9117 – Friday the 4th

9117 – Friday the 4th

9118 – Sat

Quickie follow-up – We didn’t see Juno – Both showings were sold out. Instead we hit Golden Compass. It was visually pleasing – script wise and acting wise, not so much. Ah, well. Sad day when armored polar bears and zeppelins *done right* can’t make up for an otherwise poorly paced and poorly acted film.

A reminder – Compass is rated pg-13. Not for little kidlets, despite talking animals. There are some scary and violent moments not suitable for most young kids (or nervous grownups.)

Babysitting Miss Tigger today while the in-laws are off to Marion and Salem – doing some house care and visiting Larry’s Folks.

Other than that, we’re just taking it easy after I get my shots – Maybe we’ll catch Sweeney Todd tomorrow as a matinee?

A meme and then adios for now, dear journal.

Little political meme going around – who I seem to match most.

Gravel? Richardson? I’m woefully unaware of who they are, yet they topped my political list. I don’t know if that means the test is accurate or not.

83% Mike Gravel
81% Bill Richardson
79% Barack Obama
77% John Edwards
76% Chris Dodd
75% Dennis Kucinich
74% Hillary Clinton
69% Joe Biden
46% Rudy Giuliani
44% John McCain
42% Mike Huckabee
36% Mitt Romney
35% Ron Paul
26% Tom Tancredo
26% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

1 year ago – visiting the “News” in VA, BCK on ape equality

2 years ago – National Bird Day, Religio-founder quiz, Mr. Potato Head, open camera streams, I helped to recover Tabitha lively, newt picture with my feet,

3 years ago – 12th night, Mel stuff, job hunting helps, 6 apart/lj rumor, lj optout, geek meme, Eisner dies, latest memo, tried tracking LSW.

4 years ago – 4 gamers best, gaming memories Mars Exploration, I’m an Earth Monkey

5 years ago – Internet born, origami cameras, ouch!

6 years ago – SOP, insomniac theme, My Lady by J. G. Whittier, tech trouble, newt in nightshirt, stupidfly abuse, dead image and flash links, deleted journals actually get deleted

7 years ago – vagg (dead link), internal server error (not much)Geotarget


9117 – Friday the 4th

Ah! The Weekend at last. Why a 3-day span feels longer than some 5-day ones, I do not know.

Just heading out to dinner and a movie with BHK – Juno is on the agenda, not sure about dinner yet. Most likely Cheeburger2… but California Tortilla, Johnny Rockets and Potbelly are also in the running. I could go for just about anything – looking forward to having a nice slow weekend. In-laws are going out of town, so we’ll be peeking in on Miss Tigger. Maybe I’ll get a little Wii or Portal time in, and I wouldn’t mind doing some exploring with BHK to points outside of our walls, either.

Oops, there she is now! Until later, Dear journal. Have a link or two, a meme and a psa to tide you over.

via Drawn ! –

This animated music video was created by 64 Communications students from Concordia University in Montreal as part of the Open-Source Cinema project. The students “rotoscoped 1-3 seconds of video each, over a period of three weeks. (Most of them had never used Flash before.)” The results are fantastic – with a variety of engaging styles in the final product.

They say: “We were inspired by Bob Sabiston’s digital rotoscoping (as seen in Snack and Drink, Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly), and our readings and class discussions about copyright and creativity. (Course textbook: Christine Harold’s OurSpace: Resisting the Corporate Control of Culture.)”

Friday 5 –

1. What’s your favorite shape?
I’m pretty fond of pentagons and 5-sided stars, but I’d have to say the simplicity of a circle is my favorite.

2. Who is the craziest person you know?

Dangerous to themselves crazy?

Dangerous to others Crazy?

Just insane?


I know a lot of people that are definably nutso.

3. Sweet, salty or savory?

I love ’em all! depends on my mood.

4. Best ice cream topping?

Simple hershey’s chocolate sauce for me.

5. Do you ride horses?

I’ve ridden before, but not for a loooong time. I’m not the best at it, but I don’t look like a monkey humping a football when on a canter.

via dcist –

Temperatures are expected to remain well below freezing again overnight, which can mean danger for the District’s homeless population. The city has put out a reminder to call their Hypothermia Shelter Hotline should you spot anyone trying to sleep outside when it’s this cold.

By calling 1-800-535-7252, the Shelter Hotline can provide transportation to emergency shelters and distribute items such as blankets, gloves and jackets.

