Tag Archives: quiz-meme

9335 – Thurs

That Meme –

Post 3 things you’ve done in your lifetime that you don’t think anybody else on your friends list has done. See if anybody else responds with “I’ve done that.” If they have, you need to add another. Have your friends cut & paste this into their journal to see what unique things they’ve done in their life.

1.  met my wife as a result of livejournal. (and honeymooned by visiting a whole mess of the ripley’s believe it or not museums up and down the east coast – from St. Augustine, FL  to Myrtle Beach, SC)

1. became a vegetarian on the 5th of july, 1990. (still do dairy and eggs – now crustaceans, too. )

2. discovered (after we broke up) that one of my ex-girlfriends was married and had kids the entire time we were romantically entangled.

3.adopted 2 cats, despite a strong allergy to them. (Fortunately, I’m used to Newt and Pye now!)
3. Helped recover hundreds of missing kids and elderly/confused adults (most just wander-offs, but at least six real kidnappings) over the course of three and some years.

Students studying computing in the UK and US are outsourcing their university coursework to graduates in India and Romania. Work is being contracted out for as little as £5 on contract coding websites usually used by businesses. Students are outsourcing everything from simple coursework to full blown final year dissertations. It’s causing a major headache for lecturers who say it is almost impossible to detect.

The irony of course is that if they actually get jobs in the sector, this will be how they actually work anyway.

Another Mummy movie coming out, in two months? I didn’t even know it was being filmed! Looks like no Rachel Weisz though. That’s not really a big loss – I liked her in the first film, but she sort of bleemed out on the sequel for me.

That, and I didn’t hear about the new Blood Bowl game. I’m really out of the entertainment loop lately! At least I can have a good violent Dwarfs vs Lizardmen football combat game before end of year.

See also – G is the latest kaiju monster mash to take Japan like storm, and features a giant robot made of tin.

Bill Clinton has offered his support to Barack Obama. When asked about his attacks on Obama during the primaries, Clinton remarked, “It depends on what your definition of ‘hollow, fork-tongued, naïve, flip-flopping little diaper baby’ is.”

green beans from our garden!

Green beans from our garden! Zucchini is soon to follow, and the eggplant is coming in nicely. We’re having the beans tonight for supper. yum-yummo!

1 year ago – pirate battle royale with BHK and Danny, tough schedule, visitors, good condo news, gigantor memorial, Danny with simpsons standee

2 years ago – Norman E. Borlaug, cartoons and superheo database, hitler cats, wildflower guide, words pants and trousers obscene, go your own way, lj vs Vox = FUD, the Zombies – music, comment meme, snake pic, bad day at work – amber link made by kids for kids – “we pass the slavings on to you!”

3 years ago – opening three of four windows, Batman Begins, keel evening, beverly domain, cjr’s guide to ownership, tickle a girl simulator, kind of creepy bumper sticker, broadcast list, las olas pic,

4 years ago – webalizer, laser keyboard, heat vision & jack, steak-umms, rasputin’s penis, bro issues, bandwidth

5 years ago – tired, mark twain burial, harrison ford finger-pointy, hot dogs, ditko, sodomy, sleepy

6 years ago – walkies, 1800autopsy, poddish feelings, Captain Kirk’s chair auctioned, peg legs, signed lease.

7 years ago – Noticing Newt’s getting to be so big (remember, I have a size 15 foot), got an email from Robin Tunkel, Evil News, horrible dream, Santie “quits” FMM, top 100 banned/challenged books of 1990-2000, why read poll, my free pc didn’t work out

8 years ago – Ockdiggity, poop troopGeotarget

9322 – Writer’s Block: How I got on LJ

lj-user ana mentioned it in her homepage’s other journal, ages ago. I’ve long since stopped visiting her site, but the interest in having a writing hub online, rather than just composing stuff in html and uploading it to my website (what I was doing from 1998 to 2000; though hardly as frequently – maybe 2-5 entries a month) is still very appealing to me.

The community aspect, with comments and friend’s lists, etc, was initially off-putting, but now I rather dig the sort of community setting, even though my journal is really for my own reference.  

Writer’s Block: Some words to live by…

I try to remember the following whenever I can.

A quote from Bill Hicks. A smart, funny, dead man.

You’ve been fantastic and I hope you enjoyed it. There is a point, is there a point to all of this? Let’s find a point. Is there a point to my act? I would say there is.

I have to.

The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it’s very brightly colored and it’s very loud and it’s fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, “hey – don’t worry, don’t be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride…”

And we… kill those people.

Ha ha

“Shut him up.”

“We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real.”

Just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn’t matter because: It’s just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.

9300 – Sunday

Speed Racer and (new Pizza Hut a bust – too new and popular to get sit down seats) went to Selby bays subs – got a tasty veggie – they were hammered at 1pm – too nice a day!

I liked Speed Racer. Colorful, bright, and hit every aspect of the show. It went pretty long – 2:30 is a a bit long for a cartoon, but I dug seeing Pops go old-school wrestler on a ninja, and how well Racer X can fistfight from the comfort of inside his vehicle.


If you’re a fan of the old cartoon, I don’t think it’s possible to be disappointed.

After the movie proper was over, BHK and I were digging the credits.. one of the brusha brusha staff was over-exuberant, and tossed my drink out… they replaced it.. but it was mildly peevish to have them get all up in our business while we were still watching the end bit. No after-credits stuff comes up, but there is monkey-shenanigans throughout the top of the end creds.

Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex, Missile Site Control Building, Northeast of Tactical Road; southeast of Tactical Road South, Nekoma vicinity, Cavalier County, ND

From the HABS/HAER collections in the Library of Congress comes these gorgeous photographic documentations of an anti-ballistic missile complex in North Dakota.

Several such sites were planned as part of the Safeguard Program, but only this was ever completed. And after being in operations for just 4 months, it was deactivated.

The 5 Most horrifying bugs in the world – The Bullet Ant shrieks at you, and then stings you, painfully. Oh so painfully.

According to our research, Scotto’ll be dead by

May 2048
at age 79

– probable cause –



YOU DIE: 79.3 years

As you can plainly see, you have more health and vitality than the average man.

