7726 – tag, I’m it!

Smacked by sedefendendo

I have to list seven of my favorite songs of the moment and then harass seven more people into doing it too.

Current faves –  (for mp3s of most, check this mp3 tag)

  • Rubber Biscuit – Blues Brothers
  • Three Little fishies – Kay Kyser
  • Big rock candy mountain (assorted artists!)
  • Mesopotamia – B-52s
  • Shock the Monkey – Peter Gabriel
  • Sugar Magnolia – Grateful Dead
  • Sheep, Sheep, Don’t You Know The Road – Bessie Jones

Well, I won’t hassle anyone, but I’d like to see what’s on other folk’s musical minds.

More quiz-type time benders. Continue reading 7726 – tag, I’m it!

7725 – Friday, at last.

Well, I liked what I saw, and if the bank agrees with me, I’ll be living there come the end of October. If not, well, it was a good try. Finances will be a little tight, because a lot of my cushion will be expended in the down payment.

It’s a large one-bedroom with a huge screened porch on the third floor. The place was built in ’69, and is in very good shape. Cinder block construction, seems nice and quiet and fairly hurricane safe. It’s about 4 miles North of my old place (and Newton’s first home – No Nose Maldonado‘s) in Pompano.. and the Strip Mall of Sin, and the Mall of the Dead.

Random cool factoid – a family of about 15 iguanas (including one HUGE yellow-orange male, must weigh about 40-50 lbs), and a few non-ugly (read – non aggressive or loud) ducks live by the fountain.

I may go to the club tonight and chomp the buffet there to celebrate. We’ll see how I’m doing.

Moment of Lyric – mp3via

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman!

All the world’s waiting for you… and the power you possess.
In your satin tights, fighting for your rights
And the old Red, White and Blue.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
Now the world is ready for you and the wonders you can do.
Make a hawk a dove, stop a war with love, make a liar tell the truth!

Wonder Woman, get us out from under, Wonder Woman.
All our hopes are pinned on you and the magic that you do.

Stop a bullet cold, make the Axis fold,
Change their minds, and change the world.
Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.

You’re a wonder, Wonder Woman!

Peanut Butter and Honey on whole wheat toast is good breakfast eats!

I’m *really* digging second life. Nice folks. thanks, qdot!

1 year ago – future life, fly-eating bot, living in Broward, Maroon, tracking Ivan, Danny’s students read my lj, on call all weekend, HIP/Bag lady

2 years ago – Run, Trism-Gollum, Run, robot zoo, dirty-sounding words, palm-day at work, lifetime membership in there, time marks the beginning of the end for prop2

3 years ago – oatmeal, remembrance rant, touch screen voting, flash CAD thingie.

4 years ago – hardscrabble, Daily Life in Chaucer’s England, (and other daily life books), good things

5 years ago – saw a black tip shark, conch fritters, everway

7721 – House check day!

Well second life is fun, but I guess it doesn’t support dial-up users so much. Still free to join, though for any high-speeders out there. Look up Scottobear Bergson if you’re out and about!

Checking out the Deerfield place today after work. I’m pretty enthused… as long as the walls don’t drip blood, I’m probably in.

Copied from annina_writes

Pass it on!!! Fake Red Cross Solicitations!
ABC news just ran a story that spoof email solicitations for donations to the Red Cross are being emailed to people all over the world. They look just like the Red Cross, right down the to secure site verify logo. If you fill your personal info into the form, which was ripped from the genuine Red Cross site, and then click on the donate button, you’ve been had; the bad guys have your credit card information. To make it worse, victims are then forwarded to the real Red Cross site, which makes it look even more genuine.

The bottom line? The Red Cross has stated categorically that they NEVER send email solicitations. Never! If you get something like described above, delete it. You may want to forward it first to the FTC’s spoof address [UCE@ftc.gov]. If the crooks are in the U.S. they can be prosecuted, and others turned into the authorities in their respective governments. Thus far spoofs have been traced to third parties in Brazil, Korea, China, and the US. Note: If you forward the emails to the authorities, please copy the addressing information (found in the Message Options in Outlook…click on View, then Message Options, then copy and paste the Internet Headers area).

Please take a moment to pass this on to people in your flist! Thanks!

You may have time to download ’em all before Halloween. I suppose I should switch to the October website colors and background soon.

The Voice of Vince – Selected OTR shows starring Vincent Price (Including classic episodes of Suspense!). There is a boatload of ’em. (Presented by The Crime in your Coffee [Not work safe])

Moment of Lyric (mp3via)

Dedicated to all the teachers that read my journal… Danny, Firpo, Kerby, The Turtle Whisperer, Pilar, Huertero, and the rest. Careful of the Johnny’s out there!

