Tag Archives: drama

I’m stuck n post and reply mode. I think it’s due in part to the fact that I don’t want to sit still and think about my friends and myself even though I’m writing about them now.

to go by item.

1. I know 2 people in jail
2. I know 11 people who are potentially unemployed come end of month.
3. Does anyone get along with their parents? Not me, not many folks in lj-land, not many folks I work with. Is the generation gap getting wider?
4. I’m tired… and want to get my snooze-gear soon. You know the insomnia thing for Fight Club? That’s how dulled my senses are right now. Witty? I’m a dolt right now, and I know I can be more clever.

Must focus on something good. What good has happened today? I’m being too negative… can’t think of anything particularly positive that happened today.

Maybe if I get out of here at a decent hour, I can read a good book tonight, and lounge some. That’ll make stuff better. Will play with the cat. I’ll get some bubbles on the way home, and blow them for the kitty. I’ve got a weird vibe today… don’t like it. Need to find some good mood music, a nice color or something.


Pay your tickets, folks.

My pal Suzy, who is a cab driver (was a cab driver, I’m guessing now.) went to her cab today, on her way to drive me to work. Two policemen were waiting for her, and took her to jail for unpaid parking tickets. She was warned numerous times, but apparently one squeaked by, and she got nailed for it. She’s guaranteed a minimum of 10-14 days of jail time while she waits until the judge has time to see her plead her case, and then (due to her past record) she might end up spending between 90 days to 15 years in jail.

I have mixed feelings about this. I’m concerned for her even though I know she’s safe in holding right now, so I’m not overly concerned about her physical well-being. When I talked to her on the phone (I had the honor of being her call, since Her other pal only has a cell phone. Can’t call those from Florida jails. I hope that this will teach her a lesson, albeit a harsh one. I hope she gets tested for drug use while she’s there, ideally so she can clean up her act, if it isn’t already. (I suspect that she’s using, but don’t know)… also it’ll be good to maybe scare some sense into her.

While she’s in lockup, someone has to start and stop her car a few times a week to keep the engine form seizing, and we have to make sure her rent gets paid so she’ll have an apartment to come home to. (she lives in an efficiency, and pays week to week) Not only that, but I get to call her mom, dad and sibs to raise $$$ for a lawyer and commissary. (commissary is like a px, or store when you’re in jail… trust me, you need it) Jail isn’t free for prisoners, they have to pay for uniforms, meals, and etc, either immediately or at the end. (usually a combination of the two)

I was totally not expecting these extra responsibilities. I’m sorry, Brad, but it’ll be another month before I can have a paid membership here. It also looks like I’m going to be tossing some bucks to the judicial system in the next some weeks. ow. September birthdays are going to be leaner this year too. (By the way, it’s the day after Suzy’s birthday today! Nice Present! )

Know something people. Save your money, because if you live paycheck to paycheck, you can get knocked totally off-course. Seriously, have something to fall back on. Try your best to save 5% of your paycheck, at least. Worst case, you’ll have money in the bank when you need it, best case, you can retire comfortably.

Next few installments, how to get a bail bondsman, how to visit people in prison, how jail is *not* like the TV show Oz, How it *is* like Oz, and why Scotto associates with known felons.

I’m not sure how busy I’ll be the next few weeks, and how often I’ll be updating, but I’ll certainly be doing it all from work, so I can keep the phone free. (I can take incoming phone calls… but the net doesn’t deal with call waiting.. just ignores it, so I’ll be offline evenings.)

well, it’s beginning again…

the big fibber from yesterday just came in and said that he can’t work with the product I was producing until 2am this morning. Actually, he didn’t tell me, he told the president of the company. I’m not mad today, though. I simply showed the president how fibber didn’t know what the devil he was talking about, and how I stayed until 2am to get it out on time. He approved, and it seems that liar-boy now has his buns on the frypan.

Go, karma, go!


On the downside, I may have to do more tweaking because poutyboy doesn’t want to run the data now, so I’ll have to outsource it. If this keeps up, I may have to focus on outsourcing all the time, because ‘breaker-of-oaths’ may not have a job in a week, durin this turbulent time here.

I’ll adapt. I’m a mammal, after all. (well, mostly.)

ok, I’m all better now.

My anger has dissipated. I still am not keen on being lied to. that is one of my buttons. stupid lies don’t bother me. fish stories, bragging, whatever, fine. If you say “I am there for you, I will cover your back, you can depend on me” and then go out to lunch when I am being thrown to the wolves, well. If I live through the being eaten alive, don’t ask me for any favors.

