Recently brought to my attention

My curent favorite crackpot theory is the glass cathedrals on the moon. Apparently there’s a whole bunch of people who believe that some mysterious force has built these tremendous buildings out of glass (or some other transparent material) on the surface of the moon. As evidence they offer pictures from the various moon landings, and point out faint lines and mysterious reflections. The government is, of course, covering this up. They cover up *all* of the good stuff.

In other news…

Egad, Jay Forman’s account of monkeyfishing made my skin crawl. (It’s not for the sqeamish, mind you, as it’s just what it sounds like it is.)

Here’s something new and potentially illegal and undoubtedly annoying, Microsoft’s next version of Internet Explorer will insert new hyperlinks on Web pages where no hyperlinks existed in the first place.

The so-called Smart Tags recognize certain words or phrases and check them against a database of other words and phrases (owned by Microsoft and sold to the highest bidder) and create instant links on any Web page.

The good news is that the function ships in the product turned off, and Microsoft will provide site owners with code to disable Smart Tags. The bad news is this is Microsoft we’re talking about, a company you can trust just about as far as they can buy you outright and kill your technology.

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