Tag Archives: maps

9605 – 2/4

Back to work! Light dusting of big fat flakes of powdery snow which was pretty in the morning, but melted away before noon came.

Larry and Chris came over for dinner of potluck leftovers – and made fresh hot dogs. Well, it was nice having them over, in any event!

BHK is worried about neighborhood kitty – she’s already named it Priscilla. I think Pris will be ok – she’s very healthy and clean… If we keep seeing her, we’ll make her a little bed and give her some food.

"Google is adding the option to Google Maps to track your position based on your cell phone’s proximity to towers, or internal gps.. Think ‘locator beacon.’ Paraphrased: This would be good for people wanting to let their friends know where they are or for parents wanting to know where their children are at all times."

I’m scottobear@gmail.com there if you want to add me and try to track where I’m going. πŸ™‚

Men’s Health has a listing of the 20 worst foods of 2009, all of which fit the description of "calorie bombs". For instance, the worst "healthy" sandwich is the Blimpie Veggie Supreme, which contains 1100 calories, and 33 grams of saturated fat. The worst food is a shake from Baskin Robbins that has 2600 calories.

1 year ago – coughing, eggplant lasagna, black diamond question, blue crab harvest worst

2 years ago – planning the garden w/pix, DRYER FIRE, pomonkey, updated bio, newt and pye touching in the loft pix (this is still one of my faves )

3 years ago – childhood goat trauma foundation, sleepless in seattle (stalker),
Wasp performs roach-brain-surgery to make zombie slave-roaches, deerfield has a different sort of fauna than ftl, rainy, quizzes,

4 years ago – smoother sailing, sleeping in airports, Bigfoot 911, weather, Trism lyric

5 years ago – 7 sins meme, hand-foot coordination, stood up for b-day dinner

6 years ago – dreams, haiku, Irish curses, random politeness factoid, more palm-cam pics, nice cards!

7 years ago – Moonflower haiku, bus rides, tulpa-folk, what do people see quiz, miss cleo got in trubbah, quiet apartments

8 years ago – Snorks vs. Smurfs, recovering from sickies, lovey-loves, butch or femmeGeotarget

8349 –

What my neighborhood will look like if the water level rises 8m. Strangely, the lake won’t be submerged. I’m pretty safe 7m and lower, storm surge-wise. Note, 8 meter is about 26 feet, or about two stories. I’m on the third floor. (Approximately 30 feet up.)

12 hours at the air and sea show – time lapse

an assortment of newt.

sunset, many brush fires to the west making the haze pleasantly brownish orange rust.

So, dolphins refer to each other by individual names and thus have the concept of identity, eh?

Dolphins, like humans, recognize names

8329 –

Funny.. SoFlaChris and I discovered Plazes within about 5 minutes of one another. Newtcam was added.

On the way to the meeting yesterday, a 16-wheeler ran over a piece of steel, which spun off to the right, and caused Elsie’s window to explode into the cab of the car. She was lucky… it took a big divot out of her doorframe. If it had hit an inch earlier, she’d probably be at least in the hospital right now. Fortunately, she’s unhurt. I got a spray of tiny glass fragments in my lap, too. I think this’ll be a good opportunity to clean out her car.

Brush fire caused me to bail out of SL unceremoniously. Launched an evac, and looks like folks are all ok.

Kat and GP have been so quiet since returning from vacation… only a post and a couple of comments from Kat. I hope they return to regular lj’ing soon!

These mustache tattoos made me think of GP & Kat. I admit that I was a tempted a smidgen by the idea, m’self.

Bibliochaise, is a literal armchair library β€œfor those who like to be immersed in deep reading.”. The chair can house up to five linear meters of books.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested, out and done Continue reading 8329 –