7290 – Mon-day Fun-day

TV shoot this morning. Should be interesting to see what sort of motley collection of transit-types they got to be there.

My guesses are that there will be one wheelchair, a black woman, and a Hispanic of whatever gender the person in the wheelchair *isn’t*. Unlikely to be represented, though there are plenty that ride the bus are Asian students and people on oxygen. I also suspect that they *won’t* have a representative methadone clinic-goer, a drunk, or a crazy derelict.

Am I being cynical? I don’t think so.

Streaming Beluga-cam! Thanks, Jennylee!

Yesterday continued my study in regional anthropology. I got to observe regional cultures effects when brought together quite a bit this weekend. Brazil, Spain, California, New York, Florida and more were all represented, doing displays of plumage and mating dances to an assortment of native music, with strategy and tactics going on in the background. Basically, I stopped off at the club to drop off a rockabilly mix CD, and ended up staying for some hours, because walkabout struck me as a big boring in comparison to sit-about. Got to gab with mzkitten, Steve, and new barkeep – Marissa. Marissa is absolutely gorgeous, has an excellent demeanor, and has never tasted Brie cheese before. I drank about 9 diet cokes. I saw Ivan, one of my old cab drivers back from when I was living in Pompano. He didn’t recognize me, and I didn’t chat him, as he was more interested in getting to a poker game.

I’ve got to get Danny to go with me sometime… I think it’s a far better watering-hole than our current place. I’m also looking quite forward to going out on Wednesday with her and the gals! uberbastard should get his butt down for the fun! C’mon, Uber!!

Before I even arrived at the community nexus, I got a sidebar of people-watching/interaction by calling a paramedic for a homeless man who was unable to walk, due to an extremely painful weeping infection on his right leg. I saw him at about noon-1ish, and he said that he had been stuck there by the bus stop since before sunrise. Who knows how long he would’ve sat there… he said that he saw a bunch of buses go by, but none stopped, and nobody could hear him calling out to them.

Sesame Street’s Letter of the Day. Features Cookie Monster scarfing cookies, as is appropriate, no matter wht the politically correct, non-fat version of PBS says.

I dreamt that I lived in a tree in the jungle, and that Newt slept on my head like a coonskin cap. There were monkeys on branches near ours, but none wore cats as hats. They did have sugarcane to chew on, though. I think that was because I was talking to blackhellkat about molasses earlier. speaking of bhk.. check out her lovely kitty, Pyewacket.

Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd… you roll 100% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?!
Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either
you looked up the answers or you’re the best of the best, the type that
makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don’t let the knowledge
overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby.
We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congratulations. I’m
going to flee the scene now 😉

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

free online dating free online dating
You scored higher than 99% on dice

Link: The Real Gamers use Dice Test written by luminasita on OkCupid Free Online Dating

I guessed on two of the vampire questions.

I’ve been hearing a lot about the Illuminati, lately. Do I think that there is one small cabal of powerful men that control everything? Nah. I do think that there are a number of small cabals of powerful men that control a lot, though. Are they being played by a greater power? I doubt it, but even if they are, if you filter it down to the common man, it doesn’t really make a difference.

One world government? I doubt it’ll ever happen.

Talking about the Illuminati isn’t dangerous. Heck, they’re the major bad guys on the Gargoyles Cartoon, and the Freemasons are and old boy’s club that does good works for burn victims.

Something funny.. when I was talking to Mzk about the Illuminati, the amount on the next drink bill was $23.

Make of that coincidence what you will. (click for info on 23 and secret societies) Synchronicity is catching.

I do really like the card game Illuminati (the regular version, not the trading card version), almost as much as I dig Fluxx.

I have the urge to call people “Little Cowpoke” today. I don’t know where that came from.

On-line celebrity diaries Thomas Dolby’s is terribly out of date.

The Online Moist Towelette Museum : Including this handy bit of “protein remover” (in the section marked “other“) I may make icons out of some of the less offensive ones.

