiable claims. The unclassified parts of the decision were released on Monday.

With some derision for the Bush administration’s arguments, a three-judge panel said the government contended that its accusations against the detainee should be accepted as true because they had been repeated in at least three secret documents.

The court compared that to the absurd declaration of a character in the Lewis Carroll poem “The Hunting of the Snark”: “I have said it thrice: What I tell you three times is true.”

more here at the NY times

So, how many human rights advocates are going to boycott all of the sponsors of the 2008 Summer olympics in Beijing ?

Numerous human rights violations have taken place in China because of the Olympics, according to an Amnesty International report. In 2006, Beijing implemented a detention without trial scheme called “Re-education Through Labor” which targets people who have committed minor offenses and are forced to work long hours and can be detained for 4 years. Concerns over the games also include the potential for boycotts from pro-Tibetan organizations such as Students for a Free Tibet as well as from organizations such as Amnesty International upset with China’s involvement in the crisis in Darfur.

Biggest tricks for me to avoid would be be –

Johnson and Johnson – very big company – not sure if we could dodge every tendril. I can rattle off at least 5 of those items in our home right now.

GE – everywhere, also owns a ton of stuff – (including TiVo, Universal Studios, and USA network, home of Psych)

Coca-cola – everywhere, but avoidable if you take note of what you’re drinking, including water.

Visa – well, that’s my bank’s debit card, and almost every place on the planet takes it… so, unless I want to live and trade with cash-only businesses, that’s a deal breaker. Too big to defeat.

Items of little to no difficulty –

McDonalds – not hard for me to miss out on – we only ever go for shamrock shakes or pumpkin at halloween. Easily avoided.

Samsung / Panasonic – easy peasy. I get 99% of my electronics from other sources, though our tv is a samsung right now.

VW? Awww… you guys let me down. Would I have to boycott playing punch-buggy?

Adidas – no problem missing out on them.

UPS – I do use them on occasion, but there are alternatives.

Snickers, Tsingtao, and Budwiser – I can do without all of those.

Kodak – plenty of other options there, too, but they’re in a lot of places. depending on the extremism, some might want to forego any book that used kodak photography or processes. Movies, etc.They are teamed with Motorola and Lexar, for that matter.

Who can say? I won’t be that extreme, but sometimes I feel that I should.

‘Zero’ chance lottery tickets stun some players – Through a request filed under the Freedom of Information Act, Fishwick’s firm was able to obtain records that showed the Virginia State Lottery sold $85 million in tickets for which no top prize was available.

1 year ago – hot brain, hot pixel, night of the comet, the frighteners, Louise and in-laws at supper, dinner pix, shag and klondike bar

2 years ago – nearly naked neighbors, gray day, mob supply pic, newt pics

3 years ago – talked to Arnie’s Sec, newt and graffiti pix, autostitch, wifi theft arrest, reality show premises, j-walk on podcasts, programmer joke, google maps goodies, flightgear, wifi hotspot backpack, my messy office, bear-knocking, sex pred info pages

4 years ago
– combos/snausages , wisdom, serving sizes, ramen, Rockford Files, Planetarium pictures, weather, sock thief

5 years ago
– call block, snapple, intelligence gathering, Batroc, flashback cartoon, addictive data

6 years ago
– oz/floyd connection, pimps at sea, rss feeds start, cat dreams

7 years ago
– cej returns, unpacking videos, 1992 tax info, the challenge, corn chowder, kubrick quiz

8 years ago
– Rowlf sings, April actually kicks back a few bucks, pondering a new recorder Geotarget

9321 – Monday

Storm knocked a huge limb out of one of our trees – it bounced on the high power lines and then landed on the Element’s hood with a resounding thump. Dented the hood and front end in a few places and spider-webbed the windshield with cracks. I’m just glad nobody was hurt – Larry was fairly nearby. I’ll be interested to see how fast insurance turnaround will be on this. Homeowners should cover it with a minimal deductible.

