8240 – On justice and on friendship, there is no price, but there are established credit limits.

Walkabout was fun, but uneventful. I wore a ball cap this time, and it’s a good thing… my arms are a lot darker than when I left. I put in just under 10 miles of footwork yesterday, and slept quite well as a result.

Visited another different Thai place nearby for lunch… man, the food was awesome. Bamboo shoot salad served with lime juice, chiles, mint leaves, rice powder and cabbage. Yum woon sen – clear bean thread noodles with browned tofu, chile paste, onions, mushrooms, lemon grass and mint. Tom kah soup – a spicy coconut soy milk concoction with lemon grass, lime leaves and other spices. It was all totally vegan, too! Not one hint of critter in there.

I think that once I confirm my techs are switched over, I’ll do some more walkies as well, and hit that Dali exhibit… maybe take myself out for sushi (or as bhk likes to call it, @). [edit – whoops! the museum is closed on Sunday]

DabbleDB: Online App Building For Everyone

*very* handy little resource… simplifies MS Access or SQL for the average web app nicely.

Speaking of which, I put OpenOffice on my new pc, and had forgotten how keen it is, compared to MS Office. Open Source, all the features, none of the bloat. Win-win. It’s a total MS Office replacement, now that BASE is in there.

the human ton and handy

“Yeah..even now she sulks like Achilles in his tent. Achilles?…It’s the Iliad?…It’s Homer?… Read a book!”

Had a moment of feeling a bit like Handy there yesterday. People get very touchy when opinions differ…. The other side got pretty wound up to the point of hostility and hyper-defensiveness over something amazingly trivial, (a difference of opinion – I feel that Micheal Crichton is an anti-science hack writer, who ends stories with explosions rather than more satisfactory conclusions — She thought “he is awesome”.) and it really could only be settled by having a detente called. I have to make a point of just walking away at the first sign of pointlessness. I can agree to disagree, especially with someone I don’t have to see every day. I’m glad that nonsense is over now.

The Five Love Languages

My primary love languages are probably
Physical Touch and Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch: 9
Quality Time: 9
Words of Affirmation: 6
Acts of Service: 5
Receiving Gifts: 1


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don’t understand our partner’s requirements, or even our own. We all have a “love tank” that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

Moment of Lyric – mp3

There’s a city, draped in net
Fisherman net
And in the half light, in the half light
It looks like every tower
Is covered in webs
Moving and glistening and rocking
Its babies in rhythm
As the spider of time is climbing
Over the ruins

8238 – Word of the Day

crapulous KRAP-yuh-lus, adjective:

1. Suffering the effects of, or derived from, or suggestive of gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous stomach.

2. Marked by gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous old [1]reprobate.

These were the dregs of their celebratory party: the half-filled glasses, the cold beans and herring, the shouts and smells of the crapulous strangers hemming them in on every side, the dead rinsed-out April night and the rain drooling down the windows.
— T. Coraghessan Boyle, [2]Riven Rock

The crapulous life which her future successor led.
— Lord Brougham, Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the Time of George III

The new money was spent in so much riotous living, and from end to end there settled on the country a mood of fretful, crapulous irritation.
— Stephen McKenna, Sonia

Crapulous is from Late Latin crapulosus, from Latin crapula, from Greek kraipale, drunkenness and its consequences, nausea, sickness, and headache.


1. file://localhost/search?q=reprobate
2. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/014027166X/lexico

Dictionary.com Entry and Pronunciation


8234 – All Monkeys like orange kitties!

Bangs! Thank you, Eryx_uk, for the Axis and Allies Starter set! What a great b’day prezzie! It looked like the postman was playing football with the USPS box, but the contents inside made it without a hitch! Most awesome. I bet Danny’ll have a good time playing counter to me, as well. It’ll have a place of honor next to Zombies!!, Mage Knight and Heroclix.