Rerun, but I love it. I FEEL GREAT. MMMpphhh.

So, vimoh found me as a twin, yet

Who is your long lost Live Journal twin?
LJ Username
Your twin is: resilience
This quiz by livelyhope – Taken 52435 Times.

New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

She’s not long-lost! I already read her regularly! 😀

Astronaut Jones: The Creature From Porpula

Moment of Lyric:

I’m taking a rocket.
I’m packing my suitcase
Hey, look out, Moon!

Yeah, a rocket
into outer space.
Goodbye, human race
I’ll be there soon.

Blast off!
For fun and adventure.
There’s a fair adventure
collecting stones.

Yeah, it’s my way
on the ol’ space highway.
That’s why they all say
“There goes Astronaut Jones!”


The Bush Press Conference Response Generator

Spammer gets 9 years in prison! Continue reading 7290 – Mon-day Fun-day

7289 –

Spent a good chunk of yesterday (after big duties were over) at the club.. it was a good time. Met Barkeep Susie, Barback Steve, hung out a bit with mzkitten, Meredith (?), and talked to a crazy drunk from Rhode Island who has been living in Ft. Laud for 30 years. When he asked mzk if she had a husband, she said yes, and that he was a dwarf. The drunk was eventually ejected, but not before some random gab took place. Poor Mzk stayed late, because of 8 possible night crew folk, one arrived an hour late, and the rest bailed or semi-bailed for the night. I left about 10pm, all tuckered out, just from hanging about. I’m sure Mzk slept well. I may be going with the crew there to ladies night at the poorhouse on Wednesday.

I brought a CD of Two Zombies Later for her, along with some other goodies. Got to love the Exotica Mailing list and creative commons. I hope she digs ’em. Want some groovy, free music? Check ’em out.

I’m actually looking forward to seeing Sahara. I wonder how completely unlike the book the movie will be.

I just got to redo all the passwords in a stack of old communities, due to an annoying security breach. Fortunately, I think I got them all before anything wacky was due to happen.

“Look on the wall behind you. Look at that little girl’s face. I know you’ve seen it. But you know what she’s never going to be able to see? She’s never going to be able to see the simple wonder of a leaf in her hand – because there’s not going to be any trees. You think about that.”

– Lowe, Silent Running

You can take a tip from Smokey
that there’s nothin’ like a tree.
’cause they’re good for kids to climb in
and they’re beautiful to see,
you just have to look around you
and you’ll find it’s not a joke,
to see what you’d be missin’
if they all went up in smoke.

If you’ve ever seen the forest
when a fire is running wild,
and you love the things within it
like a mother loves her child,
then you know why Smokey tells you
when he sees you passing through,
“Remember…please be careful….
its the least that you can do.”

1 year ago – CoH, religion update, nerd-o-meter, beheading, old pic of me and newt and cpap

2 years ago – Iraqometer, internal debate, reminding myself of people’s value.

3 years ago – Just learning Crystal reports, about animal crackers,(including history and combat rules) China’s First Emperor killed by a meteor ?, David Hasselhoff video, attacked by Newt, Discovery of the naked robot monkey, playing freedom force.

4 years ago – Food Plans

7288 – no eclipse for me

Well, my region may have had the best area to view the eclipse, the clouds blocked out any good chances of me seeing any such stuff. No worries, 2012 it is then. April Showers do bring May flowers, after all. I wasn’t the only one out of luck.

I think that I’m more than an ego-driven meat vehicle moving through space-time.

Burning a few CDs for a buddy while I’m on call… a little Sinatra, Bennett, lounge and rockabilly to start things off. Bless ISO hunt. Hopefully it’ll be good stuff.

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable smooching. Hm. Weird. That seems wrong to me.

High-speed kitty-horseplay

Fla. Sheriff Used Records to Find Critic Continue reading 7288 – no eclipse for me

7286 – Friday – Golf Tourney-day.

