Tag Archives: metro

#10,814 – Thursday

Heading home a little early tonight – a few inches of snow, and I’d rather get home on my own in a more safe and sane ride. Since I left a little bit after 4:30, I should be home by 6:45 or so.

Hopped the Silver Spring red line to Fort Totten – Green line to the 904 line home.

Maybe we’ll do a little distribution of fairy lights tonight? BHK got most of the holiday shopping covered… I’m impressed!

Applied for Starship Captain at Looney Labs… My profile, if you care to look! Not much there yet. More to follow when I can post from a comfortable chair at home.

1 year ago lets enhance
2 years ago – rainy walkabout, bro issues, summertime / if you have ghosts,
3 years ago no snow? Christmas pics, robot named pickle, origin of pretzel-fang pic, pye, bhk, tree, wii
4 years ago – Sasquatch Christmas lights, video, pics
5 years ago – quiz-meme, internet radio, lj gives us 10 gigs, sleepy newton pic, hawaiian christmas
6 years ago – hanging out with mel, planning a vacation, making fiends
7 years ago – christmas meme, china yung, return of the king, working at ACIM, shapeshifting comic characters
8 years ago – holiday cards, doodles, waiting for the new strongbad, waking up cooler than went to bed.
9 years ago -rot13, laws of robotics, burglars on webcam, earth as garden, modern ruins, excrescence, yellow wallpaper
10 years ago – boat parade, xmas cards, bigfoot vs chupacabra, positive side of dark stalker, dream posts begin, michael peter’s rules

9726- Wednesday

Free pop tart day at cal tort ! BHK, Chris and I all went for supper, but none of us got the golden ticket entitling us to a year’s worth of free burritos – but we did get a happy 2nd place – they mis-made a bean burrito and a chicken quesadilla, and gave ’em to us gratis on the way out.

Went on walkabout, and they repainted the trolley stop sign -(see today’s photo) new hours on there. I didn’t get to ride last year, but I plan to take a 25¢ ride at least once or twice this season.

1 year ago – I like quiet, toothpick and earwax spoon artifact, avoid nyc subway lifts, canine transmissible venereal tumor, "she is wound like an angry watch"

2 years ago – BHK and I hit solomon’s island, new video games, pictures of cats and family, trekkies, fake monkey entry from bhk, memes, bradbury, bionic woman series coming

3 years ago – cleaning up, ray ig, robby rotten, vista, windows registry, 10 things/commandments, mc birthday, stinky tuber at fairchild

4 years ago – Star Wars With Kev & Bheesham, Apophenia, vega, posting distro, newt and Orangeade pic

5 years ago – friendly gator banished, bro moving, spymac, ephemerist, oddtodd’s gig

6 years ago – monkey-shakespeare, 5-things meme, military waste, ad shield

7 years ago – good walkies, missv goodies (need to reupload pic of newt in his cloth), piggy database

8 years ago – fun tv, lambaste, 9-to-5, Hawaiian love, tv part poll, astley issues, cool orange cats, clutch, gun quoteGeotarget

9654 – Thursday

Franklin (the outdoor cat who lives near my office) followed me a bit this morning to work, I stopped to give him some love – he’s a sweetheart. I made sure to wash my hands very carefully – don’t want to allergy myself too much, or possibly bring back feline leukemia to the boys at home. I should start bringing Franklin a little treat or something.

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If I’m not careful, BHK is going to make me adopt him and bring him home. Plenty of little hellcats at the house already, but I’m a soft touch.

Though I am of no particular religious faith of my own, I don’t mind when others express belief… to a degree. Riding the green line into work this morning, a wall-eyed lady was shrieking out hosannas and praise the lords intermixed with some tuneless chant-like singing. she had headphones on, but I suspect that they were just props so she could ramble loudly.

