Tag Archives: cej

Cyndi Lauper was excellent… when I have more time, I’ll unload the camera’s better piccies to here. Karen and Doug both made it, too. Apparently Cathi and Dave were there, but couldn’t get to my front-row location by the time they got there. It was an acoustic set, and she rocks with the dulcimer and recorder too! Very spiffy.

Respectable turnout. Maybe 200 people. If I had to guess. I’d say that it was and even 50/50 male/female audience… though I suspect that there was a disproportionately high percentage of homosexuals to heteros. Instead of the usual 1 in 10… I’d put the flamboyantly gay population at maybe 3 or 4 in ten, primarily male. Any straight girls looking for a straight guy would have to activate major hunting skills. The one with best odds would be a bisexual male.

I got a signed CD… She seems quite nice in person, and has only a hint of that wacky new-yorky accent that she talked with during the 80’s… Her son was there, too, and is a cool kid. I may be appearing on deco drive Monday night on wsvn at 7pm. we’ll see what happens.

After the concert, I went with Karen and Doug to the mall next door to shoot the breeze and grab a bite to eat (Nathan’s french fries, and lemonade… good tasting), and then quick little stops at Kay-bee toys, the discovery store, and the Barnes and noble… just lookie-looing, no purchases for me today, aside from the new Lauper music.

Last night, I finished my new computer desk…it’s nice, but the tower doesn’t fit in the elevated bay with the large drawer on top…. so I removed the drawer and runners to safe for when a smaller case is used, next go-round. The Desk is nice, though… a healthy-sized keyboard sliding-shelf now gives me a lot more desktop real estate to work with (or for Newt to rest on, as he’s doing now.)

The things you find on the Internet, looking for zombies…Hot Wax Zombies On Wheels

Synopsis: A sleepy fishing village is terrorized by a band of hairless zombies on motorcycles. When a bodacious female biker and her muscular henchman, both bent on ridding the world’s human population of pesky body hair move into town it’s up to the town’s lingerie shop owner, her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s best friend to battle hairlessness for the sake of Planet Earth.

Tonight, at about 8, I’m going to visit with Dave, while his wife and her buddies go out for ladies’ night. I don’t expect that evening to last too long, though…. maybe two hours or so.

I’m looking most forward to spending some time relaxing on my own and with my sweetheart… we’ve both been busy-bunnies!

Whee! Deadly toys I had as a boy!

Hey… the poem tag project has its own domain now…http://www.poemtag.com/

Route 1 goes by the twelve dragons. Maybe I’ll take a look at that next weekend…maybe pick up an assortment of little plastic dudes. Maybe some Mechwarriors, or Mage Knight figs. Fun to mix it up. I bet that I can get my sweetie into it if I get some that look like gundams.

Practicing the recorder, and it’s officially back… it took a few days to get the fingering back up to speed, but once there, it’s like second nature again. I’m very pleased.

I’m taking this coming Wednesday off to hang out with Dan… He’s having some skin cancers removed in the morning, and I thought it’d be a good thing to help him keep his cheer high, and mind off of his troubles a bit. Plus, I’ll enjoy a little time off in midweek. Bonnie’s program is done, so my only projects ahead of me are regular duties, the web page, and whatever else pops up. I’m hoping that the shakeup in the mailshop isn’t going to be too rough, with big bird leaving.

A year ago, I was telling a pirate joke, abandoning an idea for selectivity on my website and basking in the glow of the touch and thought of my sweetheart. Two years ago, I was telling someone that I’d had my septum removed, and had my blood replaced with instant coffee by aliens.

114 years ago-

A plant grows in Mexteca, Mexico, which the natives call the “herb of prophecy.” A dose of it produces sleep similar in all respects to the hypnotic state. The subject answers with closed eyes all questions that are put to him, and is completely insensible. The pathologic state brings with it a kind of prophetic gift and double sight. Furthermore he loses his will and is completely under the control of another. On returning to himself he remembers nothing of what he has done.

-Excelsior Cottager, August 25, 1888

My sweetie’s going to be pleased… looks like she’s going to get some major rain this week, from Tuesday, on. Tonight, I have a soft patter of rain, and it looks like it’ll last out the week, too, sporadically. I’m glad of that…it’ll take care of the plants, and maybe keep things nice and cool. I’m tired of the hurricane andrew retrospectives everywhere… yes, we had a lot of rough weather and hard times a decade ago. Is it worth talking about on the news every night for the last two weeks? Nope! How about a few human interest stories that take place in the now?

ci‘s baby had a *very* cute hello kitty dolly… HK dressed in a little tiger suit. as a side note, HK is 28 years old, having been introduced to the public in ’74. I may have to get the toy for someone ‘peshoo.

