6988 – Has it been a year, or four already?

Brother oozed out of the shadows last night to pick up his Xbox and games. He picked up valuables, rambled a lot and was basically a jerk.

He’s been drinking, and probably using. I caught him in numerous lies, and he went off on the mother for not backing off of her commitment to never loan him money again. I watched him like a hawk while he went through his things… his broken brain wanted to go through some of my personal containers; things that hold
my tech stuff, and tools.

I’m glad that I can rely on Newt… fall back on his affection.

Interesting, that Islam keeps track of the moon’s shape by visual cues, to see when the holy month changes. MM will be scanning the sky for the crescent of a new moon to usher in Eid-al-Fitr, the three-day feast that signals the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. I won’t know if she’ll be able to take call on Saturday until sometime Thursday night, it seems.

In bright light, the cast shadow is darker than the object’s darkest side.

You are skulking along a wood-chip covered excersize path. It’s lunchtime on a workday, but the region seems empty except for you and your skittering footsteps on the cedar bits. Your gaze wanders from ground to the horizon, and from behind a distant elm, a form emerges, almost too far to see with the naked eye. But, you keep walking, expecting nothing more than a friendly nod as you pass. They get closer. You see that the form is pushing a wheeled pram. Closer, you see see broad shoulders and a red beret. He is nearer, a wearing a fur coat and is smoking the stub of a stogie. Closer — a shining bandoleer crisscrossing a barrel chest. You and he are fifty yards apart. You, and a gorilla pushing a baby carriage are twenty yards apart. You approach on the heart trail, and look inquisitively into the cart, and see a brain in a jar. You nod. Monsieur Mallah cocks his submachine gun, and continues on his way.



1 year ago – Eclipso, Lady From Shanghai, Tomacco, fonts, Book Fair, pondering, maggot art, mirror, Witch

2 years ago – poetry search, Newtcam pic, Zombie, DTH, Stupidty, Rachel

3 years ago – evil news, tattoo poll, shirty, Bizarro, Da Vinci

4 years ago – Apologies for FL, clown, log sheets, sweet disorder, I knew a woman, crimson dreams, chupacabra

6986 – Monday, Monday – Again with the shoes

Walking home from getting supper yesterday, I saw a man get hit by a car, a major strike, one of his shoes flew off and skittered against the curb. He seemed externally ok… he was helped to his feet, and was walking fairly well, but the people that hit him took him (I assume) to the hospital to be checked out. I can still hear the “Skid-thump” in my head… I’m glad it wasn’t a gory accident.

They recovered his shoe, and took it with them. That makes me contemplate about why some folks like to be shod or just collect shoes so much? I certainly prefer to go barefoot wherever and whenever I can. I can see the pleasure or sense of security that having your feet wrapped in socks might bring, but shoes… That seems to be something else… a sense of looking nicer, maybe? Most people think that the human foot is an unattractive part of the body, if they think about it at all. (I don’t even know which mental direction to take, when talking about fetishists… what little I’ve seen in that department seem to prefer costuming and shoes, but I could be completely off on that area of interest.

With some women and shoes seems to be like some men and tv-sports. That is, I don’t get either attraction by either group, and I’ve seen a small crossover of women interested in tv-sports, but I don’t know of any men that are big into shoes… of course, I don’t hang out with many “Metrosexuals” either.

Maybe it’s like the compulsion gamers get to buy dice? I don’t know. Speaking of gaming, I think Incredibles actually diminished my urge to play city of heroes.. I miss the family-style roleplay of Champions.

Let the swords run with the blood of the infidelsh., also, Stapler Called Love.

Quantum Leap movie filming in January? Continue reading 6986 – Monday, Monday – Again with the shoes

6985 – I want brownies and a curl up on the couch.

The Ren-faire gig is a paying one, and reasonably well, too. I just might take the job, if the company doesn’t need me to be on call or to work the drink booth.