1 year ago – got offer for gig, celebration, network issues, animals on fingers, it dept as snoop, colored water photos

2 years ago – positive mindset, but melancholy, lunch with momster, aardvark pic, superman cup, shirt scorch, 23 years worth of posting, bro visited work

3 years ago – club cast of characters, roadside hummer politics, keyhole turns into google earth, fed plantains, raining heavily, narc law

4 years ago – boogieman, hurricane season begins, diseases database, map24’s awesome zoom, WAKAW!, Dan Tardy visit, piccies of fembots & crane boats, found sounds

5 years ago – MacGuffin, New TV (broken), There Shirts, hoverboarding

6 years ago – new 2nd monitor, tasty tea

7 years ago – anchorite, Iraq frog missile, my first sighting of that annoying java kill email that fooled Danny’s wife, evil news, poll about how you feel about people, banjo player joke, rave reviews of Zone alarm & commentary about spyware, coprolite, I hear the first story about Ornj’s fish Genocide & panda hut

8 years ago – Awakened too early, used to have an embedded real genius sound fileGeotargetVisitor Map

9298 – friday

I need never hear the phrase “eyes like gimlets” or variant “gimlet-eyed” again. I like the word gimlet and all, but enough is enough.

Unrelated, I could go for some tasty quiche. Had some blah pad thai at Noodles & Co. in annapolis while we sought out Alan’s Birthday prezzie. It didn’t do much for me, but the cookies and cream milkshake en route home was quite good.

BHK reminded me of the Geister game… you can play it online at BrittspielWelt ! (If you see scottobear there, come say howdy!) If I can get BHK into the online version, maybe we’ll pick up (or make a home version of) the board game… plus… BrittspielWelt has a nice collection of Carcassone w/ expansions, not just Yucata‘s Hunters and Gatherers. (if you’re on yucata, say hi to scottobear there, too!)

Rules to ghost in comments – simple game – but fun.

Dreamt that Tigger taught Pye to smoke, and that he nearly burned down the in-laws house after getting too close to the gas fireplace.

Newton knows that kitties shouldn’t smoke! (And so does pip !)

“Hard knocks life” from Annie stuck in my head this morning, and throughout the day.

Just this part: (It’s all I know!)

It’s the hard-knock life for us!
It’s the hard-knock life for us!

‘Stead of treated,
We get tricked!

‘Stead of kisses,
We get kicked!

It’s the hard-knock life!

Got no folks to speak of so,
It’s the hard-knock row we hoe!

Cotton blankets,
‘Steada wool!

Empty Bellies
‘Steada full!

It’s the hard-knock life!

Don’t know why.. my life is pretty keen, and without want.

May the Great Gazoo rest in peace. Plus, Blazing Saddles and the CB show. Thanks for the fun, Harv. Now go do that voodoo that you do so well.

The international space station’s only toilet is broken, leaving the crew with almost no place to go. NASA officials responded, “You should have thought of that before you left home.”

This is what happens when I don’t mash the strongly agree or strongly disagree buttons. I respond to a few things with “Well, it depends…”

You are a

Social Liberal
(60% permissive)

and an…

Economic Moderate
(43% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test

1 year ago – hot in the courthouse, shaved ice, adam and jimmy’s graduation, more lj spam, move to own domain?

2 years ago – nice time with danny, rocker meme, mm call

3 years ago – memorial day, bhk fridge magnet pic, dr who

4 years ago – spotty notepad frenzy, mood theme editor fixed, General Tao’s tofu, My cam catches right before lights out, Newt-bt pic, Nose beeps, streams of thought, sleepy newt wallpaper (or why using arrow keys is hard with the boy on the desk)

5 years ago – google news, kev, easter island, barcode, got a lovely peek-in.

6 years ago – complaining about the weather, disappearing languages, palm piccies that need to be re-uploaded, smoke ring gun

7 years ago – hoi polloi, nice walk, memory stream, super chicken, ask me a question, ostriches

8 years ago – stream of thought re:Newt, Fritz & AprilGeotargetVisitor Map

Writer’s Block: Lame jobs (9358-predated)

I’ve had a lot of jobs that had rough aspects to ’em.

Hardest physical work – Roofing. Back-breaking gig of spreading sticky tar with a mop over a flat, reflective roof in Florida’s summer sun was probably the most difficult physical labor in my life. I surely couldn’t do it these days. Additionally, half of the crew I worked with was drunk, half were surly and half didn’t speak English to me. (those halves were not exclusive of one another, math nerds.). Who the heck drinks alcohol all day in the sun? Why be mean to people that are trying to get by? I can understand not speaking the language – but working with someone that doesn’t have a common tongue can be a challenge for me – I like conversation, at least every here and there.

But… I don’t think that was my worst job.

I’ve had a couple of jobs where my boss was abusive. The chief of one marketing company I worked at had some very serious mental problems. Off the top of my head, he – threw a mug at the head of his pregnant daughter-in-law, bullied his employees – including, but not limited to: yelling at the top of his lungs / threats of physical violence / calling the sheriff on folks that he hired as cheap labor – who were illegal aliens. (that’s how he got out of paying them any benefits).

That said, before I left that workplace – it was comical to see people stand up to him. He was such a classic and stereotypical bully that he didn’t know how to react when someone didn’t react in a cowed fashion.

He called a dock worker out to fight, and the dock worker agreed… asked him to step outside. Bad boss responded by calling the police, claiming that the dock worker threatened him. When the big boss asked for witnesses, the entire staff refused to bear witness for him – told the truth, in that he’d called the guy out. The cops still escorted the worker off the property, but it made the big boss look like a complete feeb – and it crushed his bully-boy spirit for a few days.

Later on, he was tried, and for the most part, found guilty for all sorts of charges hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe into the millions owed to clients, employees and the irs – for details there’s good ol’ public records

for both palm beach county see here – (see especially tax evasion) – and broward county (contract indebtedness for the most part.)

The thing was.. if you removed that crooked and cruel boss-guy from the equation, it was a really good gig. My immediate leader was a good friend, and despite his being the nephew of the owner, was about as good a head honcho as I’ve ever seen. Strong work ethic, good with people, and able to take care of business. He’s now working in Guantanamo Bay… and I suspect that he’s a heck of a lot happier!

Either way, I have long since moved to greener pastures, and I know I’m better off as a result.

9274 – Saturday

Shots, and off to southern states to grab a couple of pepper plants – saw an adorable pair of kids. Little girl in riding pants and very friendly, and her little brother who reminded me of JD at 6 years old. We also picked up some thistle seed for the finches (so Pye and Newt have a little outside wildlife to watch)


After that a lovely church wine and craft show… We got a Christmas ornament with a pair of origami cranes (cherry blossom pattern paper) inside of a rounded cube…. and a lovely packet of bake sale goodies. Aggression cookies (oatmeal), molasses and chocolate chip.


Episcopal church had the following on the bulletin board:

The comedian Robin Williams is an Episcopalian, and he has created a funny “Top Ten” List of reasons to be an Episcopalian.


