Why Bears?

From Ghost dog….


A solitary animal, adaptable to all climates, terrain, and food. In groups will share food in abundance, and is a formidable adversary despite a lack of predatory instincts. If he or his group is injured or threatened, he will fight and kill with great ferocity, but is generally a peaceful, docile creature. In ancient cultures, bears were considered equals to men.


Not a payday, but the lead-in to the weekend.

found a few job options I didn’t have a week ago, including reference librarian. 🙂 A great gig, form what I remember… only downside was the “playing the game” aspect of internal politics. I can get around that, if need be, but that’ll be the biggest downside. Upside of that job is that it’ll have built-in buddies form another state! How neat.

Options stand as – Denver, Flagstaff, Yorktown, and Seattle, for out of state moves. In state has a tighter ring as Tampa, Orlando, or Ft. Lauderdale appear as more local possibilities. I certainly would prefer to work in an industry that I think is a positive impact, or at least doesn’t bother folks, like a library. Some of my other potential jobs aren’t as kind, but will be taken as a matter of money, possibly. Shooting for more internal joy, though. I don’t want to work in advertising or any of the ‘vice’ fields anymore… just sort of slimy at the core. I’ve done websites for adult industry stuff and worked at an advertising company… both just left me feeling clammy.

A pity that there’s no financial reward in working for charities… plenty of personal rewards, but hard to pay rent, and live on 17k a year doing programming for PETA, Women in Distress, or St. Vincent’s. something middle of the road, like a R&D firm for technology, or a like field.

on a lighter note – JennyLee pointed this out, and i just have to pass it on.


Call this number, wait for the menu to go through to seven, and then press 7.

*I am dying* Bwah-ha ha!!!

new test! (for me, anyhow.)

Nashata pointed me in this Direction, and I’m a white knight!


Here’s what I got. Your distinct personality, The White Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Don Quixote was a White Knight as was Joan of Arc, the Lone Ranger and Crusader Rabbit. As a White Knight you expect nothing in return for your good deeds. You are one of the true “Givers” of the world. You are the anonymous philanthropist who shares your wealth, your time and your life with others. To give, is its own reward and as a White Knight you seek no other. On the positive side you are merciful, sympathetic, helpful, giving and heroic. On the negative side you may be impulsively decisive, sentimental and misdirected. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today’s corporate kingdoms.