The 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities

The Incredibles was great.. I’m torn for my favorite movie this year. It’s either that, or Shaun of the Dead. both are superb, and in two different styles. Everyone I know that has given me an opinion has loved them both.

I look forward to the inevitable Incredibles spin off stuff, a sequel, cartoon, whatnot. Holly Hunter spun into elasti-girl handily, as did the rest of the crew.

Did Mirage have any powers? I didn’t see any, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Speaking of Superheroes; Dear Weirdo-lady, and other Supers…

Why are you dusting sleepy tigers?

6983 – Veritas disputandum est

Danny couldn’t do the Incredibles last night, so we’re going to go today. I have it on good authority that I’ll really dig it. I look forward to discussing it with my long-distance movie going chums, too.

I figured out the connection for the Incredibles Costume… compare to Freakazoid.

Cuppycake Gumdrop Snoogums, and here’s what she looks like now. Look at that gleam in her eye. You just know that song twisted her into a knife-wielder.

I got a call from Debby… she wants me to be an actor in the coming ren-fest.. they’re low on male actors. I wouldn’t have to do any choreography, just “Flavor”.

Anybody in the Fort Lauderdale area looking for a gig at the top of next year? Lots of girls in bodices, beer, and a chance to walk around in cool costumes?

Had a pleasant surprise in the form of two chats yesterday… got to dig friendlies right out of the blue. Rock on San Diego! Made my otherwise quiet evening quite nice.

Forbidden love in a world where bunnies and cats can not love each other. Video for Korean group DDuatta.

More Broward County Piccies –

Motor Marina Inn (17th St) &
A Cool 60’s Style Pizza Joint in Hollywood.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Haiku from recent entries –

ebay auction it
was given with the car they
were a satanist

1 year ago – Rude awakening x 2 , da vinci Code- (disappointment), Hospital bill (thank goodness for insurance), lj scams, time warp, church signs

2 years ago – Turtle bread, macrame owls, Outtathaway, elections, poo wand, 3 power phrases, Black Manta

3 years ago – cunctator, Heel-stab, Taoist essay, Tick, Spartacus, Discover Yahoo “theme-chat”

4 years ago – CA ok, Papa Smurf, booze

6981 – Blue skies

Random Fort Lauderdale pictures, ant’s eye view – Click to enlarge

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Bay Club on Seminole Drive

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usIreland’s Inn on North Atlantic

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

It’s fun to be short!

Going to see The Incredibles tonight, if all goes well. Hopefully, I’ll get to drag ol’ Danny along.

A new security hole in Microsoft’s web browser allows hackers to, yes, you guessed it, take over PCs for their own malicious devices. All they need to do is plug in an overlong name as a frame or iframe src and, voilá, the attacker’s shell code executes!

If you’ve already installed SP2 on your XP machine, you’re “probably” safe. Otherwise, uh, so, you’re not. –via

In other news, it is very fun to run around the house, chasing Newt, bellowing “HARCOURT FENTON MUDD!” like a shrewish robot mother-in-law.

1 year ago – stream of thought, sportsclix first view, first use of hr-dividers regularly?, Daler Mehndi!, interaction

2 years ago – Singing horses, SPEAR LANCASTER!, Newtie Pic, Vote For DUKES!, cutup poetry, heroclix

3 years ago – superhero dream, evil news, Daler Mehndi, vote poll, felon poll, Q&A poll, sleep ramble, FE-co the wonder dog, posting ~6 entries a day, Entry #3152

4 years ago – dead links, realchange, and a trip to see Charlie’s Angels

6980 – nicked from weetanya –

from here – http://www.livejournal.com/users/weetanya/964592.html

I expect every single civic-minded person who posted about voting to answer this question.


Now is the time for MORE civic-mindedness.

What will you do for your country today — this month — this year?

Pony up. Put your money where your mouth is.

If the President you didn’t want got into office (and even if the one you did want got into office), it’s time to MOTIVATE more than ever — it’s time to give more of yourself to this country, because the country NEEDS YOU.


What are you going to do for your country this year?