10. No snake handling.

9. You can believe in dinosaurs.

8. Male and female, God created them; male and female, we ordain them.

7. You don’t have to check your brains at the door.

6. Pew aerobics.

5. Church year is color coded!

4. Free wine on Sunday.

3. All of the pageantry, none of the guilt.

2. You don’t have to know how to swim to get baptized.

And the number one reason for being an Episcopalian:

1. No matter what you believe, there’s bound to be at least one other Episcopalian who agrees with you.

I can dig that.


After the Church shindig, we Shakespeare on the Boardwalk – Much ado about nothing. TM’s neighbor Kevin was in it, as was Guppy (twin beach players )


after a bit of local and classic culture, we headed home to catch up with The Office and My Name is Earl.


Added a syndicated feed of BHK’s favorite meteorolgist – Kim Martucci – I should notify Kim that she’s being syndicated here, just so she knows to check. It’s not a full feed, just a clip and a link to the main site – which is *quite* active and colorful, if you follow my fonts. Her journal gave BHK a quickie girl-crush on Kim.

also via BHK –

Artist made a plastic whale skeleton from plastic deck chairs! Also made recreations of native ceremonial masks out of Nike shoes—-pretty cool art!”

Friday Five on a Saturday –

1. Who do you adore?
BHK, Newton and Pye

2. Who adores you?
BHK, Newton and Pye

3. What’s in your pockets?
Wallet holding a red thread, trinkets, petty cash and ID, inhaler, keys

4. Who can you talk with for hours?
BHK, Danny, GP and Kat (haven’t in a long time, though), Dave, Kev… most nice people with common interests, I guess!

5. What sounds great today?
Playtime with the family!

1 year ago – Elephant escape doodle, payday, Calvert County work info, dream fragments, books: both digital and paper, weather love, shaved ice / “dumb ol’ cherry”, railway museum trip

2 years ago – red mood doodle, super power desire as a lad, waiting room pic, newton and I on the porch pics, sand art

3 years ago – story stuck, food cravings, national ID, locla lj leads to illegal sex, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.

4 years ago – net out, bro bonds out, walkabout pics, sci-fi cliches, gabbed with sedef, bee vs wasp massacre.

5 years ago – Nature vs Pringles, Dan delivers Groceries, menstrualhut breaks 1000 users (now a bit more than twice that), Bush’s Military Record

6 years ago – J-bee points me at CBS Mystery theater, Sat tracking, Newtie yawn icon source, Friday five

7 years ago – swollen uvula (side effect of no cpap, snoring beat me up), dumbass Astley late with his bargain basement hardwareGeotarget

9254 – Friday –

18 month anniversary today. After work, BHK and I headed out to Silver Spring to meet up with Sirenity, Leagle_beagle555 and Chrishaas. Friendly folks and meeting was long overdue.

I forgot my camera, so I’m depending on Sirenity for picture documentation later on. We had a nice time and conversation over supper – more to follow as I think of it.

Ultraportable / subnotebook comparisons

New back drugs are – Lyrica, Cyclobenzaprine and Nabumetone. I want to do a bit more research on ’em before I take them. Nabumetone in particular had a lot of nasty, scary warnings in the information text.

I am glad that they’re not habit-forming, and have a lot of pretty decent write-ups so far.

Dell will be offering Windows XP pre-installed on their computers past the June 30 cut-off date. Computers purchased with Vista Business or Vista Ultimate past June 30 will come with a copy of XP Pro. Dell plans to simply install that copy upon request to save users a step. Perhaps this will help Microsoft officials make up their minds about another extension.

According to F-Secure, over 500,000 webservers across the world, including some from the United Nations and UK government, have been victims of a SQL injection. The attack uses an SQL injection to reroute clients to a malicious javascript at nmidahena.com, aspder.com or nihaorr1.com, which use another set of exploits to install a Trojan on the client’s computer. As per usual, Firefox users with NoScript should be safe from the client exploit, but server admins should be alert for the server-side injection. Brian Krebs has a decent writeup on his Washington Post Security Blog, Dynamoo has a list of some of the high-profile sites that has been hacked, and for fun you can watch some of the IIS admins run around in circles at one of the many IIS forums on the ‘net.

I need to remember that free comic book day is coming May 3… next weekend! Will I forget? Probably. But it’s exciting to not write it down anywhere else and then rediscover. I wonder what loot Aardvark will have for us? I hope issues of Gumby and Hellboy (and maybe an Iron Man heroclix figure?) will be left.

I should scope out umbrella academy – probably my fave freebie book from last time – I could go for a trade paperback, if available.

Just so you know – I have never, ever pistol-whipped anyone, dear journal. Please don’t make me change that situation.

more question memealeemadingdongs
Continue reading 9254 – Friday –

My Personality

Openness to Experience

You do not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently do not find yourself tempted to overindulge, however you experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You prefer facts over fantasy and are more interested in what is happening in the real word. You are tenderhearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however you generally see others as selfish, devious, and sometimes potentially dangerous. You have a strong sense of duty and obligation, and feel a moral obligation to do the right thing.

Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.


9238 – monday

Work went well… not too bad for a Monday. I’m still feeling a little creaky, and tired, but I’m doing better than I was yesterday. It’s good to take some time and charge the ol’ batteries.

we’re looking at a nice return on our taxes, MD state and Fed combined with the gimme from the fed this year into something quite pleasant.

50 things I’ve done meme nearly concludes with #49 – I…

49.’hurt my back when I was about 16… and I’ve been fighting the after-effects since. Did I cover this topic already? Probably, but this is a variation on the theme.
Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to have less mobility than I have now… I’ve got / had more than a couple of friends here and there that are more disadvantaged than I am… Bound to a wheelchair, amputee with an artificial leg, a couple of folks dealing with achondroplasia or the like.

When I went to the FDR memorial, I got a bit frightened – fairly irrationally. My back and leg problems have followed me throughout my life – FDR ended up in a wheelchair at 38, due to polio. I began wondering how I’d react and adapt to that situation; it’s a very real possibility that could be the result after I have my spine worked on. I don’t think that I’d adapt very well, at least at first.

There have been times where I’ve needed a cane to get around… that’s not too bad, but you lose a hand for common day’s use, which seems to be needed a lot, even if it’s just your off-hand. Upside, it’s easier to wield a sword cane or umbrella. That said, you can carry a sword umbrella with you, even if you don’t have a limp.

Ah well… at least I fit more comfortably into a crowd than an otter in a monocle. Sure, he’s cute, but he’s got limitations, too… Needs to be kept moistened all the time, and can only communicate via a series of barks and grunts.