Sakes… was on call last night, and a boatload of calls came in, mostly for the golf tourney and training info, but I also got 4-5 missing between 5-7 pm. I’m glad I don’t do it for weeks at a time anymore.

Big Kahuna and Rhode Island were sniping pretty hard today… I can understand BK… she is totally worn from her recent trip, but RI needs to learn how to back off once in a while and just chill out. ADP wasn’t at work today, another kid-thing. I’m amazed that she’s still got a gig there, considering how much of a ruckus she’s kicked up in the last year.

Audio-post 1.5 meg mp3

Well I figured I’d record an audio thing again, just to see where it goes. Um, I don’t really like doing monologues very much, mainly because I don’t have anybody to bounce things off of. I have no sounding board… all I can do is listen to the sound of my own voice… and while I like the sound of my own voice, ah, usually, anyway, I prefer to get ideas… little seeds, little germs of stuff from people around me. I’ve found that I’ve been very fortunate in knowing some people that just are really on the top of their game and they don’t even realize how smart they are; and I can extrapolate from what they’re thinking or from what they’re saying some other form of idea. It’s really a lot more fun that way.. I had a great time doing that back when I hung out with Ray and Kathleen (GrayPumpkin and Katt) and, to a lesser extent almost, y’know, every one of my buddies. I don’t know really where I’m at right now, because I don’t have anybody that I hang out with regularly that speaks English. Newton, of course is very affectionate and he’s… I’m very fond of him, but his ah, linguistic skills leave something to be desired – especially when I want to talk about something really more in-depth than just “Whaddaya doin’ dere, buddy? What’s goin’ on?” [in falsetto goof-talk] That’s, y’know, That’s about the extent of it. He’s a little kid… he’s a baby-head. And.. y’know, what can I say?

On reflection, I’m not 100% on the bean there. I do go out now and then, see things, and gab with folks. There’s Danny on occasion, and I’ve got stuff coming up with tarpo, constance1010 and mzkitten in the near future, too. I should get back to Jeff and B, see what’s new and unusual in their neck of the woods. The hippies seem to always be too busy to do anything anymore. I think I’ve found a new watering hole to visit, too. I just miss the days of a a regular weekly get-together with the same people.

Now that computers are everywhere, is the art of cutting out the perfect ransom note from assorted newspapers totally lost?

The emotional final scene from Seven. Performed by stuffed animals.

25 sesame street memories. Man, this brought me right back. NEAR! far!

Moment of Lyric

Will wash away my sorrow
Make me see the light
Carries me away
To the place
I want to be

I can tell you taste like the sky cause you look like rain.

The most recent episode of Lost didn’t do anything for me. I didn’t feel the drama of life and death, or see any real character development… It was the first one that left me with no vibe at all.

Google Map sightseeing (via satellite view) (also, what people on the ground see when you run google maps.)

1 year ago – Religious notes, Super Mommy and Evil robo-lights, Manatee Escaped Tracking , Nevada, and stupid CS,

2 years ago – Rachel, dreads, easter

3 years ago – Rick comments about QaF, Happy to come home, yahoo dilemma, elephants, sleeping in airports, singing Eugene, virtual om

4 years ago – back talk, Dan’s spring break, got a grove gig!, beautiful world

7284 – Sound bite –

Hmm, Looks like I’ll be doing a TV sound bite spot for Broward county Transit.

Thank you so very much for participating in BCT’s photo shoot as a ‘testimonial’ support of public transportation and as a dedicated bus rider.

To recap, you will be providing a ‘sound bite’ to be used in the 30 second commercial promoting our Air & Sea Show shuttle bus service and generic bus service.

Please arrive: Monday, April 11th – 10 am

Central Bus Terminal, Broward Blvd. & S.E. 1st Ave., downtown Fort Lauderdale, Bus Bay “D”

Plan for at least 1 hour.

