9223 – Thursday

Long weekend starts tonight! BHK and I had yummy pseudo-chicken, noodles and broccoli supper. After work today, I think we’re going to hit a movie and dinner out… nice way to start the long weekend. Despite my general disdain for reality tv, I’m sort of digging Last Restaurant Standing. (I’m rooting for Lloyd and Adowa, but suspect that the Twins will win.)

meme – via kat78731 (I’ve done ones similar, but not this particular quiz, surprisingly.)

What do people call you?: Scott, Scotto, Hey You, Bear, Big Guy.

What color is your hair?: Brown with a lot of gray in it.

Is it natural?: Yup, save for the periodic cutting.

How is it styled right now?: Brushed back, short, but in need of a trim.

Do you have allergies?: Most anything alive that can hit me in particle form. Dander, pollen, etc.

Do you have any other medical issues?: Back and leg, primarily. Some pneumatic trouble with allergies.

Are you on medication for anything?: Occasional pain management over the counter asprin-type stuff, inhaler for allergy emergencies, a multivitamin.

What are you doing tomorrow?: I don’t know for sure, but BHK and I have the day off together! Wheeeee!!

What are you doing this weekend?: some walkabout, some layabout, mostly funabout.

Do you have a job?: Yupperdoodle.

What was the last thing you bought?: Hm. Groceries at Safeway, I think. Last fun thing was a warhammer rulebook.

How good is your eyesight?: Sharp.

What color is your mailbox?: black with a red flag and silver numbers. Alternately, a silver door with a brass lock.

How many windows are in your room?: Bedroom has 3 windows. Home office-lair has 8 or more.

What color are your bedroom walls?: White

What color are your sheets?: Tan

What color is the carpet?: neutral gray

Do you stalk people?: not in person, but I certainly see what they’re up to online. I like journals and seeing photos of folks.

Have you ever had a stalker?: Sorta-kinda. Nothing serious, but they “got all up in my business” a few times.

What was the last thing you ate?: Tasty bowl of strawberry chex cereal.

Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?: Pretty dang messy, unless I make an effort.

Are you a slob?: I’m cluttery. I don’t leave food out, but I often lack the sense to put stuff back where I found ’em.

What do you spend a lot of money on?: General purpose items like groceries and fuel, mostly. We don’t pay to eat out very often, and our daytrips mostly just cost time and gasoline.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?: um… 3 for work (2 black, 1 brown), 1 black crocs, 2 pairs of sneakers, a pair of flip-flops. so… 7.

Do you sleep with the door open or closed?: the bedroom door open, the house doors closed. Kitties need to get to and from bed!

Do you sleep with the closet doors open or closed?: closed – don’t want kitties getting into the crawlspace.

Who was better: N*Sync or Backstreet Boys?: I have exactly the same lack of feeling about both of ’em.

When was the last time you took a shower?: This morning.

What does your mom do for a living?: Working for herself with her husband, renovating and selling condos. Also does real estate.

Where is your dad right now?: Physically – Last scattered as ash over the Atlantic ocean.

Who is the prettiest person you know?: BHK!

What are you listening to right now?: Outdoor noises… I think it’s a mix of peeper frogs and a bluejay.

What does your favorite shirt look like?: That I own.. probably my comfy blue ringer T with the skull and ace of spades on it. I like my black cuban shirt
with the white embroidery on it, too.

Do you read a lot?: about an hour a day, minimum. (Commute)

Do you write a lot?: mostly in my lj… I should really spend a better chunk of the above commute writing.

What’s the biggest age difference between you and someone you’ve dated?: 11 years.

What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?: Read or play in the woods.

Where were you born?: in a hospital.

Would you ever shave your head?: I would if need be, but I don’t think that’d be a good look for me.

Do people tell you that you’re attractive?: Some have, but it doesn’t happen daily or anything.

Do you wear a lot of makeup?: not any!

What time do you get up in the morning?: weekdays – ~5am. weekends, whenever the kitties or BHK wake me up with hubbub.

How long does it take you to get ready?: Not long at all. I have a pit crew helping me prep for work in the morning… on weekends, it’s just grab a bagel
and go!

Do you look a lot like people in your family?: I can see hints of both sides of my family… father, mother, uncles and grandfolk.

Are your parents still married?: nope.