Come to think of it… I know a lot of people that prefer to communicate that way… he might be ahead of the game if you got him some moisturiser and a polite pair of pants. (preferable on a belt – he doesn’t have the shoulders for suspenders.)

Anyway, I hope I don’t lose any more of my mobility or become reliant on a prosthetic / device assist. That really scares the hell out of me.

I wonder how much of my body will be patches / fixes / upgrades, by the time I die? How many bits of plastic, surgical steel, cadaver bits, and titanium? I kind of dig the fact that if I’m ashed, there’s already a few pins to be found in the powder… or I could wreck the blade on a mulcher, should I get tossed into one for whatever reason.

Let’s see… currently, I have a pin, and a little mesh in my back, some fillings in my teeth… and that’s about it, save for scars where I’ve been sewn up.

On a lighter note… (than otters?) This week looks beautiful. I wonder how hard it would be to lure BHK to the office for a little lunch while it’s so sunny and warm? Wednesday-Friday are all set to be in the low 70s and without clouds.

Cookie Monster recently interviewed on NPR.

It cracks me up when I see a web designer’s site that doesn’t work anywhere but IE7. How do those people still exist?

1 year ago – Pictures of Llamas!, Slugs, video game goodies for BHK and me, booksale, BHK invades my journal caveman-style

2 years ago – hanging out at murphy’s, dan plans, music sharing, quizzes, good friday, commander usa

3 years ago – work, club visit, poorhouse, Tomi visit, mai kai tiki torch night, figa, aliases, admiration meme (999 entries ago)

4 years ago – memory sparks, adp issues with new hire

5 years ago – jkg, stikfas, pictures

6 years ago – library cats, vending machine art, The Nonverbal Dictionary of Gestures, Signs, & Body Language Cues, plants, middle earth poll, poop

7 years ago – touch of evil, dsl, love, spermGeotarget

9233 – Wednesday –

Midweek already! How’d that happen? No complaints, mind you, dear journal.

At just about noontime yesterday I used Shazam! as an expletive of surprise. Without irony, or mocking Cap’n Marvel / Gomer Pyle.

What’s happening to my brain?

I don’t know.

So I wrote a Haiku.

Shazam! I exclaimed.
I looked to my left and right.
there was no lightning.

Now, I want an animal cracker. Or better, a box of animal crackers. Higher on the food chain, the better. Except for gorillas. I’d like some gorillas.

BHK made a really yummy giant salad for supper – Chris and Larry came over, but they stuck to cheesy-toast and hot dogs. More salad for me! 😀

While throwing earworms around on Kat‘s journal, I had to dig with the cruellest barb to GPGilligan’s Island Incidental Music. I did it to myself.. now I’ve got a mix of Gilligan and Flock of Seagulls – I Ran lodged firmly in my noggin.

50 things I’ve done meme continues with #48- I…

48.’have traced my family tree a bit, here and there, and have had a great deal of footwork done for me by a Mormon cousin. It seems that I’m related to Benita Falkenhayn, also known as Baroness von Berg. I quite enjoy finding little tidbits here and there, though my father’s side has a lot of pre-1920s Bavarian aristocracy and military, most understandably didn’t make it when the Nazis came to power. I’ve got a few fun folks in there… not too many horse thieves, but a lot of men and women who married into money and power. Benita was surely one who chose a bit poorly.

A bit of history – Benita von Falkenhayn, also known as Baroness von Berg, had the distinction not only of being one of the last people to be legally beheaded by the heading axe in Germany, but also to have been the first female aristocrat to lose her head to the Nazis.

Once the lover of Polish intelligence agent Major Jerzy Sosnowski, Benita put some distance between them by marrying the Baron von Berg. However she and her husband remained on friendly terms with Sosnowski and mingled within the same social circles. Rumors of Sosnowski’s activity in espionage began to surface, although charges were unable to be proven.

In February 1935, the Nazis raided a party at which the Baroness, her husband, and Sosnowski were in attendance. Over fifty people were rushed off to jail and several were released after being cleared of charges of espionage and other crimes. Though secrecy shrouded the Nazi proceedings, it eventually became known that the Baroness von Berg, along with Sosnowski’s mistress Renate von Natzmer, were sentenced to death. On February 18, 1935 both women were taken to the block at Plotzensee Prison in Berlin and decapitated by the axe.

(The ‘heading axe’ , as it was called, was little more than a blunt, primitive chopper which crushed its way through the flesh and vertebrae of the victim as he or she, knelt over the block on which their head lay. The executioners axe did not always cut through on the first strike nor did it often hit its target accurately.)

In 1938, Adolph Hitler decreed that all future executions be done by hanging or guillotine.

Time Magazine Article (for future ref):


Time Magazine – Monday, Feb 25, 1935 –

There was scarcely a word in the papers. No one would mention it by telephone or letter, yet everywhere that Germans met last week, behind locked doors where no servants could hear, they talked of nothing else. What had happened to the beautiful Baroness von Berg? Would she be beheaded? Had she already been executed? Was Baron Sosnowski in jail? Had he been sent back to Poland?

For a year details of the story have been leaking out (TIME, Nov. 19). Baron George (“Yurek”) Sosnowski is an extremely handsome young Pole who served gallantly in the Austrian Army, loves women, excitement. Deeply infatuated with him was the beautiful Baroness Benita von Berg, a blonde whose first husband was Richard von Falkenhayn, son of the late great General von Falkenhayn. Berlin society knew that it was to escape the influence of Polish Baron Sosnowski that beauteous, divorced Benita married stolid Baron von Berg. Curiously, all four remained friendly, all went to the same parties. Sosnowski’s parties were enough to set Berlin gossips hissing like snakes. People not invited insisted that there were buckets of champagne, sexual orgies.

About a year ago the mother of a Frau von Natzmer, well-born German girl serving as a secretary in the Ministry of Defense, went to the Ministry to complain that her daughter was being made to work too late at night. The official whose secretary she was knew that she had done very little overtime work. He reported the matter to Nazidom’s secret police.

Last February Baron Sosnowski gave another party, officially for his latest protegee, a dancer. Berlin’s half-world knew what to expect. With glittering eyes they hurried to his apartment. This time a whole cordon of secret police were waiting at the door. Many times had the Baron Sosnowski been suspected of espionage. No charge ever stuck. He blamed his luck on a curious signet ring that he always wore. Several weeks before this last party he lost his ring pulling the Baroness von Berg’s puppy from a canal.