A co-worker just did that to me. I needed him, told him so, he said the above, and proceeded to leave 4 minutes after saying so. garrumph.

If you can’t or won’t do something, don’t commit to me that you will. I know things come up. but “Life happens”, or “something better came along” doesn’t cut it. Lunch is not a life changing circumstance. A death did not occur.

I’m now officailly over it, but will never trust that person with anything of value again, and if he asks, I’ll let him know why. Unprofessional and unkind behavior rarely goes unpunished.

His report card now reads “does not play well with others” in my mental gradebook.

Thank you to the sweethearts who came to my rescue with hugs and loves by the way.

onto more happy things, maybe thai tonight will happen, although I’m not interested in griping now that I’ve vented here. I will be a dutiful listener though, and tell all the lovely stories of recent memory, like about my crush, and how newton plays fetch with paperwads, and how cool the new godzilla movie is.

Note to the world.

If any of your residents decides to lie to me today, for the rest of the day, or break my trust, I, a normally docile, laid back, calm and loving person will proceed to rip said oath-breaker/trust-taker’s arms from trunk and beat said being beowulf style until they no longer function. (all of the above, arms, trunk, and said person.)

Do not lie to me today. Do not break a promise to me today.

Do buy me lunch and give me hugs.

*angry angry*

looks left, then right for a happy thing

Cookie Belcher. 🙂 Getting better.

Rant off.

bah, humbug.

My going out plans have been stymied. I guess this means I was fated to do laundry tonight after all. drat.

*sigh* and now I am over it. Tomorrow, I go out for Thai food with JenJen, where we will comiserate about the lack of good local talent and how much better life would be if we found jobs, mates, and living areas better suited to our needs. Yes, a whiny bitchfest. But, I have some good news to tell her this time around, in that I’ll be changing jobs soon, and a crush on a sweet gal. I understand she’s heading out on a date tonight, so maybe I’ll get an earful, too!

Who knows?

been out of commission.

Nuts. Gone too long w/out an update…

I don’t remember what I’ve been eating.

The Sleep study tonight was a bust, going again next Sunday night.

bah. I’m so irritated about that, I’m not even going to go into it. suffice to say, insurance companies, HMO, incompetents and boobs all need to stay out of my way in the next week.

April’s leaving at 3:30 PM today. Mixed feelings, but mostly happy about it. Not going to work, going to see her off at the station.

Considering heavily getting another cat. ‘Franklin’ a brown kitty, for Newton.

too many journal entries to read tonight, and I’m not in a mood to contribute positively, so I’ll leave ’em alone.

let’s see. *good things* that happened this weekend.

Saw the Cell with Robb. Spiffy visuals. Saw Godzilla with April. Whee giant rubber monster. I loved it… 17th of 23 Godzilla movies I’ve seen. (24 if you count the American broderick atrocity) Met a new gaming group that will have the hunters in it, and no evil f’ing shadowfist games to eliminate Rp. Josh seems nice, if enthusiastic. Got a bunch of video tapes for cheep at the store, Wizards, Silent Running, a boy and his dog, they live, and alien nation for $20 total. groovy.

10 banana cream pies!

Got home, a little late, but not horrible.

foodies update.
personal cheese pizza, small salad, lots o water. lunch was checkers fries and a chocolate shake. total bad, but tasty.

Got a ride home with suzy, woke her up at 8:45 pm. I hope she’s not using again… hard to tell. She’s going back to driving the cab, as the catering job isn’t paying off. She’s been ver ydepressed lately… I don’t want to write her off, but I suspect there’s too much drama in her life these days… I thought she’d gottem mostly past that stuff.

Aieee! Today, there was no net at work.

Totally dreadful. I couldn’t get files, couldn’t send email to clients.

I couldn’t surf, AIM or ICQ!!!! The humanity!

Here’s Scotto playing catch-up.

Checked my Voicemail, and got a swell message from Gina. *sexy* voice. 🙂 Sakes, no wonder people stalk the girl.

On to paces. Ate sweet & sour tofu for lunch, a bunch o’ water, I imagine about 3 gallons.

3 slices of cheese pizza for dinner, (big, healthy, piggy slices. more than 1/3 pie, less than 1/2. two-fifths? would that work out right? yeah. 40% of a pie.

Had a 100 grand candy bar. new stuff in the vending machine!
Does anyone remember when it was $100,000 bar insead of grand?

finished Harry potter 2: electric boogaloo. Not as good as #1, sort of a weak climax, but still fun.

