#6281 Brother visit, New Name, C-Span2, linkies, Dice?

Brother came by, wanting to borrow “$35 to do laundry, and to get by until he’s paid on Monday”… I told him that I couldn’t help him with cash, but if he wanted soap, bleach and softener that I could hook him up. He then tried to bargain me down to $20, and then just $10 to do his wash. “Because he borrowed it from a guy” I told him to tell the guy that he gets paid on Monday, and will take care of him then… Like he said he’d take care of me. It hurt to have to say no, but the fact that he’s communicating with his old cronies and showed up with a beer in his hand “that someone gave him” made it easier for me. He always smells of beer, when he comes by even though he claims that he’s not a problem drinker. My reply to the was “If it’s not a problem, I dare you to go until my birthday without having a drink… and if you do have a problem, you need to get it fixed”. I think that he’ll come back later for the TV of his that I’m storing here, in order to pawn it. I figure the whole reason he came down my way to “do laundry” was to try and hustle me for some funds. That’s not going to happen any more. I’ll give him supplies… laundry soap, detergent, etc, but I just can’t validate giving him any money. I just won’t support his habits or lack of forethought anymore. Dealing with Frankie recently has helped me to understand that I’m not doing my brother or myself any good by helping him to be an addict. I don’t want to see him descend to Frankie’s level as a result of my “assistance.” So, that’s got me a little cranky today. I love my brother, but I don’t like what he’s up to. I’m glad that I can rely on my sweetheart and Newt to bring good thoughts.

There are some who call me Kareem Adel Jabbar (No relation to basketball players)

Scotto’s Dirty little secret of the day – I’m fascinated watching the U.S. Senate debate on legislation on C-Span 2 right now. A place where people can still use the term “boondoggle” multiple times in serious conversation. (I still think of that as a Boy Scout reference when I hear it.) Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) seems to be a voice of reason, questioning elements of Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) statements about drug companies, Medicare, HMOs and seniors. (Medicare Prescription Drug plan).. Basically a Big sloppy Kiss to the Insurance industry, and harsh to folks on Medicare. It’s nice to see folks arguing for a social motive, rather than a profit motive…at least on the face of things. I really like folks that can think on their feet, rather than just delivering a canned speech, too.

It occurs to me that I have no idea where my blue dice bag & dice are. I’ve got some assorted 6-siders in boxed games, or with my minis, but the big blue bag has been packed away since I moved here. I could guess at the location, but don’t know for sure.

I had a crick in my right side, probably from over exerting myself on the stretching this morning, but I’m feeling better now.

Geek moment: The person I was most sad to see go as a result of Crisis was Clayface (Matt Hagan) . (Even more than The Flash or Supergirl.) I was really happy to see him back on the Batman Cartoon.

Wow… 40 years ago, JFK in Dallas. I was born after the fact, so it seems like it’s ancient history, not so recent.

Human Oddities

Wonderful composite of Moon and Sun via apod

You are water. You’re not really organic; you’re
neither acidic nor basic, yet you’re an acid
and a base at the same time. You’re strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
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Vary one answer, where I was sitting on the fence, and I get –

You are DNA. You’re a smart person, and you appear
incredibly complex to people who don’t know
you. You’re incomparably full of information,
and most of it is useless.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
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