9693 – Sunday

Cookout on the porch with in-laws – burgers on the grill, baked potato, Brussels sprouts, lemon meringue pie

Very nice night – warm, a few lightning bugs are making appearances already.

Getting a wee bit tired of all the hype that twitter is getting. (Mine is usually just a link relocator or an automated alert mechanism for larger journal posts)

Lilacs are booming and are fragrant.

UPS battery needs to be replaced on the main computer.

Jonah Hex movie info.

Sex Attacks based on Bat Demon.

Men in parts of Tanzania’s main city, Dar es Salaam, are living in fear of a night-time sex attacker.

A BBC correspondent says the attacks are being blamed by some on a demon called “Popo Bawa” meaning winged bat.

Some men are staying awake or sleeping in groups outside their homes. Others are smearing themselves with pig’s oil, believing this repels attacks.

Reports of the demon’s existence have been common for many years in Zanzibar, where locals claim it originated.

The BBC’s John Ngahyoma in Dar es Salaam says not many people actually believe that the demon exists and there have been no sightings.

But Mbaruku Ibrahim, who hails from Zanzibar, says the story of the demon is common there and people in his village on Pemba island sleep beside a huge fire outside their houses whenever it is said to appear.

The story goes that the bat is able to transform itself into a man at night and it has also been blamed for rapes of women.

Sheikh Yahya Hussein, a prominent astrologer in Tanzania, claims that the demon is a spirit that is unleashed by witches to torment their opponents.

Belief in witchcraft and superstitions is widespread in Tanzania, especially in rural areas. 

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