If you live outside the District, Express has compiled a list of numbers to call in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Arlington County, Fairfax County and Alexandria.

“A DARPA-funded research project at UCLA has wrapped up a set of animal trials testing the effects of inhalation of the brain chemical orexin A, a deficiency of which is a characteristic of narcolepsy. Monkeys were deprived of sleep, and then given a shot of the compound. ‘The study … found orexin A not only restored monkeys’ cognitive abilities but made their brains look “awake” in PET scans. Siegel said that orexin A is unique in that it only had an impact on sleepy monkeys, not alert ones, and that it is ‘specific in reversing the effects of sleepiness’ without other impacts on the brain.’ Researchers seem cautious to bill the treatment as a replacement for sleep, as it is not clear that adjusting brain chemistry could have the same physical benefits of real sleep in the long run. The drug is aimed at replacing amphetamines used by drowsy long-haul military pilots, but there would no doubt be large demand for such a remedy thanks to its apparent lack of side-effects.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

1 year ago – The Library is Open

2 years ago – on call, nice day, rainbow love thingum

3 years ago – Mel lunch, food cravings, b/w picture of Scotto, torture

4 years ago – Henry Earl Likes to Party (he still does!), Glossary of Linguistics and Rhetoric, Tokyo bowl, playing with filters

5 years ago – Ticked at bro, want to try out for LSH

6 years ago – chilly, dream, Miss Cleo in trouble, digi cam shopping, Cinnamon Pecan Bread

7 years ago – super power desire, phoneless

9116 – thursday the 3rd

9116 – thursday the 3rd

9116 – thursday the 3rd

9116 – thursday the 3rd

9116 – Thursday the 3rd

9116 – Thursday the 3rd

9116 – Thursday the 3rd

Yikes. Low hit 17 degrees Fahrenheit after the sun went down – read as “as I was waiting for the bus.”

I’m well-armed against the cold with my super warm jacket and scarf… but tomorrow, I’m bringing gloves, so I don’t have to stuff my paws into my jacket pockets for comfort.

Last night’s supper of left over shepherd’s pie, mac & cheese and veggies was wonderful… but tonight’s falafel is going to be even better. I can smell it cooking right now, and I’ve got some serious hungries going on.

I can’t say it enough… BHK is an awesome cook. Heck, she’s awesome, period.

I wonder if anyone I know has caught I am Legend yet? We want to see it, but BHK is afraid that the dog will die in a bad way. From the preview, it looks like it probably does – that means I’ll end up watching it on the PSP on the way to work. I get mushy about animals, too.

“In Service Pack 3 for Office 2003, Microsoft disabled support for many older file formats. If you have old Word, Excel, 1-2-3, Quattro, or Corel Draw documents, watch out! They did this because the old formats are ‘less secure’, which actually makes some sense, but only if you got the files from some untrustworthy source. Naturally, they did this by default, and then documented a mind-bogglingly complex workaround (KB 938810) rather than providing a user interface for adjusting it, or even a set of awkward ‘Do you really want to do this?’ dialog boxes to click through. And of course because these are, after all, old file formats … many users will encounter the problem only months or years after the software change, while groping around in dusty and now-inaccessible archives.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Best Freeware games of 2007 – yum! Thanks, Andy! See also, some spiffy freeware FPS.

After reviewing more than a few elements of the OS, I am in agreement with

Microsoft has extended the life of Windows XP because Vista has simply not shown any life in the market. We have to begin to ask ourselves if we are really looking at Windows Me/2007, destined to be a disdained flop. By all estimates the number of Vista installations hovers around the number of Macs in use.

That’s a pretty sad market share… no offense to mac folks.

1 year ago – Newt & Pye wrestling and toy pics

2 years ago – security psa, hanging out with danny, relationship list, no software for christmas

3 years ago – Started using my paypal to go to charity, carnivore pigeons, Video-time with Mel, newt pics, prosperity gospel

4 years ago – outing review, saw Val & Rhonnie, google specific search, Bollywhat, missing the big mob poll answerers

5 years ago – linky linky, one word, communications breakdown begins, nifty flying guy, Belgians link to me, Dave’s clutch breaks, cold mountain movie being made

6 years ago – rumors, comparing haunted house stories, smudge sticks (note to self, get more stuff to make more), defleshing (another news article gone…inspires me to put all my news articles behind lj-cuts for future ref) and naptime (naptime pix overwritten by other archive images)

7 years ago – dead phone, feeling love grow, Viet beer at the mall, lj & IM trouble

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

9115 – Wednesday – 2008, day 2.

