Tag Archives: health


Ate 1 good sized chunk of banana bread, lots of water, cheese sammich on a crescent roll, a fistful of doritos, and a oatmeal-reaisin cookie. at 2pm. I’m Hungry. Looks like a taco bell night again, unless I can just cope, and not eat until tomorrow. I won’t. I know it. Curse Taco Bell, and the mind-bendingly tasty beanpaste they offer to me, like some sort of Tex-mex crack cocaine.

Aieee! Today, there was no net at work.

Totally dreadful. I couldn’t get files, couldn’t send email to clients.

I couldn’t surf, AIM or ICQ!!!! The humanity!

Here’s Scotto playing catch-up.

Checked my Voicemail, and got a swell message from Gina. *sexy* voice. 🙂 Sakes, no wonder people stalk the girl.

On to paces. Ate sweet & sour tofu for lunch, a bunch o’ water, I imagine about 3 gallons.

3 slices of cheese pizza for dinner, (big, healthy, piggy slices. more than 1/3 pie, less than 1/2. two-fifths? would that work out right? yeah. 40% of a pie.

Had a 100 grand candy bar. new stuff in the vending machine!
Does anyone remember when it was $100,000 bar insead of grand?

finished Harry potter 2: electric boogaloo. Not as good as #1, sort of a weak climax, but still fun.

Started Harry Potter 3 – off to a strong start. (I skipped starting return of the king, because the books are more ponderous, less popcornish. Will go there while waiting for a pirate version of #4.)

I identify strongly with Hagrid. Animal Loving troll. *time out for Newton-hug for Erin*

MMMMmmmMMMMMmmMMMMM. Love that furry orange guy. I wonder how his sister Mandy is doing.. and the brian / heather combo, too, come to think of it. I know H’s birthday was recent, I missed it, but just as well, as I am flat broke. (only 9 more days to payday! hurry!)

Robb got back from Seattle, so I look forward to seeing him sometime this week. 🙂 I’ll be sad when he finally moves there permanent like., but happy for him.

Suzy went to visit her probation officer, and didn’t make it to DMV to take care of her old ticket… if this goes wrong she could end up back in jail, with no bond. dopey girl. We’ll find out tomorrow!

bad day for food.- ate nothing, drank about 1&1/2 gallons of water. – no food in fridge
remedy? order chinese or somesuch for supper, go shopping tomorrow b4 work

bad day for $$$- Loaned Suzy $200 for court – got $100 phone bill
remedy? tighten belt, stick with grocery food, not takeout after tonight. maybe grocery tonight instead of chinese?

bad day for sleep – only slept 3 hours last night, and none in a row.
remedy? Sleep late tomorrow, and hope the sleep study in 2 weeks works out.

good day for net, I got to ICQ with Gina!
bad day ICQ crashed mid-chat. web browesing mostly dead at work – I’ll call it even. 😐
Solution – doing it, surfing form home, now that i’m here… glean entertainment form harry potter book on palm.

good day, I got mucho loves from newton

good day, getting along with April

good day, Danny called and said hey.

good day, I got my workout back on schedule (did it before work, when I couldn’t sleep)

good day, I got flirts from Suzy and Gloria from work.

good day, Kevin farted in front of the recptionist, and made me laugh.

good day, got a nice email.

final call… bad day, but fixable, and amusing, if tough.

flee to me, remote elf!

I just want to gather up all the folks I can’t visit and put them on an airplane to Florida right now. Get all the distant folk in one room, give ’em all a big hug, and just gab all weekend, only stopping for food, naps and being silly.

My pipe dream keeps going back to that.

I’m going canoeing down the Peace River in October! How cool is that? I haven’t gone since last winter-ish, and it’s a really nice time. Me and my hippy friends, hopefully little brother will be able to attend too. Sadly, Dan won’t be able to come, as his wife probably wouldn’t go for it. I will invite him along though. (Odds are slim, as they’re hippies, there probably will be a little drug use on the trip. Heck, if they make some nice green brownies, I’ll probably take part, too.) 2 days (leave fri night, return sunday night) of paddling up the river, camping, probably a nice fire, some frolic, and nice people. A beautiful thing.

For Foodstuffs so far today –

coke slushie from arby’s (Sort of a soda, but better than a milkshake… Sorry Mely!)
3 pseudo-doggies w/katsup

I plan on having pb&J for supper tonight… tomorrow will be grocery day. 🙂

Bird rib.

The guys here at work got buds for lunch. Fried chicken and french fries all around. I had a box of fries and 2 hush puppies to go with my pseudo-hamburger hot pocket, as April ate it’s twin last night. I just realised I forgot the pocket, so it’ll be for my supper tonight, if it doesn’t meet the fate of his carton-mate before I get home. Just swigging water today, and I neglected to do my walkies again today. I may end up blowing it off all week, and resume when I return to my slackery schedule.

Seems slow today, sending Gina good vibes to cure cramps for her B’day… I wanted to do something off the wish list, but I don’t have a credcard. 🙁 I magine my good wishes will be a nice gift, if not a tangible one.

