Tag Archives: supernatural

Well, it’s October, so a teensy change to my graphics this month!

Speaking of the season, a good story from a couple of years ago – increasing mobile phone usage is destroying ghosts, possibly through the disruption of electromagnetic fields that would otherwise be causing lightweight hallucinations. But why would it be disrupting them, rather than strengthening them? Why aren’t we getting more ghost sightings and flying saucers and unexplained senses of presence, now that the air we walk through is thick with wireless transmission? Continue reading

What’s the plural of Strega? Strege? Streghe? Italian? Albanian?

last day of the 9-5 deal.

just as well… I hope that there’s a minimum of nonsense today. I’d like to get some things done without having to run them twice or four times due to technological troubles.

Something out of a sci-fi magazine… a news story about rocket belts, intrigue, and jealous murder. Yeah, Rocket belts!

Not feeling too talkative….(typeative), and I’ve got to head off to work. until later, dear journal.

Spellcheck thinks Chupa is Chapeau. I have a goatsucker for a hat!

An insanely cute collection of costumes for babies.… speaking of which, Mayah was in good form last night… she can push Cathi on the little kid scooter by putting weight into her toddles. Pretty good for a munchkin under a year old! Supper last night was veggie burger, salad and brownies for dessert. I fell asleep just about 5ish am, I estimate… and woke at about 9. I’ll probably take a midday nap to crank my juice back up a little. My sleep was a sound one… of the sort where it was an eye blink, and four hours had gone by. Took Luna and the baby for a walk, before dessert… Jack the evil dog was out there. I got to use my sonic boom authority voice on him.. “*GO HOME*”… he went to his yard and barked from there, after a few stern yells. I wonder where his owners were?

Went for a little bike ride with the bro this morn, and checked out a local yard sale. a couple of good items… a nice pup tent, bed rolls, an ancient laptop, lots of unusual tools… hatchet, crowbar, pickaxe… and a couple of books all looked good, but I abstained on all but two tomes… Chronicles of Robin Hood, and Great American Ghost Stories. I rather like yard sales, just because you get to look at all the loot… form a mental snapshot of the person selling the stuff. Did they get a new tent? Did the family member that liked to camp pass away? Was this stuff found left behind in the house?

I’d like to have psychometry. As long as I could turn it on or off at will. The last thing I need is to get readings off of my clothes and sheets’ last trip in the washing machine, let alone the scene of a violent crime or other off-putting act.

Chupaaaaa!!!The history channel’s doing a documentary on Bigfoot and Other Monsters –

The mermaid, Abominable Snowman, giant squid, and dragons are all parts of myths and mysteries. But are some real? The Komodo Dragon was merely the stuff of local legend–until the dinosaur-like, very real giant reptile with an orange tongue and a fierce disposition was tracked down. Giant squids, measuring as long as 100 feet, have been found to really exist. We’ll explore every possible explanation for these and other legendary creatures and find out if some might really exist. TV G

Current Flavor – Chupacabra!… a personal fave.

Speaking of mermaids… I’m thinking nice thoughts of my sweetheart… hoping that she’s digging her day and is feeling my admiration and love for her. She’s had an even more busy week than myself…here’s to her being able to sink into a warm, fragrant tub of bathwater, scented with exotic oils, and gentle unwinding.

I almost forgot!

I saw Ray (not Colina, but Gaming Locksmith Ray) on the way to work this morning. I smiled and waved, after he caught my attention with his horn. (I was cycling to the terminal). He’s looking pretty good. It’s probably terrible of me to say this, but I’m glad that he’s not married to Heather anymore. He surely deserves better than to have her in his life. I’ve got very little bad to say about Ray… he’s a friendly goofus, who delights in a little creative storytelling now and then. I wonder if he and Rose are still going out? She seemed to be a good cohort for him.

Current fun toy… RISK clone for the palmtop… called “Worldwar” very addictive, and quite challenging. My skill is at me vs three medium, one hard opponent… I’ll win about half the time. one more easy opponent thrown in as a wildcard will cause me to win more often, as I leave him to the sharks players.

Work was thick today… I managed to get through it, though Island boy didn’t check his documentation as thoroughly as he might’ve before going on a trip. No sweat, I got through the roughest patch, but a couple hours of my time were wasted relearning and adjusting to how things worked, rather than how they were (or were not) written down.

Monday and Tuesday will be better, unless some other goofy curveball comes my way. I hope not. My poor sweetheart has been trapped in a work vortex lately too… I hope we both pull out of ’em soon!

I want a magic pebble to wash all of my clothes, and clean my apartment for me. I’m too shucky-darn tired to do it tonight and I’m not going to want to do it tomorrow, either. (but I will… gots to have the clean clothes.)

Also, sort of old, but worth putting in here…for posterity.

Latest custom…A quickie easy one after how tricky my sweetheart was.

Quicksilver, before customizingCustom Danny Fig.... hmm, I hope he still likes it, even though he dislikes heroclix, now. Got a little lazy... He's got Jean shorts the same color as QS's leggings.

