8348 – Midweek! Humpty hump

I’m known as Scott von Berg (or searchble by the nickname of scottobear) on 6 degrees if you want to link to me.

I sent a few emails out, but got lazy.

Some old doodles on the palm, recently synched –

mad mood
doing an inventory of moods after a particularly bad moment. done about 2 weeks ago

Tired, blank. done earlier this week.

Surprising, because usually my doodles are happy-ish.

Well, with the exception of –


When I was little, I wished I could accurately throw a quarter hard enough to explode cinder block. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind having that ability now. Why did I want to explode cinder block? I don’t remember.

Pictures on the camera, one in the waiting room tweaked a bit. Pictures behind here