7100 – Seven Swans a-Swimming

At the yearly overview at work, I was praised pretty highly, and referred to as the “sergeant at arms“. (due to my keeping my brain screwed on tight, while other tensions rose)

Mel and I should have the whole day together today, barring badness. I’m not sure what’s planned, but I think an indoor NYE is the way to go, come nightfall.

Interesting that I end the year on a fairly round numbered entry. 7100, since I first started this thing. unreal.

Good Morning Newt!

So long to Deuce-double-aught-four.

Some stuff that happened, I may or may not search the journal to linkify ’em.

  • Bro’s Shenanigans come to a head… Twice!
  • D goes *poof*!
  • CJ goes *poof*!
  • I stay buddies with Whims and Sammy, despite There.com fadeout and they stopped dating.
  • Mel goes *foop*! (or whatever the opposite of *poof* is)
  • Some other neat new LJ and meat space pals go *foop*!
  • Newt’s a healthy boy, but I discover he’s a bit jealous.
  • No serious health issues.
  • I maintain a nice email relationship with Gray Pumpkin, and The Wu’s seen to have vaporised.
  • A lot of weight lost, some of it regained.
  • Lots of turnover at work. I’m tied with VS as the 4th longest currently-lived employee, after BK, RI, and LD.
  • Stayed with Danny through hurricanes.
  • I had a gun put to my head due to a vehicle registration
  • Lots of photowalkabout, including a nice day at vizcaya (pictures spread out over a week)
  • Many pictures of Newt, got cam software that lets me do weird blue screens and capture cuteness
  • I got a sammich made by a guy with a black eye
  • I got radical sandals from my buddies in the East-east.
  • I made a scary-scotto icon
  • I put bids down on condos, but fate conspired against me every time

Plenty of other stuff too, but that’s the first stuff that bubbles to my forebrain.

number test