Category Archives: Uncategorized

Going in to work today, shortly. foggy dreams last night. I got into an arguement with Astley regarding his duty…I finally got him to take some responsibility for the bad hardware he gave me…hopefully he’ll give me a refund. It’s only been a year.

For some reasony my avango doesn’t want to synch, so I’m having a little trouble posting from my palm. I may copy it into a memo, and post it in later, if it continues to be troublesome.

Newt’s going to be lonely today… he’s gotten used to me being available to him 24/7 for play and snugs. I know that when I get home he’s going to be very lovey, certainly. Hes laying on my foot right now, having a midday nap. I’m going to miss him at work today, too. I need to remember to get him more food, too…about 2 days more left.

little house, a new beginning?” is on… Weird… I forget that they spun the show off to focus on Laura & Almonzo’s married life. It’s on TBS right now. I don’t remember the Nellie replacement, either, “Nancy”, some other nasty little blonde Oleson girl.

Ah well, I’m off. there’s my ride. until tonight, dear journal.

Thoughts of Red-furred Libras will get me through the day. 🙂 You know that list? I’m going to use it to write a few memory posts of what spawned certain titles, later tonight or tomorrow. I encourage other folks to do the same with theirs. 🙂

Assorted Ages. 🙂 reasons why this decade is nicer to me than last.

3/16/99 – LJ is born… It’s three today!
10/5/99 – Newton is born! He’s 2 years and 5 months old! (picture is him at 3 weeks)
5/22/00 – My LJ is born! It’s One year, and 9 months old.
10/26/00 – admitted to a mutual crush 🙂 About a year and four months.
11/29/00 – My sweetie and I tell each other of our love for the first time. (it’s been a year and a quarter… and I’ve told her every day since.)
6/2/01 – Swat team attack my landlord, and prod me to get a nicer place. 🙂

a post from 6/4/01 that I’d like to see replies to:

Roles I’ve filled in life. (Not in any kind of order, not all in an official capacity))
Creating list, everything I can think of in 5 minutes. and… go!

Kindly older brother
Karmic Enforcer
Santa’s Helper
The Only Voice of Reason
Anonymous Benefactor
Anonymous Malefactor
Secret Admirer
Choir Boy
Boy Scout
Taxi Driver
Homeless Man

tell you what… take five minutes, and fill a reply with the roles you’ve held. I think it’d be fun to see what comes to mind. (or, if you do it in your journal, put a link here, so I can see it?)

Totally unrelated, cool bunker here.


the poem tag project has really taken off. If you’ve made a tag, and it’s not mentioned there, let him know, and he’ll link you up. (I’ve been monitoring traffic, and that entry has been getting a boatload of hits.) If you haven’t yet, what are you waiting for? the concept is a hoot.

full report on my doctor trip is in my palm… as soon as I synch it, you’ll get the long story. the abridged version, I waited 4 hours, will be going back to work tomorrow, and scheduled an xray appointment.

ok. I called for my ride to get to my 10:30 appointment at 9:30. I called back at 9:45, 10am, and just now.

This is the downside of calling a cab, and not having a friend available to drive at this hour. I imagine that the clown that got my call is “stacking”, illegally using a modified meter and tracker to take more than one call at a time. the thing they don’t know is that when you call back every 10 minutes or so, dispatch figures these things out, and turns off their meter for a period of 1-3 hours, depending. I’m guessing that I’ve shut of two such drives this morning, and that gives me some satisfaction… however, I need to be at the doctor’s in 15 minutes, and it’s a 10 minute drive.

I go to the doctor tomorrow morning. let’s hope that the wait isn’t as long as last time around. I’ll discuss with him the prescription difficulties, too.

My back only really tweaks up in the morning here and there now. Hopefully, this means I can go in, get a MRI to peek, just in case, and get back on the work wagon on Tuesday. I’m tired of being stuck in the house, and of being worried about projects due.

hearing about “embedded chip” technology, a chip implant that’ll store information about you, like medical or security. Uh, no. Not for me. Maybe for Newt, if he gets lost, but there is precious little that would get me to get a bit of harware installed in my body for information purposes. I’ll carry an ID card, no problem… but something about being that trackable is upsetting to me.