Some quizzes

8233 – A return to the land I once knew

New brain came! Everything looks pretty marvy, except that they forgot to send the external 160 gig drive. Calling them today to find out about that. Frankenbox can go back to rest… but I may leave him alive to act as a newtcam server.

Second life was smooth as silk, and not a reboot in sight, save for system updates.

Having a fresh system is nice… boots up super-quick,and loads of room to maneuver.

Comp usa is also still lagging about getting the backup of my system back to me. I may just torrent the lost / rome, etc shows over again.

Cordless keyboard and mouse are keen, but I fear power outage when I least expect it.

Sunburn, part two has begun. Operation snakeskin.

Man faces jail time for selling crack

A City of Poughkeepsie man faces a stint in jail for dealing crack in the city last year.

Landocalrissan Butler, 25, of Winnikee Avenue, entered a guilty plea Tuesday in Dutchess County Court to attempted criminal possession of a controlled substance, a felony. Butler told Judge Thomas J. Dolan he had five small bags of crack in his pocket Dec. 22 when police arrested him on Morgan Avenue. He said he intended to sell the drugs.

In exchange for his plea, Butler was promised a sentence of six months in jail and five years on probation. He will also be required to forfeit a cell phone and $432 police said he obtained through illegal drug sales.

Butler remains jailed pending his sentencing, scheduled for April 4.

Moment of Lyric (mp3)

8232 – note to self – Saturday walkabout?

WHAT: “DalĂ­ on Tour” (art exhibition)

WHEN: now through May 20 (click here for museum hours)

WHERE: Coral Springs Museum of Art (NW Broward)

WALLET: cheap ($3?)

Coral Springs Museum of Art – home page
Coral Springs Museum of Art – current exhibit page

“An exhibition from the Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida and a Collector’s Exhibition of Dali prints, lithographs, etchings and sculptures curated by Jerry BengisGeotarget

8231 –

Current Music – mp3

Thanks, firpo!

Answers to yesterday’s test.

1. The word “snausages!” said the proper way will make me bust a gut laughing. *FIB*

Though, it can make me chuckle. The old commercial of the dog poking his head out, exclaiming “SNAUSAGES!” can make me laugh, albeit briefly.

2. One of best high school friends was killed by a blow to the head from an iron frying pan, as a result of a car accident.

Brent Ashland. Coming back from a camping trip, freak accident. pulled up short behind another driver, slammed on his brakes, and the skillet brained him. That was that. He had a lot of potential, dumb way to exit.

3. I’ve accidentally poured cheetos in a bowl, poured milk over ’em, and ate a spoonful like cereal before realizing my terrible, terrible mistake.

Always pay attention to what’s in the pouch on top of the fridge. even when you’re six years old. Seriously.

4. I say thank you to automatic doors and street lights when they let me pass.

It’s an unconscious response. Preprogrammed manners. Plus, I saw Herbie the love bug as a kid, and Buddy Hackett talked about a street light that didn’t like him. I appreciate robots helping my travels comfortably and easily. When the machines take over, I’ll have a position of authority.

5. I’ve been published in both Popular Science Magazine and the Unknown Armies Hardcover RPG rules.

Yup. Livejournal actually got me in PopSci (11/13/2003), and UA has me in the credits as a rumormonger. (published August, 2002)

Lakini Malich has made a startling discovery that will change the way the world views the brain-rotting laugh vacuum Garfield:

If you remove Garfield’s thought balloons, it goes from an unfunny comic to a rather sad, poignant story about a lonely man who has wasted his life talking to his cat.

He offers a second collection:

here’s some more, chronicling Jon’s spiral into depression and eventually madness. It’s what Jim Davis wanted.- via cruel.com

1 year ago – Millennium Spheres, new dr who, dice quiz, Earth2/We3, Jack benny, Donner party, Karma?, bittorrent

2 years ago – motorcycle Chernobyl tour, led mug, jk to revise hp, dan tech slips, bluto song, haiku

3 years ago – palm pics travel, WWII thoughts, site down

4 years ago – Newtosill, Daffy duck, Morning here, dreams, poem tag, bubblegum alley, cute animals

5 years ago – The bed, Cool old comic books, disclaimer, OJGeotarget

8230 – variation on a meme, I pollified it.

feel free to post a guess in comments, if you can’t do the poll above.


SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Some people like to talk to their plants. Now, students at Singapore Polytechnic say they have created a plant that can communicate with people — by glowing when it needs water.

The students said on Tuesday that they have genetically modified a plant using a green fluorescent marker gene from jellyfish, so that it “lights up” when it is stressed as a result of dehydration.

The light is hard to detect with the naked eye but can be seen using an optical sensor developed in collaboration with students at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University.

The development of such plants could help farmers to develop more efficient irrigation of cropsGeotarget

8228 –

Sunburn much more manageable today.

Hav pointed out that the Miami International Film Festival is going on right now. I’m going to swing the FLIFF next weekend myself, I think. I want to check out Manderlay.

Cool word of the day-

“Ubuntu” is an ancient African word, meaning “humanity to others”. Ubuntu also means “I am what I am because of who we all are”.

(it’s also an open source linux flavor, but that’s neither here nor there.)

Made plans to go to Uber’s pal Wendy’s place next week with a few of her pals for a little dinner party… stuffed shells! I wonder what I should bring? Bottle of wine? I should probably ask when the time gets closer.

Moment of Lyric (Mp3)

A nice heart and a white suit and a baby blue sedan
And I am doing the best that I can
All the eunuchs, they were standing in rows
singing, “Please stud us out just as fast as you possibly can.”
Sad song, last dance and no one knows who the band was
And Henry, you danced like a wooden Indian
Except this one mattered and I felt it had a spirit
And I shot the story because I didn’t hear it that way
And it’s hard to be a human being
And it’s harder as anything else
And I’m lonesome when you’re around
And I’m never lonesome when I’m by myself
And I miss you when you’re around

Top 10 accidental discoveries

The short list: Viagra, LSD, X-Rays, Penicillin, Artificial sweeteners, Microwave ovens, Brandy, Vulcanized rubber, Silly Putty, Potato chips

nabbed from christin and eryx_uk

Your senior year in High School is supposed to be “the best year of your life.”

Let’s see how much you remember: (Getting close to 20 years back! 1987)

Who was your best friend? I floated between four groups of friends. Kev / Brent-Steve-KevinC / Pam / James-Mark : all were fun folk to hang with. I’d say my best friend of the lot was Kev, and I still hang with him from time to time.

Who did you have a crush on? Man, I was mushy about a bunch of girls my senior year. PamM, PamP, Charlotte, Jane, and Elizabeth all leap to mind immediately, and I’m sure I could extract more with even an iota of effort.

What sports did you play? None my senior year

What kind of car did you drive? Powder Blue Gran Torino, and later, a white grand le mans

It’s Friday night, where were you at? Variable. see compartmented friends above. Best bet was probably Kev, I think.

Were you in the “In Crowd”? Nope, though people liked me.

Ever skip school? my senior year, I skipped an average of one day every two weeks.

Ever smoke? Nah, I tried cigs early on, and didn’t like ’em. I didn’t even like to smoke weed.

Were you a nerd? I had the benefit of looking like a bit of a brute, so folks didn’t really call me a nerd.

Did you get suspended/expelled? I was suspended once for fighting. It was self defense, but policy is to screw everyone involved.

Can you sing the Alma Mater? the first chorus, yes. the whole thing, no

Who was your favorite teacher? Tough.. my senior year was fun. Mr. Berry, Electronics / Mr. Meyhew, Programming (C & Pascal) / Mr. Miezinski , Drafting / Mr. Eck – Marine Biology

Favorite class? Marine Biology – probably the most interesting and educational class I had my whole high school career. Excellent teacher and content.

Beaucoupkev makes an superb point about Luthor’s origins as a Super-enemy. It’s not about being bald.

