Tag Archives: april

More of the same…

April seems to be determined to squiggle out of going to the doctor. I pushed a little today, mainly because I feel that she needs to see him. Latest excuse (of many) is : I want to wait until I get paid to go, I don’t want you to pay for it. Heck, I told her, I spend hundreds of dollars on her for frivolous stuff, the important stuff, if you want, pay me back. Nope! No dice. I should just blow it off, but I’m concerned for her well-being. I also have to make an appointment with the doc about my bronchitis kicking up again… (Teach me to date a smoker. bleah.) Well, at least Newton is healthy. Actually, on thinking about it, I’m going to hit the doc sometime after friday, I’ll call and make an appointment now. The best way to lead is by example, right? Hm. Here’s some more wirting for those of you that don’t care about the Scotto-soap opera. but first a mini-rant. My pal Alex moved to San Jose a few months ago. He assured me that we’d stay in contact, etc,etc. I saw him on AIM once and he was quite brief, then took off. From what I understand he’s still in frequent contact with Heather, daily, I think. It sort of irks me, but it falls into my current situation in ‘meatspace’. If a person moves away, and is not bound by blood ties, I lose contact with them. I don’t know if I attract lazy friends & aquaintances, or if it’s just the way things are, but I thought that friends kept in touch? anyhow, enough of that noise. I met Erin last night here, and she’s a pleasant and witty girl, who shares my interest in gigglecam, and all things nifty like that.

And now:


If you took all the hours
I should have been asleep
but wasn’t

And added in all the hours
I should have been awake
but wasn’t

And multiplied by all the things
I missed, or messed up,
or did halfway
because of the above combination

You’d have wasted a lot of time
counting the cost for me
which is kind of ironic

After all, I’ve already paid the toll
for my time in shadow.


My worries aobut April are still there, but she say she’s not losing any affection for me… I’m going to go with the assumption that I’m just overtired and grumpy. Above all, keep all cards on the table, and don’t be hiding any feelings. That’s the road to trouble.

Privacy! Hey, good thing…

I feel that locks do a good job of keeping honest people out. Those people that wish to keep the journal private, and still play on the net, check out the new beta client. You can have it so only you can read it, only your friends, everyone, or only select friends. I’m going to let Robb know so that he can pass the information on to certain folks who think what they post is currently private… silly bunnies. I still can’t get my web cam to upload to my ftp site. 🙁 not sure what I’m doing wrong… I don’t want to write a batch file to do it, but I guess if I don’t figure it out in a week, I’ll klugde around it that way. I’m getting sort of sad about my relationship with April, I don’t think I can maintain affection for someone who doesn’t reciprocate. Ah, well. If it doesn’t work, I was quite happy for a little while, and I’ll just move on, no harm, no foul.


Went Kite flying with April & Danny before work… lots of fun, but I’m dead-tired now. the heat just sort of sucked the strength right out of me. They seemed to get along very well, even with the very different natures involved. Downside was that April got up extra early this am, to fill in at work, and they didn’t even need her there! (She offered to take over because someone called in sick, then the sick-ee showed up.) Got the web cam installed at home, but still having trouble getting the broadcast image out to the ftp site. 😛 humbug! fun little program, though. Planning on going to the Graves museum of archaeology & natural history sometime next week… i think it’ll be a good time. I’d like to take Robby with us, but it will be during the day, maybe I can convince him to skip for a few hours, depending on his schedule. Brian’s a possibility too, since he works at home, now. Heather? Hard to say, as she’s not in charge of her dept. Tomorrow’s Friday! Hoo-hah! Can the weekend be far behind?

Argh… April got up early to go to work, and now I can’t get back to sleep. Bah! Feh! Pshaw! and other words like that. Well, since I’m up, I might as well do something productive, like chase the cat with the vacuum cleaner around the house. (maybe I’ll even get the apt cleaner.) I’ve got the song “Octopus’s Garden” running thorugh my skull, and it won’t get out. Not a bad song, but not sure how it landed there… Man… getting up at 7am for me is like getting ready to go camping or something…I have that weird out of sync feeling, kind of floaty / foggy, but really zipppy runny aroundy. I hope the sound file doesn’t bug anyone, but it sums it up for me pretty well. 🙂 (embedded wave file now not allowed)

[edit – 6/1/2003]

old wav file quote from real genius
“I never sleep, I don’t know why. I had a roommate, and I drove her nuts, I mean really nuts, they had to take her away in an ambulance and everything, but she’s ok now, but she had to transfer to an easier school, but I don’t know if that had anything to be my fault, but listen, if you ever need to talk, or help studying just let me know, cause I’m just a couple doors down from you guys and I never sleep ok?”

