9693 – Sunday

Cookout on the porch with in-laws – burgers on the grill, baked potato, Brussels sprouts, lemon meringue pie

Very nice night – warm, a few lightning bugs are making appearances already.

Getting a wee bit tired of all the hype that twitter is getting. (Mine is usually just a link relocator or an automated alert mechanism for larger journal posts)

Lilacs are booming and are fragrant.

UPS battery needs to be replaced on the main computer.

Jonah Hex movie info.

Sex Attacks based on Bat Demon.

Men in parts of Tanzania’s main city, Dar es Salaam, are living in fear of a night-time sex attacker.

A BBC correspondent says the attacks are being blamed by some on a demon called “Popo Bawa” meaning winged bat.

Some men are staying awake or sleeping in groups outside their homes. Others are smearing themselves with pig’s oil, believing this repels attacks.

Reports of the demon’s existence have been common for many years in Zanzibar, where locals claim it originated.

The BBC’s John Ngahyoma in Dar es Salaam says not many people actually believe that the demon exists and there have been no sightings.

But Mbaruku Ibrahim, who hails from Zanzibar, says the story of the demon is common there and people in his village on Pemba island sleep beside a huge fire outside their houses whenever it is said to appear.

The story goes that the bat is able to transform itself into a man at night and it has also been blamed for rapes of women.

Sheikh Yahya Hussein, a prominent astrologer in Tanzania, claims that the demon is a spirit that is unleashed by witches to torment their opponents.

Belief in witchcraft and superstitions is widespread in Tanzania, especially in rural areas. 

1 year ago – lego robot monkey, puzzles, cabbage soup, wind up robots

2 years ago – calvert coworkers, 6 months thoughts, palm doodles, mr mind, pollen

3 years ago – world history, folkvine, pocket charger, jw cordon 

4 years ago – Egyptian origins, clown confession, big brown bear, trix returns to simplicity, hugs, fleet week, chitchat w myid8myego, kind entry, country bears movie, human gene in rice, funeral dance, FL gun law self defense, energy crisis, Cheney & Abadullah

5 years ago – Godchecker’s Mythology Encyclopedia, Andy Griffith factoid, CS out, Cute Newt Pic

6 years ago – seafood fest, gift exchange

7 years ago – Foomy goes poof, nifty human tricks, Quick little story, full moon thoughts, Prof. Eben Norton Horsford. 

8 years ago – bricolage, misc news, email tags, lj burp, uck, how to catch a polar bear, prezziesGeotargetVisitor Map

9692 – Saturday

9692 – sat


BHK and I have been married 30 months today!

Book fair at the BIG warehouse. I stocked up on some Bradbury, Phil Farmer, and Laura Lippman.

Got a little walking in, but there was no way I could haul the huge pile of books about.

BHK made Homemade chili – she thinks it’s burned, but I like it fine!

Lawn cut, and a lot of planting done by the family.

Dinner at Selby’s – Bought Larry a Lemon Meringue pie. Veggie sub was good – Linda the cook is in the hospital, but her replacement did a great job of making a sammich.

More wii games from the library. (Wario Shake it / Super Brawl) – Wario is cute, from an old-school Mario-brothers perspective. Super Brawl didn’t wow me.

Bea Arthur, RIP.

1 year ago – met up with Sirenity, Legal_beagle555 and chrishaas for a bite to eat. New back drugs, comparing netbooks, XP extension, free comic book day, pistol-whipping, question memes, penis-shrinking sorcerers arrested

2 years ago – concert recap, license plate seen, wendy’s, lj-spam, highland fest promo / tree pics

3 years ago – camo man, free cone, gorillaz, dictator octopus

4 years ago – Commercial, Dr Who poot episode, hair-neck-man, good weather, pope palpatine, Tomi voice, Newt sleepies, Dave at Poorhouse, Condoms to saris, ashcroft not scared of calicos, King Tut Coming (it ends this week), kind words from mootpoint

5 years ago – RHL, dumb laws, Rubezahl

6 years ago – doctor and drugs, grasshoppers and micropet, letter to bro, distractions (anagrams, phone spellings, etc)

7 years ago – SOP, copyright, scarecrows in the herb garden, Tunguska, kisses, wind dreams

8 years ago – BJ’s Bday, hobbledehoy, ages of sexual consent around the world, sleep-station pictures, hungry, more rights gone, character / gaming memories,xfl=pos, teeny tiny farm animals and milk ring from KellieGeotargetVisitor Map 

9691 – Friday

Farmers Market – BHK and Chris picked up a great number of flowers and plants for the garden, I spent the day seated for the most part. 

Garden was dusted for slugs and bugs – hopefully the squirrels will stay out of the lettuce.

Got the 2nd book in the Nightside series at th library – #3 came via bookmooch, and #4 was the BIG book sale a few months back. another book sale tomorrow – I hope I’m up to making the rounds.

1 year ago – Gypsy moths and tent caterpillars, married 18 months, shot?, ledo’s, haiku2, hardy heron, people lost in the past, ban_set, many many palm doodles, almost Friday

2 years ago – Family Icon introduced, palm doodle of a crab and pollen, Maryland links, concert people observed, odd spam, new AV guy, deerfield lien, awesome difference between calvert and broward counties.

3 years ago – dr who, alabam, perm press, botswana rain, open dir, dionysus, ain’t misbehavin’, letter meme

4 years ago – anarchy online, internal monologue quiet, h-words, walkabout piccies, step into history, exploding toads, brain games

5 years ago – phone off the hook, hell froze over, pina colada almond joy, saw the hippies at a Wiggles-mania, walkabout pics

6 years ago – chupacabra, dreams, geoblog

7 years ago – bro, robomop, smurf-coloring,victim’s rights amendment

8 years ago – good css, zuba pants, reds are cool, mushyGeotarget

9690 – Thursday

Slept most of the day away in dreamland today. ZZzzzZZ

1 year ago – loud woman at bus stop photos, herding cats, Titus- The Gorilla King, Mac wifi drop issues

2 years ago – misc steve memories, jolly ranchers, po’ folks, high school, middle school

3 years ago – sunrise, newt pic, entry analysis, searching for mp3, newts new doc, mootube, footbrint, danny visit, mighty heroes, quiz meme, RI screws up

4 years ago – EN issues, gabbed with sammy and uber, Kung fu hustle, Newt dream, ‘thulhu toons

5 years ago – I want a rest, CoH beta final night, Tornado, d’s Birthday, screen caps

6 years ago – drugstore screw up, dream, bro issues

7 years ago – chopping block, little-boy voice, I want to be Diplomat to gorilla city, tesselations, z-cardz, morikami

8 years ago – red riding hood, web hits, rear windowGeotarget