Do you owe anyone money?: Bank for the house. That’s it, I think.

Who?: whoops. see above

What for?: ditto.

Do you kill bugs?: I try to set ’em free, unless they’re bloodsuckers.

Are you afraid of the dark?: no.

What are you afraid of?: stupid, careless, and/or sinister people

Who was the last person or people you hung out with?: BHK at the TV & aquarium. last gathering was dying eggs with Adam, in-laws, TM and BHK.

Where was the last place you went?: I assume non-work or home related – Baltimore Aquarium / Barnes & Noble.

Do you have a cat?: I have two!

Do you have a dog?: nope, allergic, though I’m getting shots. maybe in a year or three.

What color is your underwear?: Red with Blue pinstriped boxers.

Do you like sports?: Not really. I can appreciate boxing and football, but don’t really care for it.

Do you like art?: yes

Do you like math?: sure.

Do you like your school?: I enjoyed college well enough.

Are your parents strict? When they wanted to be. Wildly variable, and I had a lot of freedoms as a kid.

What time do you have to be home?: No set curfew, but on a work night, I like to be in by 10.

Do you watch TV a lot?: generally while eating supper in the living room. I’d say we put in 2 hours at suppertime, usually.

What’s your favorite movie?: Man, I have no idea.

Why did your last relationship fail?: She sort of flaked out on me… worked out for the best, though!

Do you have any pink clothing?: A work shirt that BHK got for me. I think it looks professional, not too “Miami Vice”.

Do you wear a lot of black?: Mostly blues, greens and complimentary colors to those.

Are you tan? Not really, but I’m not super-pale, either.

Piercings?: No perforations that weren’t accidental or medical in nature.

Tattoos?: none.

How tall are you?: 6’5″/6’6″

Would you ever ask someone out?: I invite BHK out on dates all the time.

Do you like the rain?: Quite a bit.

What are you wearing right now?: white t-shirt, orange short-sleeved polo, grey boxers, blue jeans, white socks, red, white and blue sneakers.

Would you ever want to be famous?: I’d prefer wealthy. If I could bank the fame and avoid creepy stalkers, sure.

How did you get one of your scars?: lines up my spine are from surgery.

Do you get in fights a lot?: not a lot.

Have you ever had the chicken pox?: aye.

Do you get sick a lot?: More than some, less than others.

How many living things live in your house?: two bipeds, two quadrupeds, the standard acceptable amount of microorganisms.

Are you loud?: Generally, I’m rather quiet, but can make big noise.

What math are you in?: right now? I do a lot of database / financial / statistical analysis.

Do you save a lot of things that are important to you?: If unchecked, I hoard like a magpie. I consciously make the effort to toss stuff out.

Do you believe in fortunes from fortune cookies?: I believe that they exist and are entertaining, nothing more.

Who was the last person you kissed?: BHK

Who was the last person you hugged?: BHK

Who was the last person you rode with in a car?: BHK

Would you ever go bungee jumping?: I think not, given my back, weight, and general trust in folks that run thrill-rides off of bridges.

Would you ever travel to a country without indoor plumbing?: Sure. I’ve been camping. I wouldn’t want to spend too much time in squalor, though.

Do you like people?: The ones that aren’t the aforementioned stupid, careless, and/or sinister people, yes. Sadly, folks like that appear to be in limited

1 year ago – Database gig shift, dinner at C&D, jellyfish art paperweight, missing BHK, springtime,

2 years ago – vintage paperback covers, prophet vs prophecy, jojo, one word answers, $10, walkabout with flying parachutes, quizzes,

3 years ago – status, reality settings, fort lauderdale piccies & sounds, bad juju, looking at a replacement cam, philosophy of Just Utilitarianism, feeding tube, hips and collarbones, Kelly’s heroes, Buprenorphine, w can be a vowel, yahoo vs google

4 years ago – Hellboy, Le Gren, Marlin Maniac

5 years ago – Bro issues w/LL, sponsored links, Meredith out front

6 years ago – Walkies, baby sharks, programming, local hones go to 10-digit dialing, Reality settings, Wolf files, army men, schoolhouse rock

7 years ago – SOP, enature, symbols, psa for my bio page, C++ DST bugGeotargetVisitor Map

9221 – Wednesday – 4/2

Yummy Quiche & Salad for supper last night… more for lunch today! Took it Easy last night. some forgettable TV and read more of Mignola’s Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire. Slow at first but it’s rolling along reasonably well now.