Sort of hard to see Dan’s signature black shoes, but I like how he came out. I think he’ll be tweaked to have longer pants, though. More Danny’s style. I’m glad he’s got a grape knee-brace, instead of a blue one. blue’d be tough to contrast vs. jeans.

Another day gone by at work… more tech up, and only a little interference from the rubes. (It helps that Finn and Santie are out this week.) I work the Day shift on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday…Island Boy is off, doing sound work with his brother’s company for Flaming Spear, and a few other venues. Upside… I get home early for the weekend. Downside…I may have to stay late, if the monkeys at Ramada are over slow and dimwitted.

very cool house blessing/ghostbusting

Zombie factoid of the day… Night of the living dead was originally rated X.

p.s. *STAY AWAY FROM THE 30th ANNIVERSARRY EDITION* get the millennium edition. Far superior.


I never noticed before, but each major chattie has it’s own color. Yellow aim, green icq, blue msn, red yahoo. The new version of trillian has little colored circles rather than logos for each active. Pretty neat to me, for some reason. My connection to all of them comes on like a little drag-racer pole position light up… “Prepare to qualify”.

Jerry Falwell — yes, he’s flapping his yap again — has concluded from “reading Muslim and non-Muslim writers” that Muhammad was a terrorist. Which is kind of interesting, because from reading interviews with Jerry Falwell a lot of people have concluded that Jesus was a redneck, right-wing bigot. Holy men: Great ideas, bad PR representation. Why do the dumbasses seem to often get the loudest voices?

Slow day for the homepage…

Storing on my alternate host account. I’ll probably relocate ’em when msn is repaired. Scribbles form the last couple of days. Definite themes appear.

Tiny, So I didn’t bother with an lj-cut. If it’s too much, feel free to tell me.

Misc drawings from today…
Catfish... I don't know why he popped into my head. I started doodling, and there he was.

Me and Newt...I'm going back to the idea of hand drawn icons for one of my home page layoutsAnd then, I started thinking about my sweetheart... Me waiting for the train on Sunday 9/30... before I got to talk with my sweetie, I was getting impatient.

The train arrived about five minutes late... not bad, all toldThe bus ride to work this morning was droning... white noise started to lull me to dream.

Halloween mood returns.... it's a dreaded were-yuppie!It's a guh-guh-guh-ghoooost!

Sakes… Newtie is talkative tonight… I wonder what’s got him going?

A moment of Floyd, before bed.


I want to tell you a story
About a little man
If I can.
A gnome named Grimble Grumble.
And little gnomes stay in their homes.
Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.

He wore a scarlet tunic,
A blue green hood,
It looked quite good.
He had a big adventure
Amidst the grass
Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.
And then one day – hooray!
Another way for gnomes to say

Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn’t it good?
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn’t it good?
Winding, finding places to go.
And then one day – hooray!
Another way for gnomes to say

chupacabra song

chupa chup. not to be confused with chupacabra.Chupacabra! not a lollypop!!Her name is Chupa, the Chupacabra,
With ugly spikeys in her hair and a spine exposed to air.
She don’t meringue, don’t do no cha-cha,
But it’s the thing she does the best, That most people do detest.
She does it all night long, just listen to my song.
One day a goat will be walking by,
Next he’s awfully dry.

She’s the Chupa (Chup), the Chupacabra (Chupacabra)
Her mealtime’s a taste of macabre (Yeah?)
Yes, the Chupa (Chup), the Chupacabra (Ooh),
She sucks goat’s blood and she’s not my bud
Yes she’s the Chupa….She strikes at night.

His name was Pico. He was a farmer.
He once had 30 head of goat, now not one darn sheepskin coat,
Because the Chupa, she paid a visit.
And while our Pico slept in bed, Chup enjoyed much blood-a-red,
Pico woke up that day,
Did not know what to say,
There was blood and some 30 goat heads,
He knelt down to pray. She’s the Chupa (Chup), the Chupacabra (Chupacabra),
Her mealtime’s a taste of macabre (Yeah?)
Yes, the Chupa (Chup), the Chupacabra (Ooh),
She sucks goat’s blood and she’s not my bud
Yes she’s the Chupa….She strikes at night.

from http://www.whowouldbuythat.com

https://i0.wp.com/www.whowouldbuythat.com/images/lawngoose.cop.jpg?resize=200%2C346Eeek! Ebay auction.

Got a ceramic goose?

Want to dress it up like a cop?

I thought so. (Note – the costume is the only thing being sold, as it does not come with the goose. I suppose you have to supply your own..I suppose it would fit on a flesh and feathers goose, too, if you’ve got one?)

Apparently she makes a lot of different outfits – has dutch children’s clothes, a nun, a doctor and a few others.

Sort of surreal…Is this a market that I’ve just never heard anything about? I’m not sure if I should admire her handiwork, laugh, or run in fear of the animals dressing as would men.

{update} The Goose is talking to me. I can hear him. He knows all the laws I’ve broken and have never been caught for.

*breaking into a cold sweat, as eyes become beady… brushes the chalk ‘M’ off of my shoulder.