I’ve seen this from assorted people, numerous times – usually on the bus, but the train here and the tri-rail back in Fort Lauderdale.  Why are folks permitted to holler at the top of their lungs while I’m confined to the same space as they are? I think that the train is better for just making a lot of noise without repercussions, because it’s less likely that it’ll stop and eject the person.

mouthbig - animatedsleep
(They won’t shut up – all I want to do is nap)

I’ve been "witnessed" to at least 4 times, maybe more while on the bus. I’ve noticed that the best thing to do is just be quiet and let it pass, because the folks doing it are generally more than a little unhinged already – I don’t want someone flipping out too much.. it seems like they run out of gas after about 15 minutes (which seems like an hour) and then start again maybe 5 minutes after that.

There needs to be some sort of code of ethics – if I’m trapped with a person that is at the minimum causing sound pollution that I don’t want, or at maximum is a foamy-mouthed looney, I get upset. I was fantasizing about picking up a tranquilizer dart gun somewhere for the bulk of the noise.

See also about 11 months ago

In a similar vein, I don’t mind being trapped on a bus with folks talking a little loudly on the phone if it’s a language I don’t know… if it’s English, it bugs me, but if it’s something very exotic (something Asian or African – not too uncommon in DC area) I don’t mind nearly so much. German, French, Creole and Spanish is fairly annoying too, for some reason. (if I’m in a movie theater, however, it’s easy for me to leave and get an attendant.)

The ride home on the train was easier on my ears.

Called Comcast about some service – if they slack on me too much, I think we’ll just cut that internet cord, and go to hughes-net or some other provider.

Tasty buffalo "chicken" salad for dinner tonight – and I had the rare beer – (Michelob Lime/cactus – good, light fare).

BHK and I are giving up on Castle, I think – 2 episodes, and neither had the grabbing power. Going to give Better Off Ted another chance, but I suspect the quirkyness is already too stiff for real fun, and it’ll get switched off, too.

Our netflix came in, in time for the weekend – Hancock and Run, Fat Boy, Run . My hopes aren’t too high – If I’m entertained, that’ll do the trick.

1 year ago – coloring eggs, haiku, atari, victorian chewie, Dro who an insane lsd junkie, obama race speech

2 years ago – newt and pye on cam, first day at county, Ze:The Show is over, squid vs yellow submarine,

3 years ago – condo area pic with duck, i don’t like cricket

4 years ago – Lunsford, Atlantis, car crash test, voice post

5 years ago – club 977, Wine & Food, itunes, lj spam, Fri-5, nearby donations,First hint of New Dr Who, Newt big-head pic, color associations

6 years ago – heat, bad job recruiter, UT

7 years ago – city relic quiz, got into an argument with Astley, work nonsense, happy ending

8 years ago – awake but paralyzed for surgery, com ideas, animal eyesGeotarget

9630 – Wednesday

I really like the Prince George’s Plaza Metro station, even if it is in a fairly rough neck of the woods.


The whole place is just a neat design… lots of concrete, textures and angles hidden everywhere. I have half a mind to design a Counterstrike level for it. (Like I have that kind of time – Too many other things occupying my life to spend 30 hours building a level that will never get any play.

A pity it wasn’t one of the locations used in Fallout 3.

After work today, it was off to get our overdue weekly luxury of soda pop and two $1 scratch off tickets – results were the standard "we didn’t win anything, let’s drown our sorrows in a diet cherry dr pepper"

So.. What did I give up for lent? Just a bit of sloth, I think. I’m going to shoot for more vigorous walkies and getting back on my regular exercise regimen.

BHK made some tasty noodles w/ peas, broccoli and "meatballs" in a cream sauce. Good hearty stuff – Enough to take some with me to work tomorrow for lunch!

1 year ago – lots of asian elements, Prisoner Inn, steam games, chinese and tuscan sweatshops make prada, recently eaten silly named food, cat lovers and haters through history

2 years ago – we build a snowman (with pics), birds, lots of snow, king kong, pasta

3 years ago – sad endings for sea cows, compusa fruitful, movie server, out with danny, newtcam action pics, tortoise herd

4 years ago – ten things meme, cute newt pic, liberated games

5 years ago – Bro drama, free music

6 years ago – fates, evil idea, doc trip, sorghum

7 years ago – mail, fonts, Celtic Religion – Knowledge base

8 years ago – Haiku, thoughts, flatus, dream fragmentGeotarget

9629 – Tuesday

Happy Fat Tuesday!

