Why do toasters always have a setting that burns toast to a horrible crisp no one would ever eat? Does anyone deliberately chomp on “chunk of carbon”?

I wonder how soon the 2nd Harry Potter movie’s going to be on p2p stuff… or if it’s on already? Did J.K. ever get around to getting the fifth book out? (Quick Amazon check) Nope. Slacker. She’s going to miss the bus. Amazon is scary, now that I have paypal / online funds transfer again. Danger! One click shopping! Run, boy! It’ll gitcha if’n yer not careful!

Q: what kind of bees gives milk?

*Sending healthier vibes to my sweetie, who’s got a case of the icky-sickies today.

Kev’s supposed to swing my paycheck by… I have a few things to take care of today, that have to wait until after that happens.

According to a TV commercial – the average American owes $8000, has 12 credit cards and pays $83 a month in interest alone.

Good grief! *12* credit cards? I really am a pod. I can see the average person having a few… maybe even five or six, if you count oddball sears or department store.

I have one card, and owe nothing but rent and utilities… “normal bills”. I don’t believe in buying something unless I have the money already earned to cover it. (unless it’s an emergency or necessity)

What is up with the credit mindset? I suspect that folks just get used to the idea of “free money” and forget that they have to pay it later. I wonder if it’s a result of folks not having an allowance as kids. That’s how I learned… babysitting the neighbor’s kids made me the cash I required for consumerism. If there was something I wanted, I saved for it or did without.

Note to self – I need to get today-


A restocked pantry
Fresh fruit – (are blueberries in season?)
Green beans
Treats for me… Ice cream, maybe?

famous deaths, the week in review. has great photos, which makes all the difference. See also the much more complete and useful archive-wise Dead People Server.

Newton looks like a newscaster, or a hangin’ judge here. I think he needs a little red tie, blazer, a few blue index cards… and a microphone. “Next caller, you’re on the air!”
Judge Newton finds you guilty, and you will hang from the neck until you are D-E-D dead!

Ed Rooney should never have gotten on that school bus.

Just got a call… they’ve tentatively rescheduled my epi for Tuesday, because my doctor’s office hasn’t sent the proper referrals over yet. That’s a peeve… I got my rides and such all lined up, and now I get to rework it again. I’m looking quite forward to the new insurance company as of 12/1.

Deep One sunning itself in Florida? Possibly…

This is what I want for my next toy… Lindows, the company that ships a version of GNU/Linux that runs most Windows apps, will be shipping a < $500 tablet PC (most tablet PCs to date go for $2000-$3000). The device has wireless networking built in, a nice sharp LCD, and will look mighty fine nestled on my coffee table.


Sakes… a recent picture of Michael Jackson.

annalytical showed me this thing…last night: A Photographic History of Michael Jackson’s Face … I think she’s in a competition to find stuff on the net that’s cool, and I’ve not seen yet. That’s a hard challenge, but she’s succeeded a couple of times now.

Happy Birthday, Monet!
Haystack, or cupcake?

Neat story about an artist who carves tiny sculptures out of pencil leads – without using a magnifying glass. Wow.

Gallery of old newspaper illustration art from The American Newpaper Repository, an organization that aims to preserve bound newspapers that libraries are throwing out and replacing with microfilm. The website also has some vintage articles – including this 1902 piece on tattooing.

Lord of the peeps and even more distressing – Peephenge
snack food quiz results

A male contraceptive, 100% effective, and with no bad side effects? Available 2005

Wow, that’s outstanding. Questions raised – Will STDs increase as a result of less condom use? Can men in general be relied on to take it daily? (I know I could… just make it part of the routine, along with showering and brushing.)

Dan exchanged money for services with O.J. Simpson last Saturday… a $6 viewing ticket for volleyball– Dan was ticket concession and his school’s team was playing against O.J’s Daughter’s. Of course, I asked if Danny said anything about “acquitted murderer’s discount” or the like. He didn’t… his exchange was limited to “six dollars” and that was it…we didn’t get as much mileage out of that element of conversation as I’d thought.

Here are some lovely shots of Newt and I in a plastic spoon-wrestling match. Also known as “Newt doesn’t want his teeth brushed yet this morning”… I have to get him in the right mood before giving him the brusha-brusha… he needs to be worn out and in a snuggle-bug mindset in order for me to stick my finger in his mouth. Though he looks fierce, it’s just horsing around. He’s got a lot of strength in his mitts. His paws are so big… little snowshoe-rabbit cat.


Rah--rar? Getting worn out

Unfortunately, I could get no good shots of him getting brushies this morning… maybe next week. I was lucky to get those two above of him trying out for a part in Sabretooth.

oh, the links you’ll find.

