Tag Archives: newton

I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.

I ended up giving in to my cravings, and scarfed down 3 veggie-dogs for supper, with a cup of total corn flakes for dessert. (no milk, just flakes…)

Today, I had a bagel & butter, a 10 oz bottle of chocolate milk, and will have 2 pseudo ham & cheese hot pockets for lunch, still soda-free, and not missing it that much.

Thanks JennyLee for linking to me! I have the Canadian Babe(tm) market swept, between Gina and you! More’s the pity that all the good gals seem to be in love with another, buckets of miles away or both. Tsk.

I’d love to host a mass LJ exodus to Disneyworld or Universal, and have my friends all come down and play in the Sunshine state… Maybe someday. It’d be great to see you folks in the skin.

I didn’t do my walkies this morning, as I was lazy, and it was raining to boot. Thunder and Lightning, very very frightning today. power flickers and skies darken, but I still work in my little cubicle, I bet Newton is going nutty. April was still at the apt when I left, so turning on Newtcam was inappropriate… Hopefully she’s playing with him and treating him nice… keeping him kitty-calm.

Last night I was really in a sourball mood when I got home, and April was weirdly manic, talking to the tv and commenting quite a bit, while I grunted, or worked on work stuff from the computer. Eventually I chilled out but was still mildly grumpish for the rest of the night… I think due to my new schedule, my sleep is making me a little duller than I might’ve been. Regardless, the funk lifted this morning.

Talked to my Little brother, and he gave me a lead on a new job off los olas in ft lauderdale… programming gig at Omni Graphics. Sounds good, and gives me an excuse to polish my resume for sportsline too… I don’t know about SPLN…. thebennies are ok, but being locked in gfor a year to get ’em might be too much of a disadvantage. $$? Have to think.

Music – Frank Sinatra, by Cake
Mood – Scattered

Newton says hi!

Speaking of Newton, he’s super affectionate again today… he’s getting lovey in his old age. Except for his pounce-mode. Wiggle your fingers at him from under a blanket or pillowcase, and the old predator instincts kick in. In fact, I think I’m going to play with him now. 🙂

Need to-

Cat Food
get sundries… shampoo & deodorant.

Now you all know too.

Still haven’t eaten yet today, probably won’t until I go grocery shopping, or at the Miami Subs by the laundry.

Okie everyone, here’s the shmeer.

April will be taking a bus back to Utah Aug 20. I figure I can be civil and nice enough to let her stay at my place until then, even though I had been hoping for my place back to basics. No further delays will be accepted, however. 7x the expected delay is long enough. I won’t be able to tolerate any more, even though we’ve been getting along.

I will be running my webcam for quite a little while for two reasons.

1. to spy on newton, I know that april will throuw a baseball cap or something over it when she gets home, as I’ve told her it’ll be running.

2. hopefully I’ll get to make an animated gif or avi out of the stream, and see what a stop-motion show of the day’ll look like. 🙂 I’ll be archiving on the net on the off-chance ‘someone’ decides to rip me off, so I’ll have photgraphic evidence of times of whatever. Is that petty of me? My trust levels are low with her, but I think this is a fair way to keep her honest.

my cam is back up again, to keep an eye on the kitty while I’m at work. 🙂 (at least until april gets home…she’ll probably turn the thing to the wall for privacy. http://scottobear.com/newtcam/newtcam.html

if you want to see what my messy apartment looks like.

singing precious, overlooking the years, there’s a storm coming, aye.