All the guests, over 50, were rushed to jail, many of them kept there for days without a chance to change the evening clothes that they had come in. Then the weeding out started. One of the first to be released was Baroness von Berg’s first husband, von Falkenhayn. He turned out to be a member of the secret police himself.

As iron Nazi secrecy clamped down, the Sosnowski case became a lurid legend, strictly censored in the German Press, totally baffling to correspondents until they were able to tell the U. S. Embassy that languishing in jail and possibly about to be beheaded for “treason” was an inoffensive young U. S. music student, Miss Isobel Lillian Steele. Diplomatic pressure forced Germany to disgorge Miss Steele (TIME, Jan. 7), even the secret police finally admitting that she was guilty of nothing. But the music student had been innocently acquainted with Baroness von Berg, proceeded to spill all sorts of Sosnowski facts, and is now hard at work in a Manhattan hotel dashing off Sosnowskiana for tabloids and writing a book.

In Berlin last week the Sosnowski case finally reached its grim denouement before the People’s Court. This is packed exclusively with Hitler appointees, five of them aviators. Only the Realmleader can alter its judgments, which take precedence over the German Supreme Court, kicked by Nazi New Justice into discard. Normally the People’s Court lets its sentences of death be known only after the guilty heads have been chopped. Last week by a great exception underground Berlin grapevines got out word that the Court had sentenced Baroness von Berg and Frau von Natzmer to death, had let off with life imprisonment Baron Sosnowski and two unnamed female employees of the Defense Ministry. Only one question remained, would the two doomed German women die by the Nazi ax, or by the method to which spies are traditionally privileged, a firing squad?

To find out anything whatever at Plotzensee Prison, even when correspondents arrived armed with official passes, proved almost impossible. Not until the enormous prison hearse drew up and two bodies were slid in, would anyone reconstruct what had been done in the cold, misty dawn.

“They were shot,” said officials at first, then “They were beheaded.” Accustomed to such bare-faced lies, the newshawks patiently pecked for details, finally satisfied themselves that an axing had occurred. With the backs of their heads shaved bald, the Baroness von Berg and Frau von Natzmer were led in coarse, nondescript prison garb to the blood-caked block from which so many heads now roll in the sawdust. The headsman, incongruous in his yellowish celluloid shirtfront, his old silk hat and his red-spotted tailcoat, raised the gleaming ax. Twice it swished down to sever a lovely neck and send the blood of a German woman spouting high. According to Nazis, the Baroness von Berg was the first female aristocrat to lose her head to their New Justice.



Sadly, I have no known solid connection to Kaspar Hauser.

1 year ago – losing weight, palm doodles, subway buskers, bluetooth, female health, restless sleep, clicks down, bro contact

2 years ago – fiddling with layouts, queen, cute newt on the patio pic, genographic project, wayfaring, logophile, about trees, euro tests, 3d museum, time-travelling chiro

3 years ago – no eclipse, ed-mv/st, The end of Kim Possible, Newton-cat animation, FL sheriff abuse of power

4 years ago – Frog & manatee palm doodle, city of heroes goes to 3 servers, condos, recovery

5 years ago – Babar Mourns, bro stuff, poem/hat

6 years ago – elephant armor, SOP

7 years ago – easter, usa backs out of kyoto protocol, bob ross, GiftiesGeotarget

9223 – Thursday

Long weekend starts tonight! BHK and I had yummy pseudo-chicken, noodles and broccoli supper. After work today, I think we’re going to hit a movie and dinner out… nice way to start the long weekend. Despite my general disdain for reality tv, I’m sort of digging Last Restaurant Standing. (I’m rooting for Lloyd and Adowa, but suspect that the Twins will win.)

meme – via kat78731 (I’ve done ones similar, but not this particular quiz, surprisingly.)

What do people call you?: Scott, Scotto, Hey You, Bear, Big Guy.

What color is your hair?: Brown with a lot of gray in it.

Is it natural?: Yup, save for the periodic cutting.

How is it styled right now?: Brushed back, short, but in need of a trim.

Do you have allergies?: Most anything alive that can hit me in particle form. Dander, pollen, etc.

Do you have any other medical issues?: Back and leg, primarily. Some pneumatic trouble with allergies.

Are you on medication for anything?: Occasional pain management over the counter asprin-type stuff, inhaler for allergy emergencies, a multivitamin.

What are you doing tomorrow?: I don’t know for sure, but BHK and I have the day off together! Wheeeee!!

What are you doing this weekend?: some walkabout, some layabout, mostly funabout.

Do you have a job?: Yupperdoodle.

What was the last thing you bought?: Hm. Groceries at Safeway, I think. Last fun thing was a warhammer rulebook.

How good is your eyesight?: Sharp.

What color is your mailbox?: black with a red flag and silver numbers. Alternately, a silver door with a brass lock.

How many windows are in your room?: Bedroom has 3 windows. Home office-lair has 8 or more.

What color are your bedroom walls?: White

What color are your sheets?: Tan

What color is the carpet?: neutral gray

Do you stalk people?: not in person, but I certainly see what they’re up to online. I like journals and seeing photos of folks.

Have you ever had a stalker?: Sorta-kinda. Nothing serious, but they “got all up in my business” a few times.

What was the last thing you ate?: Tasty bowl of strawberry chex cereal.

Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?: Pretty dang messy, unless I make an effort.

Are you a slob?: I’m cluttery. I don’t leave food out, but I often lack the sense to put stuff back where I found ’em.

What do you spend a lot of money on?: General purpose items like groceries and fuel, mostly. We don’t pay to eat out very often, and our daytrips mostly just cost time and gasoline.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?: um… 3 for work (2 black, 1 brown), 1 black crocs, 2 pairs of sneakers, a pair of flip-flops. so… 7.

Do you sleep with the door open or closed?: the bedroom door open, the house doors closed. Kitties need to get to and from bed!

Do you sleep with the closet doors open or closed?: closed – don’t want kitties getting into the crawlspace.

Who was better: N*Sync or Backstreet Boys?: I have exactly the same lack of feeling about both of ’em.

When was the last time you took a shower?: This morning.

What does your mom do for a living?: Working for herself with her husband, renovating and selling condos. Also does real estate.

Where is your dad right now?: Physically – Last scattered as ash over the Atlantic ocean.

Who is the prettiest person you know?: BHK!

What are you listening to right now?: Outdoor noises… I think it’s a mix of peeper frogs and a bluejay.

What does your favorite shirt look like?: That I own.. probably my comfy blue ringer T with the skull and ace of spades on it. I like my black cuban shirt
with the white embroidery on it, too.

