To kill a vampire it is first necessary to determine its ethnic origin. I regret that I cannot offer much useful information on how this might be accomplished, but I’m sure you’ll think of something.

Next, locate the vampire’s daytime whereabouts, i.e., its grave. My vampire manual recommends placing “a young lad who is innocent of girls,” such as Richard Simmons, atop a black virgin stallion, and leading the two through a likely graveyard. If the horse refuses to pass a certain grave, you’ve hit paydirt, so to speak. The telltale signs of a vampirous corpse are fluidity of the blood, lack of putrefaction, and flexibility of the limbs (we’re talking about corpses now, mind you).

Finally, administer treatment as prescribed below:

Sampiro – Albania – Stake through heart
Nachtzehrer – Bavaria – Place coin in mouth, decapitate with ax
Ogoljen – Bohemia – Bury at crossroads
Krvoijac – Bulgaria – Chain to grave with wild roses
Kathakano – Crete – Boil head in vinegar
Brukalaco – Greece – Cut off and burn head
Vampir – Hungary – Stake through heart, nail through temples
Dearg-dul – Ireland – Pile stones on grave
Vryolakas – Macedonia – Pour boiling oil on, drive nail through navel
Upier – Poland – Bury face downwards
Gierach – Prussia – Put poppy seeds in grave
Strigoiul – Rumania – Remove heart, cut in two; garlic in mouth, nail in head
Vlkoslak – Serbia – Cut off toes, drive nail through neck
Neuntoter – Saxony – Lemon in mouth
Vampiro – Spain – No known remedy

I realize the above will not be much use in the case of a Third World vampire, but you can’t have everything.

the more I play the freedom force demo, the more impressed I am with the range of powers and stats available. This is a *complete* replication of Champions, without all the rules-lawyering, and cool 3d effects. I would really like to see this exact same engine charge up more games in the future, and the fan skins are a hoot.

the only thing they seem to need to implement is more objects, and a way to grab and throw enemies. (or use them like a weapon… I miss the old days of champions, using a guy in power-armor as a club against some big burly fella in a rhino suit.) and maybe a better environment design kit.

My beloved is taking Saturday off to chill and relax after her hectic week…I’m contemplating going on walkabout while she rightfully lounges the day away.

What I’d really like to do is to go with Dan up to Grad night (tomorrow at Disney world, from 9pm to 4:30 am)… If I could get a ride up, I’d be surrounded by a bunch of graduating seniors at the haunted mansion. hmm… could be keen. I won’t be going, though.

Now I want to play my old duke nukem at disney mod… I wonder if it’s still at doombuggies? why, yes!…hee. speaking of which…check out all the rides that are becoming movies, now. Hmm… sort of the SNL school of movie making.. take a 2 minute ride or sketch, and stretch it out to two hours or so…bah. I will still check out the country bear flick.

zombies in my brain

A priceless slug-eating plant has been stolen from a nursery in Austria.

It’s hoped the flesh-eater has been taken by pranksters rather than rival botanical geneticists.

Slugs and other pests cost agriculture billions of pounds each year so a copy could be worth a fortune. A predator plant could also make many poisons redundant.

Useful energy from random vibrations

A question for the physicists… Just how much energy could you theoretically get from these things? There’s plenty of sources for the motive force – just put banks of them under freeway overpasses and between train tracks. But could they be made cheaply enough and placed densely enough to make them really useful?

For instance, could you fit enough of them inside a jet airliner wing to power the plane’s electrical systems from the engine vibrations and turbulence? Could you use them near the tires of electric cars to supplement the battery power?

Or provide power to a city by the screams of those who encounter the zombies in the tunnels below?

day five of the herb garden

Fresh from the shower, and ready for action!

Well, once I finish dressing for the day, anyhow. I generally leave the most outer-layer of clothes off until I have to get going.

Penis explodes during sex.

Ambulance Chasers with style Hee… I like the map to the office. (has some sound)

Newt’s a chatterbox today… I can say something, and he’ll MoW! or MeR! back with gusto. Looks like the little boy wants another chase around the place.

Now that that’s been done, it’s time to water the plants! Hey! Sprouts!


First appearance of basil. 🙂


The catgrass has sprung up overnight!

and an obligatory newtie pic, dexter from last thursday, and the interior of chupacabra’s computer (warning, fuzzy-legged dead bug picture)

thanks, Louis Black, for pointing me to the book!

from the pig book, a guide to governement waste online. (or why I think more people should vote, and pay attention to what their representatives support)

$273,000 added in conference in the state of Senate appropriator Christopher “Kit” Bond (R-Mo.) for the Blue Springs Youth Outreach Unit for educational training in combating Goth culture.

$50,000 added by the House in the district of Lois Capps (D-Calif.) for a tattoo removal program in San Luis Obispo.

