6575 What to do, what to do…

Ok… tonight is either Hellboy or Dawn of the Dead, with or without Dave. I’d like to have a little fun mayhem before being on call this weekend. Oddly, I know for a fact that four years ago yesterday I was on a date, watching Rear Window at the Gateway theater with April. I hope that she’s gotten her act together at this point, and is on the right track. That was just an odd situation, one I should write about more sometime.

I’m flattered that Sammy’s using the name “SamBot2000” as his robo-hero. (The character design is nice, too.)

No pranks yesterday! Yeah! I feel great! Thanks!

To celebrate,

I like how the tree out back unloads huge piles of leaves, but it’s not so windy that it blows them everywhere.

He’s a cute little guy… One of the family that Newt clucks at. I think they eat the any of his food that gets tossed out… (and mine, too, for that matter. Do squirrels like old veggie burgers?)

I still like this shot from July of 2002 the best of my outdoor rodent-shots.

Janeane Garofalo blond? Hmm.. that’s an odd choice. Her show was decent except that her cohost was rather flat, and the interviewee (Bill Mahr) is one of my least favorite people to listen to. I think if she gets a better guest, and the cohost participates more, the thing could be quite entertaining.

Man eating plants. That could be either a description of my lunch hour, or Day of the Triffids. Oh, the difference a well-placed hyphen can make. Or not so different after all, really. I still consider myself something of a pod-person, though I don’t have any great desire to eat humans, I wouldn’t mind this Thorax Cake! – A cake made to look like an entire thoracic cavity. It looks *great*… I especially dig the white chocolate rib cage containing the cakes. Not for the squeamish.

  • Heart – orange cake with raspberry sauce
  • Lungs – apple spice cake with strawberry sauce
  • Kidneys – orange cake with blueberry sauce
  • Stomach – ginger cake with mango sauce
  • Liver – chocolate cake with kiwi sauce
  • Small Intestine – jelly roll with red currant jelly

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Eric Krieg followed up on another old post of mine (October of 2001, no less) about the supposed free energy and resulting falsehoods of Dennis Lee’s “free energy”.

In that same-post’s related news, Regarding Paula Poundstone’s child endangerment charges. Most unfortunate quote of hers, pre trial? (From a February 2001 news article)

Sun: What’s the age range of the foster children you take care of?

PP: The majority are newborn. I’m especially good with them before they can talk. I figure as soon as they can talk, I’m screwed.

Ouch. I’m glad that she was cleared of the sex charges, and that she’s gotten treatment for her alcohol problem, and was allowed to keep custody of her adopted children.

Ah… lovely. Another link-payment today. That little fund takes care of any online mad money that I’d care to toss around.

Your Superhero Persona by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero Name Sleep Apnea Woman
Super Power Ability To Breathe Underwater
Enemy The Disgruntled Mailman
Mode Of Transportation Cadillac With Rims
Weapon Scissors
Created with quill18‘s MemeGen 3.0!

I guess I won’t be running to fight crime.

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