Hum. I officially started my workout regimen this morning, mainly so I could get up and out of the apartment. Surprising as it was, it wasn’t oppressively warm out and the hour I spent walking was very helpful in ‘clearing the cobwebs’ of early morning waking. I noticed that not many people out and about were friendly, with a couple of pleasnat exceptions. I waved and said “Good Morning” to about 10 passers-by, and I got approximatly 7 no-replies, one person crossing the street to avoid me (I’m honestly not that scary!!) and two folks that smiled/waved, or said “‘Mornin!” I don’t know, but the friendly people made up for the stinky ones, maybe because I dealt with them last. On the return loop of my trip, I picked up some tasty food from my local grocer… I *love* morningstar farms stuff… Vegetarian Hot dogs! (Not like there’s much meat in regular weiners anyhow, but they taste good to me) Very low in fat to boot, got some good granny smith apples, bagels, nummy cornflakes (which I like to eat dry as a snack while watching the tube), and sundry items, not the least of which was a packet of ant-traps. I hate to kill the critters, but unless they pay rent, provide a service or give me love, they’re not welcome in my home for any extended peroiod of time. (Same goes for anything else, come to think of it. Friendship counts as love, though. 🙂 ) Anyway, the apartment is trapped, and I had to find a way to place them so Newton wouldn’t get at the traps and turn them into “Kitty toys full o’ Poison”… very tricky. Newton, by the way has figured out my situation with April and is being extra affectionate with me (either that, or He was just very happy to have me home all day yesterday, and was super-snuggly) by playing all day, and napping on my chest when I went to sleep midday. Newtie rocks… when I roll to the side, he nuzzles up, and when I go back on my back, he climbs onto my chest again. I really love that dang cat.

More of the same…

April seems to be determined to squiggle out of going to the doctor. I pushed a little today, mainly because I feel that she needs to see him. Latest excuse (of many) is : I want to wait until I get paid to go, I don’t want you to pay for it. Heck, I told her, I spend hundreds of dollars on her for frivolous stuff, the important stuff, if you want, pay me back. Nope! No dice. I should just blow it off, but I’m concerned for her well-being. I also have to make an appointment with the doc about my bronchitis kicking up again… (Teach me to date a smoker. bleah.) Well, at least Newton is healthy. Actually, on thinking about it, I’m going to hit the doc sometime after friday, I’ll call and make an appointment now. The best way to lead is by example, right? Hm. Here’s some more wirting for those of you that don’t care about the Scotto-soap opera. but first a mini-rant. My pal Alex moved to San Jose a few months ago. He assured me that we’d stay in contact, etc,etc. I saw him on AIM once and he was quite brief, then took off. From what I understand he’s still in frequent contact with Heather, daily, I think. It sort of irks me, but it falls into my current situation in ‘meatspace’. If a person moves away, and is not bound by blood ties, I lose contact with them. I don’t know if I attract lazy friends & aquaintances, or if it’s just the way things are, but I thought that friends kept in touch? anyhow, enough of that noise. I met Erin last night here, and she’s a pleasant and witty girl, who shares my interest in gigglecam, and all things nifty like that.

And now:


If you took all the hours
I should have been asleep
but wasn’t

And added in all the hours
I should have been awake
but wasn’t

And multiplied by all the things
I missed, or messed up,
or did halfway
because of the above combination

You’d have wasted a lot of time
counting the cost for me
which is kind of ironic

After all, I’ve already paid the toll
for my time in shadow.

Man, I’m all fragmented today…

This just happening! I got a webcam! Now I just have to work out how to make it go. (just the cam, no software or anything, it was in the supply closet for aobut a year at work. It’s an ezonics ezcam usb, and I plan on using it to spy on Newton-cat while I’m at work and surfing the web. (And maybe doing cool cammy type stuff like all you other camfolks) any ideas or suggestions on software, or what sort of fun stuff to do with it? Is it possible to make it a streamcam via real video with a feeble 56k connection to the net? Ack oop ick. Anyhow, more news as it happens, kids!