$260,000 for asparagus technology and production in the state of Senate Agriculture Appropriations subcommittee member Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and House Agriculture Appropriations subcommittee member George Nethercutt (R-Wash.). According to USDA officials, “This research will enable Washington asparagus producers to remain domestically and internationally competitive.” Since 2001, $484,000 has been appropriated for this research.

$12,800,000 for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP); Initially designed to capture energy from the aurora borealis (northern lights), HAARP is now being configured to heat up the ionosphere to improve military communications. Since 1995, CAGW has identified $82.8 million appropriated for HAARP. (I’ve loooooong hated the HAARP project…. bad tech, weak plans…, it’s the Sgt York of Star Wars Tech.)

in the defense budget – $1,500,000 for a large millimeter wave telescope. In fiscal 2001, appropriators added $4 million for this same project. This telescope, a joint project between the United States and Mexico, will help researchers study the formation of stars and galaxies billions of years ago and how stars are forming in our galaxy right now. (That’s cool, and all… but defense?)

$500,000 added by the Senate in the state of Senate Appropriations committee member Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) for bus and bus facilities in the ski resort, Village of Taos. (instead of more money to bussing the elderly, or infirm)

I don’t think all of the things listed are bad ideas, but many are far overpriced for what they are.

in other news – Researchers have discovered that the Argentine ants in colonies stretching over an area 3,600 miles long, are effectively one supercolony. In other words, ants from the Italian Riviera can be carried 3,600 miles and dropped into a hill there, and will get along just fine. Read the CNN story However, you won’t find a hint of speculation there about what sort of chemical or other cues might be operating across that distance to keep all those anthills “in synch” . . . or a guess about the sheer number of ants involved.

Could be a neat communications puzzle to work out.

I may not know much about art…but I know what I like. Here’s some concept art that’s just amazing. I can’t read Japanese, but the pictures are great.

one that I bet will bookmark – TextArc is a freaky little applet that will analyse the words in a text and process them occording to frequency, relevence to other words, and context. The app will then proceed to “read” the text and draw connections between the words in non-linear fashions. It’s hard to describe, but cool to look at. It’s sort of like watching your lexical field neurons firing… sort of an offshoot of good ol’ visual thesaurus

If you’re really looking for some conceptual network-building fun, you’ve got to check out DIRK. What’s the secret connection between Scottobear and Frank Oz?

Annoying day.

Thought that the video process was all worked out, but it’s kicking good records into a reject state. Getting a good error report from the users is like pulling teeth… “It’s broken.. fix it” No information as to how or where it’s broken though.

Imagine going into a doctor and saying “I’m hurt or sick… heal me” and not giving any symptoms. They don’t need to know any of the technical terms, but mentioning a limp, or pain someplace specifically can help someone trace theproblem.

Speaking of Which, I went to the doctor’s today… Blood work came back wonderful, though my cholesterol is up from my wonderfully low of 114 to 136. (still good) I’ve been redirected to a nerve specialist and some physical therapy. I’m feeling pretty positive about this because it means I’ll be getting into some serious shape. When I first hurt my back, recovery-wise, I was in the best fitness-level of my life… I plan on trying to stay to whatever workout plan is given me this go ’round. The trick is to just make it a habit, like taking care of Newt or making a point
of reading a little bit every day. My only worry is making sure that there’s enough time in the day for everything I want to budget in.

Only got a passing brush with my sweetie-monkey yesterday… she and I were working like devils today, too. Hopefully tomorrow will allow for more contact. (or at least a rest!)

Tomorrow is Dexter-puppy Thursday…that’ll make things a little nicer.

I was late to the doc’s, by about 20 minutes, and was chastised for it. my reply was. “You’re right… people should be on time for scheduled meetings, and I apologise for my misdeed. Tell me again why you’ve had me wait multiple hours the last few times?”

The Wendy’s garden salad is *good*, especially with a baked potato. Yum! what a tasty supper! My beloved would be proud of me, I even ate the cherry tomatoes.

Brother Went to a pre-court hearing, and it looks good… that silly cop is bonus-screwed… bro is mending slowly, but is repairing. He lost his job, as season has pretty much ended. He’s got a gig working for a bakery though, to see him through, plus another potential other on the horizon.

Scanning the LJ… looks like a lot of people are having bad days. Sorry, gang… I hope that the good stuff hits the fan, and sprays you all as liberally as the poo.

I’ve found a lot of great government-hosted sites, and my favorite of those from the past few weeks has been the Freedom of Information Act stuff from the files of the F.B.I. – lots of huge (and I do mean huge – hope you’ve got a fast connection) PDF files filled with scans of old newspaper clippings, office memos and other good stuff on subjects ranging from the death of John Dillinger to cattle mutilations. The truth is out there, and it’s in slow-downloading bitmap form.