1 year ago – LDMs, RI high-tails it, elevator prank, screaming turtle, sunburn recovery, doctor d, pelican memory, ghostbusters/gaming, weather tracking, first mention of google video, record bro, freeware alternatives, interaction quiz, Burdines dissolves into Macys, Florida gambling, greyhound rescue

2 years ago – visited with Kev, 12 things meme, bro, CoD, train ride pictures, Newt Healthy

3 years ago – Wakeup, SS card, LAN party, classifieds

4 years ago – groceries, cloud makers, Lj folks, virus PSA, mapmaking

5 years ago – fly me to the moon, edelweiss, web-gamesGeotarget

8227 – Good walkies yesterday!

Pictures from walkabout yesterday… St. Ambrose was having a carnival.


Found a little carnival on walkabout Sunday – clicking icons makes ’em bigger

53 photos

spider searay monkeyfunhouse mixer ferrispano dragons DSC01498 DSC01496 DSC01495 DSC01493 DSC01492 DSC01491 DSC01490 st ambrose church st ambrose DSC01487 DSC01486 DSC01485 DSC01484 DSC01482 DSC01481 DSC01480 DSC01477 DSC01476 DSC01475 DSC01472 DSC01471 DSC01470 DSC01469 DSC01468 DSC01467 DSC01466 DSC01465 DSC01464 DSC01463 DSC01462 DSC01461 DSC01460 DSC01459 DSC01456 DSC01455 DSC01454 DSC01453 DSC01452 DSC01451 DSC01447 DSC01446 DSC01438 DSC01437 DSC01436 DSC01435 DSC01424 DSC01423

Three videos at youtube, too. you may want to mute the sound.

Tilt-o-whirl Bears

POV Pirateship ride

POV Flying Bobs

Honestly, none of the videos thrill me, but I had fun taking pictures. I autostitched a few just for grins. I’m surprised my piecemeal feris wheel didn’t work out, but others seemed to blend pretty well.

While on walkabout yesterday, I ambled north on federal Highway, just to see what I might see. As I passed the IHOP (30 minute wait…Sunday morning pancake crowd is thick.) I saw a ferris wheel rising up over the steeple of the St. Ambrose Church. Nothing was moving yet, but as I drew near, more goodies came into view. Hungry from lack of flapjacks, and with visions of funnel cake dancing in my head, I sauntered over to take a closer look.

The guy doing parking informed me that the fair wasn’t going to get rolling until 1pm, but I was welcome to roam around. (The time at that point was 11am) I took advantage by walking the grounds, and taking some pictures of all the rides and stuff before anyone was around, queued up, or whatnot.

I was bad, food-wise.

  • Roasted ear of corn. $2
  • Funnel cake $2
  • French Fries mit der cheese $3
  • a bake sale brownie $1
  • about 2 liters of soda pop.(a $1 can at a time) $5

I did not eat the deep fried snickers bar that one stand was selling. I mean, I have my limits.

Highlights of the day was playing bingo (I spent $18, and won $12 of it back), Winning the 4pm 50/50 raffle – spent $6 for 5 tickets, got $148 back.

Entertainment was mediocre, an overly loud dj, and some stage band.

Let’s see, other money spent – $15 for a all day ride wristband.
$5 for another 6 raffle tickets (chance to win $2500.. they’ll call if the winner isn’t present)
$5 for a basketball hoop shooting carny game.. I won Newt a stuffed tiger (on Newtcam, at the moment) Sunk 5 balls out of 7. ($1 a toss, or $5 for 7)

So.. Amount spent – $48. / Amount brought in – $160.

Net profit for walkabout – $112, a stuffed tiger, some color on my nose and cheeks, lighter hair, and probably about 4 lbs before walking calorie burn-off. Not a bad day!

