Tag Archives: florida

8345 – My brain feels the size and disposition of 5th century Mongolia.

Sleep brings colors to my mind that mean nothing to the human eye.

Minor confession – When I log into multi-player shooters, If I wish to be the antagonist of the other players, I have an ID known as “Chapeau Noir”, and I type messages in a pseudo-French accent.

“AW-haw haw! Zee worm has turn-ed, has it not, monsieur?” Otherwise, If I’m playing but not looking to antagonize anti-frenchies, I’m just plain ol’ Scotto or Scottobear.

Woke up from sleep, and had a weird feeling that I was isolated…and that there was a hurricane coming. I was feeling a bit more panic that I do when a Hurricane is *really* coming. It passed a short time after I started the shower… very little trepidation now, though if I didn’t have the doc’s appointment later in the day, I probably would’ve called in sick to work. Since the office is right up the street, I’ll see how I do this morning. Still having some hot flashes, but no stuffy nose/cough or whatnot sort of symptoms.

I wonder if it’s a side effect of reading – Sketches of a catastrophe – Miami Herald’s Hurricane info.

  • Your best bet: Plan for the worst
  • When will we see the next Andrew? Data can confuse
  • Electricity and other utilities
  • Storm surge
  • Wind damage
  • Inland flooding
  • My biggest concern is a lack of clean water and electricity for *months* should a bad one hit. I can stock up on food, and I feel that my building is pretty sturdy.

    Battle of the Beasts seems quite poignant, but maybe that’s the fever talking. (hosted by sa – may be some not-so-friendly to work links)

    1 year ago – Mother’s Day, Bro, heath, hugs, a sticker, walkies pics – graffiti, mission field, vehicles, bernie dexter, hitler’s ghost

    2 years ago – Laser belt, mental health supporter, quiz of Doooooom, busy bee, nice night out, Disney tour, naked mole rap, duality issues, Newt pic

    3 years ago – PT gig jkg, mr rogers asteroid, x2 good reviews, mh about half what it is today (997 vs 2196)

    4 years ago – Neuro appt, my magnetic head theory, original thoughts, MRI

    5 years ago – weird news, slow wake, old paranoia, bad food from my childhood, ljer herd pollGeotarget

    8343 –

    Ze’s anti-intellectualism song is quite catchy. His Daily videocasts are the bees knees, even if Newt’s not allowed in the League of Awesomeness. (last 8th of the cast)

    It’s Free Comic Book Day! Go get some!

    Cleaning lady Day, so I’d best hustle up and get the porch ready. While thee, I’ll be plotting out my plan for the day.

    Nice kinda-compliment of yesterday – i always get about a third of the way through your meme’s when i stop thinking “i’m gunna have to marry this guy.” and start thinking “what a goof ball, he’d drive me nuts.”

    Moment of Lyric – Instrumental – MP3

    Well, if you want lyrics, listen to the Sammy Davis, Jr. Version.

    On the way home, I saw the blue angels practicing for today’s air and sea show.




    1 year ago – no bro, pervy on lj arrested, phillykat back!, local public service net-casts, users deleting, rainy 5/5, woman jailed for faking her death

    2 years ago – RIP Rod Roddy, Black magic death, 4F, a friend suffers

    3 years ago – poser5, South Florida vodou, python, song lyric

    4 years ago – good smells, bro-doc, great books and classics, monsters, I wrote thepuppyfrog poem, long ol’ survey from a while ago (the same one I did the other day), e-prime mentioned

    5 years ago – movies, newt’s middle name, Architect. hot air, lcd drops, writing exercise, quotes, newt-happies(tmi?)Geotarget

    8339 – Cinco de Mayo. Friday. Fleet Week. There’s got to be a party somewhere.

    Why You Should Care About Network Neutrality

    Via bhk – Kitty and rooster are friends!

    Happy Birthday, Buddha!!

    Just heard a commercial for Mega-M&M’s.

    I thought I heard “maggot M&M’s” Ugh. Not at 6am, please. Ack. Ptui.

