Tag Archives: movies

6915 – Linkies, linkies, who’s got the linkies?

I was right, took me about three hours, and I got a nice bonus check and an Italian lunch out afterwards.

The gang will be happy with the new machines… flat screens, better boxes, and cordless keyboard/mice for some. HP is really quite good about granted equipment, if you’re willing to dance around the paperwork.

Treadmill for FPS games… about time!

Sam & Max team started a new studio! It may not be dead, after all! Telltale Games

3-d Model of the haunted mansion

Would someone like to buy me a 10 million-dollar zeppelin for Christmas?

Archive.org: Sabucat vintage movie trailers collection (see also the great AV Geek section)

1 year ago – Prop2 gets nuked, poop in the pool, decade old posts by Scotto to Usenet, Hala attacked by the carnivator, I find out that I need surgery, chimp & the woman

2 years ago – net’s a little poopy, Finn drama at work (after the letter campaign)

3 years ago – clerisy, broken door, bad day, Ripple,

4 years ago – rainy day, poi dog, I first learn to do online carts, x degrees of sep

6907 – Humpday!

Bro called and apologized for bailing on Monday. Maybe I can take him out to lunch sometime this week.

Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam

Oktoberfest is coming… maybe I won’t totally miss it this year. Chicken Dance!

Downloaded Dawn of War demo… it’s really nice. A typical build your resources, make an army , hold your ground game, like age of empires, but graphically amazing… and amazingly graphic. Definitely M for mature. The voice talent is sweet, too. Multiplayer must be a hoot.

I’m doing a community meeting with the local police tonight… Hopefully that’ll fly well. The map stuff always impresses folks.

The Bugmenot plugin for mozilla is great… never have to worry about registering at any news site again… the way it should be.

LA to New York, time lapse drive. pretty spiffy. (quicktime embedded on page, w/sound)

Marvel’s Looking for voice talent for an Avengers Animated movie.

The sample working scripts are sort of cringeworthy.

6888 – Saturday, off call!

Downloaded and watched 50 first dates.. very typical sandler movie, cute and silly. Nice night.. not many missings to interfere.

Off to lunch and then Ghost in the Shell 2 this afternoon.. Sammy said it was great, so I’ll follow that lead. (I don’t know how fond I am of the acronym “GitS”.

I like the term “tuber” for potatoes. I don’t like it for people floating down a river.

“time is a great teacher but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.”
-hector berlioz

Kong is King – You can watch as Peter Jackson builds the new King Kong movie. (Video production diary on the right) Weird that Andy Serkis (Gollum) will be providing motion capture and facial expressions for the computer generated King Kong. (He was ruled ineligible for a Best Supporting Actor nomination at the 2003 Academy Awards because his character Gollum in Lord of the Rings onscreen was computer generated.)

Well, it’s October, so a teensy change to my graphics this month!

Speaking of the season, a good story from a couple of years ago – increasing mobile phone usage is destroying ghosts, possibly through the disruption of electromagnetic fields that would otherwise be causing lightweight hallucinations. But why would it be disrupting them, rather than strengthening them? Why aren’t we getting more ghost sightings and flying saucers and unexplained senses of presence, now that the air we walk through is thick with wireless transmission? Continue reading

D’oh! I left my camera at work! How’d I do that? It must’ve been because I had my handspring in my pocket. Looks like Bonbon spawn#2 got a talking to for drag racing on company time…not to mention Buddha, Sissy-Greg, and Buddha2 got in trouble for sleeping on the job. Second time in two days. I’m *very* surprised they didn’t get fired… just a suspension for a day.

Wachovia now has my proof of residence… I’m probably going to get a call tomorrow, confirming that I can open the account.

One of my dollars made it to Scottsdale Arizona! Ito only took 2 yrs, 238 days, 22 hrs, 19 min to get there… traveled 1963 miles (or an average of 2 miles a day)

I registered years ago with Where’s George, and forgot about it about six months later. I registered maybe a dozen bills, and grew bored when none came back. Now that I’ve finally gotten some confirmation, I’ll start registering more, just to see where it goes. I think that I first found out about Where’s George via Ana cam, just like I found LiveJournal, though I haven’t really been to Ana cam in ages. Danny still has a T-shirt from her site somewhere… it’s a great shirt.

I’ve just found an interesting element of the magic levitation rules…Dave’s going to get it, next time we play. Mage knight rules stuff

two years ago … painted desert dreams with my love / fun with virtual lite-brite

a year ago… crabwise, popinjay, colloidal silver, jim verillo in court, days of the dead, and remembering the painted desert again.

Paper airplane simulator is fun for a few tosses. My best distance is 102.3682 feet
Didn’t go for the morning cycle today… just wasn’t into it. I preferred to walk around my apartment building and the blocks surrounding. I want to get a more intimate knowledge of my region.

More free movies in my vicinity Young Frankenstein, Rocky Horror, Men in Black and Back to the Future… the weather’s getting nice, too. Python wasn’t bad, not too muggy… but the nights are much more pleasant now.

I look at the LJ logo of a pencil, and wonder if a broken record wouldn’t be a better one.

Hee… Dave picked this thing up to take on my big guns…I like the shoulder-turreted dwarves. The detail is *excellent*… I wonder how they get such good work on such an inexpensive product… like MacFarlane’s toys. I’ll be interested in seeing how well it stands up to cannon-fire.