In-laws came over and we all had pancakes for Dinner tonight – along with some deviled / boiled eggs, it made for a tasty end of the day.

Larry and I tried spotting the green comet Lulin tonight, but to no avail – the neighbor’s house blocked out that part of the horizon. Maybe sometime this weekend, we can head out to the boardwalk and try to spot a section that isn’t too lit up.

Word of the Day – EVOE! (from the Conception of Dionysus)

"Zeus stretched out on Semele’s bed in the form of a bull with human limbs. Then he was a panther. Then a young man with vine shoots in his curls. Finally he settled into that most perfect of shapes: the serpent. Zeus prolonged their union like some story without end, a rehearsal of the life of the god about to be generated. The snake slithered over Semele’s trembling body and gently licked her neck. Then, gripping her bust in one of his coils, wrapping her breasts in a scaly sash, he sprinkled her not with poison but with liquid honey. The snake was pressing his mouth against Semele’s mouth, a dribble of nectar trickling down onto her lips intoxicated her, and all the while vine leaves were sprouting up on the bed and there was a sound of drums beating in the darkness. The earth laughed. Dionysus was conceived just as Zeus shouted the name with which for centuries he was to be evoked: ‘Evoe!’"

That’s all I’ve got. Until later, dear journal.

1 year ago – Trip to the eastern shore, cannonball house, GW sweatshirt, hot sauce, walkabout pictures – geodesic dome, radio tower, old church, stitching pictures weirdly, general tanuki’s, my first Natty Boh, Cthulhu at Gitmo, The Prestige

2 years ago – lj notifications broken, model train expo, George Takei on Tim Hardaway

3 years ago – newt herd pic, sleep, quiz-meme, lost a kid before we were even called

4 years ago – Sleepy, Paris Hacked, Gorilla Cover Gallery, adding insult to injury pic, mel out of comm for a week

5 years ago – Newt-beliefs, Police pay an unkind visit (DRAMA!)

6 years ago – fairy tales, country bears, lj poop, palm doodle, A Reading Rainbow of Prophesies, misc news

7 years ago – Tulpa-thoughts, L&B have the baby

8 years ago – one of my favorite bear piccies, hoogerbrugge, Haiku arena is founded, rough translationsGeotarget

9616 – Friday

8:01 AM – Discovered the hard way that the commuter bus doesn’t take checks – thankfully the fast stop up the road has an ATM so I can pay in cash, and yoo hoo to sooth my nerves. The driver was kind enough to give me a free ride today so I am still 10 rides on the ol’ ticket. Not bad for $38.25 (normally $4.25 a lift)

Getting cooler outside again – perhaps snow tomorrow? Many sunbeam “talkers” came from between the clouds after sunrise.
I wonder how hard it is to get an international driver’s license. I am so close to dc, that I suspect that it may be an option. I will look into that.
Starlings and sparrows are all out and about at the bus stop this morning – spring must be in the heart, if not in the air just yet.
Friday the 13th! As mentioned previously, the train smelled of fresh cupcakes, which is a nice way to start the day.
Long weekend ahead – some of the chiefs at work started it today. – I have said it before – it is amazing how much more work can be done when the side distractions have left for the day. 
update – 1:21 PM – Polished off the tvp with some baked beans for lunch  – tasty stuff, and it looks like my gi tract isn’t going to rebel too much – it seems like some of my gut issues have abated a bit- I think that taking my medicine at night makes it a bit easier in the morning. 

Today is Chris’s Birthday, so BHK and I will likely go shopping for our Valentine’s Day picnic tomorrow. I planned a little adventure for us to go out, walk holding hands, and have a nice romantic time together on the long weekend.

Chris mentioned something about all of us going to Selby Bay for her birthday dinner – Works for me! I suspect that I won’t have time to update more tonight, so until later, dear journal!

