8983- thurs

My office furniture arrived, so I moved into my new office in the “west wing” today. The new office is a little bit smaller and more oddly-shaped than the old one, but placement is good. Two doors from the prez, one from development, and one from the small conference room.

Little Hoff Doll! How cute! How Evil! Clever… wish I’d have thought of it. I think I’m a little more partial to little mr t, however.

Speaking of goodies… One year wedding anniversary is in October… one year is paper for gifts, right? Maybe Zombie Fluxx is part of it this year? It looks like it’ll be released before our date on the 25th.

Why is it that whenever someone has a list to choose a favorite color, orange is often left off?

Yesterday, on the ride home, Chris asked if I was always such a serious person. Does she know me at all? I’m pretty confident that I’ve been a goof in her presence more than a few times… in fact, I thought that my serious discussion had pretty darn goofy undertones.

Two useful sites discovered recently on FF list –

http://www.seeqpod.com/ a quite nice playable music search, and podcrawler.

http://www.traffic.com/Washington-DC-Traffic/Washington-DC-Traffic-Map.htmlnifty traffic source.. works for other cities, too.

1 year ago – Illuminati perfection, venture brothers, aerial photos Miami, voting, heifer.org charity, America’s Most (And Least) Efficient Charities, Affie Jones, stand on your own head for a change

2 years ago – stream of thought, arcade games, newt, tolerance, comics, Danny elfman, tv, newtcam pic, rome, gaming, sheep don’t you know the road, fema issues, bob denver RIP

3 years ago – hurricane home movie, happy to be home, pentagon crash snopes

4 years ago – annoying LL, death, IRC pix, gender genie, toys, sunset, rainy day

5 years ago – Crash Bonsai, sticky song poll

6 years ago – Hammer-Wheel, Beijing, Stephen Foster, Mystery men Hiring, soap hair

7 years ago – Suzy goes to the Clink Geotarget (via Scotto’s Wall Scrawls)

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