    Nice to see that there are a few alternatives to fighting the masses of humanity that are going to be at Sunfest and the Air & Sea Show this weekend.

    I might do #10 – Try to get my head around the fact that the Ancient Spanish Monastery and St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church in North Miami Beach is the oldest building in the western hemisphere. It was built in Spain in the 10th century, purchased by William Randolph Hearst in 1925 and finally reassembled in Florida in the 1950s. Cistercian monks lived in the building for its first 700 years of life. 16711 W. Dixie Highway. North Miami Beach, 305-945-1461. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, but call ahead because it closes for the many weddings and receptions that are held on its grounds. Admission: $5 adults, $2.50 students and seniors, $2 children 12 and younger.

    Who knew that a 1000 year old building is right up the street?

    Moment of Lyric – REM by way of the Cardigans – MP3

    Oh, life is bigger
    It’s bigger than you
    And you are not me
    The lengths that I will go to
    The distance in your eyes
    Oh no, I’ve said too much
    I set it up

    8337 – Only Thursday… or is it Thursday Already?

    I remember back when you could go to Pizza Hut to have a nice sit-down meal with a friend or three. Are any of them still like that anymore?

    That’s one of the things I sort of miss about PamM.I’ve got about a decade’s worth of memories of High School world and times after… and all of my real cohorts are either dead or gone. Steve Jacoby vanished into obscurity, Brent died, and Pam and I probably will never speak again. I don’t have anyone left to really reminisce with about those times anymore. Kev’s about as close as it gets, but he was at a different school… and the memories are of a different sort.. Kev was one of my “Computer Pals” (like JimG, who I still hear from every year or so.), Those mentioned before that were my gaming/school friends. It’s kind of funny… Pam lives less than four miles from me, and we share some common friends, but I don’t know if I could communicate with her on a reasonable level if I ever saw her again. We were good friends, and unfortunate foes – for the same personality reasons. Maybe someday we’ll talk again, but I’d put odds in the slim to none range. A shame I can’t just reconnect with the good parts of that friendship… I don’t really care to see what happens to social politics when we mix, but some of the in-jokes and “good old days” sort of stuff.

    That’s the funny thing about compartmentalizing friends… if you lose a smaller amount, that chunk fades totally into the past. Old Computer buds from back when I had a 110 character per sec modem… ran fidonet and BBS systems is pretty fun to talk about… but similar memories of going to the complete strategist and gaming in the living room form that time are gone. Watching TV while talking on the phone and chatting… Matt Frewer on Doctor Doctor caused us to laugh our heads off. Trip to Disney was probably one of the first signals of how we were bringing out the less than stellar sides of one another. Halloween costumes. Watching Zardoz and comiserating about our folks, when we were both still living at home with parents.

    Ah well.. the nice thing now is that I can make new memories with old friends, new ones, and those that fall in between. Learn from my mistakes, profit from my successes.

    Carrageenan is awesome stuff. I first learned about it on a cartoon segment (Undersea Adventures of Captain Nemo – about a pod of whales and a seaweed farm) in an episode of Captain Kangaroo.

    Does impersonating W’s voice and Goober from Andy Griffith show sound the same to anyone but me? IQ 85 southerner sort of vibe?

    Moment of Lyric – MP3

    8329 –

    Funny.. SoFlaChris and I discovered Plazes within about 5 minutes of one another. Newtcam was added.

    On the way to the meeting yesterday, a 16-wheeler ran over a piece of steel, which spun off to the right, and caused Elsie’s window to explode into the cab of the car. She was lucky… it took a big divot out of her doorframe. If it had hit an inch earlier, she’d probably be at least in the hospital right now. Fortunately, she’s unhurt. I got a spray of tiny glass fragments in my lap, too. I think this’ll be a good opportunity to clean out her car.

    Brush fire caused me to bail out of SL unceremoniously. Launched an evac, and looks like folks are all ok.

    Kat and GP have been so quiet since returning from vacation… only a post and a couple of comments from Kat. I hope they return to regular lj’ing soon!

    These mustache tattoos made me think of GP & Kat. I admit that I was a tempted a smidgen by the idea, m’self.

