Tag Archives: games

my first design for 1000 blank cards

Newt Headbutt.... Kitty love. +10 points
Newt Headbutt…. Kitty love. +10 points

All this notepad drawing got me thinking…

Heck… I’ve got some basic-colored shirts. *slips into a striped tan and darker khaki shirt*
*cues the music*

Newt's Clues!

We are playin’ Newt’s clues…we are playin’ newt’s clues… I wonder what they are….

A clue! A clue! Achoo? Bless you! “NOOOO SCOTTOOOOO.. A CLUUUUUE” Oh! A clue!

I’d better break out my handy-dandy palmtop.

Newt put his little paw print on these.. can you guess what game he wants to play?
coffee mug
a coffee mug

An eye patch

a pillow

Hmm… we’d better all sit on the thinking futon!

Heck.. I don’t know. Do you?

I’ll wait here until we figure it out.

meanwhile.. some linkies.

Looks like R’yleh could be rising again…

Managing Activism is written for PR practitioners whose clients engage in risky businesses (fossil fuels, pesticides, genetically engineered foods, nuclear waste, toxic dumps, animal testing) and who therefore become the targets of “activist groups” including “environmentalists, workers’ rights activists, animal rights groups and human rights campaigners.”

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense. Janet Reno was in town this last weekend… I forgot to mention it earlier. She is indeed sort of squatchy, according to reliable witnesses.

I think I’ve figured out what I’ll do with Dan on my next visit… 1000 blank white cards. Some highlights of other folk’s cards…(warning, some adult content, possibly not safe for work). I’m rather partial to “Win a dream date with Chewbacca” +526, and the food chain. (I didn’t know Blue whales ate cats!) The Boston set and Seattle set are both nice. Hummingbird thinks you are delicious. +5

Thirty Minutes With A Surly Harrison Ford – a funny glimpse into “roundtable” movie press junkets. Although, to be fair, you can’t fault Harrison Ford for an industry-wide publicity machine that favors fluffy sound bites over anything of substance, supplying ill-prepared reporters who ask dumb questions with steady jobs.

I saw something this morning while tooling around on the HZ… a dumpster diver. A possibly homeless guy going from trash bin to trash bin, collecting, stomping flat, and storing recyclable cans in 40 gallon trash bags. He had one that was already full, and a second that he was in the process of loading up. I wonder how much he gets per bag? When I was a Middle-school kid, living in Hypoluxo, I’d go collecting cans and load up about a bag or two over the course of a few hours… I seem to recall I got about $20 for three hour’s work, and that was back in the early 80s. Strange flashback… I remember my broomstick with a nail in it, and crushing the cans to small discs so that more would fit. The smell of that last dreg of beer coming out from under your shoe smelling so foul. As a kid, I thought it was urine, because of the color and reek. That Christmas, I get a Battlestar Galactica jacket… pictures of silver cylons on it, with the big double diamond base star on the back. I thought I looked so cool.

Singing kitty flash thing. Cute and vaguely disturbing.

visit- public consumption

Had a nice visit with Dan this morning, while his Mrs. was at church… He taught me how to play the pokemon card game, which is cute… I beat him two games of three.. Orcs in the hood, we each won a game.

got home, and found a few messages on the machine… I suspect that my social day is over, though… I imagine that Dave has already headed to the movies or whatnot.

Dan’s house wasn’t so bad without A/C… we played on the porch with oscillating fans, and a storm front moved in.. nice cool air and dark clouds.

I’m going to go visit Danny again tomorrow while his wife is at church. Good deal all around…I’m going to have to rustle up a game to bring with me…usually we just chitty-chatty, but I figure he’d like a little strategic distraction, too… he’s getting a little punchy being stuck at the house for so long.

Playing cards, or maybe pocket chess. I wish I could find my brawl decks…it’s buried in one of the “unpack later” boxes.

I know! I think it’ll be a day for bitin’ off hedz , or orcs in the hood.