P.S. The spots will be aired on CBS 4 and UPN33 Pre-Show McDonald’s 2005 Air & Sea Show on April 23, 7:30 – 8 pm; 9 – 11 pm, and on April 24, 12:30 – 1 pm, and 9 – 10 pm.

I’ll send you the exact schedule afterwards so that you don’t miss it.

Apparently they wanted to get a wide distribution of ethnicities. I’m filling the “White Hippie Guy” role.

7283 – Quick like a bunny

Meeting went well. Bigger issues than I had thought, but that’s a good thing, too. Dr Russell is a very interesting person. Obviously very quite smart (10 out of 10, I suspect), and very down to earth. I’ll be doing a follow-up with him in the next week or two.

MASS in Concert this weekend…Broward Center for the Performing Arts­ Fort Lauderdale, FL. April 7-8, 2005 – MASS will feature their instruments both indoors and outdoors for this public event. They will also inform the attendees about the sculptural design of MASS instruments. I think I’ll saunter over there and check it out.

Did blood again… watched Undercover Brother. I was amused.

All about Manners. Aww Kitty Cuteness! – This could easily be a day in the life with Newt. Her cat is named Newt, too! (No Gravy for my Newt.)

Bill allowing people to “meet force with force” heads to governor Continue reading 7283 – Quick like a bunny

7282 – Time is whooshing past me too quickly.

I have that appointment at 3pm today… I’m a bit apprehensive, but I anticipate positive results. I see one big possible negative hanging overhead, but hopefully that won’t cause any issues.

Brother called last night.He’s homeless, but asked me where to get a cheap personal DVD player or portable TV. I advised him to save his money, and to save for an apartment or at least to pay his probation officer. He likes to read sometimes, so I also recommended the wonderfully free library nearby. His priorities are really out of control… He’d rather risk going back to jail, but have a portable tv set that requires batteries and safe shelter? His thoughts are some of the most unfocused as I’ve ever seen… jumps from topic to topic, never sure of what he’s even talking about. Thoughts of survival for him.

I’m still amazed that this is all just a bunch of dots. a bunch of pixels on the screen. Heck, the whole world is a bunch of tiny little dots, too, come to think of it. I liked hydrogen atoms better when they has solar-looking nuclei with an orbiting planet electro, rather than the sphere within a sphere look it took on in my later science classes. I like electrons as a little ball, not a cloud.

Not sure why, but I’ve had a dramatic upswing of site hits. The biggest draw is that torn/mime video, by far. I am very fond of it, too, but Monkey vs Robot is still my favorite.

The Broken Umbrella Archive. He sees Broken Umbrellas, and takes pictures of ’em.

I don’t care what anyone says, I like the alternating Orchestra/Disco “wacka-wacka” theme to Space:1999.

Moment of Lyric: (mp3)

But I know
I have MINE and SHE has HERS and HE has HIS
THEY love US and WE love THEM
What’s OURS is THEIRS, that’s how it is with friends.

300 island resort designed to look like a world map. I love it. Check it out in Dubai… Maybe I could visit my buddies sedef and oneeyed!

images from yesterday –


Apparently they will be featuring a time machine at this year’s air and sea show. Pretty bad typo, and it’s propagated on all of the city buses and billboards. It’s supposed to be April 30th – May 1st. They got it right on the Website. I wonder how long it’ll be before they fix ’em all? This is the first time I’ve seen the advert pasted on the side of the bus, but it’s rather dirty already, so I’ll guess it’s been on a day or two, maybe a week at the most. I plan on being out of town, or just staying inside most of that weekend. It’s a mob scene.


ouch. Poor little barricade got plowed into… I wonder how much damage the car took. I’m not innocent of barricade abuse either, thought I prefer to drown them. (4 paragraphs down)


More Letter-sticker graffiti. BASIX. It looks like the “I” and especially the “X” are from a different set. Pasted to the back of a stop sign near the corner of 17th and Federal.

1 year ago – smelly books, surreal compliments, passover joke, vampire game

2 years ago – sleeveless smock, downloadable toons, bunky kabalarians, colossal squid, CoC props.

3 years ago – landlord visit, green monkey pizza, pop pardoned the knights templar, nazi-looking stamp, Japanese business card etiquette, movies, tubers

4 years ago – Killer noise, looking for a job as a flaneur, Dave & Cathi Preggers

7281 – Back to work… alas.

If you were a policeman, and all things otherwise are equal, would you want a Star or a Shield for a badge?

Frickin’ power-surges happening last night crapped out my chats. Sorry about that.

Jasmine…she smelled like red bull and stale cigarettes. She blew me a kiss when I left. Good times. Nice to have a moment of noir.

Visited mzkitten at her work again yesterday. She’s been struggling with a lot, but puts on a solid game face. I admire her strength.

Cripes… The Dibneys and now Blue Beetle. Who’s next, Ambush Bug? Somehow, I can’t see BB as the new Spectre.

I’ve seen Dr. Who episode 2, now, and I really, really don’t want the guy playing the current doctor to leave. Note to self, offer to fire off CDs to GrayPumpkin, christin, et al. Fun episode, self-contained again, though it sandwiches in right after the first one leaves off. (Nice addition of aliens, and unfortunately-placed over-sized fans. (also, The previews for episode 3 looks like fun, too.)

Good News for non-torrenting folks. Dr Who episodes are Due for release individually on May 16, 2005, along with first and third episodes, and in a boxed set in the autumn of 2005.

Kang is an awesome name to image search on. Look at what you get!

7279 – Monday

Something that seems to keep cropping up. When you apologize, please don’t modify it with “but”.

Like… “I’m sorry I set your head on fire, but I was cold.”

That just kills the whole thing.

You also need to tell the aggrieved party that (a) you recognize that what you did was wrong; (b) you feel bad about whatever wretched thing you did; and (c) you will genuinely do your best not to repeat said wretched behavior in the future.

Seriously, if your apology does not include all of these elements, it will not come across as sincere. It is not sufficient to simply say you’re sorry but neglect to change your behavior. Changing the harmful behavior that led to the need for the apology is the most crucial element here; if you exclude it, you may as well not issue the apology in the first place.

Moment of Lyric:

Twinkle little star… in Bulgarian. see link below

April Fool Making Fiends, Now with subtitles. (For those that don’t know Bulgarian)

Where To Find Great Free Photographs And Visuals For Your Own Online Articles

Broken people are everywhere. It’s like the castoffs pile of a windup toy factory. Some are missing a foot or a need a touch-up paint job, but most have damage in the the clockwork. I saw a sick man shaking a hedge angrily and waving a handkerchief-wrapped hand covered in blood. I saw three 17-20ish year old boys yelling obscenities and rude comments to everyone who walked by. On the bus, there was a man who smelled as if he chose to sauna out the whiskey in his system rather than ever bathe, his hair a single thick, matted dreadlock, caked with whatever it is that makes dreadlocks work. He was dressed in several layers of soiled, heavy clothing… possibly because that was all he had in the world.

1 year ago – 22 questions, DST, Ft. Laud Mellowed, 4-4-4

2 years ago – Met with Meter Made, don’t confuse courtesy with subservience, pics for the day, Speedy off CN, Sample McDougald house letter

3 years ago – walkies, dream, taking stuff poll, Moment of Waponi, Killian’s, bk veggie (the old one), long music ramble, production meeting at IMT

4 years ago – Slander-drama / resolution (Honestly, I think that part of the issue started from here.) I wonder how that “FBI Investigation” turned out.

7278 – Man, little twelve toes still rocks, and makes me misty.

The morning came with a minimum of fuss, more out of habit than anything else. More energy this morning… I was running on fumes yesterday. Today is going to be a walkabout and a mind-blanking workout.