Do you read a lot?: about an hour a day, minimum. (Commute)

Do you write a lot?: mostly in my lj… I should really spend a better chunk of the above commute writing.

What’s the biggest age difference between you and someone you’ve dated?: 11 years.

What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?: Read or play in the woods.

Where were you born?: in a hospital.

Would you ever shave your head?: I would if need be, but I don’t think that’d be a good look for me.

Do people tell you that you’re attractive?: Some have, but it doesn’t happen daily or anything.

Do you wear a lot of makeup?: not any!

What time do you get up in the morning?: weekdays – ~5am. weekends, whenever the kitties or BHK wake me up with hubbub.

How long does it take you to get ready?: Not long at all. I have a pit crew helping me prep for work in the morning… on weekends, it’s just grab a bagel
and go!

Do you look a lot like people in your family?: I can see hints of both sides of my family… father, mother, uncles and grandfolk.

Are your parents still married?: nope.

Do you owe anyone money?: Bank for the house. That’s it, I think.

Who?: whoops. see above

What for?: ditto.

Do you kill bugs?: I try to set ’em free, unless they’re bloodsuckers.

Are you afraid of the dark?: no.

What are you afraid of?: stupid, careless, and/or sinister people

Who was the last person or people you hung out with?: BHK at the TV & aquarium. last gathering was dying eggs with Adam, in-laws, TM and BHK.

Where was the last place you went?: I assume non-work or home related – Baltimore Aquarium / Barnes & Noble.

Do you have a cat?: I have two!

Do you have a dog?: nope, allergic, though I’m getting shots. maybe in a year or three.

What color is your underwear?: Red with Blue pinstriped boxers.

Do you like sports?: Not really. I can appreciate boxing and football, but don’t really care for it.

Do you like art?: yes

Do you like math?: sure.

Do you like your school?: I enjoyed college well enough.

Are your parents strict? When they wanted to be. Wildly variable, and I had a lot of freedoms as a kid.

What time do you have to be home?: No set curfew, but on a work night, I like to be in by 10.

Do you watch TV a lot?: generally while eating supper in the living room. I’d say we put in 2 hours at suppertime, usually.

What’s your favorite movie?: Man, I have no idea.

Why did your last relationship fail?: She sort of flaked out on me… worked out for the best, though!

Do you have any pink clothing?: A work shirt that BHK got for me. I think it looks professional, not too “Miami Vice”.

Do you wear a lot of black?: Mostly blues, greens and complimentary colors to those.

Are you tan? Not really, but I’m not super-pale, either.

Piercings?: No perforations that weren’t accidental or medical in nature.

Tattoos?: none.

How tall are you?: 6’5″/6’6″

Would you ever ask someone out?: I invite BHK out on dates all the time.

Do you like the rain?: Quite a bit.

What are you wearing right now?: white t-shirt, orange short-sleeved polo, grey boxers, blue jeans, white socks, red, white and blue sneakers.

Would you ever want to be famous?: I’d prefer wealthy. If I could bank the fame and avoid creepy stalkers, sure.

How did you get one of your scars?: lines up my spine are from surgery.

Do you get in fights a lot?: not a lot.

Have you ever had the chicken pox?: aye.

Do you get sick a lot?: More than some, less than others.

How many living things live in your house?: two bipeds, two quadrupeds, the standard acceptable amount of microorganisms.

Are you loud?: Generally, I’m rather quiet, but can make big noise.

What math are you in?: right now? I do a lot of database / financial / statistical analysis.

Do you save a lot of things that are important to you?: If unchecked, I hoard like a magpie. I consciously make the effort to toss stuff out.

Do you believe in fortunes from fortune cookies?: I believe that they exist and are entertaining, nothing more.

Who was the last person you kissed?: BHK

Who was the last person you hugged?: BHK

Who was the last person you rode with in a car?: BHK

Would you ever go bungee jumping?: I think not, given my back, weight, and general trust in folks that run thrill-rides off of bridges.

Would you ever travel to a country without indoor plumbing?: Sure. I’ve been camping. I wouldn’t want to spend too much time in squalor, though.

Do you like people?: The ones that aren’t the aforementioned stupid, careless, and/or sinister people, yes. Sadly, folks like that appear to be in limited

1 year ago – Database gig shift, dinner at C&D, jellyfish art paperweight, missing BHK, springtime,

2 years ago – vintage paperback covers, prophet vs prophecy, jojo, one word answers, $10, walkabout with flying parachutes, quizzes,

3 years ago – status, reality settings, fort lauderdale piccies & sounds, bad juju, looking at a replacement cam, philosophy of Just Utilitarianism, feeding tube, hips and collarbones, Kelly’s heroes, Buprenorphine, w can be a vowel, yahoo vs google

4 years ago – Hellboy, Le Gren, Marlin Maniac

5 years ago – Bro issues w/LL, sponsored links, Meredith out front

6 years ago – Walkies, baby sharks, programming, local hones go to 10-digit dialing, Reality settings, Wolf files, army men, schoolhouse rock

7 years ago – SOP, enature, symbols, psa for my bio page, C++ DST bugGeotargetVisitor Map

9221 – Wednesday – 4/2

Yummy Quiche & Salad for supper last night… more for lunch today! Took it Easy last night. some forgettable TV and read more of Mignola’s Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire. Slow at first but it’s rolling along reasonably well now.

Rhyss made a pretty nifty observation in his journal –

The New York Times did a story about relationships torpedoed by a incompatibility in taste in books.

“We’ve all been there. Or some of us have. Anyone who cares about books has at some point confronted the Pushkin problem: when a missed — or misguided — literary reference makes it chillingly clear that a romance is going nowhere fast.”

Which got me thinking – what books do I have that would be most likely to send a prospective date running for the door, never to be seen again?

Actually, most of my GFs have been of a similar mindset where reading is concerned… but I have always liked nerd / geek / Rockabetty types.

Here are 10 of my “scare off potential ‘normal girl’ dates” books currently on the shelf – I’ll leave it to BHK to do her own books, if she desires.

[edit -later] I tried, and failed. I have very little truly objectionable material – I couldn’t get to 10. Instead, here’s a grouping of what you might find weird or not on the shelves.

