7193 – 1 down, 4 to go. until the weekend.

Went for sushi and walkies with Dan after work today. We wandered East on Broward blvd, and took in the tree-lined realm of Victoria Park. Nice evening.

Got a message from bro on the phone when I returned, I guess he’s not in the hospital after all. I’m left wondering if / hoping it was a wrong number.

I’m disappointed in you, Hunter. All you’ve been through, and you cut and run, *now*? No sense in crying over spilled milk, I guess. I hope you have found peace.

Interesting rework of Cadmus in the last JLU. I don’t like Prof Hamilton as a bad-ish guy. I also don’t know why an invulnerable Doomsday-type would wear boots. He doesn’t seem to be the type interested in fashion. It was nice to see Obsidian… I wonder if that Means Alan Scott will make an appearance with the JSA after all?

Moment of lyric:

I am no superman, I have no answers for you
I am no hero, oh, that’s for sure
But I do know one thing
Where you are is where I belong

I’m getting warmed up for Freedom Force vs the Third Reich. The Demo is now available. Kudos to them for releasing it in both standard download and bittorrent format!

I’ll be visiting Modforce soon enough, too.

is at 1786
is at 154
is at 10, 2 dead

Assorted Q&A via eryx_uk

1. If you could have anything you wanted to eat for a day, what would you choose for your meals and snacks?

I’m pretty easy. (Tastes are variable by whim) Croissants w/butter and jam, ice cold OJ for breakfast, lunch of veggie tacos, nachos and salsa, snack on cheese & crackers, chilled grapes, Dinner of Orange tofu w/broccoli on long grain rice, mint chocolate chip ice cream for mid-evening snack.

2. Is there ever a dish/food or dessert you wanted to try but never had the opportunity, what is it?
Chilled Monkey Brains, Hollow Carpet Snake, filled with live eels, Drugged, live Tarantulas, Eye ball soup, Live, fat Wingless Beetles.

I really liked temple of doom as a kid. No, I would not eat it if offered now.

3. What’s a dish/food or dessert you’ve tried that you wish you hadn’t?

Rotten Shark

4. Ever watch cooking shows? (i.e. “Great Chefs,” “Epicurious,” etc.)

I like “Good Eats“, but I think of it as a science show.

5. Are you hungry yet?

After remembering nasty shark? no.

6. Would you rather live in a world with or without technology such as computers, cars, airplanes, bombs?

No, I like modern medicine and reference at my fingertips too much.

7. If you had to live without either heating in your house or air conditioning, which one would you keep?

I’m in Florida. Heating can go.

8. If you had to own five dogs, what kind would you get?

I’m pretty fond of Labs and Shepherds. I’d want plenty of room and time for ’em.

9. If the world had a front porch, what would you do on it?

Put a sign up, asking for folks to be nice to one another. Maybe put out a plate of cookies, and some ice-cold lemonade, too. Sit back on a rocking chair with a good book, and people-watch.

10. Would you rather live in a neighborhood where you know all of your neighbors by name, or where everyone sticks to their own business?

Certainly a neighborhood where everyone knows me.

11. How old were you when you got your drivers license?


12. Did you get your own car right away, use the family car, or bum rides from friends?

used the family car until my dad got a new car, I bought the old one from him for a song.

13. What was your first car and what was it like?

1975 ford 4-door powder blue gran torino. This was in 1985.

14. How old were you when you got your first traffic ticket and what happened?

16, 2 weeks after getting my license. Reckless driving.. I wasn’t paying proper attention, and took a curb-turn too tightly, and ran my back tire over the end. A cop saw me, and wrote me up.

15. What is your favorite car story, be it an accident, road trip, etc?

Viscous black goo.

16. What blood group are you?


17. Do you give blood? Why/why not?

Yes, apheresis (platelets), every few weeks or so, give or take. (I used to go every other week like clockwork, but they stopped shuttling me, so taking the bus is a bit harder.) Because it’s a wonderful charity that requires absolutely no effort. They just tap a pair of veins, I watch a movie, then get cookies and juice. Plus Sky miles and all sorts of silly goodies. I do it at the Community Blood Center in North Lauderdale. Next appointment is tomorrow night, in fact.

18. Are you listed as an organ donor? Again, why/why not?

Yes, because I’m not planning on using ’em after I’m kaput. Someone may as well get some use out of any bits they can.

19. Would you donate an organ or other part of your body (eg bone marrow) while still alive?

I am on the tissue match list, so yes.

20. Would you consider leaving your body to medical science? Or maybe just parts of your body?

Sure… what am I going to do with it?

1 year ago – Monkey-mouse sperm, Alignments

2 years ago – weird news, oddball keywords, Russians link to me, community stats, mermaid art.

3 years ago – booboo’ed, Sally Struthers as soap-opera mind control, man stabbed with a swordfish.

4 years ago – Wanting things, noggin ache, Net use stats.

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