Category Archives: Uncategorized

Boo, Verisign!

Fun keywords to my site this week…

Google superbabies cartoon
Yahoo bug tattoos in florida (#19 down.)
Google little ceasar’s crazy bread (#10 down)

I can come up behind Newton as he sleeps, and just hug him. no spaz, no freakout. Just a sleepy awakening and then *nuzznuzznuzz*

and now, a humble request, from

Time, if you please, for another Google bomb.

My friend and yours, Leslie Harpold, continues to suffer the arrogance and incompetence of Verisign, a company to whom she paid money in exchange for the safekeeping of her domain,, and who then cheerfully sold it to someone else.

Perhaps Verisign will fix this fiasco some day; nonetheless I see no reason not to share the story. With, say, all the stock analysts, potential investors, journalists and (apparently) lowly domain registrants who type the word Verisign into Google. Your link to:

<a href=””>Verisign</a>

will help steer the way.

That’s Verisign.

Thank you.

She’s the one that showed me poemtags.

A real digger mole… appears to be real according to the US Patent office. Here’s a couple related patents:

Tunnelling process and the gizmo itself… I have wanted an underground vehicle for a very

These don’t mention using nuclear power – they use lasers and other heat sources, but not nuclear…that makes it a lot more believable. It would be tough to use nuclear powered borers very extensively in secret because of the tight controls kept on fissionable materials… but anybody can build a laser.

Of course, I’ve also always wanted a supersonic zeppelin, too.

Puppy-Frog!, and a fantastic entry about maps.

gator peek!

Nuts! printroom figured out how I was trimming off the ad. back to hosting from home!

gator peek 2

That’s better., until I devise a realtime image clipper, or stop beang cheap with my own bandwidth.

Sunday Morn.

The great pop vs. soda controversy.… after making the link here, I realize that I need to get a copy of the now dead semagic client. anyone have a version that they can point me to?

Spending the day at home today… you’d have to start a fire to get me to leave the house on cinco de mayo. Air and Sea show, Sunfest *plus* Cinco de Mayo? Who was the brainchild that plotted that schedule? Even the temptation of going to see Spider-man is not enough.

Puttering today, gabbing with my sweetheart, and cleaning house. downloading some gamelan and Indonesian music for my brother…it’s pretty neat stuff, especially the purely instrumental pieces. dissonant and still soothing.

Yikes! I’ve been chewing on the new system, Sphere, (formerly big brain) runs like a top! Thanks to tarpo for pointing me to Kazaa light… much nicer sans the spyware. a slight typing lag on the LJ client… I wonder if I have my keystroke settings right.

good news, it found the 7th, 8th and 9th Osbourne episodes…upping my collection by 50% I still don’t know how many have aired thus far.

Well, it’s late, and I’ll be back after I rest some. tomorrow’s project, clean house nice and tidy, and then get the drivers for newt cam… soon, it’ll be a 24/7 thing once again.

nigh night dear journal.

heading south early

9:00 am- I can see the bus on the horizon, about 10 min away.

got a call from the brother this morning…I’m bringing him some stuff to get him through until monday. meeting him at central term in about 45 minutes

on the bus now – 9:13 am two public transit fashion trends i’ve noticed this week… fat albert t-shirts and people reading Gibran’s “The Prophet”. Both are entertaining to me in different ways. Also a lot of sports caps, and pleasanty calm, happy babies.

Since the terminal started cracking down on solicitors, the JW’s there have adopted a more soft sell… they now sit in strategic places, and if you make eye contact, they offer to hand off a copy of “Awake!” or “Watchtower” without saying a word by just holding it slightly towards you. Since they implemented the solicitation ban and closed tent city, there are far fewer people begging, too… I wonder what venue they use now?

argh! lost a big fat entry… suffice to say, hot shower good, I neglected to clean house tonight, Newt is cute, I’m in love with a very spiffy woman. I’ll expound on all of those points later

Note to self, write a more clear, less rambling entry on how Newtie came to be adopted into the family.

I can’t believe that the baby boy is over two and a half years old!

I’m overdue for bed… see you when the sun’s out, dear journal.

heh… one of my new duties at work is caring for the plants by the entrances… I need another shower… dug up and around the base of the big pots to get all the cigarette butts out.

be back after with my nightly report, dear journal.

Closed out the old year
And held a dream of spring behind
My shut eyes ’til now
This morning I opened them to see
It’s really come into the world.

– Saigyo (1118 – 1190)

It’s a beautiful day outside… I can smell orange blossoms on the air, and I suspect it may rain a bit later in the day. A very dreamy elemet to walk around in, certainly. I’m imagining my sweetheart in her burgudy / maroon jammies / lounge clothes… thinking of her smile and the way she laughs. It’s a good touchstone to hold her in my heart over the course of the day.

