
Ugh… I’m so busy these last few days, I’ve watched as what seems like thousands of lj posts go by without my responding to them… I’m sorry, I just don’t have the energy or time right now to get atop them.

Quick breakdown of my day. Landlord forgot to pay the gas bill, so I took a cold shower this morning. Woo. chill chill. I hope the system shock doesn’t hurt my health any more than the icky-yucka bug I’ve already gotten has. I get to work, yes, I have to work today, even though I requested the day off months ago. (Just not enough man hours to support my taking the time out…. we’re down to a skeleton crew. They’d better hire someone before one of us is down for a day, or worse quits… all redundant systes are now gone. I figure we need at least 3 more people in here.)

No trick-or-treating tonight, too sick I think. I don’t want to germ-up the kids, either. Just me at home with Newton, and my cold-contaminated candy to give out to the children. (or, I suppose I could be one of those evil people who doesn’t answer the door. I’ve a few hours to decide… maybe the question will be moot by the time I get home.)

My writing these last few days has been lacking, both here and on short-subjects. Time to instill some discipline, and commit to at least one hour in the morning after the walk to do it. As we pass the Hallowe’en season, I suspect my desire to write horror shall abate, and general weirdness will return.

Wonderful upside… all warm and fuzzy anyhow… I’m in a good place mentally, emotionally and spritiually, if not in peak condition physically due to the cold and such. It feels good to know people are fond of you, and that folks care about what gets written here, there and everywhere. I feel quite fortunate to have found such a nice group of peeples.

*big hug*

oh! it seems that Newt’s vocal phase has passed… he’ll meow when someone who comes to the door, or when I’m in the bathroom and he can’t get in… he loves his new sock-toy… carries it around the house, and drops it in front of me when he wants me to throw it. I love having a cat that plays fetch.

time to slurp down some more tea… remembered to bring it this time. hot tea with honey… how spiff, eh?

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