warning, maybe a bit *too* descriptive.

Wow, yuppies really evoke a dark side of my personality.

I shouldn’t make fun of anyone’s “religion”… but soulless corporate drones are vile things to me. Walk alike, talk alike, tail kissing plastic faces. Designer haircuts, power ties, looks before ability. Blind fish who swim in a dark cave… unaware of the environment around them, save for what they might eat, or what might eat them. Albino, ugly things when put into the light.

So, Scotto, how do you really feel? Bitter?

No. not really. I feel inconvenienced by the standards they have… people who use “overqualified” as an excuse not to hire someone who has long hair, or doesn’t look the mold.

But I realize this: If no standards existed, they’d hire folks that I couldn’t abide. The “pig-pens” of the world. Working in the computer industry, I bounce off the other end of the social spectrum too. Bad Breath, infrequent bathers, people who burst pimples on bathroom mirrors, and leave the remains for the next one in to see(gag) and folks who smoke far too much… to the point of bringing a gagging stench into the computer room even though it’s supposedly smoke-free. It seems that I end up working with the latter, because I’m not in the mold of the former.

Where does one draw the line? To my convenience, of course!

If you’re not obliged to meet clients or customers…

Allow Sandals. Long hair, and maybe a fun T-shirt instead of a collared shirt on Friday. Ties optional. Allow beards. Allow Music on headphones, if not on a community stereo

regulate Hygiene, comfortable but clean clothes (and bodies), please make people pick up messes, and have sick people go home, rather than spread ick and poor morale. no foul smells or language, (save for extenuating circumstances) and be generally polite to one another.

That’s what I’d like.

so, who wants to hire a long-haired overfed leaping gnome like myself?

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