Tag Archives: livejournal

Writer’s Block: LJ Comments

Posted: 59,408 – Received: 59, 563 – I’d say that calls it at just about even. Nearly 60k in either direction.  That’s over 8 years, so..  that’s what.. 7500 or so a year? That’s like 20 a day… some days are much busier, others go by without a peep.

I like to post weird stuff in other journals – comment on what folks are saying or as a nudge to get a conversation started. Folks seem to like to comment on my journal – probably because there’s a variety in most of my posts – generally, I talk about my life, observations and links to stuff I think is neat or informative. The funny thing is, some things I figure will get a response will have no comment on ’em, and things that I think are really interesting only to me get a string of responses a mile long.

9322 – Writer’s Block: How I got on LJ

lj-user ana mentioned it in her homepage’s other journal, ages ago. I’ve long since stopped visiting her site, but the interest in having a writing hub online, rather than just composing stuff in html and uploading it to my website (what I was doing from 1998 to 2000; though hardly as frequently – maybe 2-5 entries a month) is still very appealing to me.

The community aspect, with comments and friend’s lists, etc, was initially off-putting, but now I rather dig the sort of community setting, even though my journal is really for my own reference.