Folks in general…

Sort of thinking about what people have been writing in different journals, and folks I’ve been talking to lately. A strong preoccupation with death, breakup, sickness and sadness, and a sidebar of happiness and fresh romance. So many folks are dwelling on the negative, and instead of doing something constructive to fix it, prefer to gripe about it… I’m more comfortable being a little proactive, if my head hurts, I’ll take an asprin, or see the doctor if a reasonable amount of time passes, cost be damned. Money problems are the easiest to avoid, in my mind, better than having cancer or any other undue stresses. I think some folks put too much stock in love too, it’s nice to love, and to be loved, but if you’re not getting it, or giving it, that’s a situation that can be changed too. Honesty, peppered with diplomacy (for those folks who are unable or unwilling to hear your version of the truth) is the best answer for talking to anyone. My biggest personal worry now is for Newton, but he’s been taking his meds within a reasonable amount of fighting, and I need ot call the vet for another checkup. (This is the same vet that gave me Fritz, the kitty that died and spread his parasite to Newt… my confidence in him is not very strong.) Newt’s been very frisky, and eating and drinkng ok, so Im’ not too worried, just the paranoid parewnt level that doesn’t want anything bad to happen to someone cared about. April’s still a little jealous that Newt’ll sleep with me, and won’t really come to her when I’m in the room. I tried to explain to her that I’ve known Newt longer, and bottle fed him, so there’s a little mommy-baby bond between me and him, but she’s not really getting it. I didn’t hear much from my buddies this weekend, but nor did I call them. Spent it watching Movies, and comforting April during her flow. Today’s April’s first day at Barnies, and I hope she has a good time… once her joblessness is covered, we can start scheduling workout/gym time to meet our best times. We walked to the beach last night, but I think I started to get irritable with her, because I’m not a fan of folks with jaywalking deathwishes,and I barked a bit at her for that. Aside from that transgression, its been a pretty snuggly time, but I have to get her to go to a doctor for an exam. (Maybe Barnies has a good insurance situation.)


apparently April did get her job at Barnie’s… even though the manager she was supposed to call wasn’t in, she’s already on the schedule for Tuesday at 2:30! Such a relief… one less weight on ther shoulders, and now we can focus on the next items on the Big list o’ things to be done.

Unsure of the Order.

Get A Bigger Apt, Preferably a Condo.
Get a Car.
Get Driver’s License.
Get Bank Account.
Get Better Job For Scotto.
Get Another Kitty?

And on Scotto’s personal list of hopes & dreams-

Get my friends more integrated.
See some flippin’ movies! There’s a bucket I need to catch up on!

Say, do subject lines not appear when they’re not posted, or are they ‘no subject’ default? I guess We see once this lands in machine. My pal Hunter commented on my pic, and how it reminded him of a criminal in the phantom zone from the superman movies… I wonder where the monchichi looking guy from the 2nd film ended up? Stupid piece of trivia for you guys… Superman (the movie) was written by the same guy who did the Godfather… Mario Puzo. So, high quality by default, eh? Other stupid fact… I went to see, and vividly remember watching the film in 1978, and that was the year that my current girlfriend was born…Aiee… April never got to see King Kong, Superman, Star Wars, or Alien in the theater… even worse, I just realized those are all science fiction films that shaped my tiny little pea brain at the tender age of 8-10ish.

In other news…

Newton cat is still sick, but is animated, just not drinking his water. If he hasn’t slurped some tonight, I’ll call the Doc in the AM. He’s getting more affectionate with April, who plays with the doofus more than I do. I still am waiting on my webcam, but hopefully it’ll be on my site by the end of the week. Do any of you guys know what sort of programs, or what not to put on my site to run it? April looks like she’ll be getting a job at Barnie’s soon, is going ot call back tomorrow after 2, to figure out her schedule. She’s semi-officially living with me now, even though she’s still paying rent at the other apt. Apparently she’s told her ex-roomies that she won’t be sharing phone and power expenses with them, though, as she doesn’t use them. (She committed to the lease, and so will have storage there until October, I suppose.) I’m sort of bummed that nobody tried my toll-free voicemail, but I guess that’s the way it goes…

Well! good news! Looks like April has an interview tomorrow with barnies for a Job! hoody-hoo… hopefully this will raise her from the funk she’s been in the last week or so. I’ve been having trouble connecting with other pals, especially the EMAGE crowd, it’s been easier to keep track of the hippies and the Dan/Rob squad. I’m really mostly worried about losing contact with Brian/Heather… It’s extra bonus difficult, somehow. (I’ve totally lost touch with Ray. Where has he gone off to?) Alex has rendered himself invisible to AIM, so who knows when I’ll get to communicate w/ him. (I’ve actually had more convo’s with Mike!) Easiest to gab with seems to be Robby, of all things… He’s a cool guy, just surprising, as Heather is the “Chatty-cathy” of our clench there. Hmm… I suppose I should pop up an introduction to who I am, as well as all these other folks.