I’m sort of disappointed that we didn’t get to hit artomatic – the last two weekends got nailed with Father’s day and general germy-ness. Hopefully it did well enough for Cyn to go back next year. It sounded like a hoot!

I want to ride the trolley, before it stops running, too. (I figure it’ll be in commission for at least 18 months more, before it stops working out for the city… but it looks like a good cheap way for BHK and I to tool around town for $0.25 a ride. With gas prices, you can’t get much better than that.

I mentioned this briefly on Saturday – the bakelite tiles in Hive are chunky (maybe 1/2 inch thick, and about 1 and 1/2 inch diameter) – much larger than I’d thought they would be. It’s even mose satisfying to play now, as a result. I’ve gotten so used to tiny counters and maybe things of “checker” size, that the bigger pieces are a real treat. Still waiting on Mosquito‘s arrival – not a huge deal, as BHK and I haven’t really gotten bored of the basic rules at all.

BHK and I played two games last night – If Wishes Were Fishes and Labyrinth. (I won both.) I suspect the dynaminc of Wishes will change if / when we introduce third, fourth and fifth players.

Sex and Indiana Jones?, originally uploaded by kubacheck.

Whoops! Wrong theater!

SF Signal has a run-down of the top 10 giant movie monsters, which is inexplicably not safe for work – Also courtesy of SF Signal, check out these anatomical cross-sections of Gamera and Godzilla.

1 year ago – Bugah and Neil Arrive, summertime fun, godzilla cheats, newtcam pics, courthouse artist,

2 years ago – website gig, writing, newtcam, sleestak sounds,

3 years ago – Sleepy, lj tags, couscous w/Danny, high voltage, questions

4 years ago – audio blog test, bluetooth virus, Sue Dibney Croaks, Dreams of the old gang, Bloomsday, When the zombies take over, how long until the electricity fails?

5 years ago – paranoid dream (has since come true at least once), silly RP in There, sleepy newt pic, Abbie the Cat Blog

6 years ago – Navajo Talkers, Barbie collectors, I learn about this apartment, palm doodles

7 years ago – IMT becomes FMM, paying by the word, slaver, funeral-cast.com, photo poll

8 years ago – Taco bell folding & WhitesnakeGeotargetVisitor Map

9306 – Thursday

More photos’ from yesterday’s tornado! – Chesapeake Beach Storm Damage – Photos – WRC | Washington

Folks here are really excited about it – After Hurricane Andrew, I’m glad it wasn’t as bad as it might’ve been. Big issue here was that it came out of nowhere, in a matter of moments – hurricanes you get a solid warning. THe roof that was blown off may finally allow for the smokey stink to fade from traders. 12 people were hospitalized, but no major injuries that I know of.

Chris and Larry lost some roof flashing, had a cracked window pane, and some broken tree limbs about the place, but thankfully nothing too devastating.

Most fascinating to me is the marble-sized hail that hit us on the way home… I really thought the truck’s windshield (already cracked, from an ancient wound) was going to shatter at one point.

I don’t know why I keep thinking today is Friday.. I’ve got to cut that foolishness out.

BHK hasn’t been feeling very well lately – Allergies, I think. I hope she mends up quickly! She made tasty stuffed peppers for supper last night – Chris joined us, as her house hadn’t cooled back down yet after losing power.

Two of the Milky Way’s arms have gone missing.– Don’t look at me! I haven’t got ’em! I suspect venus de milo – jealousy.

Mechanical Employees Only, originally uploaded by °Florian

Viva Calaca!! is a personal project by the young Art Director and Digital Designer Ritxi Ostáriz with music by Voltaire.

It is a 3 minute animation video, based on the Day of the Dead.

1 year ago – bhk cooks yum stuff, Putin believes in Giant Russian war robots and Cthulhu, plastic choking the oceans, tinfoil hats prevent cancer, abduction lamp best lamp ever, pie chart meme

2 years ago – monday, random words, africa, hudson hawk, wireless router config can be tricky, agape, bumper sticker

3 years ago – Blinky arrives and is celebrated, on my path, MP pictures, google thing meme, swingset, sockamagee, Shaq, writing group slacking, SMART BOY…”Jones” CLEANS EVERYTHING BUT THE..”Baby”, MI:3 rumors and Scientology powers, meetro, rainy

4 years ago – Laundry done, moribund, hungries, celeb-alikes, mindmap, google-search journal, work issue, radio.blog, pain-ray, newt-yawn pics

5 years ago – bollywood, gay days/ Disney, marketing spongebob cereal

6 years ago – Moscow Tunnel system, fumigation

7 years ago – Paterfamilias , living on bread alone / scurvy, hobos, secret Scotto factoid re:barbershops

8 years ago – nuffin, muffinGeotargetVisitor Map

9294 – Memorial Day – Monday

Thank you to all the people that worked so hard to make my life as free as it is.


pictures – ATW man salutes our fallen heroes, and I complain about the heat. (Not nearly as hot as it was in other locales, so I hear!)

Slept well on the new bed – I wasn’t feeling so hot earlier, but a nap helped my back and headache quite a bit. Still a little nauseated, but not too terrible.

We had the in-laws over again and made more franks and beans for dinner, and this time, the bonfire and s’mores were a reality. Added bonus was blowing bubbles.

Opted out of the new town trolley to Pete Green’s – The route is cute, and could be a lot of fun – two bits to ride can’t be beat. I wouldn’t mind just taking it for a little day-tour out and about where BHK and I can relax and take in the scenery. I suspect that the trolley’s primary use will be for drinkers getting home safe… I’m all for it if it keeps the drunkies from behind the wheel.

I want to pick up a bike – the in-laws cycled up the beach for breakfast this morning, and I thought it sounded like a fun way to ge tout of the house for a bit.

I still haven’t decided what new e-books to put on the PDA – maybe I’ll take a breather and stick to pulp-books for a bit.

1 year ago – info about 20714, shaved ice man and diabetes, bake sale!, things going smoothly, satori quote

2 years ago – 2nd life upgrade, mm pickup issues, 26 letters about me a-d, wilma buiding, poo-poo ice, c-64 emu, super chicken, robot caveman

3 years ago – slack, WEP cracking in 10 min, forget me not panties, sithy meme, wiktrivia, Nosferatu download, writing assignment, how to fake fingerprints, sat maps make me think of people as ants

4 years ago – put motion detection on newtcam, last done meme, life on venus, AFMBE – Zombie Smackdown, FL Drugs, hummus

5 years ago – Memorial Day, freaky wind, There, superhero factoid, castrati, Skeletor and Gang, Chipotle, Joan Cusack crush

6 years ago – Gargoyle, [info]menstrualhut troll, comparison poll, memory from DC (my evil twin), yeti @ home, monster’s inc good

7 years ago – monad of John Dee, Morikami, Shrek good, Pearl Harbor bad, lj-death hoax, icky stuff, good stuff, o Mousewheel event, flash ponderings

8 years ago – subject lines, Hunter thinks that my first icon looks like I’m in the phantom zone, age difference, I have done all but the car on that list, 125 things about meGeotargetVisitor Map

9291 – Friday

Long weekend is almost upon us. I think we’ll be staying close to home and walking a bit in the nice weather that’s expected.

Not much to say today – off to work in a few – but have a few links from here or there.

I forget if I linked to this recently or not – It bears repeating-

Austrian court agrees to hear arguments that a chimpanzee should be considered a legal person.

Best Bumper sticker seen recently – “I Bet Jesus Would Use His Turn Signal”

Am I too young to be nostalgic for Johnny Carson? I think not. I can’t believe it’s been 16 years since he retired.

My favorite swami Carson bit was the gag where gave the answer to questions sealed in envelopes.