Looking forward to the visit, but not the location. Dan’s A/C is out. He’s got fans, but I’ll be getting out of the house just in time if I leave at about noonish. I should launch from here about 8am if I want to spend about three hours at his house.

I spent a little time working on the home page today… I think I have it sort of how I like it. A little more twisting and tweaking, and I’ll be happy, methinks. I have to hand draw more “signage” on my palm.

At some point, I’m going to have to dig up my ball cap, too… I’ve been getting a lot of sun lately, and don’t want to burn. I may have some of my sun block in the medicine cabinet, but I prefer not to use that stuff if a visor will do the trick…I don’t go in for the “war paint” look. (Well…not all the time, anyhow.) I’m a big wuss-boy about burns… I get SPF of at least 15, just in case.

Hearing my sweetheart laugh is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Fox’s “hidden camera” show is fantastic, too by the way.. if anything, it’s too short. They need to put on two-hour specials.

Relaxing now, unwinding before heading off to sleep.

Puttering around the web…

Licensed variants of Monopoly. In Monopoly, you buy properties and then charge people increasingly exorbitant amounts of money when they stay there. As board games go, it’s a workable metaphor. It doesn’t apply to everything though. I mean, you can’t build a hotel on Bulbasaur. It just doesn’t work.

True porn clerk stories… I wonder if christin can relate? This is an utterly fascinating journal about working in a porn shop. The author stays away from the usual “my wacky job” clichés, and instead writes with great humor and insight about not only the unusual customers and politics of renting porn, but also about the effects on herself, and how the experience has changed her. It’s a long set of entries, all remarkable and entertaining.

the Phobia list.

The Ace Doubles Paperback Image Library – ignore the ugly website design and savor the art of cheezy vintage paperbacks. Great illustrations, nifty titles, breathless story descriptions, crazy hand lettering … it’s all there.

100 Years of Jell-O ads.

nighty-night dear journal.

werewolf! – (via carmello)

Within each of us, ofttimes, there dwells a mighty and raging fury.
Pilot episode, The Incredible Hulk

Throughout history, we have been plagued with tales of mad animal-men, wild lycanthropes that tear through the night eating human flesh, violating women and animals, and infecting humanity itself.

Why is that? Instinct? It’s one of the story types that is everywhere you look, regardless of culture.

It just occurred to me, reflecting on my aggressively protective nature of those I love.

Speaking of werewolves –

complete list of upgrades with the 1.0c patch AOE2-Con.

Microsoft® Age of Empires® II: The Conquerors Expansion Version 1.0c
Readme File

June 2001
© Microsoft Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

Microsoft Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion 1.0c is an update of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion 1.0 that includes several enhancements and bug fixes.
Continue reading complete list of upgrades with the 1.0c patch AOE2-Con.

what a nifty gizmo!

I’m shopping for a digicam… this one’s pretty neato.


just got a new patch for age of kings / conquerers. looks like it fixes a few scripting bugs…waiting to install it (want to make sure my partner player is going to get it first…only one person I really want to play with, need to keep compatible.)

Note: Microsoft Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion 1.0C is an update of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion 1.0. The installation of patch 1.0B is not necessary as this patch contains the same enhancements and bug fixes. Patch 1.0C also fixes mini map trainer issues with Age of Kings The Conquerors.

Patch 1.0C will not install correctly if you have previous installed a WAREZ version of the game, the CD Hack or any trainers. You must delete and install the Conquerors for the patch to work correctly.

Known Issues with Patch 1.0C – Readme file is from version 1.0B. (the Same install and de-install instructions from Patch 1.0B still apply).

This patch contains numerous bug fixes & play balance changes. Some of the fixes are not listed here.