1 year ago – val’s b-day, cadaver synod, jetpack brontosaurus, creepy gamers

2 years ago – local wildlife pic, ice storm coming, feeling better

3 years ago – chilly?, swollen uvula, nohari, bongos, GND moving (she’s since married… as have I!), cookies?, auto stitched comic spread, super squid

4 years ago – ren-fest thoughts, bro-religion scam thoughts, lair, pretzel prefs, grocery store, lj-buddy collage, valentines zod, moris tepper, elektra barbie, unix cheatsheet, lj user a sexual predator

5 years ago – Ft13th, urban beasts, photo memes, workers screwing up, Joel Veitch (Elephants, Yeah!), Mage knight with Dave

6 years ago – bro mooching, gas prices , newt’s Problem solving, Nice email, scabby palm pics, space giants, Walter adopted

7 years ago – Alton Brown, Melting pot month, ornj on the mend, talky newt, sleepy day, condiment museum

8 years ago – lost empires, pipe-smoking monkey sings Sanford and sonGeotarget

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0213090702.jpg, originally uploaded by scottobear.

friday morning on the green line. one of the older, dirtier trains. i’m at abot mt vernon square, and the whole cabin is scented like cupcakes – a pleasant change from the expected "herd of goat" fragrance usually found on the older carpeted cars.

9585 – Sunday

Slow, lazy day today. We slept extra late, napped while watching Pick of Destiny, went to Aardvark’s, said hi to Shaun, Margaret, and Mike, picked up a few video tapes for 4 bits apiece, I had a bit of a blackout/tunnel vision event that I’m chalking up to low blood sugar for now (recovered after swigging a coke) , and then headed off to Mexico for a bite of supper.

When we got home, we snuggled up again like happy little bugs in a rug and watched the inauguration concert on the boob tube.

Misc doodle done – groundhog, BHK’s backache, metro bus, dandilion, me teaching the boys to dance, zombie snowman and so on.


1 year ago – nutshell of a day, Bugah visit

2 years ago – voice post – newton’s first snow

3 years ago – homeless thoughts, bb vid card broken, newt buries my dinner, jimi, auto-dl tv shows,

4 years ago – mushroms and eggplant, barefoot craving, acronym cursing, Panama city teens, prozac suicides

5 years ago – popeye is 75, duckburg, powerskip, santa cluster maint, hybrids, beach-dweller picture that will make you shriek, brain sammiches, cam pics, cap’n strong

6 years ago – tan me hide, kartoo, SOP, coloring book entry

7 years ago – Accessory animals. Enron & GWB/pretzel, watching Lone Gunmen, Newt came to work, skate porn

8 years ago – Hot outside! Metallica sues Victoria’s Secret, the weather the cuckoo likes, my first LJ flame attack (and my rebuttal) Geotarget

9557 – Monday

9557 – Monday

North Beach’s High and Low today – 26° F | 14° F

Nearby Easton is 9°F, with a windchill of -7° F.. the Snakehead fish there are going to be under a layer of ice, I think.

That’s about as chilly as it has gotten this season… well, that’s not saying much – winter started.. what, Yesterday?
40% chance of precipitation… maybe even a white Christmas! I’ll take those odds.

BHK and I have been amused by a recent episode of Mr. Meaty – it’s on the Tivo until it gets lame. Jesse Lumberpond! Sissy Death!… and See also

Making fiends is cute, and I hope Amy Winfrey is swimmingly successful with it. I really liked the web cartoons – I wonder how many changes she had to accept to get it on nickelodeon?

Additionally – A PURPLE SQUIRREL ! – via BHK

Starting today, you can purchase a commemorative Barack Obama inauguration SmarTrip card. The special cards, which cost $10 and come with no value preloaded onto them (or pay $20 upfront and get $10 in value on the card) can be purchased online or at Metro sales offices. The commemorative cards featuring Obama’s face are not to be confused with the special $10 one-day Inauguration paper farecards, which also feature Obama’s face. Those paper cards offer unlimited rides on Metro all day on Jan. 20, and are also available online or at Metro sales offices. The commemorative SmarTrip cards work just like regular SmarTrips, and do not offer any special fare discount or unlimited rides. (via DCist)

PSA- Dealnews has a list of 90 stores that you can still order from and have it arrive it time to make it under the tree before the 25th.

Current Music:

1 year ago – brief entry – mom and wilton arrive, tacarro, mama lucia’s

2 years ago – eryx card!

