Liked on YouTube: Ghosts Series 4 Episode 1 ‘Happy Holiday’ Review & Discussion

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ghosts, BBC, television, horrible histories, yonderland, idiot six, idiot 6, tv, video essay, university, film and tv, film studies, button house, Alison, Thomas Thorne, the captain, robin, kitty, mary, julian, pat, humphry, mike, plague ghosts, fanny, Mathew Baynton, Simon Farnaby, Martha Howe-Douglas, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard, Ben Willbond, Katy Wix, Lolly Adefope, Kiell Smith-Bynoe, Charlotte Ritchie

Liked on YouTube: DelMarVa: squirrel cafe & picnic & barn feeders πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ—πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Our most sophisticated feeders yet:
Barn style (left)
Cafe diner (middle)
Picnic with auto tracking camera (right)

Hana and babies have left our nestboxes. This is absolutely normal for young squirrels of this age to start living on the branches, learning how to build nests and survive predators. Hana will continue nursing them for another month, she will be taking them on day trips to our feeders and other important locations.

This stream is now dedicated to our various new squirrel projects

Q&A: please go to description on main Hana’s stream for our full Q&A


Playlist with β€œhidden” recorded Hana streams (we update regularly):

Previously on this stream:

Grumpy’s playlist (includes unlisted stream records):

Recorded bluebird nest 2022 streams here:

Playlist with 2 baby squirrel families from spring 2022:

Summer-winter 2021:


Our current livestreams (updated Sept 25, 2022):

1. Hana’s babies squirrels born July 25, 2022
2. Our squirrel feeders
3. Squirrel nestboxes live
4. Squirrel and bird feeder live

All-in-one-place up-to-date live feeds playlist:


Previously on this stream:

Female squirrel started building a new nest in this nestbox on August 11, 2022. She may move here soon, either alone, with her siblings, or with her babies (fingers crossed). She looked young so it may be just her and her siblings. Yesterday we had a serious storm, she was likely wet and cold in her summer drey, thinking about this cozy nestbox, so she will definitely move in before the next storm. We will see!

Bird Update August 11, 2022. All birds are out of the nests, no longer interested in staying inside. A couple of woodpeckers and sparrows will be back in a couple of months, spending cold or wet nights in our nests. Until then, we will dedicate this nest to squirrels!

Update August 2, 2022. We are waiting for birds to return during months of September/October. Woodpeckers and sparrows will be spending nights in some nests. We will enlarge the nests that show activity.

Update: wren gave up on the eggs πŸ™ But sparrows are doing fine

House wren decided to start another clutch. Their babies were killed by a snake a month ago, and we moved this box to a safer place.

Bluebirds gave up after so many cowbird, wren and flying squirrel attacks on their eggs. They do show up from time to time, so they may still do it.

Wren’s second egg July 10, 2022

Cowbird’s egg early morning June 9, 2022
Bluebird’s first egg late morning June 9, 2022

Cowbirds are brood parasites, they lay their eggs in other birds nests, forcing them to raise cowbird’s young. Brood parasites take time to understand the behavior of the host birds: they need to know when the host eggs will arrive so that parasite egg would be placed along with the host egg but hatch a little earlier, they pick experienced parents who had successful broods in the past and thus are more likely to raise cowbird’s young to maturity.

Bluebirds and sparrows are rebuilding their nests as of June 6, 2022. Waiting for new eggs!

Sparrows fledged in June 5, 2022

Bluebirds hatched May 5, 2022

#SquirrelNest #squirrel #nestbox

Tag: hanassecondstream

Tag: Hanasummer2022