6978 – Contains 5% juice

Newt’s gotten back into the habit of flicking on the front light switch with his face. He can only turn lights on, or flip into the “up” position. I caught him at it last night… he used to do the inside kitchen light by batting it. I wonder what caused him to swap switches and methods?

I’m going to visit the Hollywood PD today, to talk tech with the communications department, while RC does his deal. They’ve been a stone in our shoe for a while… I look forward to a chance to straighten things out and make them fly right.

Database Shuffle!

If you see a message that your journal is in read-only mode, that’s probably what’s happening… your journal is locked while it’s being copied to the new servers. It shouldn’t last more than a couple minutes. (not that the copies take that long, but we lock the accounts when they’re “on deck” for an upcoming move, to let the account quiesce)

scottobear is now on Bear, subcluster 9. Well, that’s a happy coincidence!

Where is your journal?

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 30 Seconds, re-enacted by bunnies.

1 year ago – Frankie still around, locusts, lj pops, back heal pic, cool linkies, meanie babble

2 years ago – verb, palm cave art, Halloween candy gone.

3 years ago RAW, Haiku, Tolkien, dead links

4 years ago – Smitten, David Duke, Movies, FLIFF

6975 – “Not over yet”… I suspect it is.

Well, I’m surprised, but I imagine that Bush has the election (and he does have the popular vote, this time). Very close, but it has been throughout. No matter who takes it, I’m not looking forward to the whiny-baby antics that are sure to follow both by losing politicians and voters that didn’t get their guy. If you didn’t vote… well, I hope that you get the guy you wanted, because that’s the guy you got.

Also, I think the electoral system is el-sucko, no matter who wins.

Something that I’m thinking about… The tight race that’s been going on… it’s weird, but most bloggers that I read lean to democrat, about 2:1 over republican. I wonder under which hobby that would be switched around, to balance out?

Most of the people that I used to game with didn’t bother to vote. If pressed to pull a figure out of the air, I’d guess that maybe one in five would vote for president.. and only perhaps one in twenty would vote in lesser elections. Gamers are generally suffer from slacker-itis, in my experience.

I have to remember to ask GP about the Halloween game.

Gauhati, India — Monkeys lurking at an ancient Hindu temple in India’s northeast have attacked up to 300 children over three weeks, temple officials said Tuesday. Continue reading 6975 – “Not over yet”… I suspect it is.

6975 – "Not over yet"… I suspect it is.

Well, I’m surprised, but I imagine that Bush has the election (and he does have the popular vote, this time). Very close, but it has been throughout. No matter who takes it, I’m not looking forward to the whiny-baby antics that are sure to follow both by losing politicians and voters that didn’t get their guy. If you didn’t vote… well, I hope that you get the guy you wanted, because that’s the guy you got.

Also, I think the electoral system is el-sucko, no matter who wins.

Something that I’m thinking about… The tight race that’s been going on… it’s weird, but most bloggers that I read lean to democrat, about 2:1 over republican. I wonder under which hobby that would be switched around, to balance out?

Most of the people that I used to game with didn’t bother to vote. If pressed to pull a figure out of the air, I’d guess that maybe one in five would vote for president.. and only perhaps one in twenty would vote in lesser elections. Gamers are generally suffer from slacker-itis, in my experience.

I have to remember to ask GP about the Halloween game.

Gauhati, India — Monkeys lurking at an ancient Hindu temple in India’s northeast have attacked up to 300 children over three weeks, temple officials said Tuesday. Continue reading 6975 – "Not over yet"… I suspect it is.

6973 – The Holiday Inn Rainbow Room Presents:

I feel sorry for Halloween these days. When I was a boy (by cracky), I could get upwards of three, sometimes four *pillowcases-worth* of candy. And Trick or treaters wore costumes, they didn’t just pull this “knock on doors and ask for candy” theme that seems to be the popular trend… or so I hear. I didn’t get any TorTers this year.

Radical fabric is one atom thick Continue reading 6973 – The Holiday Inn Rainbow Room Presents: