I got a wonderful letter from the girl I love last night. To hold something physical for hers sealed with a kiss, filled me with so much happiness and joy I was literally stunned for a few moments, standing in front of the mailbox, just savoring it. I’ve already read and reread it about 10 times… I don’t think that she knows how deeply she can affect me. I sampled every aspect of the card, sniffing, analyzing the handwriting, the design on the front, the content of the words… I’m so in love with her that it blots out everything else, like the roar of the ocean during a hurricane. The correspondence means so much to me that I can’t fairly quantify it. This is the first physical gift, a wonderful treasure that I can keep by my side.. I held it close to my heart before going to sleep last night, to feel her embrace.

Thank you again, my beloved. You’ve brightened things so much with each thing that you do.

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