Category Archives: Uncategorized


I get such an aggressive feeling when I see other guys flirting with the girl I love. It’s foolish of me, as I trust her, but the caveman in my belly tells me to club the potential rivals into a pile of undercongealed paste. A purely selfish drive, and it’s not an attractive one…

I’ve already cooled my jets, and hopefully I won’t brood on this.

I didn’t remember much of my dreams from last night… but I do remember that the dreams were bad. I was restless, had trouble finding the comfortable position for sleep. A recent dream had me in a long room, working an assembly line of roses… one person planing a wooden block, drawing ribbons of tree-stuff into circles on a dowel, forming a rosebud. Dip them into a fragrant oil, and light them on fire… they would then bloom into deep flame-colored roses. Dark Reds, Oranges and whites… I don’t remember Blue one, but they all were the color of fire. many friends were there, from the present and the past. My love was by my side, I remember that, quite vividly. On reflection, I wonder if it took place in the same house we were searching/decorating/moving into… the room was some sort of dining area with deep, rich wood, overstuffed chairs, and thick, strong burgundies, reds, and forest greens. I think the dining table was perhaps able to seat 13 or more to a side… dream lengths and widths, depth perceptions rarely are static for me.

Wow. I *really* need to get a new job. I’m terrible….. I fully planned to have it by January. First real day of submissions today, I was just foolin’ around before. I drank some beer tonight, not usually my habit but I’m glad I did….Loosened my worry, and I can focus on getting some information set to go.,,

anyone want to recommend another?

Going to do a little writing now.

The girl has gone to bed, and I’m soon to follow.

An *insane* amount of Haiku happening in sweetalyssm‘s journal. Good Job to both her and Kevin on keeping me on my toes! Is there any way to make your default view in LJ ‘everything’? No threads, no pages?Just one big honking huge scroll-screen? It’s too hard to get to the juicy stuff!



I had a lot of Haiku fun last night… I think that I may declare Saturday Haiku day, where all I post are Haiku in my own journal, and as replies to other folk’s posts. Everyone who replied did quite a good job. 🙂 It got difficult to keep up at points… and there was quite a lot of sheer artistry.

I’d love to see other folk’s entries, too… It was a pile o’ fun.

A well as the poetic leanings, spent a lot of good quality time with girl of my dreams… that can’t be bad. How can anyone resist a love where you’re stimulated intellectually, emotionally, and sexually, all at the same time? I want to do something very special for her, but I don’t know if she’d want it or not… we’re usually in a great sync, but this is something big, and I want to make sure she’ll enjoy it.

Me and my brother, ages 15 and 12, respectively

Remembering a time when I was younger…. There were spans of time when he and I would do all sorts of things together… We played land of the lost in a mall near our house that was being built… always pretended to be sleestaks… the hissing lizard men who tormented the lost humans.


Plastic Tupperware
Containing body fragments
Buried on campus

Paula Cole asks me
“Where have all the cowboys gone?”
I sent them away.

Reaching the center.
How many licks does it take?
You will never know.

My moon-based Death Ray
Panics the people of Earth.
Mock my theories now.

Three Rings for the Elves
Seven for the groovy Dwarves
Nine for Mortal Men

you are being watched
your every move recorded
Big Brother loves you