7171 – Thursday.

Bro is talking about going back to Hawaii, or living off of disability someplace cheap. Wide dispersal of ideas.

Got my latest link income from the homepage.. they had me change the format a little, but no big deal. I’ve turned it around and sent it off to AmeriCares (as the last was put on Asha.) I can’t think of anyplace better to assist at the moment. For more info, see my bio page or this entry.

I plan to take my link earnings for charity and good works this year. Another in my “lazy-man helper” deals, like donating blood. No effort, and there’s at least a little bit of difference made. I’m not one for tithing, but I think helping proved charities is a good thing.

I miss CJ.

Dan’s school is getting Latin and Forensics (Debate) soon.

I talk to Mel at least once a day, usually twice. I think I’m her best friend. We’re still getting together for V-day.

Mirror Newt Pictures based on this piccie

http://pics.livejournal.com/scottobear/pic/00091785 http://pics.livejournal.com/scottobear/pic/00092th4

Apparently, my journal is #3 on yahoo for people looking for Continue reading 7171 – Thursday.