Swampwalk social distance day 195

My walk was solo this morning, as Mrs. had a telework meeting early on.

Temperatures were cool, when I left the house it was 57F, though it warmed to 70F by the time I rolled up to the house at the end of my loops.

So many squirrels. I stopped counting after six, probably twice that seen both in the swamp and neighborhood. I haven’t seen little brown, preggo or Lorenzo in a while now. I have named the newest that eat our tossed out veggie scraps Joseph and Salvatore, and they seem to hang out together more than they are apart. They look friendly, but more adult than little brown, possibly he grew into one of them and found a playmate with whom to share food.

No kitties today, but that Belgian shepherd was out again, and barked a hello warning as I walked by. Very well behaved, only barked when I was passing the property, and stopped promptly when I passed the gate.

Two neighbors have new bunting and signage outside, one a string of rainbow 🌈 flags while the other has maga/ reelect 45 set of flags and signs 💩 , right next door. I would say that put them at odds, but I know a couple of people who are otherwise intelligent but are somehow able to see logic in being in an interracial gay relationship and also being pro45. If I were his black boyfriend, I would have serious words, but I’m not, so I just remain baffled.

Halloween and Autumn 🎃 decor have also started springing up on homes here and there along my promenade route.

#swampwalk #bogsafari #streamofthought @ North Beach, Maryland

September 22, 2020 at 09:21PM

The Tin Man places a tiny pig inside his funnel hat before testifying in court.  From Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz by L. Frank Baum, 1908 https://instagr.am/p/CFdd1xVATGH/


Swampwalk quarantine social distance day 194

Two squirrels, fluffernutter cat, his window friend, Panda cat, a very stout looking spiderweb, a few songbirds, and lots of woodland cracks and pops that could be just gravity and old trees or who knows what. Going to review pictures to see if we can identify some of the assorted flora along the way. Took bhk with me this morning and it was pleasantly brisk. She had cause to wear a light sweater, I was still happy in a jersey. Allergies still kicking up, my eyes are a bit rough. Very few humans out, only a couple in vehicles, and one dog walker with tiny dog barking at us from the woods, and another just in the yard as we walked past. Tiny wie curly tail dig and a belgian shepherd. We discovered the slugs this morning were unafraid of the sun due to the cool moist air, and determined them to be twilight vampires based on the sparkly slime trail they leave. #swampwalk #bogsafari #duckdate #plantidentificationhelp #streamofthought



Beech drops (epifagus virginiana) is native to North America and is a parasitic plant. It clings to maple trees and gets its nutrients from them, as it does not have chlorophyll. The flower stalks on this plant always last during winter months.


View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CFZwaLNgMZu/

Quarantine Swampwalk social distance day 193. Lovely and cool, made for a good double loop walk this morning. Many songbirds, a squirrel, no cats. One eagle, and I saw an animal control van go by at the end of my second loop, so I wonder what was seen? A dog, or something more dangerous and exotic? No spiders or mosquitoes at all. Noticed that my walk map has been truncated in a weird way because I had the phone’s power saving mode turned on. My first half of the walk looks like a slipknot pulled tight over the loop I walk, and the second was closer to accurate, even though I pretty much have retraced my steps. Nobody was wearing a mask but me, saw a half dozen people either in cars or walking. I kept my distance from all of them, but I could smell the cigarette smoke from about a block down the street. That makes me probably extra paranoid about catching something on the wind. #swampwalk #bogsafari