I got along pretty well with her yesterday, and as I write this, she should be at her old apt, picking up the rest of her stuff, changing over phone and electric to her name… ideally also hitting the csc and getting rembursed for the bus trip north. August 20. She seems enthusiastic, and I’m happy that she’s got a place to go and get her head together. I’m not in “I wish she would go *NOW* mode, like I’ve been for the past few… but I am relieved that I’m starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

music – Tiki God, Presidents

I feel – full of french fries. Can’t possibly be healthy.

I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.

I ended up giving in to my cravings, and scarfed down 3 veggie-dogs for supper, with a cup of total corn flakes for dessert. (no milk, just flakes…)

Today, I had a bagel & butter, a 10 oz bottle of chocolate milk, and will have 2 pseudo ham & cheese hot pockets for lunch, still soda-free, and not missing it that much.

Thanks JennyLee for linking to me! I have the Canadian Babe(tm) market swept, between Gina and you! More’s the pity that all the good gals seem to be in love with another, buckets of miles away or both. Tsk.

I’d love to host a mass LJ exodus to Disneyworld or Universal, and have my friends all come down and play in the Sunshine state… Maybe someday. It’d be great to see you folks in the skin.

I didn’t do my walkies this morning, as I was lazy, and it was raining to boot. Thunder and Lightning, very very frightning today. power flickers and skies darken, but I still work in my little cubicle, I bet Newton is going nutty. April was still at the apt when I left, so turning on Newtcam was inappropriate… Hopefully she’s playing with him and treating him nice… keeping him kitty-calm.

Last night I was really in a sourball mood when I got home, and April was weirdly manic, talking to the tv and commenting quite a bit, while I grunted, or worked on work stuff from the computer. Eventually I chilled out but was still mildly grumpish for the rest of the night… I think due to my new schedule, my sleep is making me a little duller than I might’ve been. Regardless, the funk lifted this morning.

Talked to my Little brother, and he gave me a lead on a new job off los olas in ft lauderdale… programming gig at Omni Graphics. Sounds good, and gives me an excuse to polish my resume for sportsline too… I don’t know about SPLN…. thebennies are ok, but being locked in gfor a year to get ’em might be too much of a disadvantage. $$? Have to think.

Music – Frank Sinatra, by Cake
Mood – Scattered

on the subject of me.

Ate 2 morningstar farms hot-pockets, pseudo pepperoni pizza, had a big cherry slushie from burger king, and unquantifiable (by me) amount of water, for breakfast I had a bagel w/peanut butter. for supper, I hope to nosh on some taco bell… we’ll see what the night crew wants. maybe chinese?

Talked to Zoe, and Danny and other folks briefly, had fun… but now it’s time to head home, so I’ll see you kids on the flipside…

It’s nice to see mootpoint back in the mix!


Today, I ate – bad things, mostly.

Corn Chips and salsa, tasty!
about a gallon of water, 4 slices of big Louie’s pizza, 3 iced-teas with lemon, no sugar.
1 pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream
some weird Brazilian coconut/pineapple/cookie dessert thing.
No soda! 🙂

Lots of stuff done today, went to Kmart with April to get stuff for her trip north, ended up just getting a duffel. (Well, she got it, I bought chips & salsa. ) I cam close to buying a shirt at Kmart, but realized I needed money for the next week (My ride won’t be able to drive me, so I’ll be taking a cab in to work) and so, I’m out of luck, having to spend an additional $40 tooling to work. Bah. After Kmart, I called my brother up, but he was out looking for work, I think he got a job at Border’s Bookstore, near where Ray lives, and the art theatre where I met April. Funny thing, he applied there, and probably saw Evette, Chase or Joe… who knows? I know he wants a job that’ll get him at least $400 a week, preferably more. I don’t know if he’ll get that in those places, but at least he’ll have some play money during his search. Anyhow, late in the day, I managed to hook up with him, and we went to see Me, Myself and Irene, which was funny, in a gross out way, much better in the first half. after the movie, we hit big Louie’s and talked for a long time… It’s very nice to have him around again. We’re thinking of getting together 3x a week, for a workout regimen, but not until he has his hours worked out, of course.

I really enjoyed talking with Derek. Ideally, we’ll get to be closer, and spend more time with one another, now that he lives a 15 minute drive from me, instead of an 18 hour flight.

Watching the mystery of the desert mummies on discovery, hosted by john malkovitch, and then will hit the sack.

Back to the homefront.

Getting ready for dinner.

Didn’t eat too well today… a lot of water (uncalculable by me right now.)

a 20oz Nestea, a 32 oz gatorade and some honey-roasted peanuts.

I’m getting ready to have a real meal, Some pseudo chciken form moringstar farms in drummette format spicy! with some chinese mustard and maybe catsup.

Chatting with buddy robb about a band, cat power… very cool

http://www.robbchar.com/radio/ has a lot of neato links to his buddies’ custom channels, and I am digging them very much.

Anyhow, off to read other folks journals, and say hello. 🙂

I’m going to mimic what malam’s doing, and keep track of my food intake… at least for a wee while.

Today at ~2:30p I had a diet coke, veggies & swiss sandwich w/ bbq sauce, a small handful of corn chips and about a 1/2 cup of bean salad. Dessert was a milky way bite. ~ 6 liters of water over the course of the day.