No time to transcribe, but suffice to say that Jordan’s precocious and swingin’ ode to apple-polishing one ups Van Halen in every way. “Can you take what I can shake”? Indeed!

1 year ago – Work power out, disco-hitler, Ivan, WoW, Chocolate 3-d printer, making fiends, America’s army, Giant strip-miner of dooom,

2 years ago – Meredith moves out, Frankie mooch’s wank machine, saw Ray-I, Dubai-mail, some cool links

3 years ago – Got dave into mage knight, Saw Mark Archilla, 12 dragons smells of cat pee, I got some perfect pre-dyed sheets.

4 years ago – If I were, nice night, purple monkey dishwasher

5 years ago – rant and UB-X

7715- Hope there’s no SNAKES ON MY BUS!

Bus dreams about driving into the ocean. Glass-bottomed boat taken to a new level.

Sam Jackson to star in: SNAKES ON A PLANE. No, really. It’s about snakes planted by the mob to kill an FBI agent on an aircraft.

“In the middle of the ocean, this crate time-releases and there’s 500 poisonous snakes in there and they scatter out all over the plane,” he added. “So it’s us battling snakes to LA. I get to spend six and a half weeks going to set every day going ‘Ah! Ah! Ow! Ow!’ I don’t have to go in every day and figure out the dramatic purpose of this particular scene.”via

It’s like a SNL skit.

Moment of Lyric: (Mp3 – Thanks again, firpo!)

Now I’m a fella with a heart of gold
With the ways of a gentleman, I’ve been told
The kind of a fella that wouldn’t even harm a flea
But if me and a certain character met
That guy that invented the cigarette
I’d murder that son-of-a-gun in the first degree.

7713 – FEMA issues

Bush poses in front of a fake food display
Fake levee repair?
FEMA will not accept Amtrak’s help with evacuations
FEMA turns away experienced firefighters
FEMA turns away supply trucks from WalMart

FEMA will not let the Red Cross deliver food
FEMA prevents morticians from entering New Orleans
FEMA blocks 500 boat citizen flotilla from rescues and delivery of aid
FEMA fails to utilize 600 bed US Navy hospital ship
Chicago offers massive assistance. FEMA to Chicago: “Send one Truck”
FEMA turns away generators
FEMA: First responders urged NOT to respond
This is how Michael Brown got this job that he is totally unqualified for

7712 – Stream of thought.

Rewinding a bit. randomness. may mean nothing, first off the skull this morning before fully waking.

I remember a time before fanny packs existed. And then became trendy…and now, are rightfully back in the land of oblivion, for the most part.

I remember a time before home video games, pre atari 2600, even pre-pong. I remember when arcades were a big deal, even though they were mostly pinball machines, pool tables and maybe a space invaders or deathrace game.

My favorite games were Battlezone, Joust and Berserk. Bro was fond of Centipede, Crazy Climber and Donkey Kong. We did a good job playing cooperative Gauntlet, too.

I remember a time before I had Newt, and that I’ve become a better person as a result of adopting him… which was in no small part due to D’Art-kitty.

The was a time that I thought I was superior to most other people, because I thought myself bigger, stronger, more intelligent, and more emotionally together. I know better now, on all of those points.

There’s *always* someone more knowledgeable, more physical, more cunning or even more wealthy. That doesn’t mean they’re better or worse than anyone else, it just means they have more opportunity to make things good for everyone. If they don’t, they’re wasting resources.

I’ve learned more tolerance of people without those resources, because they have other elements that make them just as valuable. Even if that element is as basic as “they’re loved by somebody, so they must have some worth”

I’ve learned that oftentimes people put other people down just to build themselves up… and that makes the insulter look a little pathetic. I’ve also learned that humor isn’t always cruel.

I’ve learned that honesty is the best policy, having been on both sides of too many situations to count that proved the rule, time and again. That was a long time coming. Mind you, diplomacy still has it’s place.

I’ve learned that there are people in this world that are evil, predators… but they’re in the gross minority.

I’ve learned that most people are obedient, generally following all sorts of rules, because it makes the whole mechanism of society flow pretty easily. I’m still amazed that traffic signals actually work. Proof that we can coordinate on a basic level.

I remember when Calvin and Hobbes has a new cartoon every day. And the Far Side. And Bloom county. I remember when Doonsbury was both relevant *and* funny. I remember when Garfield was fresh, and when Bill the Cat was introduced to mock him. I remember when Outland turned into Bloom County II, and just sort of sucked.

I remember when Danny Elfman wasn’t a hack… and when a new Tim Burton movie looked fun, and fresh.

I remember a time when there was only one Star Wars movie, and it was cool.

I remember really digging after school TV. 4-in a row – My Favorite Martian or Lost In Space, (it alternated), Batman, The Monkees and Classic Star Trek.

I never really liked the Transformers.