    Bibliochaise, is a literal armchair library “for those who like to be immersed in deep reading.”. The chair can house up to five linear meters of books.

    Rush Limbaugh Arrested, out and done Continue reading 8329 –

    8324 – So, this is a Thursday, is it?

    Wendy pointed me to this… how cool!

    Adopt Sea Turtles for Mother’s Day!

    A mother sea turtle will travel thousands of miles to move from feeding areas to mating areas and then to her preferred beach to lay her eggs.

    It is a long crawl up the sandy beach where she makes her nest before she swims back to sea. Wouldn’t your mom travel such great lengths for you as well? This Mother’s Day, show her how much you appreciate all she’s done for you with an adoption of a sea turtle from WWF’s Online Adoption Center.

    Second life has been running slow as molasses lately.. no packet loss so I’m a bit befuddled about the slowdown.

    Moment of Lyric – mp3

    8322 – Camo-man lurks at the Bus Station.

    Strange things afoot at the Bus Station yesterday morning. Unusual man lurking about, patrolling all of the bus bays, hiking at a good clip.

    Click here to see him meander past on shaky-animated gif style video. – about 1 meg.

    Camo-man has powers similar to the yeti and loch ness monster, as cameras cannot photograph him properly. Is it the suit? His magical giant old-lady sunglasses (complete with rhinestones)? That huge hand-carved walking stick?

    See more of Camo-man

    8317 – plop, plop, flappity flap flap.

    Another one to add to “reasons I wish I could copy images/sounds seen directly to paper with photo-realistic accuracy” list.

    Sitting on the porch, daydreaming and idly stroking newton, I look at one of the palm trees trees by the lake. see a coconut drop, and for a split second notice that on top of the coconut, riding the 15 foot or so drop is a medium-small sized iguana… he leapt off before the brown, furry ball hit the water, and did a belly-flop of his own into the drink about a foot to the left of the fallen tree-fruit.

    The twin splashes cause about a dozen ibis to launch up and out over the water.

    I think I’m the only one who saw it… nobody down by the pool or walking around the lake from my vantage point, anyhow.. it was a visual treat, but all took place before I could even think of retrieving the camera from its pouch. Even Newt was oblivious, licking a pawGeotarget

    8307 – 2z-D.

    The visual part of my brain wonders why a yellow sun in a blue sky doesn’t have green around it. The Logical side understands a bit about the atmosphere and diffuson, bu tthe visual side isn’t buying it.

    Hot, fresh b’nanner pancakes is a great way to start the day. I need to get some blueberries for next time.

    A Florida mall dispute ended Saturday night with the arrest of the Easter Bunny on battery charges.

    Some pictures from yesterday bright and early –

    Newton Stalking my left foot.

    Sleepy Newt piccies

    8242 – Walkies on Sunday.

    Walkabout on Sunday was good, I got more color, but think I dodged the burn bullet again. The ball cap let my nose still get a little red, however.

    I walked to Mizner Park, just to check out the place, and it’s fared for the worse. I used to live behind there, and liked it a lot… but now, there are no bookstores.. (liberties is gone!), the international museum of cartoon art has been gutted, and the two cool wacky-weirdo art stores have been absorbed by other type stuff. bleh.

    I’d hoped to go to my old hangout, Beany’s, for a veggie-cheese sammich with the vinaigrette that I love so well… but sadly, it was closed, but just for Sundays.

    I abandoned Boca’s blandness, and retreated to the bus stop (I was too bushed to walk for a bit), and rode back to Hillsboro… and then crossed over to the 94 and hit the Deerfield mall. I stopped off for a breather at the movies… caught “The Hills Have Eyes” and was surprised. It was better than I thought. (Make no mistake, it is about mutants killing people trapped in an out-of-the-way location, but it was done well for what it was.) Afterward, I stopped off at EB and picked up a copy of counterstrike:source on sale. I’m looking forward to playing multi with hav and kev once I polish my skills a bit.

    Roaming area, (note, some was done by bus. I walked about another 8 miles.)

    I made a lot of use of autostitch today, clicking on the pictures makes them larger, as usual.