3 years ago – newton is stealth-master, kev visit planned, mighty boosh, tundra, AHOl finds sticker, astrology misc, fork evolution

1 year ago – Mel’s prezzies, Jill good / ADP sucks (both are long gone), tell me meme, No Godzilla, Bush / Scalia / Thomas

2 years ago – RotK w/Dan, 51 successes, gabbed with sedef, Atom feeds

3 years ago – cravings, adoration, sinanju

4 years ago – stray fugitive lotr thoughts, my fondness for orange/yellow foods, rejection letter, where there’s a whip, there’s a way

5 years ago – cards, filters added

9547 – Friday

Had an off-site meeting the bulk of the day today – informative, and interesting, but I think I’ll opt for the webinar version unless there is going to be any "networking" to be done.

Pleasantly surprised to see Shaun M on the bus ride home – we discussed going to get a Christmas tree tomorrow.

BHK made more pigs in blankets, and we all just sort of are crashing out now.

I’m looking forward to the new tannenbaum, as long as we can find a place to put it in our house.. now that we have the new couch, it’s hard to make room for something of that size.


holiday lights that seem to have the least to do with any known holiday. A little yellow fish in love with a yellow submarine.

I wish them both the best of luck.

1 year ago – heard about ex’s foreclosure, folderol, Aflac, good thoughts about BHK, WMBT- wombat radio, Santa Clause w/in-laws

2 years ago – christin reviews eragon, my Xmas stocking, got a train to put under the tree. (Larry gave me some track extension this year!)
pictures taken – more xmas tree

3 years ago – pizza and narnia, santa poll, lenses, feliz navidad, cousin billy, clydee card, walkies pix

4 years ago – damned don’t dance, Mel’s Gramma, shopping, vote switch software, Hardee’s Monster thickburger, UFO theme popular, Gigantor

5 years ago – sleepyhead , mugger caught on lj audio, Epipelagic and Mesopelagic Animals, misc

6 years ago – Newt with his feet up, Froogle gets rolling, VB memos, given serious sam by msk

7 years ago – Linus Recounts the reason for Christmas, segway thoughts

8 years ago – Hell week day 2, the psychic, longfellow Geotarget

9546 – Thursday

Throwback from our shopping for a new holiday ornament or two.


We didn’t get HO, but it got an honorable mention. No HOs for us!!

Got pretty darn chilly after work today, waiting for the bus – bad day for it to be late. Discovered that my rain jacket is water "resistant" not water "repellant!" When the bus finally came, my skin was bright red as I defrosted… cold enough that it hurt a bit. 

We drove through about 2 feet of water on the way home… but that was worth it, because Cathy & Dave sent us  homemade cookies for Xmas! (and something wrapped in gold paper for under the tree)

Nom nom nom.

1 year ago– present clues, Austen-fest, kraut, dogs and potato pancakes, Fido, lit the tree

2 years ago – tree trimming pix, spam, note to write

3 years ago – val & rhonnie news, kreuger, bro issue, rs shopping, jellyfish

4 years ago – working with cubase / fruityloops, pork chop assault, manatee window kiss, mel 5

5 years ago – Ghost Bugs, Missing Chairs, News Stories about cats and physics.

6 years ago – holiday oranges, Joe Ostezewski, letter-words

7 years ago – vil news, bear suit update, walkies, visions

8 years ago – stinky week start, a pair of email fallacies, rhonnie has her incidentGeotarget Geotarget

riding home on the ol’ bus/subway

long day today, but soon I’ll be in my sanctuary, with bhk, newt and pye to bring me comfort and good cheer. my head is filled with bits and bobs of loose ends that need tidying up… but each frayed string is being woven back into the greater tapestry of the projects involved. it seems that the silly, niggling things expend the most energy… that and pure entropy are the tricky time suckers, while the guts of deep thought seem to fit easily. go figure.

Uploaded by scottobear on 28 Oct 08, 6.02PM EDT.

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0820081715.jpg, originally uploaded by scottobear.

I was leaning against this signpost this time yesterday, reading my book. Today it is knocked over and torn in two. I suppose now that it wasn’t a very safe place to stand and wait for the bus. Geotarget