But Will He Fight Mecha-Streisand? – There’s a plan in place to build a monument to Bob Hope (do you youngsters even know who that is?) for his tireless efforts in entertaining U.S. troops throughout various periods of war and peace. They’ve got a nice spot picked out in San Diego, and funds are being raised to begin construction.

They’re also planning an animatronic Hope that will emit one-liners and old vaudeville routines. This is where it gets creepy. “Let history come to life as you hear motion-activated recordings of Bob Hope telling jokes, while five full-size statues representing each military branch (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard) respond with the hearty laughter of those who so appreciated Bob Hopes efforts to improve their morale.” A memorial with a laugh track. A scary place to be trapped at night, I bet.

A pentagram with Bob Hope at every point. That’s got to be some sort of evil demon-summoning thing.

Amish family killed in buggy collision – It may very well be time for the Amish to consider moving into the 20th century, or at least the late 19th. This is the second such accident in a month. I can understand dying for your principles, but this seems preventable. Or, they could just use this.

Art Nouveau – Comic Book Style – some great stuff…some not so much so, but the majority is quite good.. Interesting theme idea, Dig Batgirl and Wonder Woman, or this group… Ivy reminds me of my sweetheart there, again. Warning, some of the links there contain nudity, but pretty tasteful.

I had amazingly erotic and exciting dreams earlier. Wow. I mean WOW. I won’t share details in public, but holy moley.

Reading my email this morning, for some reason I thought I saw mark as *undead* rather than unread. I guess that’s for all the email from zombies and vampires that I get.

Hooray! Paypal is up and running! in time for Christmas. 🙂 Now, I just have to wait for direct deposit before I can earmark any funds for the holidays. (Even though I have it again, I still need to budget)

oh yeah, baby…. milk bottle of the week. more proof that every flippin’ thing is on the net.

Nifty site – Omar Zabir’s Portal. It’s a DHTML/Javascript tour de force. Pretty amazing… very well written and quite complete. (I get leery of sites that dominate your whole desktop experience though… a windows simulation that’s a little too close.)

I want waffles, or potato pancakes for breakfast/ lunch. I’m not hungry, but craving some comfort food.

wow.. some miniatures are super expensive. (for what they are) The living room sets are nearly as costly as a *real* one!

Looks like if I want my tiny versions of myself and m’dearest to go on a picnic, I’m going to have to make the basket myself. The day that it cost’s more to feed my toys than myself is the day I perfect my own skills. I’d like to make a dollhouse for my sweetie…I’m sure she’d let me play along with my superheroes and monsters and such.

The presidential halo… I can hardly believe that wasn’t posed.

Newt’s being adorable, but a slob. bringing his food into bed with me to eat by my side. AwwwwW *brushing kibble-crumbs out of the bed*

edbook‘s latest image is fantastic! I’m frequently impressed by what he shares, and this one is just really keen (plus, he’s a really nice guy, from my perspective)

Okie dokie, it’s official.. I get it done Monday at 1. Dang, that took a long time. I left around one to be seen at three, and made it back home by seven. That’s a full day.

Back was doing pretty well, until they tested, poked, prodded and pulled. I’m used and abused right now, but once I’m flat for a bit, I should be ok.. Just no rolling.

Newt’s very welcoming… it’s nice to take comfort in his snuggles.

Sacre bleu! There are so many cool French comics! Do you remember pipe-smoking superhero Mister X? Or the flamboyant motorcycling crime fighter Motoman? Or the bizarre antihero Satanik, who only robbed and killed other criminals? And who could forget reading Otomox: Master of Robots while eating camembert and sipping chardonnay before school, mes amis? Despite all this, are you prepared for the ultimate team-up of Batman and… Tintin!?! (BTW: Other Tintin parodies abound.) (via memepool)

side note…. my sweetie could wonderfully fill a Batgirl costume… or Poison ivy. Rowr…. beautiful girl with brains and a darkish sense of humor. That’s my beloved… so yummy. If I were a superhero, I’d want her on my team.

I’m tempted to try a custom paint from bed. I don’t think it’ll work…more likely, I’ll get paint on me. I think it’ll be easier to write fiction instead. I’m overdue for doing that on the laptop, anyhow. Let’s see how my mildly addled skull does.

Yay! I got a zeppelin!The Wolfsonian is a museum of 20th century design in Miami Beach, and their website is a fine place to dig around. Looks like it has a ton of spiffy streamline modern and art deco objects, not to mention world’s fair nifties. I’m going to check it out in person as soon as I’ve got the time and ability to do so. I fear that I’ll go a little loopy in the shop. I really like the keychain! ) $5 a head is very reasonable.

I can take another painkiller at 11, and another anti-inflammatory at 1.