I am really glad that I have so much bandwidth available on my website. People have been hitting the audio and video pages pretty hard the last few days.

Current Reality Settings – Better than yesterday, but I want to get back to 4-color, wacky, full.

Spectra-Analyzer (Monochrome / 4-Color / True-Color / Thermograph / X-Ray )
MPAA Rating (G / PG / R / NC-17)
Kill switch (Off / On / Wanton Murderous Rage)
Weirdness Tank (Empty / Low / Half / High / Full)
Laugh-O-Matic (Serious / Satirical / Witty / Wacky / Insane)
Cliche Blender (Pulse / Blend / Puree / Oh, Ugh!)
Global Soundtrack Volume (off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11!)
Personal Soundtrack Volume (off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11!)
Batteries (Empty / Low / Half / High / Full)

Well, the get-together yesterday was delayed, but maybe next weekend. constance1010 had to work, at the last minute. Hopefully I won’t be on call next go ’round, and can catch her and tarpo.

Sights and sounds from what I did instead –

More Marker-code. TNT/YYM.

Scribble-doodle – more from the TNT people from before?

More Sticky-letter graffiti

Little band in the riverwalk pavilion. the crowd was nigh-empty:
What the band was playing – 145k ogg

There’s some bad juju in the air this month. I wish I was more superstitious, so that I could do some sort of banishment ritual and feel that it works. Flies banging on a windowpane, promising something outside that’s probably unpleasant.

Bid on a replacement model for my poor dead camera on ebay.. it’s so old that I can safely bid about $50. I don’t really need a brand new bleeding-edge camera for snapshots.



Justice (Fairness)










Divine Command


Strong Egoism




What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Utilitarianism.

Your life is guided by the principles of Utilitarianism: You seek the greatest good for the greatest number.

“The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.”
–Jeremy Bentham

“Whenever the general disposition of the people is such, that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not dwell on, or concern himself for, his share of the general interest, in such a state of things, good government is impossible.”
–John Stuart Mill

You scored as Justice (Fairness).

Your life is guided by the concept of Fair Justice: Everyone, yourself included, should be rewarded and punished according to the help or harm they cause.

“He who does not punish evil commands it to be done.”
–Leonardo da Vinci
– I truly agree with this sentiment, which is why my merciful side suffers.

“Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.”
–Dwight D. Eisenhower

I don’t want the most-remembered term of 2005 to be “feeding tube”.

People don’t give hips and collarbones enough credit in the sexiness department these days.

Moment of Lyric: (mp3)

What’s that sound
Comin’ from the dresser on a night as black as pitch?
What’s that sound
Comin’ from the bureau, do I dare turn on the switch?
Them bones, them bones, them dry bones
All bleached and deathly white
I’ve got skeletons in my closet and
They’re rattlin’ tonight

The cheat bone’s connected to deceit bones
And thereby connected to lies
I-love-yous said indiscriminately make the sockets for the eyes
The love bones knock against the hate bones
And fingers click in time
There won’t be sleep for the weary tonight
‘Cause all those bones are mine

I forgot to mention… on Friday, Dan gave me a copy of Kelly’s Heroes. on VHS. I don’t own a VCR anymore. I wonder where I can go to swap it out for a DVD version? It’s a great flick.

There’s a solid piece at Wired News about Buprenorphine, a treatment for heroin that kills withdrawal symptoms quickly, but without the abuse potential of methadone. Unfortunately, it hasn’t taken off as expected, in part because of some ill-conceived regulation:

After bupe had been on the market a year, the law was amended to permit methadone clinics to prescribe it, but only under the same rules used for methadone (one dose per visit), which erases one of bupe’s major advantages – that you don’t have to schlep to a clinic every day. Meanwhile, many methadone providers have remained openly skeptical of the new med, fearing that it will further stigmatize methadone, or siphon off their most stable patients. The government reimburses methadone programs for the number of patients they oversee, not for the specific services they provide, so the payment for a stable patient who takes a dose and goes to work subsidizes treatment for more fragile clients with multiple addictions, mental illness, housing and unemployment issues, and more.