Robotech was on in the morning, but I only ever got to see half an episode, because I had to leave for school.

I’ve learned not to compartmentalize my friends so much these days. Overlap is a generally a good thing.

I remember being kissed on the Haunted Mansion Ride, and not following through with it, because I thought I’d be going out with someone else that week. I was wrong, and I missed a great opportunity for a relationship and a long-term friendship as a result.

Dancing with a deaf girl is nice, because you can lead, and the music won’t screw you up if you can’t follow the beat. You can continue to slow dance even after the music has stopped.

I’ve found that most people aren’t on the same frequency as I am, but they’re usually willing to talk until all of what they have to say needs to get said. My communication skills vary greatly depending on who I’m talking to. I’ve found that I communicate best with children, animals, and people with a light history of marijuana use.

I have the most difficulty communicating with people trapped “inside the box”. They think that just because I talk kindly to them, that I share their beliefs… no, I’m tolerant, is all. I do get a little frustrated with people who don’t dialogue, but instead spend the time when I’m speaking thinking up a reply to what I’m saying, rather than *listening* to what I have to say.

I’ve learned to actually listen to what people are saying to me. Most of the time. If my brain’s filter doesn’t turn it into the cawing of crows due to something said that was colossally stupid. That can get me into trouble if I’m not careful.

I would really like to have a diet cream soda slurpee. I wonder if they’ve ever tried that flavor?

exit stage right
Exit, Stage Right.

Torrenting the first three episodes of HBO’s Rome – GP seems to dig it, and I trust his judgment.

Got an invite to a Hero Group, meeting every other weekend:

Just pinging some people from RPGRegistry.com because a few friends and I are interested in getting a Hero game together to play every other weekend (probably Friday nights, but this is mutable). Anyway, just seeing what kind of response we get. There are three of us. We’re probably looking for two more, maybe three. We’d love to find a Hero GM if possible (but if necessary, I’ll run, but I’m just learning the system), so if you or someone you know would be interested, drop me a line. We’re all late 20s to later 30s, experienced gamers, and looking for a the same.

We’re currently most interested in playing Fantasy Hero, but Space Hero holds some interest as well. I’m located in Boca, another player is in Hollywood, and the other is way west on Miramar Pkwy.

I replied that I wouldn’t mind meeting folks and seeing what’s what. Friday’s aren’t the best for me, but maybe it’ll work out. It’ll be interesting to test the waters and meet new folks. That reminds me, I should write back to J & B sometime soon, too. Hopefully, the bulk of extendo-weekeneds is over for the time being.

Nifty Video of a woman fending off an elevator purse-snatcher.

Moment of Lyric: ‘mp3 – Thanks again, Firpo!)

Sheep, Sheep, Don’t you know the road?
Yes, my Lord I know the road.
Sheep, Sheep, Don’t you know the road?
Yeah, Lord I know the road.

Don’t you know the road by the playin’ of the song?
Yes, my Lord I know the road.
Don’t you know the road by the playin’ of the song?
Yeah, Lord I know the road.

It’s funny, but it’s true that once I became an agnostic, I started finding spirituals more lovely than when I was steeped in religion. I was reminded of that when F pointed out that was the situation for her, as well.

1 year ago – hurricane home movie, happy to be home, pentagon crash snopes

2 years ago – annoying LL, death, IRC pix, gender genie, toys, sunset, rainy day

3 years ago – Crash Bonsai, sticky song poll

4 years ago – Hammer-Wheel, Beijing, Stephen Foster, Mystery men Hiring, soap hair

5 years ago – Suzy goes to the Clink

7711 – Music, how I love thee.

Last night’s fortune cookie –

“Pride is a good thing to have, but don’t overdose on it”
Lucky numbers 12,20,25,30,31,49
Learn Chinese – Pot sticker – Guo-tie

Hmm.. So far, I’ve mostly learned words for food, and baseball. I like the cookies at the China Panda, because they have a faint citrus taste to ’em.

Dinner was a splurge, because I’m under house arrest for the who weekend. I got General Tso’s Tofu (extra crispy and spicy). Yum… also, the broccoli was plentiful and super-fresh.

Talked to bro briefly last night, and he sounds a little congested. He’s taking sleep meds and stuff for depression, and I’m concerned that there will be abuse of one or both of those. He seems quite lucid at the moment.

“There is an Indian Belief that everyone is in a house of four rooms: A physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room everyday, even if only to keep it aired, we are not complete.” – Rumer Godden

Moment of Lyric – The Allen Brothers – Jake Walk Blues (m4a file)

I can’t eat, I can’t talk
Been drinkin’ mean jake, Lord, now can’t walk
Ain’t got nothin’ now to lose
Cause I’m a jake walkin’ papa with the jake walk blues.