*note to self, get mailing stuff together to drop at the PO after the doctors.

Newt cracks me up…we’re playing army-man fetch, and he’s really into it… bounding all over the place, and hauling after tossed plastic soldiers at top speed. he’s running so fast that when he returns them to me, he sort of runs past, and just lets go of the toy and is in the other room before it hits the ground at my feet.

solution to piracy sound-bite. “make it easier to buy than it is to steal.” I tend to agree with that.

ack… polls no longer support images. drat!

*sending my sweetheart thoughts of love, comfort and key lime pie*

Discovered Digital neigbors… much better than Local Yahoo. It helped me to dig up more local information on Pompano, Lusby, Holbrook, Bellingham, and North Bend. some of the links are dead ends (non-tiger maplinks pulled by advertisers), but the rest of the info is quite nifty. I got longitude and latitudes of the above cities, so I can track stuff on my palm astronomy program more accurately. I can see what the sky looks like in any of those places quick and easy, now.

I wish I’d found the Pompano info before I went on vacation… a better list of local stuff, save for the Hurricane coaster.

On an unrelated note… Wonder Woman was far more spiffy when she cruised around in a voice-activated, remote-controlled & telepathically summoned invisible plane (and later, jet). Just flying, any superhero can do. Tooling around in a transparent F-16 is cool, man. Even if it’s tricky to read the invisible altimeter and fuel buttons. Weirdly, everyone aboard stays visible, so you see a sitting pilot hanging in midair.

Updated the community bio to include the hut’s memories page. Pehaps this’ll help with the eternal pad vs. tamppon debate, and the “does anyone know about the keeper” threads that pop up every so often. (at least we can point folks to other comments that’ve already been made.) I think of particular note are the remedies and links header.

gah….took me 3 hours to read it over, top to bottom. it surprises me that I got through it all in one night, honestly. I was planning on doing one or two months a night, but got a wild hare. It wasn’t all manual, though. I did a little macro to help me bounce through the days and scroll though the calenndar (empty days goofed me up a little), looking for links, an entry with more than 15 replies( a hot discussion) and certain keywords. it took about 20 minutes to set up the subheadings (like links, debate, or remedies) but then, it was just clicketty-clicketty, with a quick eyeballing to be sure it looks good before comitting it to memories. I love it when a project comes together that quickly.

The Complete Newgate Calendar
An 18th-19th century English volume of ghastly true-crime stories. Learn about timeless con games, botched executions, unlawful marriages, and much much more.

Game publicity plan raises grave concerns

A computer games firm has been accused of pushing back the frontiers of bad taste after it announced that it was seeking to advertise its latest title on gravestones.

I really enjoyed this article, “Can there be a decent left?”, which examines the future of American liberals and asks good questions. I think the key to the article is when the left seeks a just distribution of resources, they ignore the resource of morality. In other words, they see morality as an internal issue, an American resource, and are far more concerned with the just distribution of morality within our borders than with every country, large and small, around the world. It is a subjective viewpoint that removes morality from any conversation not beginning with, “The problem with America . . .”

I’m not sure where I fall in the ordained political spectrum these days. I support both abortion and capital punishment within certain careful parameters, and prize civil liberties while also understanding the importance of deception in diplomacy and government. I’ve staked out positions which make sense to me, yet cannot recognize the terrain they are planted in. But that’s fine. I’d rather continue to think and struggle than accept anyone’s comfortable dictates.

Bert’s Love Song
sung by Bert

Look at them
And look at us
One is Francine
One is Gus
Lots of people
Think they’re boring
But we don’t
Not us

He is gray
And so is she
You like pigeons
Just like me
Lots of people
Think we’re silly
But I don’t
Not me

We go for the same kind
Of music
Any old rousing march
Will do

We both like the same
Kind of oatmeal
It’s no good without
A lump or two

Watch them soar
Up to the sky
They are flying
So am I

Lots of people
Just don’t understand
But you do
And so

You like oatmeal
I do too
You like paperclips
Me too!
You play checkers
I do too
You like me
And I