I’d like to buy a vending machine to keep at work… I bet that I could make a mint. Something to look into.

I was obliged to put a big “no junk mail” sign on my mailbox yesterday, under my address…. on Saturday, it was *choked* full of pointless flyers and paper-waste. I’m glad that the local PO has rules about that stuff, and listens.

Ah… I see a little kitty that wants to chase a milk ring.

and so, dear journal…

I have a journey, sir, shortly to go;
My master calls me, I must not say no.

Nigh nigh.

Well, I’m off to my morning appointment before work. I hope that it’s worth my time. I think it will be, even if it’s just as learning and getting the ball-rolling sort of experience… I need to get a feel for it again.

One of my rules of thumb is to not borrow trouble…plenty will find me on its own.

I was talking with my sweetie about Stonehenge the other night… and through one thing and another, I’ve found the Megalithic Album Cover Collection. The Stone Pages have photos of nearly 500 different archaeological sites with stone monuments.

I’m off. See you tonight, if not sooner, dear journal.

On my formative years… Saturday mornings when I was seven.

I was *always* torn at 11ish… Ark II vs. Krofft supershow vs. Land of the Lost.

Ark II had a talking chimp.

Krofft – the colors! the spandex! the bay city rollers. I remember seeing them singing Saturday night.

Land of the Lost… Sleestaks and Dinosaurs. I hated the humans on the show, though. I sided with the reptiles.

Possibly Scotto’s secret origin?

The best list of possible band names ever.

This makes me think of sweetalyssm‘s puppyfrog. Good plan, crab of ineffable wisdom!

paper models, and assorted heroclix stuff…

Lappie is now 2000. Hooray! much better than “WinMe”. all of his drivers are working… I just have to get big brain twiddled so that Lappie can share big brain’s internet, files and printing. The Laptop didn’t like the 2000 drivers too much… fortunately I had a crack team of netsurfers downloading video, modem, and assorted other OS pieces for me. 🙂

I should have Big brain home and back online tomorrow night…. I’m guessing that maybe 30 minutes more of work will complete the little remainder.

Thinking about my sweetheart, and hoping that she’s having the most pleasant of dreams. I’m going to join her in snoozetown shortly.

Goodnight, dear journal.

“Nought may endure but Mutability.”
–Percy Bysshe Shelley

Talked to my sweetie… she’s going to work on her newest hobby for a few, so I’m going to go out and mill around some more. I may buy a new recorder while I’m out…and maybe a little pack of heroclix for a few buddies of mine… hee hee hee… got to spread the addiction.

restoring from a note to my sweetie, midday.

From about 1 to 6 today my sense of time had stopped functioning properly.

Minutes seemed like hours. I kept getting a bad case of the nods, blinking off into Russian sleep and then finding myself looking at a clock, only to discover I’d only been out of it for a moment or two.

I drifted back and forth to being able to hardly keep my eyes open… my body was feeling like a limp dishrag… and my mind, (while firing solidly at code) continued to wander or settle places in the darker recesses of my cranium.

I think that they’re all symptoms of being overtired. Upside, I didn’t feel crabby, though I was rather numbskulled for a while…maybe that’s not the right term. My mind was sharp, but scattered. Thought confetti filled a lot of the cracks.

I feel that the bike ride is what really woke me up. I was a member of the walking dead for a while there.

Some dinner will set me back to totally right.

So sleepy! Not really into writing much today… fox hidden camera was mediocre tonight… not as much dark humor, just tricky situations.

I don’t know what knocked me out, but it’s something. I imagine I’ll be up after having a two hour sleep. We’ll see how it goes… more old west reading before bed… nice time with the sweetie, a quiet night at home making naughty jokes and awwing at animals on tv.

Nighters for now, dear journal.

but first, a moment of Baron von Bludd.

I wonder if wookies smell as much like camels as they sound.

a variant on the traveling garden gnome… ed grimley journeys the world. Nicely done, I must say.

I didn’t know peter gabriel was bald! he’s still got cool musical super-powers, even with lex luthor’s haircut.

This claims to alter the taste of semen! hmm… there’s a version for women too. weird. Men become apple flavored, and women soft citrus. I have no response to that.

Whoops! Bro just called.. He wants to ride up to the beach before it gets too hot. See you in a few, dear journal!