Newton’s progress –

Well, we went ot the vet again today, and he’s got a clean bill of health as far as that parasite is concerned. (He’s still doing the loose-ish poop thing, and we got meds for that.) Yayy!! I am so happy that he’s healthy again… I think some of the meds they gave him made him hungry, as he gained a pound in 2 weeks. (mind you, it’s not like me… he went from 8.5 to 9.5 lbs. That’d be like me putting on like 45 pounds! gah!) So, the little orange piggy is with me at work until we decide to head out for the IHOP by my house for supper, and Newt-drop-offing. I really hope i get to dsee the gang this weekend… I don’t know, it seems harder to communicate wth B&H these days, everyone is so busy, myself included. Ah well, I have pencilled in plans for them for sunday, and maybe sat nite. Time will tell!

Folks in general…

Sort of thinking about what people have been writing in different journals, and folks I’ve been talking to lately. A strong preoccupation with death, breakup, sickness and sadness, and a sidebar of happiness and fresh romance. So many folks are dwelling on the negative, and instead of doing something constructive to fix it, prefer to gripe about it… I’m more comfortable being a little proactive, if my head hurts, I’ll take an asprin, or see the doctor if a reasonable amount of time passes, cost be damned. Money problems are the easiest to avoid, in my mind, better than having cancer or any other undue stresses. I think some folks put too much stock in love too, it’s nice to love, and to be loved, but if you’re not getting it, or giving it, that’s a situation that can be changed too. Honesty, peppered with diplomacy (for those folks who are unable or unwilling to hear your version of the truth) is the best answer for talking to anyone. My biggest personal worry now is for Newton, but he’s been taking his meds within a reasonable amount of fighting, and I need ot call the vet for another checkup. (This is the same vet that gave me Fritz, the kitty that died and spread his parasite to Newt… my confidence in him is not very strong.) Newt’s been very frisky, and eating and drinkng ok, so Im’ not too worried, just the paranoid parewnt level that doesn’t want anything bad to happen to someone cared about. April’s still a little jealous that Newt’ll sleep with me, and won’t really come to her when I’m in the room. I tried to explain to her that I’ve known Newt longer, and bottle fed him, so there’s a little mommy-baby bond between me and him, but she’s not really getting it. I didn’t hear much from my buddies this weekend, but nor did I call them. Spent it watching Movies, and comforting April during her flow. Today’s April’s first day at Barnies, and I hope she has a good time… once her joblessness is covered, we can start scheduling workout/gym time to meet our best times. We walked to the beach last night, but I think I started to get irritable with her, because I’m not a fan of folks with jaywalking deathwishes,and I barked a bit at her for that. Aside from that transgression, its been a pretty snuggly time, but I have to get her to go to a doctor for an exam. (Maybe Barnies has a good insurance situation.)

In other news…

Newton cat is still sick, but is animated, just not drinking his water. If he hasn’t slurped some tonight, I’ll call the Doc in the AM. He’s getting more affectionate with April, who plays with the doofus more than I do. I still am waiting on my webcam, but hopefully it’ll be on my site by the end of the week. Do any of you guys know what sort of programs, or what not to put on my site to run it? April looks like she’ll be getting a job at Barnie’s soon, is going ot call back tomorrow after 2, to figure out her schedule. She’s semi-officially living with me now, even though she’s still paying rent at the other apt. Apparently she’s told her ex-roomies that she won’t be sharing phone and power expenses with them, though, as she doesn’t use them. (She committed to the lease, and so will have storage there until October, I suppose.) I’m sort of bummed that nobody tried my toll-free voicemail, but I guess that’s the way it goes…

Hi Kids! Still getting my stuff in gear for the live journal thing… Once I polish a pic, and get more than 17 seconds to type to you, we’ll be good to go! I hope you folks are having a better weekend than I’ve had… We lost one kitten a week ago to an intestinal parasite (We miss you, Fritz!) and now, Newton, my big orange pal has the same thing. Got him to the doc in a decent amount of time, though, so hopefully after the 10 days worth of meds he’ll be feeling better.

I’ve got to get going, more to follow this evening though, for sure.

Love, Luck, and Laughter to you all.
