*Sending healthier vibes to my sweetie, who’s got a case of the icky-sickies today.

Kev’s supposed to swing my paycheck by… I have a few things to take care of today, that have to wait until after that happens.

According to a TV commercial – the average American owes $8000, has 12 credit cards and pays $83 a month in interest alone.

Good grief! *12* credit cards? I really am a pod. I can see the average person having a few… maybe even five or six, if you count oddball sears or department store.

I have one card, and owe nothing but rent and utilities… “normal bills”. I don’t believe in buying something unless I have the money already earned to cover it. (unless it’s an emergency or necessity)

What is up with the credit mindset? I suspect that folks just get used to the idea of “free money” and forget that they have to pay it later. I wonder if it’s a result of folks not having an allowance as kids. That’s how I learned… babysitting the neighbor’s kids made me the cash I required for consumerism. If there was something I wanted, I saved for it or did without.

Note to self – I need to get today-


A restocked pantry
Fresh fruit – (are blueberries in season?)
Green beans
Treats for me… Ice cream, maybe?

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