The Answer : “A dog with wings”

The Question “Who Is Linda McCartney?”

I have no good reason to want a curta calculator, other than it’s cool. Curse you for putting the idea in my head, jwz, but thanks for the link to the flash curta emulator!

1 year ago – museum camera sign picture

2 years ago – puffball collective, mm plans, bro mooching, pilar meme, tarpo scavenger hunt, sedef and weez coming, carmen sandiego, tiny text, coffee bomb

3 years ago – superhero meme ,Wayne Dyer not my thing, alien invasion from the ocean tv themes, vader 20Q, Tofu flavored like human flesh (for the vegetarian cannibal), It only makes me laugh, walkabout graffiti pix, tiny tiny text!

4 years ago – S&W apart, Dawn of the dead, Saw Shrek 2 last night, palm doodle, walkabout pictures, lilo & stitch experiments, pre-inca graveyard found, silly snape / puppetpals, Apeshit, bro

5 years ago – wants, slashdot blocked, best family guy line ever, nig newtie-eyes, book meme, rain

6 years ago – I was compared to Travis Tritt, an image of MyCn18, a broken link or 2,genetic music, Sleestak music, fresca and goldfish crackers, got the complete prisoner TV series on DVD, I restocked some clothes,discovered line-through deleted journals on bio-page.

7 years ago – propitiate, chaplet, sweetheart went out for ice cream, I’ve got naughty thoughts, brasilein, friends only review of new work arrivals. (all but one of whom still work at FMM.)

8 years ago – April interviewed for Barnies, EMAGE goes downhill, my first ‘who I am’ post. I was friended by sunusku, meemee & christin, and first thoughts about developing NewtcamGeotarget

9285 – Monday – Happy 8th, dear journal!

Forgot to mention yesterday – fresh kittens in the neighborhood. I think Tuxedo-kitty is the father, and one of the “cimnim” kitties is the mama.

No matter how stony-hearted I can get… baby kittens melt it pretty quickly. (Kittens are good for discipline and mind control, as anyone who’s watched Hyperdrive can tell you.)

See also, Obama with a Kitty as running mate. (Personally, I’d like to see Kcarab Amabo, AKA The Evil Mirror Universe Barack Obama join in the festivities. )

My livejournal account is 8 years old today.

I didn’t really get to posting daily until 8/2000, but 9284 posts in 8 years is pretty surprising to me. Something like 3 posts a day, give or take.

Some had a lot more content than others, of course.

In 8 years… a lot has happened. If you’d have told me then that I would still be doing this now, I’d probably have doubted it. The LJ community as a whole has changed hands a few times. The service has been a great boon to me.

I met my wonderful wife on livejournal…. and more than a couple of other new and delightful people from around the world in person as a result, too.

I reconnected with friends that I thought were long lost – both from gaming groups and high school.

I’ve pretty thoroughly documented my 30s here. Walkabouts, musings, dating, work – there’s not much about me that you can’t find here… some things are privatized or friends-only security, but the vast majority is open to the world. I sometimes wonder if that’s a good idea, but it’s worked well for me so far.

I tend to keep my really rough rants or personal lists (shopping for presents and reminders, mostly) to myself. I also used to archive chats here, before google talk; which automatically does it now. I’m guessing there weren’t many – maybe 20 or 30, tops.

I’m not really online much for chatties these days, but here and there you might catch me, dear journal. (Gmail checks, generally) my profile page has a list of assorted locations to look me up.