    Pictures from walkabout – I saw unicorns and turtles and dolphins and killer mutants

    8234 – All Monkeys like orange kitties!

    Bangs! Thank you, Eryx_uk, for the Axis and Allies Starter set! What a great b’day prezzie! It looked like the postman was playing football with the USPS box, but the contents inside made it without a hitch! Most awesome. I bet Danny’ll have a good time playing counter to me, as well. It’ll have a place of honor next to Zombies!!, Mage Knight and Heroclix.

    Some quizzes

    8176 –

    Didn’t do Opa.. maybe next week. The gang didn’t gel.

    Rosemary’ll be here about 9am, which means Newt and I go back to the porch for a few. Might be a tad chilly this time…we’ll see.

    Written on the bus yesterday morning –


    Photo is from an earlier ride, when nobody else was aboard.

    I dreamt last night that someone grasped my shoulders, pressed their thumbs into my armpits, and then my chest opened up — skin pulled back like contact paper on a drawer, a curved metal pair of bands where my ribs should’ve been opening like french doors. The cavity / cache was warm and dry, no sign of it’s biological location at all. A vaguely egg-shaped mechanical device was removed, and another was put in it’s place. the newer one seemed like something freshly constructed, clean ceramic with rubber rings, smelled a bit like machine oil. I don’t recall the face of the one who did that to me.

    Do they make dried olives for cooking or a garnish? Would they be edible?

    The bus this morning smells like a combination of car exhaust, cherry jolly ranchers and burger king hash brown rounds. Not entirely bad, and better than it could be, for sure.

    More and more folks are using the bike racks on the front of the bus… more often than not, both slots are filled when I get aboard. I may rethink my idea of cycling to the stop, unless I spot a good place to lock it down for the workday.

    I think I’m just going to stop posting local news… nah. too much cool freaky stuff.

    FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Airport baggage screeners found a human head with teeth, hair and skin in the luggage of a woman who said she intended to ward off evil spirits with it, authorities said Friday. Continue reading 8176 –

    8124 –

    GeotargetI don’t know what I was thinking… that all of the homeless would pack up and go into lockdown, but they seemed even more populous than ever on the ride to work yesterday. I mentally tallied 36 as the bus rolled by them.

    Big Brain’s video card arrived damaged. Murphy’s law, I imagine. They’re sending another one, and it should be installed by Friday. Gary, the Head muck-de-muck apologized again, and gave me “his personal guarantee” that it would be installed and my machine would be ready for use by Friday after work.

    Yeah, yeah, right, right. We’ll see.

    Is it a sign of Newt really disliking my mashed potatoes if he hops on the table and scratches, trying to cover it up like it was in the sandbox? I suspect the chives are what set him off.

    Moment of Lyric: (video link)

    After all the jacks are in their boxes
    And the clowns have all gone to bed
    You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
    Footsteps dressed in red
    And the wind whispers Mary
    A broom is drearily sweeping
    Up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
    Somewhere a queen is weeping
    Somewhere a king has no wife
    And the wind, it cries Mary
    The traffic lights, they turn, uh, blue tomorrow
    And shine their emptiness down on my bed
    The tiny island sags down stream
    ’cause the life that lived is,
    Is dead
    And the wind screams Mary
    Uh-will the wind ever remember
    The names it has blow in the past?
    And with this crutch, it’s old age, and it’s wisdom
    It whispers no, this will be the last
    And the wind cries Mary

    1 year ago – mushroms and eggplant, barefoot craving, acronym cursing, Panama city teens, prozac suicides

    2 years ago – popeye is 75, duckburg, powerskip, santa cluster maint, hybrids, beach-dweller picture that will make you shriek, brain sammiches, cam pics, cap’n strong

    3 years ago – tan me hide, kartoo, SOP, coloring book entry

    4 years ago – Accessory animals. Enron & GWB/pretzel, watching Lone Gunmen, Newt came to work, skate porn

    5 years ago – Hot outside! Metallica sues Victoria’s Secret, the weather the cuckoo likes, my first LJ flame attack (and my rebuttal)