It’s Danny’s B-day! My internal schedule set in the 90s tells me that Kat and Pam’s aren’t too far off. I still picture all of them about a decade ago in my mind, even though I’ve only seen Danny with any frequency. (Kat once in person and in rare photos, Pam – not at all.)

Only a month until my own Birthday. I’m not feeling too bummed about it being the last year I start with a 3. (at least until I turn 300, I guess!) 39 seems a lot older to me than it feels. Maybe it’s due to me being creaky and having back problems going back decades… but I’m not really feeling my age. I see lines around my eyes here and there… I look in the mirror when I brush my teeth and shave, but I don’t see an old guy looking back at me. However… I don’t see a kid, either. I certainly look a lot older now than when I started this journal in 2000. (and certainly more than in 1996, about 11 years ago here and my face squished against a scanner in ’96, too, for that matter. ) Heck, if I have to rewind much more, I may as well link to a non-bearded pic of me from circa 1994, for that matter. Added bonus, Doug Wu and a clean-shaven Danny. Speaking of which – I’ve started growing a full beard out again, and it stuns me how much salt and pepper is in what was once a brownish-red jaw. I kind of dig it, not from a vanity perspective, but it feels right at this time of year to be a bit more furry.

When is a mid-life crisis supposed to hit? Ah, got it. 46, or thereabouts. Things are really quite good for me these days… Hopefully I won’t suffer the same sort of psychological shakeup that some folks have at that time. On the agenda for this year is a more serious focus on health.

Of course, Newton has aged the most since I’ve started my LJ – First day I had him, back in the day… October of ’99 , and About the same time in 07. He’s still terribly dapper, and can put on a kitten-face easily when he wants.

BHK and Pye both are babyfaces across the board. I think BHK will be carded for booze when she turns 73.

I would love to make or just have this Beast (Henry McCoy) Sock Monkey. Very Keen!

Of the millions of webcomics out there, I’ve really only found about 3 that are funny, interesting, or well-drawn. Short of some clever stick figures and more well-rounded stick figures, not much about them thrill me.

I’m wondering when that cottage industry will have a culling period? I suspect never, and that’s pretty great. Something for everyone, even if it’s just the creator. Something that many critics forget is that they can choose not to read something that they find to be distasteful – or worse, boring. Same goes for podcasts, videos and journals, for that matter.

I didn’t do the polar bear swim this year… just didn’t seem like much of an event, given how unseasonably warm it was. Of course, today, it’s snow weather… Perversely, I’d have done it if the weather was like this yesterday.

Time for a Meme, already? sure, why not? I got 23 out of 37 possible.

The list is based on an exercise developed by Will Barratt, Meagan Cahill, Angie Carlen, Minnette Huck, Drew Lurker, Stacy Ploskonka at Illinois State University. The exercise developers ask that if you participate in this blog game, you acknowledge their copyright.

According to the creators, this is an activity “designed to help the participants gain awareness of the vast range of social class that exists within themselves and others”. It was originally done with college students but I think it makes for a very interesting tool that helps me put my own experiences into perspective.

If you post this in your journal, please leave a comment on this post. To participate in this blog game, copy and paste the above list into your blog, and bold the items that are true for you. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to post your responses in the comments.

When you were in college:

If your father went to college, take a step forward.
If your father finished college
If your mother went to college
If your mother finished college
If you have any relative who is an attorney, physician, or professor.
If you were the same or higher class than your high school teachers
If you had a computer at home
If you had your own computer at home
If you had more than 50 books at home
If you had more than 500 books at home
If were read children’s books by a parent
If you ever had lessons of any kind
If you had more than two kinds of lessons
If the people in the media who dress and talk like me are portrayed positively
If you had a credit card with your name on it
If you have less than $5000 in student loans
If you have no student loans
If you went to a private high school
If you went to summer camp
If you had a private tutor
If you have been to Europe
If your family vacations involved staying at hotels
If all of your clothing has been new and bought at the mall
If your parents bought you a car that was not a hand-me-down from them
If there was original art in your house
If you had a phone in your room
If you lived in a single family house
If your parent own their own house or apartment
If you had your own room
If you participated in an SAT/ACT prep course
If you had your own cell phone in High School
If you had your own TV in your room in High School
If you opened a mutual fund or IRA in High School or College
If you have ever flown anywhere on a commercial airline
If you ever went on a cruise with your family
If your parents took you to museums and art galleries
If you were unaware of how much heating bills were for your family.