Dale tolerates too many bugs!

typing as fast as my bear-mitts will allow…

Got the foreign video distribution program worked out, after about maybe two or three years of dancing around the bugs, fixing manually what the original programmer never managed to automate. Finally, with Dale being out a few days, it became a priority… mainly because neither MsK or I want to do any more menial work than is absolutely necessary. Before this weekend there really was no priority put on making it work… Dale is a unobtrusive guy, and would rather do an extra hour or so of work a week than complain. Not me…I’m all about automating anything that doesn’t require creative thought. (There are a lot of programs built now that have the “push a button, wait 20 minutes while it chews on the problem, and then validate a report” rather than the old way of “spend an hour or five going over the data with a fine-tooth comb, and hope that human error doesn’t rear it’s ugly head today”).

Recent completed internal projects – Laser room status tracking, Setup Department Tracking, Finish Automating the Video process, reconfigure backups to get everyone’s new machines covered nightly (gah… if a person renames their system, the backup will no longer know how to find it. New players on the network are Voyager Trek-based, via MsK. Sort of a wacky combo, now… machines named for the user in question; Dale, Kevin, Paul, 2001 ASO; Hal & Sal, Newton (self-explanatory), utility ;spool, setup, solimar, American Lit ; Emerson, Twain, Poe, Stevenson… now we have 7of9, Torres, and a plethora of others. I prefer a single theme, but there is something to be said for variety. )

On the burner, currently – Updated Setup reports, Updated Laser Room Reports, Clean up security on the master database, automate processes for West Palm, Fort Lauderdale, and Canadian offices.

I’m pretty pleased with the golem story, thus far…maybe a little more revision, and it might be worth shopping around. I really have to get on my mail-junk… it’s been an age, and I have a few manuscripts that have been waiting patiently to mail since the top of march or so.

Heading into the Doc’s tomorrow morn… hopefully this will be the last checkup for a while. I scheduled early enough that I should get to work on time… we’ll see.

Hitting the sack early tonight… put in a lot of juice-draining thought. nighty night, dear journal.

I used contraption and boondoggle in a sentence today (referring to one as the other), regarding why I don’t drive a car. Nice walk this morning, and my seeds look mostly unmolested. no sprouts yet, but it’s really only day 3. I woke up this morning to Newt sleeping by my side, curled with his back to me from armpit to my elbow.

This was my day at work yesterday. warning, sound. It was a thick day, as the ol’ Dale was out with pinkeye and we were suffereing from electrical trouble again.

I don’t know how he gets in my dreams, though. Lunch today might be oatmeal and a banana, if I can wrangle a nanner from the roach coach.

I need to synch some palm sketches at photos in, but I’ve got to fly for now… maybe tonight, dear journal.

before I go, a cool snail for my beloved.

Now this is a pretty cool online test.

The Cube.. my results came out pretty accurately. I won’t share them here, as I don’t want to pollute anyone else’s taking it with my viewpoint. I’d really like to see a collection of responses to it…some fun creative visual images, at least.

Beware those comments about the boss

Just like e-mail or Web traffic, instant messages can be monitored by corporate network administrators — whether those messages are sent to colleagues using a company’s own software or flashed to friends across oceans using freely available programs from America Online, Yahoo! or Microsoft.

Dangerous Labs

, there’s a whole section on distilling moonshine!

, there’s a jet powered go-cart!

, there’s the mysteries of radiation, including the tale of the radioactive boy scout!

, this is an article on squirrel fishing. that’s not on the science-site, but it’s fun!

nighty night, dear journal. I’m up too late!

Just spent a half hour chasing Newt around the house bellowing “Newwwwwton is a Goooooolem” in a haunted, insane, basso-profundo.

He started it. I was writing a nice story, and he climbed up, and sat on my keyboard, and nose-butted my right tear duct, until I was obliged to wrestle him to the floor and spin him like a tiny orange top, and roar a gutteral growl. He leapt to his feet, tail in the air, and we ran around the apartment after that… he’s good at the peek and dash at doorjams, and is willing to chase me, if I stop chasing him.

He is now worn out, and lapping up a big gulp ‘o water.

I am victorious!

I win! I wore out the baby!

quick note to self…

A person with the occassional ability to read minds gets dosed with some high power amphetimine-riddled drug. He can’t sleep, but he finds himself experiencing the thoughts of others who *are* sleeping.

add noir, horror maybe, and season to taste.

also – side note / backstory plot

A conspiracy of Golems. Detectives intercept some strange mail. Written in a deliberate, simple style, the letter smells of clay and earth. The language is 15th century Spanish. It seems to be communication between conspirators. A meeting is being arranged, or perhaps an exchange of some sort. It hints at a spread-out network of men, possibly all members of one estranged family. This should be made to seem more sinister than it actually is…