I’d really like for Newt’s sandbox to change itself, but that’s not going to happen. In about a half hour when everything is at maximum effectiveness, that poop is going out!

I’m not in much pain… there are a few comfortable positions I can hang out in. the only trouble is changing those positions. Rolling in bed or getting up is the only time I get a real reminder of why I have to stay home.

I got a message on my voice mail to call the center before I head over for my 3pm appointment…. I called back, and answered a battery of questions about assorted drugs and surgical history.

I look forward to when this gets to be $50-100 – Need enough music for a week? Or two? The Neuros HD has the capacity to hold 5,000 songs, and superior functionality to provide the technology you demand in an MP3 audio computer. The Neuros can broadcast songs wirelessly to your stereo. It can record and identify songs from the FM radio. With automatic synchronization all your downloads, play list changes, and requests from your PC library will be automatically executed. $400 is a bit spendy, but when the tech gets cheaper, I’ll be all over it.

Dear Jude Law: You need to nail whoever is responsible for what happened to your child with criminal charges. If the drugs are yours, you need to quit, now that there’s a family in the house.

If I had to pick ten people on LiveJournal to sit at a round table and have dinner and conversation with…I’d be disappointed at leaving some folks out. I’d like to meet and gave with *everyone I read* there are a few very special folks, though.

Bohemian Rhapsody is the top song of the last 50 years? No way. It’s a good song, but come on. How could it beat out Funkytown?

Cold Nipples? Possum Fur Nipple Warmers are here to save the day! (Pictures might not be safe for work)


I threw out my back at work today… Got in to see the doctor, and he confirmed that it’s epidural time. tomorrow, I go in for a consultation at a pain management center, and schedule three shots. The thing is, I don’t just want the pain treated, I want the problem repaired… treating the pain will allow for the repair to take place more simply, however.

the procedure

Veterans Day / Remembrance Day. Thanks folks. I appreciate all the work you guys put in, and I feel that that I live in a better world as a result.

Hm. The hut dropped by five members. I wonder what caused that? Some unusual surges here and there.

Yay! I won the Sopranos “Who’s gonna get whacked pool!” The Brownies are mine! I won’t say who bit the biscuit in case someone’s waiting to see the episode.

A neat site for some vintage advertising… ephemera now… mostly old cars, but there’s some other nifty stuff in there, too. Orange Juice has never been more frightening. As is the psycho girl and her baked ham.

Some folks have today off of work, but not me. So, I’ll see you later, dear journal.

I picked up a copy of The Big Book of Grimm to go with my others in the same series. I have only The Big Book of Martyrs to go, and I’ll have the whole set. (These have been the hardest ones to find).

After the bookstore, I did hook up with Dave, and we went with Mayah to the mall, and then had Pizza and Mage Knight for afters. He won a sound victory with his Hill Giant – centered 500 point crew. We swung by a few places on the way, just to shop for terrain (bought none) and a booster pack of figures each. The ones I got were sort of blah, but Dave got a nifty ironclad that I might trade some goodies to him for.

Relaxing here now, contemplating the hours between now and bedtime, thoughts of her on my mind.

Steal this book (now available as hypertext)

It’s already getting warm again… 81F during my 9am bike ride? Something to note about tunnels… they’re loud. The noise doesn’t have as many traveling options as a free, open area.

Well, my new savings account has already gotten $.04 interest, and it’s only a tiny amount of seed money until next paycheck. Next deposit, my rate will jump a little bit, which can’t hurt. Most of my funds landed in checking for bills and whatnot, until I decide how I want the sliding scale to go. I’m still waiting for the pay pal deposit to show up (probably won’t appear until Monday…) so I can take care of a little treat or two.

Two people on my reading list have deleted their journals… and they’re right next to one another on my list. I wonder if the next ones to go will be connected to them? Odds are slim on … but risingentropysparky hasn’t posted since the middle of last month.

I recently heard the “McDonalds Theory of War and Peace,” which starts with the observation that no two countries that both have McDonalds have ever gone to war with each other. A middle class strong enough to support a McDonalds is presumably never going to support a war with an equally developed country. Note that Vietnam, Iraq, Cambodia and Somalia are all Big Mac-free zones.

Dave wants to get together at about 4… that’s going to screw up my schedule. I probably won’t be able to hang out with him today after all. (I was shooting for a morning to noonish sort of thing) I wanted to get some tunnel shots in the early evening. Dan’s grading papers, and my bro’s sleeping, so it looks like all of my available 2-legged friends are out of the hang-out option. I don’t know if I’m going to go to the hobby store today… I might swing by B&N and pick up some books with my gift cards. The good one is only three miles from here. Yes, I think I’ll do that. A cup of iced coffee and some fresh reading would be a lovely addition to my day.

Until later, dear journal!