Tag Archives: lj-poll

Watched The Deer Hunter last night, probably for the first time in about 15 years or so. I’d forgotten how long it was, but it all works, no really extraneous scenes… good character evolution. Something different about it is that there’s very little of the 60’s social structure and politics to worry about… the men go off to war because they’re giving back to the country that’s given them the life they have. A very interesting perspective on descendants of Russian immigrants, too. I know that a lot of folks think that the movie is racist versus the Vietnamese, but the perspective is an understandable one.

Does Christopher Walken *always* play a guy that’s insane, or going insane? I think so. He did look very young in the movie… twenty-some odd years have taken a toll on him.

A rough movie, not for the squeamish or easily upset or outraged.

The open source Apache webserver gained another 5.9% market share last month while Microsoft’s IIS webserver lost 6.5% over the same period, as Netcraft’s latest survey on webserver market share shows.

Apache as of this writing runs 63.5% of all websites on the Internet(66.6% of ‘active’ sites) while IIS runs about 25.4% of sites(or 24.6% of ‘active’ sites). I’m glad that open source is doing well *somewhere*.

No rain this morning… I wonder where it went? I hope that there’ll be a return this evening, after I’ve gotten back home.

I’m in the mood to watch some Pete and Pete…maybe Nick’ll bring that and the Milkman shorts back sometime soon?

To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
— Emerson

It's Wednesday. Man, July is a long month! It's almost over, though.

Had a nice night’s sleep, but didn’t get any extra… just about 7 hours. I don’t recall my dreams last night, but had a nice wake up Had a nice shower, and I’m ready for a new day.

ooooh… pretty, and nifty!

3-d flashmap of a lj person’s friends… mouse over, and you can see who they’re buddies with.

more coolio 3-d shockwave schtuff here.

Cluelessmailers.org has created The Spamdemic Map… documenting, as you might guess, the epidemic of spam. It shows who’s sending it and how. The point of the “cluelessmailers” name is that some of these companies clearly don’t even realize that they’re paying spammers and annoying potential customers.

I have to remember to call and confirm dinner plans with the mother and the brother. (Hmm… sounds like some kind of 70’s detective show… She’s a working single mom, trying to get by with a latchkey child…he’s a african-american disenfranchised street tough who’s got a heart of gold. together, they catch crooks and show that two different people can get along! Played by Susan Saint James, and JJ Walker.)

from provenance unknown –

“Remember when only celebrities and CEOs hired novelists to write their books?” the Washington Post asks. “Now the novelists are hiring novelists.”

Names like Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum are more like brands than names of a particular artist, the Post reports. Tom Clancy the person “oversees a vast farm of fiction writers who crank out stories that he imagines,” we learn.

I suppose the reason it works in some cases but not others is that some “artists” don’t mind putting their own name on other people’s work. I can’t wait until some contemporary artist tries this with a painting or sculpture done by a student… it would make a great joke, I think. (One (totally unsophisticated and doubtless unoriginal) pet theory of mine is that the essence of contemporary art is that it’s all a joke.)

And just imagine the brouhaha this must be raising in literary criticism circles.

Ah well… as long as the books are good, I’m happy. I don’t care so much about the author’s name as much as I care about the quality of product. Heck, I know that a gang of people wrote stories for the Shadow, and Doc Savage, way back when…with a single pen name. Now, if the quality varies to a great degree, then I’ll raise my fist to the air, and curse the publishing gods. Maybe. Probably, I’ll just find a better set of writers and stories somewhere else.

I’m going to leave Newtcam on all day today… to spy on the boy while at work

I’m having very restless sleep tonight. Woke and slept off and on every other hour or so. Too scattered to read or really write. I’ll try again in a moment.

I was wondering… all good Vessels deserve a name… The Batmobile. The USS Enterprise… The Titanic.


synched my palm, and found some assorted doodles…

I was hungry!
Pondering lunch while I was fasting

other palm piccies…

Hearing my sweetheart laugh is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Fox’s “hidden camera” show is fantastic, too by the way.. if anything, it’s too short. They need to put on two-hour specials.

Relaxing now, unwinding before heading off to sleep.

Puttering around the web…

Licensed variants of Monopoly. In Monopoly, you buy properties and then charge people increasingly exorbitant amounts of money when they stay there. As board games go, it’s a workable metaphor. It doesn’t apply to everything though. I mean, you can’t build a hotel on Bulbasaur. It just doesn’t work.

True porn clerk stories… I wonder if christin can relate? This is an utterly fascinating journal about working in a porn shop. The author stays away from the usual “my wacky job” clichés, and instead writes with great humor and insight about not only the unusual customers and politics of renting porn, but also about the effects on herself, and how the experience has changed her. It’s a long set of entries, all remarkable and entertaining.

the Phobia list.

The Ace Doubles Paperback Image Library – ignore the ugly website design and savor the art of cheezy vintage paperbacks. Great illustrations, nifty titles, breathless story descriptions, crazy hand lettering … it’s all there.

100 Years of Jell-O ads.

nighty-night dear journal.


Einstein’s bagel assortment and veggie/ sun dried tomator-basil cream cheese. $10 for a dozen bagels, and 2 types of cream cheese. Bro took some as is his right, and he’s welcome.

Tut’s tomb and the pet psychic lady on unsolved mysteries… Tut’s curse seems to be explained by the englisment shaving, open wounds, and a bacterial infection. pretty neat. Pet psychic was interesting… they showed a more well-rounded view.. she *is* very attuned to her surroundings, including quite a lot about animal and human psychology / body language.

Newt sleeps atop the fridge at the moment.