9541 – Saturday

Lights are up! Thanks Adam! As is proper for events like this, it began to snow, just as Chris and I polished off the little tree on the side of the house.

Scattering of pictures from today – Feature Larry, Adam, Me, BHK and our holiday lights. As Always, click to embiggen.


BHK made Brownies for Adam helping, and then we went to selby.. nom.

1 year ago – state mental health, first sente4nces of the month 2007, recent keywords, ledos, crabs for Christmas on the radio

2 years ago – chinese at in-laws (some things haven’t changed much!), first sentences, potential snow, hannibal review, krampus, ir refer to home as North Bay, not North Beach.
Pictures taken – undercover newton

3 years ago – uggs, xmas trees, gp surgery, backlogged email notes
pictures taken – foggy morning

4 years ago – Movie with Mel goes poop, nice night out anyway, metro freefi, zombie song, fire butter coats Minnesota town, Freudian inventory, $$$ issue

5 years ago – Rainy-day wakeup, old LL passes the torch, aces & eights, oldest penis, trampled shopper

6 years ago – Danny and I send dopey "Sven" emails to companies for no good reason, bro brings me eggnog, I scare the living tar out of a lippy kid

7 years ago – gestapo gives c’s pal grief about aiming, reptile people, lj bump, world tour, Toliken Movie desire

8 years ago – Sims, accused of being an alien, dead milkmen, cannibal the musical lyrics, I’m a warmerGeotarget