I’d be responding to more folk’s journals, if the servers weren’t so wonky. I look anxiously forward to seeing the fresh ones installed.

By the way, thanks to all the new folks who’ve linked to me, and all of you who’ve stuck around! 🙂



got my mail back online. yahoo lost my pw for some reason. odd. all better now, though.

Going out with hippie pals tonight, to see the phish movie. Brownies? maybe,but unlikely, as I’ve abstained from that for a while now, and I’m keeping my eyes peeled for a different job.

argh. work beckons again! see you kids!

Wisdom of Robert Anton Wilson revisited.

The Constitution admittedly has a few defects and blemishes, but it still seems a hell of a lot better than the system we have now.

The courts apply all criminal laws in this nation in a mild, rational and humane manner, if the defendant is rich.

The philosopher Carlin’s three major types of public nuisances — the stupid, the crazy and those just plain full of shit — have changed proportions in my mind as I grow older. I used to attribute almost everything awful to stupidity and looniness, but now I more and more suspect the major problem is that so many people are full of shit. In fact, every time I see a man on TV wearing a suit and tie, I suspect he is full of shit, and if he has a flag hanging beside him I am almost sure of it. If I turn the sound on — I usually do my dial surfing with the mute on — it almost always appears that my guess was right. Those men usually are full of shit, especially the ones with the US flag behind them. They all seem to come from the State Department, too.