The regulatory problems didn’t stop there. Influenced by tales of unscrupulous methadone clinics taking on huge case-loads for the reimbursement cash, Congress barred doctors from maintaining more than 30 bupe patients at a time. And in a monumental blunder, the law classified giant HMOs like Kaiser Permanente, as well as hospitals, as single providers, with the same 30-patient cap that Kolodny has in the solo practice he maintains on evenings and weekends. Four years later, the law remains unchanged. One clear sign of the law’s unintended consequences: The world-renowned Addiction Institute of New York (better recognized by its old name, Smithers) doesn’t mention bupe in its advertising because with a 30-patient limit, it fears it would have to turn people away.

In elementary school I remember the teacher telling me that the vowels were AEIOU and sometimes Y and W. But I can’t think of a single word where W is used as a vowel. Are there any?

Sure. Try “how,” which is phonetically equivalent to “hou,” as in house. Ou and ow are diphthongs–that is, two vowel sounds that kind of slide together when you say them. W and Y are often called semivowels because they go both ways, as it were, depending on the company they keep within the word. (Low morals are obviously a problem at every level of our society.) In cow, for instance, W is a vowel, but make the word coward and you can hear W working as a consonant. Similarly with Y become I in copy and copier.

I dig how Google and Yahoo are duking it out.

Last month’s launch of Google Maps was impressive, but not as cool as Yahoo’s placing of live traffic conditions on its map this month. Google’s webmail product, Gmail, caused a fuss by offering accounts capable of storing a gigabyte of mail, four times that of Yahoo Mail. No problem, said Yahoo last week, Yahoo mail users can have a gigabyte too. Google’s purchase of Blogger gave them a place at the blogger’s table, but it has done little with it. Yahoo’s blogging tool, Yahoo 360, launches this month, allegedly fully integrated with the rest of the content they produce.

Google has an image organizing application in Picasa, sure; but Yahoo just bought Flickr, perhaps the smartest and richest online application ever written. Yahoo has a rich site summary (RSS) aggregator, Google does not. Yahoo has a search engine for online movies, Google does not. Yahoo has quietly launched search.yahoo.com/cc, a search engine engineered to find and index Creative Commons material.

1 year ago – Hellboy, Le Gren, Marlin Maniac

2 years ago – Bro issues w/LL, sponsored links, Meredith out front

3 years ago – Walkies, baby sharks, programming, local hones go to 10-digit dialing, Reality settings, Wolf files, army men, schoolhouse rock

4 years ago SOP, enature, symbols, psa for my bio page, C++ DST bug

7277 – Bro in April, part 2

Bro called me about 10 minutes ago. His latest drama is the tale he told me of fall in off of the bus. The way he tells it, he ran to get on, the driver didn’t see him, and closed the doors in his leg, cutting it open and pushing him to the ground. He says that he’s banged up, and that by the time he’d gotten to the hospital “they couldn’t put stitches in, because it had already healed some”… which sounds like bologna to me. I asked if he had filed a report, and he told me that he was going to file a delayed police report on Monday, but he has spoken with a lawyer and BCT.

This makes me think that it’s a minor injury at best and that he’s trying to blow it out of proportion so he can look to make some easy money. I reminded him that all BCT buses have cameras now, so they should be able to get a video tape of what exactly happened.

His voice was screwed up, and he sounded disoriented. Odds are good that it was self-induced, and not from any tumble.

If I counted off how many times this kid has been in accidents and wanted to sue somebody, I’d have to move on to another person after using all of my own fingers, toes, ears and anything else that might poke out and be used to tally.

I wish that identification of a problem meant that you had a solution. Not always the case.