Play Balance & Adjustments

Open ground is always green on the minimap, even on snow or sand terrain.
Black Forest no longer turns up if you select Random Map or Land Random.
Farms can be queued to 40.
Fish traps now provide food at a faster rate, about equal to shore fish.
All archery range units (except hand-cannoneers) now do +1 additional damage to spearman-line units.
Camels are now as quick to train as spearmen.
Viking Berserks now move as fast as pikemen.
Celtic Woad Raiders now move faster (they run faster than Eagle Warriors who lack Squires).
Bombard Cannons do +80 additional damage to buildings.
New Multiplayer-only map type “Blind Random”. This selects randomly between a number of different map types, and you are not told what kind of map you are playing on.
Aztecs now get free Loom
Castles now take 200 build points to construct instead of 150.
Franks now have the Halberd technology.
Chinese start with 50 less food than before (for a total of -200 food)
Bombard Towers now do piercing damage instead of normal damage (the major effect is vs. rams).
Byzantines get free Town Watch
Training time for Teutonic Knights, Longboats, Tarkans, and Samurai is significantly reduced.
Spanish hand-cannoneer and bombard cannons now get a 15% faster fire rate. Fire rate for conquistadors and elite conquistadors is also improved.
Cav archers now have equal range to heavy cav archers.
Goth infantry now gets its full cost discount in Feudal Age.
Japanese infantry now gets its full attack speed bonus in Feudal Age.

hitting the sack shortly… gnite!

Uh. What?

Boong Ga Boong Ga is a Japanese arcade game where you physically jam a big cartoon finger into the plastic replica of a woman’s butt, and watch the screen as her animated face contorts with surprise and, uh, whatever.


You’ll also see what are allegedly the game’s mascots in costume form: a big foam hand with extended finger and a walking turd.

(And in passing, I should note that below that is a mascot from a Japanese Playstation 2 video game, where you control a vacuum cleaner and try to pull the shorts off of monkeys. The game is available in the United States, though only for Japanese-made PS2s.)

There’s a tamer variation intended for the U.S. called “Spank ‘Em!” where you spank the plastic butt instead. The images below are flyers from the manufacturer; the second is in English and well worth looking at. In “Spank ‘Em!” you get to spank all sorts of villainous types, including ex-boy/girlfriends, con artists, and of course child molesters. Ah, the relaxing joys of videogaming!


Ahhh! Nothing says accomplishment more than having all the bills paid, groceries gathered, the house clean, and a happy orange cat in your lap as you read a good book, and watch Aliens (Alien II) on FX.

Life. Is. Good.

I have a bag of switches

[update 5:35] – I am now playing Aliens vs Predator. Hearing a space marine screaming “Game over, man! Game over!” Time to go on a bughunt.

Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.
-Dave Barry


oh, the IMDB mentions folks atthe mystery men hiring party – any others?

Powerwoman, Powerwoman, Supervacman, Reverse Psychologist, Mr. Pups, Waffler, Mailman, Pencilhead, Son of Pencilhead, Little Miss Vengeance, Squeegeeman, Maintainer, The Artiste, Big Billy Hill Billy, PMS Avenger, Radio Man, Gorilla, Evil Devil Woman, Globalman, Gardener, Bullfighter, Stilt Man, Fisherman, Thirstyman

good night. :)

Off to bed with me.

bored? read my comics page

this just in –

September 14, 2001 – MIAMI BEACH COMMUNITY CHURCH (hosted by BOOKS & BOOKS). Bruce is doing a BOOK SIGNING from 7:00 – 10:00pm.

For info, please call 305-538-4511.
1620 Drexel Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Bruce Campbell, signing If Chins Could Kill.

I’m going to try to be there, but it’s Miami. ugh. a more wretched hive of scum and villainy… Still in the air. We’ll see. Wait a minute!

September 14-16, 2001 – VULKON at the Sheraton Ft. Lauderdale Airport, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Bruce is scheduled to appear on 9/15 & 16 with a Q&A and Auto. Session on both days. There will be no Book Signing in the Dealers Room on 9/16.

http://www.vulkon.com/ftlauderdale/ft-stars.htm – I’d much rather wade through con-folk and such than contend with high crime…Maybe I’ll take pictures, so I can show any con-virgins what I mean about gamers, and fandom in general.