  1. Encyclopedia of Occultism – I’m sure someone will get the wrong message there! (I’m pretty much a non-believer in that sort of stuff, but I love folklore / mythology.. many tomes of that type of thing)
  2. Rats – a History (actually, BHK and I both had a copy on the shelf, until we gave one to David!) Lots of history.
  3. A bunch of gaming books. (Warhammer rules just recently picked up)
  4. A bunch of Science Fiction (Nerd!)
  5. Books about Primate Psychology – Monkey Politics
  6. A Bunch of 40s detective novels.
  7. Stacks of books that have yet been unread. BHK and I hit the book sales pretty hard, and our queue is long… and we lengthen it by using the libray, too!
  8. Books in varying states of repair, from ragged, well-loved ones, to previously mentioned unopened tomes.
  9. Books about weird people-places-things.
  10. blank page book for coloring, with pencils of many shades.

50 things you’ve done meme continues at 46 – I…

46.’have created a few communities on livejournal over the years.

  • menstrualhut – women’s health / right issues (still active, with 2460 members at this point)
  • coloringbook – for doing a little art inside or outside the lines (175 members – mostly idle)
  • haikuarena – for battling 5-7-5 at a time(105 members)
  • fishstories – a fiction-writing workshop for me, mol, and bruce that never really launched (3 members, natch) maybe I’ll open it up to the public.
  • live_journalia – for nationstates players, long dead, yet 10 members cling to it

I’m mostly proud of the hut, as it has provided a lot of good information for women’s health… it was the first of its kind on livejournal, thought there are many more good resources in place now. I’ve only had to deal with a few instances of spamming, trolling or the like on any of them.

Have you ever wondered how the Enterprise would fare against a Star Destroyer, or how a Halo sizes up to a the Moon? Have you ever tried to guess just how big a Dyson Sphere would have to be to encompass the Earth’s orbit around the sun? Jeff Russell has, and that’s why he built Starship Dimensions, a website devoted to cataloging and contrasting the minutiae of Science Fiction’s massives. In it you will find a library of vehicles spanning decades of Science Fiction movies and series, all meticulously drawn in proportion to each other. “Scale has always fascinated me,” says Russell. “It is an important, yet often misunderstood or neglected way in which everything in our universe relates. And of course I’ve always really wanted my own Death Star, so naturally I wanted to know how big it really was, or how many Star Destroyers I could fit in it.”

Similar, is the skyscraper page. (I’m glad that I could find Emerson tower info. The proper name for the Bromo-Seltzer Clock.)

1 year ago – Lovey note from BHK, work stuffs, Bohl family, Newt/Pye dynamic.

2 years ago – walkies with pix, lost an hour, quizzes, amazing circle, hot sauce and garden spray, its a shame

3 years ago – dan hates my bucket-hat, day in the life, 3 doors down, bro issues

4 years ago – CoH, squirrel, JG a blond/, man eating plants, thorax cake, free energy, reality settings

5 years ago – Iraq-o-meter, 100 greatest AFD hoaxes, train trip

6 years ago – office politics and people, modern major general, joe vs the volcano, boilerplate, bare necessities, text msg’ed, weather, reality gauge, newton the destroyer, black water mass

7 years ago – glowworms, school mascots, schwa, wedding / scotto job trivia, Murray Head, list trimsGeotarget

9217 – sunday

BHK sick … Nothing serious, but she’s got a tummy bug. Party food and pizza was rough on her innards I think. After Alice’s party yesterday, we swung by Games Workshop – picked up a present for someone else and a warhammer (fantasy) rulebook for me. BHK looks interested in painting minis… maybe we’ll build an army or two, to add to the games closet?

I’m eyeing lizard men and ogres,(primarily for yhetees ) or my old standby of dwarfs vs orcs & goblins. (might get the battle for skull pass starter kit, comes with the latter)

Saturday, it was about 50… Friday, it was 76F outside.. the day before it was in the 40s. see-saw, much, mama nature?

I like David Horvitz‘s plan for doing things for mostly just the cost of expenses. The apologies and mailbox bit, especially.

Why I agree that detoxification is quackery.

Get to know me quiz-meme thingum – have I done this one before?

Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
Bought it at value city with BHK!

How do you think your last ex deserves to die?
Just by living her life the way she wants.

List three words to describe your mother.
Bostonian, Friendly, Bright

Do you want to get married?
Yep, and did.

Would you date someone you “met” on MySpace?
I dated and married a girl I met on LJ!

What do you think of internet dating?
Whatever works is ok by me.

If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be and why?
Plastic Man is good… as are most 3rd string supers.

Ever considered yourself crazy?
Sure – everyone is a little nuts.

When was the last time you saw your (biological) dad?
In the flesh? On his deathbed.

What make, model, and color was your first car?
powder blue chevy gran torino 440 four barrel. 4-door. you could hear the gasoline being slurped.

Did you ever believe you had a monster or ghost living in your closet?
A beast in the basement, perhaps.

Have you ever had a crush on someone younger than you?
Well, of course! I was pretty crush-happy for more than a few years.

Do you have any odd deformities?
nothing too odd. Back curves a bit, I’m a bit larger than most in height and width.

What is the blanket you sleep with like?
coverlets – cotton filled with synthetic stuffing. Newt and BHK keep me the most warm.

Have you ever gone to band camp?
No.. regular summer camp, yes.

If you could do something and know you’d never get caught or punished, what would it be?
I’ll tell you later, if I get the plans to work out.

Are you missing any body parts that you were born with?
my baby teeth, bits of spinal column.

Have you ever been a bully?
Not deliberately, but I may have steamrolled a few people by accident.

Have you ever been bullied?

Do your dreams haunt you?
No.. it’s hard to remember them, most days.

Have you ever had an anxiety attack?
Not medically diagnosed, but I have had a freak out or two.

Who is someone you wish you could fix things with?
I’d like to repair my brother’s mental state.. I don’t really have anyone that I need ot fix things with socially.

What does the last text message in your inbox say, and who’s it from?
better pic – picture of pyewacket on the shelf. from BHK via Larry’s phone.

What’s a happy time you’ve had in the past week?
A lot.. friday and saturday with BHK were lovely! aquarium, puttering, whee!

Is there anything in your past that you’d like to try again?
Not sure what this means.. redo? do again because I enjoyed it? I’d like the past to remain the same, and keep doing things that make me and my family happy.

Who do you spend your nights with?
BHK, pye and newt.

Are you an emotional person?
I tend to be.

Are you self-conscious?
I’m self-aware. I don’t really mind myself too much.

What’s something that can always make you feel better?
Snuggling with BHK and the kitties.

Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
I try to simplify things.

One thing you’re looking forward to?
next weekend, friday fun-day off

How do you feel about change?
I prefer folding money. I think change can be good or bad.. depends on what’s changing. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

What are you not looking forward to?
getting up before 5am tomorrow.

What are your plans for your next birthday?
heck if I know. Probably cake, kitties and BHK in some combination.