Adam’s in Haiti, doing more missionary work – he sounds all right, there were a lot of concerns for his safety. Funny that nobody raised safety issues when he went to Guatemala last year.

a bulk email he sent out –

Hey Everyone!
I am at a Hotel in Petit Goave, Haiti. The lady at the front desk let me use the Internet, so I have to be really quick.
First of all, we have been very safe the entire time. The first guest house we stayed in was in Port-au-Prince and run by Americans who have live there for 12 years. They laughed at me when I asked if there was anything to worry about, and they said that they had teams down here the entire time the riots were happening a month ago. They said that instead of returning from their work sites at 4:30, they just came back an hour later, because by 5 or so the rioters would get tired and all go home, haha. The house has an average of 13 people staying there every night of the year, it was really cool.
Now we are at a hotel in Petit Goave. It is way too nice for us! It is more like a resort, but I guess it was the safest place they could find, and that’s what matters most.
Yesterday we helped out a a track event for children which was meant to bring many schools together to inform them about HIV/AIDS. Today we went to a very poor community in the mountains to inform about the same thing, just didn’t have a track meet. We haven’t actually done any blood work or anything like that yet, so it’s been really safe. For the rest of the week we are going to be doing more events with children and some community clean-ups, etc.
I gotta run. I don’t know if I’ll be able to email again, but just know that the State Department is full of it, haha. Especially with the precautions we are taking, we are very safe. If I don’t get to email again then I’ll talk to you or see you in 7 days.
PS: Send this to anyone who might be interested in hearing my status/update, and thanks for your continued prayers. See you all soon!

glad to hear he’s aok! I suspected as much.

1 year ago – 7th year entry, milk and cheese figures, bhk takes care of tm’s kitties, lunch with in-laws, David and Gill move to Charlotte

2 years ago – 6th anniversary, clothes shopping, busy recovery week, Don’t ask for directions in Baltimore

3 years ago – Star Wars, Dead Riddler, PETA kills animals, Newt @ kittenwar, neobrara, hong kong bun-snatching, sex offender sweep

4 years ago – wet week, duckling videos, lots of wander-pics, you’re so vain (odd couple sing), using wifi for plausible deniability, Feast Day of St. Dunstan, Florida Black Bear

5 years ago – bro fishing, Eh.net, asteroid probe, bookhenge in There, Drunk Man Hurt After Running Into Elephant, PT, severe weather, #21 in top 40, ljer ages, compat quiz

6 years ago – no cpap, broken pic links for me to fix later, grocery,waste to energy, Mayan symbols, ginger orange tofu, hot mail copying yahoo jerkiness

7 years ago – Iron Chef, Family Guy, Lj troublesome, feeling coarse, gals system down, astley hoses me over.

8 years ago – Scottobear’s LJ is Born – just a marker, really.

GeotargetVisitor Map

9277 – tuesday the 13th!

BHK made delicious pea soup! The perfect thing after a long day at work. Nomnommy. We supped over Ugly betty and the new TV Show King trivia game for the wii. I beat Abraham Lincoln, BHK and Bughah’s Kitty Puddy (random computer players plucked from our Mii farm). I like it, but the wheel is a bit too random for me.

WorldWide Telescope, developed by Microsoft’s research arm, knits together images from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and others. Windows users (only) can browse through the galaxy on their own or take guided tours of different outer-space destinations developed by astronomers and academics. The application allows viewing from different wavelengths such as X-ray, visible light, and hydrogen-alpha radiation. Business Week has a review and some background on the project, which has been in development for years. Google Sky beat them to the punch but Business Week opines that WWT’s interface is superior.

Albert Einstein’s True Religious Beliefs Revealed

he rejects it as “childish superstition,” but also disliked the hubris of atheism)

In the letter, he states: “The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.”

Pictures of our town flooding from yesterday and before.

highlights from the slideshow provided by North Beach – reproduced here, but not taken by me.




I’m really digging the combination of Pyecam and Newtcam. I just have to update my internal pages with Pye-links now. The cams are really mis-named, since either of the boys can land on either cam… the Newtcam is more permanently affixed in the sunny office, while Pyecam is on the more mobile, but less frequently live laptop
.newtcam-postpeek.noot looks pye cam.pyecamvulture.pyecamnootruns.



Newt seems to be the most interested in playing in front of the cams… Pye prefers the living room, I suspect.

