Pinkie looked at the flashlight and sighed.

“Gee, Joanie, do you really think Salvador Allende wants to take over Chile?”

“Pinkie, don’t be a dolt!” Joanie stamped her foot, placing her hands on her hips. “Of course Allende wants Chile! What kind of revolution are we running here?”

Just then, Chachi appeared carrying an armful of AK47 assault rifles and a jar of honey. The soft death moans of Arthur Fonzerelli could be heard coming from beneath the tool shed, and Richie, wild-eyed and doped up on bennies, licked with a fawning reverence at Joanie’s ankle.

“Hey Pinkie! What should I do with all these guns?” Chachi dumped them unceremoniously to the ground.

Suddenly, one of the guns went off, and a stray bullet shot into Joanie’s left eye, slicing its way through her brain and blowing out the back of her skull with a crimson spray of blood and skin.

“Oops,” said Chachi.

“Oh, great,” said Pinkie, folding her arms and rolling her eyes. “Now Joanie’s dead. Who’ll plan the civil uprising in the public market?”

“I’ll do it!” chimed Potsie, bounding in from the avocado orchards, his face smeared with green pulp.

“No, Potsie,” answered Pinkie, “you have to be ready at the switch to make sure Chachi’s explosive charges effectively kill everyone at the Pomegranate Festival.” She held her chin thoughtfully in her hands for a moment. Then, her eyes wide and bright with realization, she snapped her fingers and said, “C’mon! I have an idea!”

Later, after the concert, Pinkie and her kid sister, Leather, who wowed the gathered populace by lip-synching ‘Somebody Else’s Lipstick’ over and over before they all exploded in a holocaust of flesh, strode arm-in-arm into Arnold’s. “Well, there’s another Latin American upstart who won’t be pulling any jobs out of the good ol’ USA!”

“You didn’t stop the heroin shipments, did you?” asked Ralph, looking up from his pipe.

“Nope!” And, laughing with happiness, she pulled out a bag of opium for everyone!

thunder and lightning, not so very frightening!

mmm… out of a hot shower, and between cool sheets, it’s raining out, and I’m all comfy and cosy. reading my pirate copy of the stand on the laptop, even if power goes out, I’ve got 2 hours of battery time, give or take.

I haven’t heard from the groves in a little while… I’ve got honey on the brain.

I can be so silly sometimes…I’m imagining my sweetie’s next to me, reading her book, playing footsie under the sheets as we do our respective reading.

Here’s a poll before I go –

Make of that what you will. Back to me pirated book. Arr, Matey.

evil News returns…

Canadians Resigned To The Fact That They’re Really Just Americans
Amid widespread concern that Canada is losing its cultural and economic independence to the United States, a new poll suggests that nearly one in two Canadians expects the country will be part of a North American union within a decade, the National Post reported on Monday.

Good Morning American Pervert
A top Good Morning America employee has been charged with e-mailing nude photos of himself to a cop posing online as a 13-year-old girl – and then arranging a tryst with her, police said yesterday.

Bored With Bingo, Old Woman Registers Dog to Vote
How easy can it be to evade Maryland’s basic requirements to register to vote? Just look at Holly Briscoe. She’s not 18. She can’t sign her name. She wouldn’t know a Democrat from a Republican. After all, she’s a dog. Yet the Jack Russell terrier had no trouble joining Calvert County’s 39,632 registered voters — until she got called to jury duty. Local authorities apparently were not amused. Now the dog’s 82-year-old owner, Mabel Briscoe, has been charged with a crime. And what began as a simple prank to prove a point about the state’s elections laws has turned into a serious predicament for an elderly widow that has stirred up this close-knit rural community.

The Pokemon Cards Made Me Bring a Gun to School
Olsen Middle School students got a scare Thursday after a sixth-grader was arrested for bringing a loaded gun to school to protect himself from another student he said was harassing him over Pokémon cards, according to detectives.

Man Charged with Whitening Girlfriend
A McCandless man has been charged with aggravated assault for pouring liquid bleach on his girlfriend.

Illinois Man Redefines Stupidity
Pleasant Prairie – A 39-year-old Illinois man who was reading a newspaper while driving a rental truck was killed Thursday after he crashed into a semitrailer truck in front of him on I-94 in Kenosha County, authorities said.

No Pedophile Street Peddlers At Utah Olympics
Salespeople trying to make an extra buck selling Olympic tickets, T-shirts or pins will need a $130 “solicitor’s license” during the 2002 Winter Games. In order to get the licenses, hawkers will have to undergo mandatory criminal background checks.
“We know people are going to try to come into town and make a killing during the Olympics,” said Edna Drake, city licensing administrator. “We just want to make sure we don’t have any pedophiles or felons selling on our streets or going house to house. We’re trying to protect our residents and visitors.”

Less Grab Ass Essay Spurs Teacher’s Arrest
A student’s written complaint during a classroom exercise on how Theodore Roosevelt High School could improve itself resulted in the arrest Friday of the school’s security dean on first-degree sexual abuse charges, police said.

Call me… Suzy ChappedNips!


Purelan 100 is an all-natural, non-toxic, hypoallergenic lanolin that creates a moisture barrier, allowing skin to rehydrate from within. Soothes and helps to heal sore nipples. Purelan does not need to be removed before breastfeeding.


Wash udder and teat parts thoroughly with clean water and soap before milking to avoid contamination of milk.

On a more Ghastly note, this article http://www.ghfdesign.com/articles.asp?whicharticle=20 blows a lot of my preformed ideas about suess out of the water.

He’s now on my list of “Love his work, hate his life” types, along with Will Burroughs, and EA Poe.

I’m going to bed. see you kids later.