good morning, dear journal

MS Linux: Shipping in November 2002 – Hee hee…

eclipse was weak from where I was last night.. only about 4% obscured… plus, it was raining.

Going to breakfast with Danny… he’s still decompressing from teaching… but he’s bringing over my Christmas present! A new Office chair… (he got tired of waiting for me to pick one out. πŸ™‚ )

So, after assembling the thing, we’ll hit Ronnie B’s or someplace that has cuisine that meets his needs… he’s on a low-sodium, low cholesterol diet. I think we can do ok at ‘RBs… they have egg beaters there.

Not sure what we’ll do after eating.. I have to go to work today, but we should have about three good hours to hang out before I do that. Probably sit and shoot the breeze. We’ll see. Until later, dear journal.

found my hair-ties, by the way. in with newt’s milk-rings. I forgot I gathered ’em up for fumigation.

plans for tomorrow… I’m going to get up at daybreak…start doing the walk earlier, again. before 8:30… it’s going to start getting hot, soon.

Air conditioning died tonight at work at about 6pm…got pretty dang warm from 6:30 on.

I’ve started listening again to old dragnet episodes after hours at work… ol’ Joe Friday has really got a range of positions… narcotics, homicide, price gouging TV repairmen, and bunko artists all cross his caseload.

Bunko is a great word…right up there with shenanigans.

Bunko Shenanigan’s!

It’s another one of those goofy TGIfridays/Ruby Tuesday’s sort of “family themed” restaurants!

I’m going to make a note of that and use it as a location sometime.

“Land of Wind and Ghosts”… theme graveyard Chinese food place

Trying to come up with some snappier names for the regions of my website,

Sea Cave / Beach / Gentle path? (Links to other Sites), Wall Scrawls (Journal, Writings), Cave Paintings (Cam / Graphic Art), Grotto (Main/ News, Possibly Host LJ there?), Bone Pile (Completed Projects / Cam Archive), Fire Pit (Projects in the works)

I rather like the Green / Tan / Orange text on my LJ… I think that I’ll propagate it over to the home site, for the time being… It may be a little Autumnal, but I rather like the blend.

I discovered that you can in your LJ settings configure your page to only show the “Community Icon” for the communities that you have on your friend’s list… I’m going to make a point of updating and ‘s bios to reflect that as an added disclaimer for people with more delicate sensibilities (like myself) that’d just as soon not see inappropriate graphics pop up there. I’ll be keeping the Normal settings on my own site just so I can make sure I can stay on top of things as moderator, but the hut will be adjusted accordingly, for folks that decide to link in there directly. I wonder if I twiddle the hut’s settings if it’ll stop everyone’s icon form popping up elsewhere? Easiest way to find out is to try, I think. It might get folks to use the secondary icon I’ve plugged in over there, too.

Where did I put my hair-ties?

I watched about half of Rose Red last night… and only got to bed at all because the other half stopped downloading. πŸ™‚ Good flick thus far, though I would’ve waited for the whole thing had I known I only had half of it… as it stands, the first half was three hours long. So far, it’s an excellent production.

It’s loosely related to this place – somewhere I’ve wanted to visit for years.

Well, off to work… until later, dear journal.

Got caught in a summer shower during this morning’s walk…it came out of nowhere… warm rain on a sunny day. I’m going to have to put my camera in a Ziploc bag if I’m going to go roaming with it this next month or two.

Does anyone remember when cam was another word for cog? like “cam shaft”? I walked past the body shop, and it took me a second to clear the cobwebs enough to understand why an auto parts place would have a special on cams… (I assumed it was a web camera at first.) Too much time immersed in net-jargon I suppose.

I still miss my Newtie-navbar…I’m going to implement it on my new homepage, I think, just so I can have it back.

Two years ago today – poetry. A year ago, haiku. Time to get back into writing.

I’m glad to see the is getting some use again… it went a little dormant for a while, but a few new users seem to have breathed some fresh life into it.

Form of… a sucky movie! – Warner Bros. Pictures has teamed with Gaylord Films to option the rights to the Hanna-Barbera characters the Wonder Twins, with plans to make a live-action family feature.

That’ll probably change after the Scooby movie bombs. (I’m guessing it will… maybe it’ll be a blockbuster… who knows?)

and now, a moment of Zen.

In a grove of tall bamboos
Beside an ancient temple
Steam rolls from the brazier
In fragrant white clouds.
I’ll show you the path of Sages
Beyond this floating world,
But will you understand
The lasting taste of spring?

– Baisao (1675-1763)

Went to breakfast with the bro… we passed on undercover brother, instead preferring to gab and window-shop for bicycles and mp3 players. I bought a legitimate copy of freedom force… something I’d been seeking for about a month now… who knew K-mart would stock it? I had a nice time with bro… he seems to be doing well, and is enthusiastic about the coming settlement, thus the shopping.

The legit FF is much better than the pi-r8 version I had…. the sounds were ripped out and it was a playtest beta. the new version has all the powers and much of the audio cheese I was craving… I played it for a little while, but I’ve spent most of my return time goofing with Newt, when he’s wakeful. I can’t express how glad I am to have him home…. and he’s happy to be here, too…. so I’m spoiling him with a boatload of attention, where I can.

I’m looking forward to bro picking up his bicycle… I want to ride with him up and down the beach. It’ll be good to have a pedal-pal to take with to the sea and back… the beach cruiser I as looking at looked just about right for me, too… a good high seat, and I think a three speed is fine to get me comfortably over the canal drawbridge. It had shocks and an aluminum frame, so I don’t have to worry as much about jarring bumps or sea-air rust, either.