I’ve upped the resolution on both… I’m also considering making one or both live streaming video.

Who said polar bears are carnivores? That must be some tasty watermelon, is all I’m saying. Some great photos.

Forgot to mention the ATW man -He and his monkey-faced pal were pregnant with baby bumps for mother’s day. Clicks embiggen, as always.


“Burn Notice” returns on July 10 – so is it a summer filler?

1 year ago – mother’s day w/ family, gaia hypothesis, gavagan’s, jd’s party

2 years ago – fp with kev, rain, Pelosi kma, goofy armor, stairway to heaven backwards

3 years ago – work related, friday 13th, mood poll, zombie hunting, phone-sleeping, book meme, mp3, scientology vs fictionology

4 years ago – fam stuff, toe socks

5 years ago – recycling into fuel oil, kitty quiz, PT, Apathetic Online Journal Entry Generator, potty poll, perfect toast

6 years ago – answer to oil dependency, iespell, memory of being a little kid w/ vampires, goofing around, dani postcard, 334, rain week

7 years ago – nonpareil, “hamburger helper, antibacterial”, family hangout, old coversheet, daydream, dead guy in living room, watermelons, a basic truth, lj-smell poll, cleaning up oil using human hair (and you don’t even need Superman to do it!)GeotargetVisitor Map

9276 – bloody, floody monday.

Power went out last night at about midnight or thereabouts… my CPAP shut down, so I had a lovely night of snoring over poor BHK’s shoulder.

Showered and shaved in the rainy dawn-dark this morning – fortunately, I had a company polo shirt to wear, since the iron doesn’t work sans juice, either.

I wonder how the Old Order Amish feel when they hear that the “English” (non-Amish) are fretting about not having any electricity?

Worse than the lack of power was the severe flooding and high winds.

Statement as of 6:39 AM EDT on May 12, 2008

… Flood Watch remains in effect until 2 PM EDT this afternoon…

* expect moderate to heavy rain to continue through the early
morning hours. Rain will taper off from the southwest to
northeast in the afternoon. An additional one to two inches of
rain is possible.

* The heavy rain will cause streams and creeks to overflow their
banks. Also… urban areas prone to poor drainage will be
susceptible to flooding. As the water works its way into the
rivers… river flooding will be possible in the upper Potomac
and Shenandoah basins.

Now – power is back on at the house, and no more flood warning for Calvert County.

After work, went to the back doctor – much more fruitful response this time. getting my epidural, physical therapy and etc… hopefully a bit more productive than “no hope blah blah” from last one. I get my epi in about a week, a flexion exercise program, ultrasound, electrical stim, and massage.

Saw Aardvark’s Tara in her other work duds at Panera… she cleans up well! BHK and she gabbed a bit – the 2nd store is now closed primarily due to crooked employees making off with merch. Upside, that’s more time for them to be social.. maybe we’ll hang with them sometime soon! The Lusby store rocks the party that much more, too.

Ah, Virginia. You never let me down with the custom plates.

No relation to the flooding post, prior.

Two books for me to investigate library-wise. We saw ’em at the bookstore last week, and I think they’ll be better as temporary reads rather than permanent additions to our collection. I may change my mind after reading ’em.
books to investigate at the library

books to investigate at the library

Don’t Throw It Out, and Monster 1959.

1 year ago – clematis and tigger pics, chris hijacks bhk, saturday car pics

2 years ago – poofy newt pic, plans for sept, new monkey species, score as beast

3 years ago – Bro drama, Kidz Bop doing “Since U Been Gone”, Regressive Imagery Analysis, movie meme, chimp paintings on auction, Oscar Wilde on Journals, RID analysis

4 years ago – got a new pda, payphones vanishing, invisible landlord, bro house arrest

5 years ago – PT, PI snooping about tom, cream soda, bro caught with mike & other craziness