Do you even care about your birthday?
Not really. I like family, fun and food anytime.

Do you think anyone out there loves you?
I’d say so! I’d say I’m nicely loved.

Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?
I just asked her if she wanted a drink.

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

When is the next time you will make out with somebody?
A little personal! When BHK is feeling better, no doubt.

Who’s the second person on your missed call list?
BHK – from when I made my voice post, ages ago.

Is anything bothering you right now?
my back, mostly.

Are you a cuddler?
I can be… I prefer to.

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
nothing new, same stuff with bro

Will this weekend be a good one?
I suspect it will! 3 day weekend!

Do you get attached to people easily?
Those I care about, yes.

What happened a year ago from today?
see below!

Are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Well, tomorrow night!

Whats one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind?
Back repair

1 year ago – view from my desk at calvert county, quizzes, geourl, bake sale!

2 years ago – MM talks to me, Danny Nominated, GP & Kat coming to town, German lesson, batman sound screencaps, zefrank starts archiving his entries, queen, quirk quiz, updating my geocode, Monkey Florida Fire News, plus whalesong

3 years ago – met mzkitten, poker spam, totem, Nostradamus Quatrain Generator, uv flower photos, doc ock song, david byrne

4 years ago – news registration, De Soto, missing digits, esp test, pirates, Nevada

5 years ago – Danny, keywords, Maryland Snow Day

6 years ago – stuff to look at, darkstar, panorama picture galleries, pulps, snap club, newt pics, troll, dragonball, RPS poll, Lj poll, easter egg recipes/cinnamon bunny bread, stream of thought – 3 minutes, cbs mystery theater

7 years ago – netcast, rent, palm tree, spaghetti-ohs, 7-up, key limits, parapsychology, slursGeotarget

9216 – Saturday

We went to the aquarium last night! pictures and details later – what a nice idea of BHK though… open until 9pm friday night.

Things on the agenda:

Allergy Shots.
Alice’s Party.
Dinner out – Maybe Paper Moon or some Baltimore location.
Rest, relax, recharge.

Got Next Friday off – BHK and I are going to check out the cherry blossom festival or some other fun thing as a little spring fling. I’m almost more interested in people-watching than taking in the beautiful blooms. Hopefully, going on a weekday will reduce mob issues. (Friday’s cherry blossom events ) I wouldn’t mind paying the Jefferson Memorial a stopover, or riding a paddle boat in the tidal basin.

via 4thletter – Re-imagining of the old avengers cartoons: The Newer, mightier, more Ultimater Avengers!… waning, some foul language and a blurred out, but naked Hulk. (I was also amused by the “24 in 1994” pilot.

The Examiner reports that Metro’s oldest rail cars have become so worn, their aluminum floors are cracking under the carpeting. Metro says the cracks pose no immediate safety risk to riders, and that when cracks are spotted, cars are pulled from service and the aluminum is welded back together. The old cars aren’t due to be replaced for at least five years.

50 things you’ve done meme continues at 45 – I…

45.’ have been in few physical fights in my life, and most have only lasted a short span… as a result of those melees, I’ve discovered that it is better to fight tactically with a cool head, than when angry… of course, if you’ve got a cool head, who wants to fight? I’ve never had much choice, as I’m a poor runner – easier to take down an opponent than to run away at a speed where I’ll be taxed and overcome, anyhow. When overly emotional, I’m a more frightening combatant. Unless common sense overrides fear or rage, I will continue to attack an opponent (no matter what they’re condition is in) until I’m exhausted. It’s a wonder I never killed anyone including myself during puberty.

These days, and for a long time now, I’m quite passive. I can still get the short hairs on my neck up if life or loved ones are threatened, but for the most part, I try to channel my energy into more useful pursuits. My skill at fighting is poor… I could stand some updated martial arts training, even boxing would be good – my primary strengths are the ability to take a hit, grappling and hitting my opponent hard and heavy.

The last time I was in a real fistfight was more than a decade and a half ago…and that one was more of a “grab-punch-done” sort of scenario. I was working at the bookstore, helping a woman out in the kids books. A guy, probably in his late 30s, early 40s (I was maybe 23?) comes over, grabs my arm and says “you’ve helped her long enough, it’s my turn”. His physical contact caused me to tense up, and I told him if he didn’t let go of me, then I’d punch him in the nose. He responded with “yeah, right”… I counted to three, and then popped him one in the face. He landed square on his backside, and I told him in a phrase littered with profanity to get out. He did, but he also contacted the store manager. Despite my feeling that I was in the right, I was fired the same day. My next job was assembling furniture while I finished off my Bachelor’s Degree.

Since then, I’ve been in a few low-level conflicts, but nothing that would cause me to “go in swinging”, usually because the issue was defused befor eI had time to build up a full head of steam. I’ve been hit in the face with a pool cue… but it was an accident. That did stop us from kicking the guy off the grounds, but I didn’t press any charges.

Worst fight in my life was with a jerky in my freshman year of high school. I really had no experience in the HS arena, and the guy sucker-punched me in the gut and then kneed me in the privates. I pretty much keeled over immediately. He dropped out before I got a chance to plot any great revenge on him – I suppose it’s just as well, because I’d probably be doing time to this day if I’d done any of what went through my mind that week.

My favorite encounter involved the end of my senior year in the cafeteria during 2nd lunch. A fellow senior and I were doing the ape behaviors of open-palm pushing one another, building to a bigger fight. My brother, looking to protect me, took one of the aluminum food trays and slammed it loudly over my enemy’s head. It was loud, but didn’t do any real damage, save to break up the fight with laughter on both sides.

1 year ago – BHK ill & irritated, free psp t-mobil wifi, north beach link, I’m swiss, haiku, D&D gaming grant

2 years ago – coloring book wakes up, zefrank’s log pretty keen, y/n meme, gesture poll, monkey doodle, abstract doodle

3 years ago – Dizzy bear flashbacks about GP, Kat, Danny, and past game group members, blackstronauts, newt angles, alex toth, nameless dread, click to save the world, lunsford

4 years ago – lemon fanta, diet pepsi slurpees, pet sweaters, bro stuff, awesome man,Galaxy Quest, mp3s, virus, apt/newt pics, chernobyl cyclist

5 years ago – There, light bulb pops, the rack, TAG approaches, heroX=mediocre

6 years ago – ice dreams, mock French, animal cams, keywords, yahoo plays bad, peep research, hut destroys a troll

7 years ago – Random Mail, music mix, palm BS picture, pantywaist poll, storms, blogger downGeotarget