Going with the bro out tomorrow morning to see Undercover Brother… the 10am showing. He as to be to work by 3pm, so the timing is good for a movie and a little lunch out to talk and hang around together. Added bonus, it’ll be at the theatre by my house, and it’ll be matinee prices, with *nobody* there… who goes to 10am movies? Me and him, and hopefully few, if any others. More fun to laugh loudly. Heck, there’s a 9:25 flick, too, but we’d both just as soon take that extra half hour and sleep in. The movie looks like a good bet.. .we’ll either dig laughing with it, or at it.

I’m so glad to have Newt back in the bedroom with me, and to be back with all my stuff again… nice to lounge in my shorts with everything clean in the house, with my books, blankets, and DSL. Very comforting to be in a familiar place, little fuzzy boy purring happily by my right foot.

I wonder where my sweetie has dashed off to? I missed her call by about an hour earlier… I suspect she’s relaxing somewhere comfortably, as am I. She could be anywhere, but she’s also taking up residence in my heart, as always…helping to keep the blood pump happy, and all that surrounds it.

I downloaded five episodes of Greg the bunny from kazaa…watched them, and deleted ’em. entertaining, but not worth burning to CD. I’m sorry that Eugene Levy can’t find a TV show that’ll last more than 1/2 season these days.

I’m now just chewing a bit on a little program that’s been rolling around in my head and will automate a few things that the Rock does at work, freeing him up to do more bringing in of outside clients. I know he’d appreciate it, as would Kev… (and it’ll look good next pay raise time, too. πŸ˜‰ )

Well, I’ve tidied up my LJ so that it’s navigable again, but not nearly as pretty… I changed the colors to sort of a ornj and green…I may swap ’em back.

Sakes… I’m glad I didn’t go with the extended flash navbar, and making my LJ the core of the page…. stupid security risks.

Well, I’d like to assume I’m through the bulk of my “June Bugs”… all the little nit-noids bugging me throughout the first week or so of June. This seems to be a habit since the year 2000… but I’ll take it, if it means the rest of my year will be as good as the 2k’s past.

Newt amazes me with his supa-leap ability. from the floor to higher than a fridge… and he has some kind of weird “matrix hang-time” thing going on. Between that, and his prairie-dog up on hind legs routine, he’s a pretty surreal little guy.

I have a couple of different irons in the fire…lots of things I’ve been putting off that need to be worked on. Too much “real life” getting in the way.. I’ve been letting work stifle my creative and fun side. I’m going to have to retrigger the creative side, and minimize the indeciciveness that’s appeared and is playing havoc with my editorial power… writing and scrapping stories and webpages left and right… it’s time to grab a few ideas, lock on to them, and really produce.

weather warnings Until 300 PM EDT.

jam-packed with journally ho-dads. entry #4282

It’s not abnormal to me, the way I live, ’cause I live that way.
-Ozzy Osbourne

There are a thousand stories in the naked city…I know about 86 of ’em.

I had an ok day today… Newt made it go by a lot more softly, as did some communication with my sweetie, later in the day. I’m still not looking forward to tomorrow’s fumigation cleanup, but at least the house will be wonderfully clean when I’m done… going to go catch a movie and do some mp3 player shopping with my bro on Sunday… hopefully the weekend will allow for some social time with my sweetheart, too.

I think I’m going to take advantage of my brief displacement, and have a long tub-soak.

Nurture or nature – what determines how brine shrimp will turn out? The Scopes Sea Monkey Trial tests both theories at once by raising the subjects in water from varying sources, including holy water.

and now, your moment of zen –

Even moonlit dewdrops,
If you’re lured to watch,
Are a wall before the truth.

– Sogyo (18th century)

Nighty night, dear journal.

Well, I’m online from the hotel…connected at a dragging 19200… but phonecalls oout are only $.72 apiece, unlimited duration. I get to stay here tonight and tomorrow…I can certainly smuggle newtie in tomorrow night. I found out about the friday night stayover today at 5pm, the landlord was pretty upset about it too, because the fumigation guys told him after the place was filled with the toxin… no going in to get more supplies…I’m lucky I grabbed two day’s worth of clothes. (I hate wearing the same gear two days running, unless I’m “roughing it” in the woods somewhere.)

Well, If not a disaster, it counts as half of one, anyway. bah.

$10 cab ride to the hotel. I was told it’d be non-smoking, ground floor, and allow newt.

Nope, nope, and nope.

Add to that the general unpleasantness of the owner… he saw I was struggling, didn’t offer to help with my baggage (a laptop, CPAP, bag of clothing…unwieldy, at best) I go upstairs, unload, hop back in the cab, return home, get newt and his food, and go upstairs. He comes following after me, and tells me that no pets are allowed.

I tell him ok… let me gather my things from my room, and I’ll be on my way. I have to hold onto Newt, so he doesn’t go anywhere.

He makes no effort or gesture to help gather my equipment, but instead says “I’m not playing around” as I try to gather my loot up to make it all in one trip.

I thanked him for all of his help and courtesy, and left…he replies with “Whatever”.

My retort was “I hope all of your permits are in order… I’m calling code enforcement tomorrow. Fuck you and yours.”

I got into the cab, and returned home, and here I am.

I’ve posted a sign on my door… “Tenant is inside, do not Fumigate” just in case, but I know that they have to open the place up with the landlord present first… all the windows and I think the doors, too. Regardless, I’ve set my wake up call to 6:30 am, so I’ll be up in time for it.

Work tomorrow is going to be really lousy… fortunately I’ll have Newt with to take the bulk of the edge off.

now, nigh nigh for real, dear journal.