It’s Peanut butter Jelly Time!… this just cracks me up. I was singing it to the Orange Furball just a moment ago, chasing around the house…. Waayeee at? Waaayee at? dey he go! dey he go! It injected just the right amount of goofy stupidity into my morning I was wanting.

Missed my free ice cream last night, but no worries there.

This start page is just about right; it sets things up perfectly with fun and clever navigation that still manages to be clear and intuitive. (He used to do cartoons for bitmagic, may they rest in peace) A variation on that theme is how I want the grotto to work, eventually.

Phew… Dexter Thursday today…and Dale may be leaving early. I’m hoping for a quiet passage.

Oh, before I head out – Kee-riminy. This has me interested and sad at the same time.

Scientists have successfully demonstrated what the media is calling “remote control” of rats’ movement. This is not literal control of the rats’ muscles; the rats’ pleasure centers are remotely stimulated, and this makes it possible to train the rats to respond to other remote instructions. So it’s really remote command rather than control . . . but with the rat carrying a small wireless camera, it still offers some very interesting potential applications for exploration, rescue in collapsed buildings, and candid photographs of Hollywood personalities.

Though, they are cute with the little backpacks, wouldn’t it be simpler to have a little lego tank or robot or something? A remote-controlled mini-copter, maybe?

before bed… nigh nigh, LJ.

Ugh…got a little note with my rent reciept today. I have to call my landlord’s realtor to schedule some walkthroughs of the place for potential buyers.

Invaders. Yech.

I have to be there when they come over… I can’t abide strangers in my living space while I’m away…or some dingaling realtor accidentally letting Newt out for “just a quick peek while he’s at work”. flipside, I don’t want strangers over while I’m home, either…. sucking up my precious free time.

I’m so very glad I’m outside the current LJ drama, whatever it is, wherever it is.

Well, that’s the whine side. /whine.

Up side, they took my snarling about notice, and are letting me schedule time with the realtor myself. Hmm… I have some advance notice to clean house then.

Going to try and get the video card / hard drive / modem / rest of it together tomorrow or friday, in time for the weekend. Bringing the big box home this weekend will give me even more incentive to straighten up the house with speed…. I’ll start cleaning the joint up tomorrow when I get home from work… maybe have the place in a reasonable semblance of order before the weekend. I’ve said it before…if I could invent one thing for myself, I think a “defrag” button for my living space might be it.

Newt’s being bonus lovey tonight… snuzzed up with my ankles right now. Looks like my beloved’s going to get some rest-time soon… good good!

I’ll play the list-quiz game, too…

WALLET: None… I fold my bills around my ID.
HAIR-BRUSH: Big, black with spiky bristles, and a few purple / green / hemp hair-ties around the handle
TOOTHBRUSH: Red, medium bristle strength
JEWELRY WORN DAILY: None, but I carry a few tokens with me. (Including a Newt-whisker, corner of a love letter’s envelope, and a froggy-bead)
PILLOW COVER: Marvel Comics Silver Surfer #1 print
BLANKET: White fuzzy, Blue Fuzzy, Brown Comforter
COFFEE CUP: I drink tea from a green slide-puzzle mug lately
SUNGLASSES: BluBlockers, when I remember ’em, or my Ben Franklins.
UNDERWEAR: Smiley Face Boxers
SHOES: Birkenstocks, but I’m barefoot right now.
KEYCHAIN: Epson printers promotional hooked to a blood donor chit.
COMPUTER: Worker Bee the laptop right now
FAVORITE TOP: Red / Black / Grey – tie/dye pirate skull T-Shirt
FAVORITE PANTS: White gi pants
SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER: Suave right now, but usually Aussie
SOAP: Ivory
CD IN THE STEREO RIGHT NOW: Staind – Break the Cycle (CD-drive)
CAR: Pontiac Taxicab Town Car
IN THE FRIDGE: All sorts o’ stuff…Random sample – Killian’s Red, Mott’s Cim-nim Applesauce, Tobasco w/ Garlic, Green Bell Pepper.
TELEVISION: Preferably through a tuner card. Currently – RCA/ black / 27″ showing insomniac
STEREO: Chex Mix, no components newer than 6 years old
TELEPHONE: black caller Id-with lighted red numbers
CELLPHONE: evil, I’ve not given in to them yet.

finger quiz


Oooh… he looks guilty to me! I think it’s because I de-glowed his eyes.

This site will generate a star map for the longitude and lattitude you want at the time you want! It’ll also plot tracks for most satellites that
are visible. works nice as an avantgo channel, too.

Meeting my brother at the bus stop at 9:50, to give him some DVDs and Alieve for his back. It’ll be quick… 10 minute exchange point. He’ll dig the story of ricky and big trouble in little china.

be back after that.