6 years ago – Mom’s day Breakfast, dsl breaks, quality time with SA, poem

7 years ago – New Star trek series, freedom fighting fiction, DNA passes, hot shower and walkies. (glowfilter)Geotarget

9274 – Saturday

Shots, and off to southern states to grab a couple of pepper plants – saw an adorable pair of kids. Little girl in riding pants and very friendly, and her little brother who reminded me of JD at 6 years old. We also picked up some thistle seed for the finches (so Pye and Newt have a little outside wildlife to watch)


After that a lovely church wine and craft show… We got a Christmas ornament with a pair of origami cranes (cherry blossom pattern paper) inside of a rounded cube…. and a lovely packet of bake sale goodies. Aggression cookies (oatmeal), molasses and chocolate chip.


Episcopal church had the following on the bulletin board:

The comedian Robin Williams is an Episcopalian, and he has created a funny “Top Ten” List of reasons to be an Episcopalian.


10. No snake handling.

9. You can believe in dinosaurs.

8. Male and female, God created them; male and female, we ordain them.

7. You don’t have to check your brains at the door.

6. Pew aerobics.

5. Church year is color coded!

4. Free wine on Sunday.

3. All of the pageantry, none of the guilt.

2. You don’t have to know how to swim to get baptized.

And the number one reason for being an Episcopalian:

1. No matter what you believe, there’s bound to be at least one other Episcopalian who agrees with you.

I can dig that.


After the Church shindig, we Shakespeare on the Boardwalk – Much ado about nothing. TM’s neighbor Kevin was in it, as was Guppy (twin beach players )


after a bit of local and classic culture, we headed home to catch up with The Office and My Name is Earl.


Added a syndicated feed of BHK’s favorite meteorolgist – Kim Martucci – I should notify Kim that she’s being syndicated here, just so she knows to check. It’s not a full feed, just a clip and a link to the main site – which is *quite* active and colorful, if you follow my fonts. Her journal gave BHK a quickie girl-crush on Kim.

also via BHK –

Artist made a plastic whale skeleton from plastic deck chairs! Also made recreations of native ceremonial masks out of Nike shoes—-pretty cool art!”

Friday Five on a Saturday –

1. Who do you adore?
BHK, Newton and Pye

2. Who adores you?
BHK, Newton and Pye

3. What’s in your pockets?
Wallet holding a red thread, trinkets, petty cash and ID, inhaler, keys

4. Who can you talk with for hours?
BHK, Danny, GP and Kat (haven’t in a long time, though), Dave, Kev… most nice people with common interests, I guess!

5. What sounds great today?
Playtime with the family!

1 year ago – Elephant escape doodle, payday, Calvert County work info, dream fragments, books: both digital and paper, weather love, shaved ice / “dumb ol’ cherry”, railway museum trip

2 years ago – red mood doodle, super power desire as a lad, waiting room pic, newton and I on the porch pics, sand art

3 years ago – story stuck, food cravings, national ID, locla lj leads to illegal sex, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.

4 years ago – net out, bro bonds out, walkabout pics, sci-fi cliches, gabbed with sedef, bee vs wasp massacre.

5 years ago – Nature vs Pringles, Dan delivers Groceries, menstrualhut breaks 1000 users (now a bit more than twice that), Bush’s Military Record

6 years ago – J-bee points me at CBS Mystery theater, Sat tracking, Newtie yawn icon source, Friday five

7 years ago – swollen uvula (side effect of no cpap, snoring beat me up), dumbass Astley late with his bargain basement hardwareGeotarget

9255 – Saturday

Garage sale across the down today after shots… Our first blush on the way to the doctor wasn’t that successful.. saw old clothes and lots of little bits of junk here and there. Quickie lunch at Mexico and then back to the town to shop. 

Our hope was to find some good furniture – nothing amazing really stood out. BHK asked what I’d want to see at my ideal yard sale… my response was a mummified monkey head, some old heathkit robots maybe, and maybe a retired super-scientist’s collection of prototype death rays and forcefield belts. 

