7160 – Welcome to the Dandelion Wishes Sugar Cookie Giraffe Club!

Something I noticed.. in Beetle juice, the waiting room is full of people that’ve been dead a long,time, and are stuck in the state they were in at death. (Smoker in bed charred, guy that got run over flat as a pancake.) I figure the main ghostly couple should’ve been wet the whole time. I also wonder where the Maitlands ended up when the cartoon started.

Speaking of Ghosts (thanks Disney, and Thurl.), the Walk I took at Evergreen was nice enough.

Yesterday, I walked over and under the New River, over a lesser canal twice, saw a very handsome black lab puppy, ate wheat thins and drank cold cold iced tea between six and twelve feet above an assortment of veterans, Freemasons, infants and people of the Jewish faith. Not to mention the unmarked graves of folks killed in a disastrous hurricane in 1926.

A few pictures from my trip