Started Harry Potter 3 – off to a strong start. (I skipped starting return of the king, because the books are more ponderous, less popcornish. Will go there while waiting for a pirate version of #4.)

I identify strongly with Hagrid. Animal Loving troll. *time out for Newton-hug for Erin*

MMMMmmmMMMMMmmMMMMM. Love that furry orange guy. I wonder how his sister Mandy is doing.. and the brian / heather combo, too, come to think of it. I know H’s birthday was recent, I missed it, but just as well, as I am flat broke. (only 9 more days to payday! hurry!)

Robb got back from Seattle, so I look forward to seeing him sometime this week. 🙂 I’ll be sad when he finally moves there permanent like., but happy for him.

Suzy went to visit her probation officer, and didn’t make it to DMV to take care of her old ticket… if this goes wrong she could end up back in jail, with no bond. dopey girl. We’ll find out tomorrow!

got my chinese food… sezuan tofu and veggies, extra spicy. very yummy.

My necklace with the fish vertebrae broke, so I’m going back to the hemp one with the bear charm.

April’s been going out with folks form work, and drinking alcohol with her welbutrin. Idiot.
Dolt. Dumkopf. If she dies, I hope it’s not at my apartment. The dumbass.

bad day for food.- ate nothing, drank about 1&1/2 gallons of water. – no food in fridge
remedy? order chinese or somesuch for supper, go shopping tomorrow b4 work

bad day for $$$- Loaned Suzy $200 for court – got $100 phone bill
remedy? tighten belt, stick with grocery food, not takeout after tonight. maybe grocery tonight instead of chinese?

bad day for sleep – only slept 3 hours last night, and none in a row.
remedy? Sleep late tomorrow, and hope the sleep study in 2 weeks works out.

good day for net, I got to ICQ with Gina!
bad day ICQ crashed mid-chat. web browesing mostly dead at work – I’ll call it even. 😐
Solution – doing it, surfing form home, now that i’m here… glean entertainment form harry potter book on palm.

good day, I got mucho loves from newton

good day, getting along with April

good day, Danny called and said hey.

good day, I got my workout back on schedule (did it before work, when I couldn’t sleep)

good day, I got flirts from Suzy and Gloria from work.

good day, Kevin farted in front of the recptionist, and made me laugh.

good day, got a nice email.

final call… bad day, but fixable, and amusing, if tough.


This morning I get up late. (nice long snooze. felt good…it was needed.) I wake up about 11ish, and notice April is still in the house. She’s not interested in going out to get something to eat, instead opts to drop $16 on a bucket of delivered chicken and a 2 liter of soda. (Mind you, she only has a couple of bucks socked away to find another apartment, pay bay $0 to her old roomies, etc.) To add insult to injury, after getting out of the shower this morning, I went through my posckets to gather my cash together. It wasn’t there. Upset, I begin to dig through my laundry basket, on the off-chance that it fell out of my pocket. No dice. Visibly irritated, I plop down on thne floor, and begin to go through all my stuff inch by inch until I can dig up my money. The first thing I do is check all the pockets of all the clothes in the basket, including my Khaki’s agin, on the off chance I missed it the first time. April asks what’s going on, and I tell her that some how my money has magically vanished from my clothes-pockets. She asks if I maybe left it at work, but that’s impossible as I took a cab home last night, and had to pay the guy. Getting more angry by the moment, I start to go through things. again. She offers to help, and I tell her no thanks, unless she can find something that’s not there. while my back is to her, she asks where I had it last, and I tell her again, that it was in my khakis, and she reccomends that I look again. I tell her that it would be pointless, as I’ve looked twice already. I look anyway, and lo and behold! My money is there. I confront her, and ask “Did you take it and put it back? Just tell me the truth” she denies it, and gets angry, and goes to take a shower. In the meantime, I’m really mad. If anyone asks me for money, I give it, freely, and don’t worry about it’s return. I figure this is the third “BIG LIE” I’ve caught her in, the first two being about job hunting, and not going through my stuff, not to mention the high probability of her going to the school the other day being a lie, just due to her being home so early. As I left for work, she was straightening up her things, and I hope that it means that she’s going to be gone when I get home. (Ideally, only her things will be gone, as I have the numbers of her parents, ex-roomies, boss, and so on in my palm, and on the computer. God help her if she rips me off. I’m still angry, but I think I’ll feel lots better if I get home and there’s nobody there. I’m going to call my buddy up now and see about changing locks, etc.