What we did was pick up a few dvds, more than a couple of “chick lit” books, wall art, a teaching chess set, two toy robots and A ROBOT MONKEY !

We didn’t spend more than $20 total for the lot – The ‘bots were the bulk of the cost, at $4.50 each. Puzzles were a quarter, dvds a buck a pop, and books were a big bundle for $3.

Came home, chilled out and enjoyed BHK’s nom nom nommy thai cabbage soup. 

Forgot to mention that yesterday also heralded the arrival of our blue robot boy to pair up with our pink robot hula girl. The girl is cuter, but they make a fine little dancing pair.

1 year ago – calvert coworkers, 6 months thoughts, palm doodles, mr mind, pollen

2 years ago – world history, folkvine, pocket charger, jw cordon

3 years ago – Egyptian origins, clown confession, big brown bear, trix returns to simplicity, hugs, fleet week, chitchat w myid8myego, kind entry, country bears movie, human gene in rice, funeral dance, FL gun law self defense, energy crisis, Cheney & Abadullah

4 years ago – Godchecker’s Mythology Encyclopedia, Andy Griffith factoid, CS out, Cute Newt Pic

5 years ago – seafood fest, gift exchange

6 years ago – Foomy goes poof, nifty human tricks, Quick little story, full moon thoughts, Prof. Eben Norton Horsford.

7 years ago – bricolage, misc news, email tags, lj burp, uck, how to catch a polar bear, prezziesGeotargetVisitor Map

9062 – sunday

spent the bulk of the day indoors with tv and the kitties – bhk a little sick, my back was creaky. Nice day to stay in, relax, and not wear shoes all day.

Watched The Soup, Redneck weddings and read books the whole day away. A nice way to recharge after yesterday’s long-term walkies.

Tree-trimmer guys came back and hammered down the bridge part they knocked over – and finished trimming and proper cleanup.

Jumper‘s getting quite the stinky reviews. Maybe we’ll just wait and catch it on Netflix when it drops to DVD… next weekend. 15%… by comparison, Hottie & the nottie got 7%. if it’s only barely twice as good as a Paris Hilton vehicle, I’ll pass. Jumper got 15 positive reviews and 88 negatives as of this writing.

I’m still game to see No Country for Old Men. – 94%, 179 positive, 11 negative reviews.

The Pentagon will try to shoot down a spy satellite before it crashes to Earth. I want to see the video of that.

Princeton engineers’ weather modeling suggests that the city of Baltimore experienced about 30 percent more rainfall than the region it occupies would have experienced had there been no buildings where the city now sits. While thunderstorms are thought of as being purely forces of nature, the research suggests that man’s built environment can radically alter a storm’s life cycle.

1up has a list of what game companies have donated to which candidates – sort of interesting to see which designers / folks went where.

data gathered via fundrace – a really nifty tool to see what’s up – my zip code shows $840 dollars went to Republicans, and $0 to Democrats, while my in-laws city (right next door) donated $3,426 to Republicans and $1,800 to Democrats

Austin, TX is a little more happy to spend on both sides… it is a bigger city… I was surprised that it spent just a little bit less than Miami.

1 year ago – Sleepover with Amy & Tina, Jackass 2, annapolis pix, ducks, dogma, and Alex Haley.

2 years ago – lego service, lion roar, LS left, misc linkies, nccic, yeti beware sign, (fo)-chief’s letter

3 years ago – Movies, backup tech training, miss mcdonald, themed fonts, stinky, fear of physics, captain’s blog

4 years ago – client crapped out, slow awakening, urge to box, comet collisions, Planet Osiris

5 years ago – early to bed, doctor thoughts, Politi-talk

6 years ago – Pym, argument about writing, haiku, I look like jupiter, pink for vboys, blue for girls, they have a word for it

7 years ago – more crazy haiku, profession of love, seeking a new gig, tough dreams, gooterGeotarget