Looks like ye olde Newtie webcamme is about kaput. He put in a good term of service… a few solid years. I’ll pick up a fresh one the next time I hit the office depot…they’re so cheap these days! It’s so old that Windows 2000 doesn’t have a support driver for it… sort of been fudging with a home-brew one I found online after the system was reformatted. I’d still like to grab a Lego cam to work with the rest of the mindstorm stuff.

In a similar vein, here’s an article about camera zapping with a laser pointer… neat! Temporary, too.

Newer Giant Rubber Monster Movies I plan on burning to VCD, over time.

Update on that spiced Tofu … it was good, but not *crazy good*… maybe a 6/10. I’d make it again, but I wouldn’t go out of my way. I think I can whip something a little zippier with many of the supplies at hand.

William Christopher is 70? Who knew he was voices in the Smurfs, as well as Father Mulcahy?

Cute movie ads… Fellowship of the ring is the best of the lot.

Little known Movie factoid – In the short story that 2001: A space odyssey was based on, the Monoliths were crystal pyramids.

Little known Scotto factoid – I like a lot of science fiction, but feel that 2001 is basically plotless and highly overrated. It’s easy to assign a great depth of meaning to places there are none. I like to find shapes in clouds, too…that doesn’t mean that there really is a horsie sliding down the back of George Washington’s head.

Okie… going for a little bike travel, see what I can see on the outside… be back later, dear journal.

Another day gone by at work… more tech up, and only a little interference from the rubes. (It helps that Finn and Santie are out this week.) I work the Day shift on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday…Island Boy is off, doing sound work with his brother’s company for Flaming Spear, and a few other venues. Upside… I get home early for the weekend. Downside…I may have to stay late, if the monkeys at Ramada are over slow and dimwitted.

very cool house blessing/ghostbusting

Zombie factoid of the day… Night of the living dead was originally rated X.

p.s. *STAY AWAY FROM THE 30th ANNIVERSARRY EDITION* get the millennium edition. Far superior.


Mickey One – Best movie I’ve ever seen Warren Beatty in (Including Bonnie and Clyde). Great Soundtrack, too. Lots of fun symbolism, and I really like the junk man.

Why didn’t I know about this movie until today? Most excellent! On the local cable access channel. If I had half a brain, I’d have taped it, but who knew it’d be so good? the VHS is out of print at the moment. It could certainly stand to be dropped onto DVD. It looks like AMC shows it now and then. I’ll sic my spiders on it, and make a point of taping it next go-’round.

Holy cow… it’s after midnight! This day has just gone by like a blink. A little Zucker on the tube while I read before bed will end the day nicely.

Until later, dear journal.

I dreamt that I fought off two dogs chasing me on my bike to work. I did this by getting off of my bike, and using it lion-tamer style to keep them at bay while I tied ropes around them. I have no idea where the ropes came from.

From Matrix-

So a gasoline tanker falls off an elevated ramp in Miami and lands by the women’s jail, bursting into very big flames, but the weirder part is that firefighters have to dodge bullets while they fight the fire because it engulfed a bunch of jail guards’ cars that contained ammunition. Eeek.

Straight dope about Asian BO (or lack thereof) and Spicy food making you sweat.

Home connection to the Internet is sporadic… it’s odd, watching my chat-connections pop up and then fall down on trillian for aim, icq, msn, and yahoo. Must be something wacky going on with my service.

I can get to some websites, but not others. (Google is sometimes allowing me to search, sometimes it’s forbidden.)

Update – it seeps to have become stable, but looking at this morning’s connection logs shows that it took quite a while to do so.

The name game

Thanks to Ariel for the head’s up!

Even if you had the old version, download the new ad-aware. The update caught 14 new components on my system, even though I just formatted it about a month ago.

Brilliant Digital is a “sleeper” program that “detonates” weeks after being installed. And uninstalling KaZaa doesn’t uninstall Brilliant Digital’s programs. E-vile.

in more fun news –

a cute lead in to the new tron movie “Tron 2.0, the killer App”

plus, the heat’s not so bad. Just “being outside” level.

Kev’s get together went well… buds for supper, aliens vs predator 2 (my giftie to him) and then a viewing of “A Shot in the Dark“. A relaxing, humorous time. His sister’s doing well, only six more weeks of the colostomy bag, before she can go back to using her original plumbing.

ugh! why are my msn linked photos only showing up as thumbnails? as a side effect, my links also are not working.

TheAir conditioner’s compressor sounds funky… we’ll have to see if it makes it through the night. I suspect the LL is going to have to replace the unit.

ah well, time for bed… lots of chores to do tomorrow morn, before my playtime!

Today’s my brother’s birthday. Another year seeps in like a fairy fart under a cellar door. He’s thirty. Hard to believe, really…I still think of him as the tow-haired six year old kid who liked to go fishing off the pier. I wonder how he’d like to celebrate? I’ll give him my best wishes tonight, and take him out this weekend for supper and gifties. I’ve already burned him a few Type O Negative, Megadeath, and White Stripes CD’s.

Misc fun linkies and info I’ve obtained via the mail yesterday… they build up when I don’t read for a day.

It appears that electromagnetism and gravity may influence each other. This would be pretty incredible if it is verified.

Dialtones is a large-scale concert performance whose sounds are wholly produced through the carefully choreographed dialing and ringing of the audience’s own mobile phones.

Addictive headline generator. It looks like this thing polls for new headlines and randomly cuts them up Burroughs style.

The Forbes Fictional Fifteen Oooh…it must PO Lex Luthor that Bruce Wayne is worth so much more.

Random Tour guide store about underground Seattle: