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dream fragment

This here is the dream sequence…. it makes no sens-iaaaaa.

dreamt of taking my sweetie to the doctor, and the doc (who looked a lot like agent scully) said that sweetie was “too purple” and had to breathe more… we signed up for yoga classes to fix it…instead of what I think of in a normal class, we sat facing one another breathing deeply, and got a big case of the giggles. We straightened up, and looked into each others eyes… we fell together and became one, taking great pleasure in what comes naturally between a man and a woman in love. (The yoga place vanished, and was replaced by a more intimate environment, somewhere down the line) we talked about getting some shoes for the kitties afterwards… It sounded like a good idea at the time, but upon being wakeful, I don’t think Newt’d dig being “puss in boots”, and nor would the other. I did wake up with her name on my lips, and that’s a nice way to begin the day.

Slept too late for walkies this morning, almost 10 hours last night… that’s practically unheard of. ah well. I must’ve needed the extra rest. Off to shower and dress for work-a-rama.

This is the best thing I’ve read in a newspaper in a very long time.

tonight’s read – The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers… pulled it out, rearranging my books… I really enjoy Tim Powers’ stuff, good mental popcorn, and a nice writing style. I mean, how can you not like this cover text:

“An ancient Egyptian sorcerer whose powerful magic can change the history of the entire world!
A modern millionaire with a sinister plan who journeys back to England in 1810!
A werewolf who switches bodies – then kills his victims to keep his identity a secret!
A hideously deformed clown of crime who performs grotesque experiments on his victims!
A brainwashed Lord Byron – programmed to kill King George!
A young woman disguised as a boy, hunting the thing that killed her lover!
And our hero, Professor Brendan Doyle, who has no idea what he is getting into when he agrees to give a lecture on Samuel Taylor Coleridge…”

Off to powder my brain. πŸ™‚

I dreamt that my apartment was actually much bigger than I thought. It had at least 2 more rooms, and a nice view of a mountain (odd in Florida). One of the previously unnoticed rooms looked exactly like that of the back room at the library I used to work at, lockers and comfy chairs, and all. I’d still love to go by there an pick up the old contents.

It’s raining, closest to snow that I’ll get today… it’s a soothing sound, bringing to mind comforting thoughts of relaxing at home, snuggled up with my sweetie under soft covers, just listening to the water hitting the glass, and taking in each other’s scent. Drawing our cares away, just moments of bliss.

Newt likes his prezzies…I’m keeping mum about ’em, because a certain black cat got some similar ones… I don’t want to spoil the surprise…

Off to luxuriate in the rain sounds. πŸ™‚

Note to self, get Dan the Lord of the Rings soundtrack for his b-day. (01/02/02), and take the Friday before my own dang birthday off. Hey, this year it’ll be 02/02/02, three twos, and I’ll turn 33… I’m sure some conspiracy numerologist can make something of that.

snoopy wreathWell, I’m home after having a brief supper with Derek, Mike, Mom, Wilton, Anna and some assorted misc. Brazilian pals of mater’s.

It was very nice to see Anna… she’s a nice Swedish lady about my mom’s age, very cool. She made glΓΆgg(sp?) (glug?), something I knew nothing about until last year, via my sweet flower. The drink is a mulled wine mixed with vodka, cim-a-nim, some spices and orange peel. fragrant, warming, and delicious. She gave me a very traditional present, a lovely one… cloves stuck in oranges as a sort of potpourri on a beautiful plate with a holiday scene drawn on it.

My brother and I abstained from trading physical gifts this year, instead, we simply wished one another well, and had a good time together.(He did however weave a great little cat-dancer for Newt out of some palm fronds. πŸ™‚ very keen, and Newtieboy really digs it.) I met his roommate Mike and he seems like a stand-up guy.

We got mom a bottle of wine, a little cardinal knickknack, and a card…all of which I imagine she’ll like when she opens them up tomorrow. (no big prezzies until the 25th, that’s the rule.)

supper was nice, broccoli cassarole, potatoes au gratin, rice, aparagus something or another, and there was pork for them that wanted it… and the conversation was ok, some things flowed well, others, no so much. I’m glad that Anna and my Brother were there to lubricate conversation, and aid in the general flow. I got a bit stressed near the end, mostly due to the claustrophobic surroundings, and way too much portuguese and my inability to cleanly translate much of it. Hugs and smiles were given all around when I left, so that’s a boon.

In my stocking there was some lovely loot, the majority of which were toiletries… bath gel, razors, exfoliant for feeties, a new toothbrush, and outside of theme, a swiss-army knife. nice… I’ve been wanting a replacement for my old one, which has been resharpened and weathered to death. The blades on the new one need sharpening, though, especially on the scissors, so I’ll devote some time to that tomorrow… using the whetstone is very soothing, and I’ve not made use of it in a long time. I have no idea how to sharpen the sawblades, though. Oh well. the rest are darn handy.

I’m full, and calm… on a good way to holiday cheer. πŸ™‚

good day today.

spent time with dan-boy this morning, got kissies and hugs from my sweetie this afternoon (along with all the tingles and heart-leaps that goes with them), and getting together with the bro for dinner in about an hour. Life’s good.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

He clept my house bedizened with lights "Tacky-o-rama, but dang purty."

bedizen bih-DY-zuhn, transitive verb:

To dress or adorn in gaudy manner.

Bedizen is the prefix be-, “completely; thoroughly; excessively” + dizen, an archaic word meaning “to deck out in fine clothes and ornaments,” from Middle Dutch disen, “to dress (a distaff) with flax ready for spinning,” from Middle Low German dise, “the bunch of flax placed on a distaff.”

clepe (kleep) verb tr., past participle cleped/clept or ycleped/yclept

To call or name.

[From Middle English clepen, from Old English cleopican, from clipian (tospeak or call).

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. – J.M.Barrie πŸ™‚

So a Cleptomaniac would be one who loves to call people all the time?

He clept my house bedizened with lights “Tacky-o-rama, but dang purty.”

bedizen bih-DY-zuhn, transitive verb:

To dress or adorn in gaudy manner.

Bedizen is the prefix be-, “completely; thoroughly; excessively” + dizen, an archaic word meaning “to deck out in fine clothes and ornaments,” from Middle Dutch disen, “to dress (a distaff) with flax ready for spinning,” from Middle Low German dise, “the bunch of flax placed on a distaff.”

clepe (kleep) verb tr., past participle cleped/clept or ycleped/yclept

To call or name.

[From Middle English clepen, from Old English cleopican, from clipian (tospeak or call).

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. – J.M.Barrie πŸ™‚

So a Cleptomaniac would be one who loves to call people all the time?

Morning Folks!

Goin’ out to breakfast with Danny, to exchange gifts…. He got time at Dave & Busters, and I think he’s getting me bookshelves. πŸ™‚ Right now, I’m looking more foreward to a chai with his goofy conversation than physical prezzies.

I should be home by noon… tonight at about 6ish I go out to supper with my brother, mother, and that gang. I hope peace can be kept for a bit, and it passes pleasantly and swiftly.

mrs butterworth Isn’t there something creepy about drinking fluids from a person’s head on your pancakes?


Twist and remove skullcap, dump contents of poor woman on your breakfast, return partially dessicated corpse to the fridge.



The photos streamed slowly off of the developer, still glossy from the process. Murray ran the cutter across the white line defining a border between images and paused to look at them, to check for color balance and just out of sheer curiosity. He found a nice one to judge by — it was a high-contrast shot, and had better definition than the majority of amateurish pictures on the roll.

A wounded man stands in a field of bamboo, between twin rows of four stalks apiece, using a ninth as a crutch. His head is bandaged, with a look of resolve cast on his face. A path to mountains lays ahead of him, and it looks as if he plans to take the trail, regardless of the effort involved.

[edit, add, buffer.]