Here is what folks did in a live version, stepping forward for each bolded item :

Now everyone recognize that you are at the same place academically.
Everyone turn around.
Everyone has permission to talk.
No one has permission to accuse any one or any group of anything.
Everyone must use “I” statements.
Note that the people on one end of the room had to work harder to be here today than the people at the other end of the room. Some of you had lives of more privilege than others. There is no one to blame, it is just the way it is. Some have privilege and some don’t.
(this can be said now or later, I don’t know where it will be appropriate)

What were the feelings that you had during this experience? Who was angry?
(Anger will be a primary emotion at this point.)
What, specifically, makes you angry?
Who are you angry at?

Who was happy?

Summary Statement
This experience was about creating awareness of privilege. What it is, what it does, and what it means. Having privilege does not mean that you worked less hard. All it means is that you had a head start, so maybe it does mean you didn’t have to work as hard . . . .

During the next week notice how your high school years helped or didn’t help your experience in school/at work . . . .

Explanations and Notes:
All of the step taking was about things not requiring effort on the students’ part, that were things done by others.

1 year ago – polar bear swim review, polar bears in general

2 years ago – prisoner commentary on my lack of things to say, linkies to cams, mugshots, thumbs up, tiny & affordable computers, ultimate showdown, windows security hole psa

3 years ago – Mel’s Gram moves in, Dan doesn’t meet her, on call, A&E, smallware, a resolution I fairly succeeded at, curry on the brain

4 years ago – dropload, shoot around corners, I first hear about how capital punishment is a far more expensive system than one whose maximum penalty is life in prison, Urban Exploration Florida

5 years ago – bro/taxi trouble, conquer the world, smoking gun mug shots

6 years ago – Random Name Generator, gunplay dream, family channel, Scotto’s head,2001 review, Japanese space shuttle, Afghan sports, pee color

7 years ago – words within words, I disagree with Georgia O’Keeffe, LJ bumpyGeotarget

9114 – New Year’s Day

9114 – New Year’s Day

9113 – Monday – NYE!

9113 – Monday – NYE!

9114 – New Year’s Day

Something I post at the top of every new year, and I appreciate the words more with every additional trip around the sun.


Love is
is not rude,
it is not self seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices in truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

-1 Corinthians 13:5&6

417 entries in 2007. (618 in ’06, 975 in ’05, 716 in ’04)

Last night, we watched the new Hairspray… not as good as the original… no cockroaches? In attendance for veggie dogs and fries were the in-laws, BHK and a brief cameo of Adam, between his chauffeuring duties.

Today, I fixed up Chris’s laptop, while we all watched the magnificent 7 and she gave it to me after I moved all of her data over to a newer device… I’m writing this entry on a dell latitude d505. Not cutting edge, but lightweight and able to surf with. It needs a memory bump from 256 meg, though.

Now, BHK and I are lounging in the loft, watching back episodes of Chuck, Reaper, Simpsons and Aliens in America.

1 year ago – HNY, newt and pye pics, 618 entries, sucky movies

2 years ago – HNY, modis, counts, PD movies, new day in sofla

3 years ago – Transformer guy, paleoclimatology, Tony Danza Has a TV show, Sri Lanka refuses aid because they are military, element, music, monkey entry links, unpopular baby names, pet names, Scotty’s Stores sinking, B-to-the-E, 1-2-3-go vs 1-2-go-on-3 poll

4 years ago – ninja turtles, FFXI w/Sammy & D, film finding, Newt age progression, missing kid

5 years ago – law of 5s, ageless project, wishes that didn’t come true, edbook’s llamas, sofla ice age, rain, slow day, Danny stubborn, finished Barnum / started agony & ecstasy, Newt pic

6 years ago – TZ marathon, people requesting money for reading their journal, country specific euros, 2nd instance of 1 Corinthians 13:5&6 and Happy Newt Year!

7 years ago – Resolutions, some dead news links, good links to marbles, bejeweled,alchemy, etc, 1st instance of 1 Corinthians 13:5&6, reflections onold games, Norman bates, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a new writing styleGeotarget
