6604 Mostly pictures.

On call this morning… MM had a slow weekend! I don’t see any full launches Saturday, though I did one at 8:30 this morning already.

Hmm.. Still haven’t heard from GP or Katt… Since they’re only in town until Tuesday, I suspect that schedules got too tight, and that I’ll end up missing them this go-’round. Ah well, that’s just tough luck, I suppose.

Helpful hint… if you put something in the oven, programming the microwave won’t help to heat the food. If you’re that tired, go back to bed.

I remember, as a child, thinking that I could turn off the ocean.

Got an IM from JenJen last night… Haven’t talked to her in ages. She’s married, moved out of the house and has a pair of kitties! All new things since we last gabbed. She’s still working for the school board now. We’ll have to grab lunch sometime and get caught up properly.

TV turnoff week is April 19-25… That’s easy. Now if it were “no online week” I’d be in trouble.

Superhero version of myself in CoH…(pumped to the point of insanity, as a result of frighteningly steroidal templates) I do have clothes pretty much like that, and prefer doing the no-shoes thing where possible.

Look! Down on the street! Standing still! Able to cross hot blacktop in bare feet!

It’s Scottobear