Rhyss made a pretty nifty observation in his journal –

The New York Times did a story about relationships torpedoed by a incompatibility in taste in books.

“We’ve all been there. Or some of us have. Anyone who cares about books has at some point confronted the Pushkin problem: when a missed — or misguided — literary reference makes it chillingly clear that a romance is going nowhere fast.”

Which got me thinking – what books do I have that would be most likely to send a prospective date running for the door, never to be seen again?

Actually, most of my GFs have been of a similar mindset where reading is concerned… but I have always liked nerd / geek / Rockabetty types.

Here are 10 of my “scare off potential ‘normal girl’ dates” books currently on the shelf – I’ll leave it to BHK to do her own books, if she desires.

[edit -later] I tried, and failed. I have very little truly objectionable material – I couldn’t get to 10. Instead, here’s a grouping of what you might find weird or not on the shelves.

  1. Encyclopedia of Occultism – I’m sure someone will get the wrong message there! (I’m pretty much a non-believer in that sort of stuff, but I love folklore / mythology.. many tomes of that type of thing)
  2. Rats – a History (actually, BHK and I both had a copy on the shelf, until we gave one to David!) Lots of history.
  3. A bunch of gaming books. (Warhammer rules just recently picked up)
  4. A bunch of Science Fiction (Nerd!)
  5. Books about Primate Psychology – Monkey Politics
  6. A Bunch of 40s detective novels.
  7. Stacks of books that have yet been unread. BHK and I hit the book sales pretty hard, and our queue is long… and we lengthen it by using the libray, too!
  8. Books in varying states of repair, from ragged, well-loved ones, to previously mentioned unopened tomes.
  9. Books about weird people-places-things.
  10. blank page book for coloring, with pencils of many shades.

50 things you’ve done meme continues at 46 – I…

46.’have created a few communities on livejournal over the years.

  • menstrualhut – women’s health / right issues (still active, with 2460 members at this point)
  • coloringbook – for doing a little art inside or outside the lines (175 members – mostly idle)
  • haikuarena – for battling 5-7-5 at a time(105 members)
  • fishstories – a fiction-writing workshop for me, mol, and bruce that never really launched (3 members, natch) maybe I’ll open it up to the public.
  • live_journalia – for nationstates players, long dead, yet 10 members cling to it

I’m mostly proud of the hut, as it has provided a lot of good information for women’s health… it was the first of its kind on livejournal, thought there are many more good resources in place now. I’ve only had to deal with a few instances of spamming, trolling or the like on any of them.

Have you ever wondered how the Enterprise would fare against a Star Destroyer, or how a Halo sizes up to a the Moon? Have you ever tried to guess just how big a Dyson Sphere would have to be to encompass the Earth’s orbit around the sun? Jeff Russell has, and that’s why he built Starship Dimensions, a website devoted to cataloging and contrasting the minutiae of Science Fiction’s massives. In it you will find a library of vehicles spanning decades of Science Fiction movies and series, all meticulously drawn in proportion to each other. “Scale has always fascinated me,” says Russell. “It is an important, yet often misunderstood or neglected way in which everything in our universe relates. And of course I’ve always really wanted my own Death Star, so naturally I wanted to know how big it really was, or how many Star Destroyers I could fit in it.”

Similar, is the skyscraper page. (I’m glad that I could find Emerson tower info. The proper name for the Bromo-Seltzer Clock.)

1 year ago – Lovey note from BHK, work stuffs, Bohl family, Newt/Pye dynamic.

2 years ago – walkies with pix, lost an hour, quizzes, amazing circle, hot sauce and garden spray, its a shame

3 years ago – dan hates my bucket-hat, day in the life, 3 doors down, bro issues

4 years ago – CoH, squirrel, JG a blond/, man eating plants, thorax cake, free energy, reality settings

5 years ago – Iraq-o-meter, 100 greatest AFD hoaxes, train trip

6 years ago – office politics and people, modern major general, joe vs the volcano, boilerplate, bare necessities, text msg’ed, weather, reality gauge, newton the destroyer, black water mass

7 years ago – glowworms, school mascots, schwa, wedding / scotto job trivia, Murray Head, list trimsGeotarget