Moment of Lyric (mp3)

First I learned to crawl
Then some other strokes
I can never remember any real good jokes
Do you feel like swimming?
Yes right now yes right now
I know a way to swim all the way downtown
It’s a lot like swimming first time over your head
It gets easier when you move your arms & legs
And for air you lift your head
Why don’t we try it right now?
Yes right now Yes right now
We’ll go by way of the garden fat with tomatoes and beans on the vine
Sweet like the way it was like swimming for the very first time…

1 year ago – ren-fest trip w/pictures, Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age

2 years ago – Newt-vet pics, Carpathian undead, radar on chip, Aerial Recon Archives, exorcist in 30 secs (by bunnies), punctuation meme

3 years ago – Gali sends me fan mail from Israel, ape music in my mind

4 years ago – playing the numbers, the bolters, euphemism generator, lj-ref link-list. (including 6 degrees), being romantic, superman 2, magic item poll, street signs of the world

5 years ago – filepile, interview, SQL issues, Kung fu Oz, CJ & Herman – part 2Geotarget

8225 –

Nice chitty chat with bhk last night, off and on while I took cases in AR, PA, ND, GA and FL. Most had happy endings and full recoveries. visited qdot briefly in SL, but couldn’t stay long to to the same calls.

Hurricane season in 3 months, and there are still a lot of blue roof, I hope things are gentle this year.

Beautiful day out this morning, so walkabout is imminent. Until later, Dear Journal!

batman and robin - mexico style!
Batman and Robin, Mexico Style

Also, um, what?


Belated friday 5 via eryx:

  1. What color is your hair? Brown, with sun-blond highlights, and a little gray.
  2. When is the last time you accepted a dare? hmm.. not sure when last I heard “I DARE YOU!”
  3. Do you think you could have an affair? Not likely.. I’m monogamous and very loyal to my mates.
  4. How often do you feel like walking on air? Well, I wouldn’t mind being able to fly.
  5. How about despair? Despair is useless. Assuming everything is bad or will turn out poorly is just defeatist. There’s always hope.

Moment of Lyric (mp3)

Trying to avoid
Being hit in the leg
By the bag that is going
Around and around
In the miniature sidewalk whirlwind

But the crumpled-up bag
Moves exactly as fast
As the speed at which you walk
To avoid being hit in the leg

To the amusement of others
You are hit in the leg
By the bag
And as soon as it touches your leg
It’s completely attached

Trying to pull off a bag while still casually walking
Only increases the merriment
So at first you consider violence against the onlookers
But then on second thoughts
Maybe the bag

La la-la
La-la la-la
La-la la-la
La-la la-la la-la

Buppa-ba ba-ba
Buppa-ba ba-ba
Buppa-ba ba-ba ba
Ba ba ba buppa buppa ba ba
Buppa buppa buppa ba
Buppa-buppa-buppah-buppah-buppah ba

But it’s made out of some kind
Of stretchy new plastic
That cannot be ripped in half

Sadly you walk on in anger and shame
Not considering the fate of the very next one
Who will try to avoid being hit in the leg
By the bag that is going around and around
In the miniature sidewalk whirlwind

Ever and always
Around the world
Everywhere you go
There will always be those
Who will try to avoid being hit in the leg
By the bag that is going around and around
In the miniature sidewalk whirlwind
Miniature sidewalk whirlwind
Miniature sidewalk whirlwind
Miniature sidewalk whirlwind

1 year ago – scottobear.com renew, trip to deerfield, free fonts, chat crash w/bhk, gp puts me on to spidey bible, what? WhaT?, H2GT2G, Chimp attack, giant stepsGeotarget

2 years ago – blogspam treatment, work, serial adder, 7-eared kitty, clown sweater, Ephemera, visited bro

3 years ago – book meme, palm doodles, picture issues

4 years ago – mopey, bro helping out, Dick Hymen – Master of Jazz Piano, super tugboat, Newton’s name, pet name poll, magic ingredients

5 years ago – Perseus tools, loved ones sick, flying monkeys, The 30 Least-Quoted Lines from Shakespeare, nosepilot, 5k comp